Yao's Tears

Seeing that An Siyao's expression didn't change, Xia Yu breathed a sigh of relief, but his happiness came too soon.

Tears slowly welled up in An Siyao's eyes, and two lines of tears slid down her cheeks.

This was even more intense than her previous expressions!

When he had brought Xu Youxiang to An Siyao's home before, An Siyao had not objected. Why was her reaction so big this time?

Coming to An Siyao's side, Xia Yu reached out his arm, trying to hug the young girl, but was pushed away by Hu Lianglu.

Hu Lianglu hugged An Siyao and looked at Xia Yu with contempt: "I never thought you would be this kind of person!"

"That's right, how could you do this? That woman just met you for a short while, and you're already infatuated with her, even giving up on Yao Yao!" Liu Manman stood up and accused Xia Yu along with her.

"Brother, isn't this a bit inappropriate?" Yuxue's tone was tactful.

"I don't have a son like you." Kong Hanyue directly severed their mother-son relationship, but Xia Yu felt she was just doing it for fun.

"Wait, that's not what I meant." Xia Yu rubbed his head and told the same lie he had told Zhu Mei countless times: "Zhu Mei's father is my good friend, so I wanted to help take care of her."

"You're using your friendship to take advantage of your friend's daughter!" Kong Hanyue fell back onto the sofa, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, choking, "How could I have a child like you?"

If not for knowing Kong Hanyue's personality, Xia Yu would have believed her.

Yuxue also came to Xia Yu's side: "Brother, please give up on this idea."

Hugging Xia Yu, the girl whispered: "Brother, why did you tell the truth? Just say Zhu Mei wants to go to the shelter by herself, isn't that enough?"

"Stop, stop, let me explain." Xia Yu had a headache, "It's really just ordinary care. I'll leave her alone once I bring her to Zone 1."

"You swear!" Liu Manman held An Siyao's hand, wiping the tears from the young girl's face, and said to Xia Yu.

"Can I lie about this?" Xia Yu started to get a little irritable. He was innocent and spoke it out, but the misunderstanding got deeper and deeper.

"You don't even dare to swear." Hu Lianglu sneered.

Her words became the final catalyst, igniting the anger in Xia Yu's heart.

Because of An Siyao's sudden crying, he was trying to find a solution, but these troublemakers kept interrupting, not letting him speak properly.

Especially Hu Lianglu, taking advantage of the situation!

Picking up Yuxue in front of him and placing her on Kong Hanyue's lap, Xia Yu came to Hu Lianglu's front, grabbing the girl and kicking her buttocks.

Seeing Xia Yu's gloomy face, the four girls didn't dare to say anything, all lowering their heads in silence.

Xia Yu picked up An Siyao and said to Liu Manman in front of him, "Get out of the way."

Liu Manman immediately moved aside and went to the side.

Holding An Siyao, Xia Yu went to his bedroom and closed the door.

Putting An Siyao on the bed, Xia Yu's anger disappeared, and he started to have a headache again.

An Siyao was still sobbing softly.

Sitting next to the young girl, Xia Yu began to explain: "Zhu Mei is really just my friend..."

Halfway through, Xia Yu felt that lying was not sincere enough. He sighed and began to explain again, "This matter started a few months ago when I wanted to enter your body. However, an error occurred, and I ended up in the body of a brown bear..."

In one minute, Xia Yu briefly explained the story of the brown bear and Zhu Mei.

But after hearing the story, An Siyao still hugged her knees and cried silently.

"How about if I ignore her?" Xia Yu tried to solve the problem from the root.

An Siyao still didn't respond.

With nothing more to say, Xia Yu could only sit on one side, relying on the passage of time to bring about change.

He hugged An Siyao from behind, and her crying slowly subsided. After fifteen minutes, the girl calmed down.

Another five minutes passed, and An Siyao lifted her head slightly, quietly looking at Xia Yu.

Her little movement did not escape Xia Yu's eyes. Taking the opportunity, he said, "Can you stop crying?"

An Siyao, like a frightened rabbit, was startled by Xia Yu's voice and lowered her head again.

Three more minutes passed before An Siyao finally spoke up.

In a low voice, she asked, "Are you no longer interested in my body?"

"That's not true, I really am innocent," Xia Yu held An Siyao tightly.

"But she's a princess," An Siyao's voice was disheartened.

"She's a princess of a fallen country, which rounds her status down to an ordinary person," Xia Yu replied without knowing what the princess had to do with anything.

"Do you still want to be with me?" An Siyao raised her head and asked cautiously.

Xia Yu frowned slightly, feeling that something was amiss with her question. Shouldn't it be "Do you still want me?"? What did "be with" mean?

Seeing that Xia Yu didn't answer immediately and even furrowed his brows, tears welled up in An Siyao's eyes again.

"I'll be with you, I'll be with you," Xia Yu hastily answered.

"But she's a princess," An Siyao repeated.

"She's a princess of a fallen country, rounding it down, she's just an ordinary person," Xia Yu repeated, realizing that An Siyao was fixated on the term "princess."

After analyzing the situation calmly, Xia Yu thought of a far-fetched possibility.

He told An Siyao, "She didn't give me any money or anything."

"Really?" Joy seemed to surface in An Siyao's voice.

"Really," Xia Yu replied with mixed emotions.

"But she's a princess," An Siyao fell into depression again.

"Her money is not as much as yours," Xia Yu had grasped the main point.

"What about her company?" An Siyao asked.

"No company," Xia Yu answered, "She can't afford to support me."

An Siyao's face broke into a smile, and she completely relaxed.

Xia Yu felt a headache coming on, as An Siyao had an exaggerated reaction to Zhu Mei's title of "princess," thinking that if he hooked up with a princess, he wouldn't need her support anymore.

There were many issues with this line of thinking, and Xia Yu didn't know how to articulate his feelings.

I thought we were in an equal love relationship, but you thought we had a master-servant relationship where I was being financially supported?

Would a normal person think this way?

Without a doubt, An Siyao was not normal, and Xia Yu would not fall in love with an ordinary, normal person.

"Next month is my birthday. I'll give you a gift then." An Siyao looked into Xia Yu's eyes as she spoke, feeling that she must make this financial relationship even more solid.

"Why would you give me a gift on your birthday?"

Holding back his confusion, Xia Yu agreed.

An Siyao lay contentedly in Xia Yu's arms, feeling his embrace.

While taking advantage of the situation, Xia Yu pondered the problems reflected by this matter.

An Siyao's reaction was not normal, not healthy. Her bonus was only at LV3, not even as good as Yuxue's LV4, which was probably the reason.

Her understanding of human relationships seemed to have major issues, as evidenced by her previous experiences being bullied by maids.

Although she was still as infatuated with him as ever, he would need to find a solution.