Yu Ningmeng: Revenge

Yao Guang City, An Siyao's villa.

An Tianfeng opened his eyes and sat up from the bed.

After An Siyao and Xia Yu left, he was somewhat tired, so he let his secretary leave and had a good sleep, feeling much better.

Getting out of bed, An Tianfeng opened the door and went to the living room on the second floor.

It was already past eleven o'clock, and he was a bit hungry.

Normally, there would be a maid on standby here, but An Tianfeng only saw an empty living room.

An Tianfeng thought that the maid had gone to the bathroom, but after sitting on the sofa for three minutes, he still did not see the maid.

He then thought that the maid was hiding somewhere and slacking off.

"Cough." An Tianfeng coughed loudly, warning the slacking maid to come back quickly.

However, his coughing only made his throat hurt more, and the maid never appeared.

What was going on?

An Tianfeng felt something was wrong, so he went around the bathroom and went to the maid's rest area, which was also empty.

He went to the kitchen, where everything was clean and tidy, not even a trace of a person, and the pots had been put away.

Taking out his phone, he wanted to call the head maid but found that he only had the number of the former head maid, Dong Yi.

An Tianfeng then called Yu Ningmeng, who played dumb after hearing his words, "I'm sorry, Mr. An, I didn't know you were at the villa. The maids are on their Spring Festival holiday."

"Without leaving anyone?" An Tianfeng asked.

"It's New Year's Eve tonight, so of course they need to be with their families," Yu Ningmeng replied with her usual tone.

"Call them back!" An Tianfeng said angrily. Although the Spring Festival usually gives the maids time off, generally only half of them will have a break, which was clearly done on purpose to mess with him.

"I'm not the head maid, so I can't make that decision. The villa belongs to Yao Yao, you need to ask her, or you can call Chairman Yu?" Yu Ningmeng said in her smooth business tone.

An Tianfeng didn't reply and hung up the phone directly.

Yu Ningmeng knew that An Tianfeng must have guessed that she was behind it, which was exactly what she wanted. If An Tianfeng naively believed her lies, how could she get the satisfaction of revenge?

He had left Xia Yu alone, and even drove An Siyao away with his scolding. What did he think he was doing?

Putting down her phone, Yu Ningmeng guessed that An Tianfeng would be furious when she left the villa. She had also prepared a little surprise for him. When An Tianfeng arrived at the coat rack in the living room, he would find that his coat was gone.

If Yao Yao isn't living in the villa, you won't either; if she didn't wear a coat when she left, you won't as well!

Yu Ningmeng's mood became happy, and she sent a message to An Siyao asking where she was.

The train An Siyao and Xia Yu were on had already reached its destination. An Siyao replied to Yu Ningmeng's message and looked at Xia Yu.

Xia Yu had been thinking about it all the way, but still couldn't come up with a solution to deal with An Tianfeng.

He could only wait and see if anything would change as time went by.

After the high-speed train stopped, Xia Yu picked up his suitcase and left the station with An Siyao. He took out his phone and dialed the number of the taxi driver he had saved earlier.

The taxi driver arrived quickly and took Xia Yu to his doorstep.

Inside Xia Yu's suitcase were mainly summer clothes, so he needed to change into winter clothes.

In An Siyao's suitcase, the maid had already organized everything, and it was filled with suitable winter clothes.

After pressing the code on the electronic lock, Xia Yu opened the door.

Inside the living room, Kong Hanyue and Yuxue were playing video games, while Zhong Yunze and Zhong Yunxin were also playing handheld games online.

Zhong Yunxin had her legs on the coffee table, looking unrestrained, but upon seeing An Siyao, she immediately put her feet down, sat upright and pretended to be a well-behaved child.

"You're back!" Yuxue dropped her game controller, took Xia Yu's suitcase, and helped him organize his clothes.

As for what clothes Xia Yu should bring and where they were, Yuxue knew better than Xia Yu.

