An Siyao: Leaving Home

Stepping out of the villa, Xia Yu and An Siyao got into the car at the door together. The previous driver had been transferred to Aphang City, and now the villa's driver was a middle-aged woman.

"Go to the nearby mall," Xia Yu told the driver. An Siyao hadn't worn a coat, and as his coat was left in the villa, Xia Yu needed to buy two new ones.

"Alright." The driver didn't say much, just driving her car. The car had air conditioning, so it wasn't cold. An Siyao's tense body relaxed as she held her arm.

Xia Yu looked at An Siyao, completely shocked by the fact that she had dared to argue with An Tianfeng. Noticing Xia Yu's gaze, An Siyao became a little nervous and assured him, "Grandpa said the company will be mine, so I can still support you."

Xia Yu found her concern amusing and reached out to touch her cheek, "It's fine, I can support you too." He wanted to talk about what happened in the villa, but neither the matter with Xu Youxiang or An Tianfeng's affair was suitable to mention at this time. So, he held An Siyao's waist and watched the changing scenery outside the window.

Three minutes passed, and Xia Yu's phone rang. The caller ID showed Yu Ningmeng, who probably had learned about the situation from the maid. Xia Yu pressed the answer button and put the phone to his ear.

"Where's Yao Yao?" asked Yu Ningmeng. She wasn't looking for Xia Yu. She had only called because An Siyao's phone was left in the villa and nobody answered.

Xia Yu handed the phone to An Siyao and listened attentively. Yu Ningmeng anxiously asked, "Did you leave the villa?"

An Siyao answered, "Yes."

"How could you just leave like that? What should you have done?" Yu Ningmeng's words were full of blame.

"I don't know." An Siyao lowered her head.

"Of course you shouldn't have. That's our Yu family's villa. It's An Tianfeng who should leave, not you!" Yu Ningmeng said sharply, "I've already told all the maids and chefs to leave. No one will serve An Tianfeng!"

An Siyao smiled and said, "Okay."

"You don't have to worry about An Tianfeng. It's good that you left. Come back home, your grandfather misses you." Yu Ningmeng's voice softened.

Yu Ningmeng wanted An Siyao to return to Nanming City and stay with Yu Liang, but An Siyao didn't want to do that. She clung to Xia Yu's clothes and said to Yu Ningmeng, "I want to be with Xia Yu."

"Yao Yao, you have to be reserved! You can't just elope and become an adult like this," Yu Ningmeng joked.

"Become an adult?" An Siyao repeated in confusion, hoping for an explanation from Yu Ningmeng. Her daily life consisted of music, painting, and various proper activities. She rarely watched movies, so she didn't understand this Internet slang.

"Cough, I mean, don't do anything dangerous. Give the phone to Xia Yu," Yu Ningmeng quickly changed the subject.

An Siyao handed the phone to Xia Yu.

"Hello?" Xia Yu put the phone to his ear.

"Where are you two going?" asked Yu Ningmeng.

"Going to Zilin City, back to the countryside for the New Year," Xia Yu answered.

"Don't do anything dangerous, or you'll be dead meat!" Yu Ningmeng warned Xia Yu.

If it were before, Xia Yu would have started a discussion with Yu Ningmeng about this topic, but the current Xia Yu was not in the mood.

"What can be done at home?" Xia Yu replied indirectly.

"Do you have money on you?" Yu Ningmeng asked again.

Xia Yu touched his pocket; his wallet was in his coat, and his coat was in the villa.

If Yu Ningmeng hadn't brought it up, it would have been more awkward when they arrived at the mall.

Seeing that Xia Yu didn't answer immediately, Yu Ningmeng understood the situation: "You two wait somewhere, and I'll have someone bring you money."

Xia Yu reported the name of the mall.

After dealing with the urgent matter, Yu Ningmeng asked about the reason for the current situation.

"Is An Tianfeng against you because of Xu Youxiang?" she said.

"Yes," Xia Yu replied.

"Huh, he sets fire himself but won't let others light a lamp," Yu Ningmeng first expressed her disdain for An Tianfeng, then said, "After the New Year, come to Nanming once. An Siyao's grandfather wants to meet you."

Xia Yu agreed.

Hanging up the phone, Xia Yu rubbed his forehead; now, after the New Year, he had to see both Xu Youxiang and Yu Liang.

He looked at An Siyao next to him. He needed to formally talk to An Siyao about Xu Youxiang's situation, and after the New Year, take An Siyao to meet Xu Youxiang together.

He held An Siyao's hand.

Twenty minutes later, the car arrived at the mall, and the person arranged by Yu Ningmeng arrived quickly, handing over the money.

After giving the money to the driver, Xia Yu asked her to buy two coats for them.

An Siyao's coat was a long one with the hemline reaching her knees. The driver bought a slightly larger one, making An Siyao look like a little girl wearing adult clothes.

Xia Yu's coat was bought in a smaller size, with the black leather jacket's shoulder area being tight.

The driver awkwardly said, "Shall I buy two more?"

"No need," An Siyao took off her coat, gave it to Xia Yu, and took Xia Yu's one.

After the exchange, the sizes were perfect, but Xia Yu was wearing a pink women's coat, and An Siyao was wearing a black men's coat, which looked a bit funny.

An Siyao burst into laughter.

Xia Yu also showed a smile, he was worried that An Siyao would be upset after falling out and leaving with An Tianfeng, but now it seemed that the girl was even more lively than before.

Perhaps it was because she had rebelled against her father, who was the highest authority.

"Let's go, drive to the train station," Xia Yu told the driver.

The train station was not far from the mall. Although the driver drove slowly due to the slippery snow, the two of them arrived quickly.

When buying tickets at the ticket counter, they encountered another problem: they didn't bring their ID cards. Xia Yu could only call Yu Ningmeng for help, sitting together with An Siyao in the air-conditioned hall to wait.

Half an hour later, Hu Lianglu, accompanied by a maid, found them. She not only brought their ID cards but also luggage for Xia Yu and An Siyao, as well as their coats.

The maid left after handing over the belongings, while Hu Lianglu stayed at the station, also waiting for the train, as she was also going home for the New Year.

The high-speed train to Ziling arrived first, and Hu Lianglu reluctantly bid farewell to An Siyao, watching her and Xia Yu take the elevator together.

Upon arriving on the train, Xia Yu put away the luggage and found their seats.

After the train started, Xia Yu called Kong Hanyue again, saying that he and An Siyao were on their way.

"An Siyao is coming too?" Kong Hanyue was surprised.

"Something happened," Xia Yu vaguely said.

"That An Tianfeng doesn't think highly of you, a poor boy?" Kong Hanyue guessed.

"It's not that, it's something else," Xia Yu didn't want to say more, so he changed the topic. "Have you guys left yet? If not, wait for us to go together."

"We'll wait for you at home," Kong Hanyue agreed.

"Okay." After hanging up the call, Xia Yu let out a sigh of relief.

He began to think about how to deal with An Tianfeng.