Xia Yu and An Siyao sat down on the sofa, and after a cup of instant red tea, Yuxue had already finished organizing everything.

"Let's go!" Kong Hanyue waved her hand and led everyone to the villa's garage.

There were two cars in the garage, one belonging to Xia Yu and the other to Kong Hanyue.

"You're still planning to drive?" Xia Yu looked at Kong Hanyue.

Kong Hanyue knew her own skills, so she pulled Zhong Yunze over, "Zeze is already eighteen and has gotten his driver's license!"

Seeing that it was Zhong Yunze, Xia Yu had no objections. Yuxue and An Siyao got into Xia Yu's car, while Kong Hanyue and Zhong Yunxin got into Zhong Yunze's car.

Xia Yu stepped on the gas and headed towards the countryside.

He intentionally slowed down in front, fearing that Zhong Yunze, who had just obtained his driver's license, might have an accident.

After discovering that Zhong Yunze was driving quite steadily, he gradually picked up speed, and it only took them forty minutes to reach the small town in the countryside.

The snow on the small town's road hadn't been cleared properly, so Xia Yu and Zhong Yunze parked their cars at the edge of the town and walked in.

In the center of the town, the two groups split up – Kong Hanyue took Zhong Yunze and Zhong Yunxin back to the Kong family, while Xia Yu took Yuxue and An Siyao to the Xia family.

Watching Xia Yu's retreating figure, Kong Hanyue looked somewhat worried.

She had always wanted to ask Xia Yu what happened during the meeting with An Tianfeng, but she knew that she was powerless to do anything. Even if she asked, she wouldn't be able to do anything about it, and knowing the situation would only make things awkward.

She also couldn't use Yuanyi, as Xia Yu was the one involved in the matter.

Since it was Yuyi, he should be able to solve it himself, right? That's what Kong Hanyue thought.

Xia Yu's figure turned onto another road, which led to the elementary school – across from the school were the shop and house of the two Xia family elders.

Xia Yue and Xia Nianhong were delighted to see the sudden arrival of the three.

This was the first time Xia Nianhong had met An Siyao, so she warmly invited her to sit down and served her fruit, candy, and drinks.

"Thank you, Grandma." An Siyao said sweetly.

"Ah, okay." Xia Nianhong looked at An Siyao more carefully, and the more she looked, the more satisfied she felt.

It was obvious that An Siyao was a well-educated, cultured, and qualified young lady.

After satisfying her curiosity, she pulled Yuxue to one side and questioned her. After learning that An Siyao was Xia Yu's college girlfriend, she was overjoyed.

She then pulled her husband Xia Yue over, and the two of them, under the pretext of going to the kitchen, had a discussion about An Siyao.

The conversation can be summed up in two sentences:

Xia Nianhong: "I think she's good."

Xia Yue: "I feel the same way."

The two of them then called Xia Yu over to ask him.

The main questions were about An Siyao's academics and family background.

Xia Ye clapped and said, "Piano? That's wonderful, high-class, and exotic!"

Xia Nianhong nodded repeatedly, "Her father and grandfather are both well-known tycoons? That's really good."

After asking around, both of them were more satisfied with An Siyao and couldn't help but chase after Xia Yu to ask when they would get married.

After dealing with them with great effort, Xia Yu returned to the living room.

He had just sat down when An Siyao grabbed his hand, the young girl slightly nervous.

"Grandpa and Grandma really like you," Xia Yu held An Siyao's hand, comforting her.

"Mm," An Siyao felt a little relieved.

There wasn't much to do in the countryside, so the two sat on the sofa watching TV together. Yuxue also sat on the sofa for a while, but seeing Xia Yu and An Siyao holding hands, she felt a bit uncomfortable and went back to her room to use the computer.

After more than ten minutes, a sound came from the door.

"Grandpa and Grandma, I'm back!" A little girl's voice rang out.