Ghost Returns

Inside the door, a voice quickly came through: "Who is it?"

Various options such as delivery, food delivery, and checking the water meter flashed through the driver's mind. He looked at Xia Yu.

"A friend of Yin Wan!" Xia Yu replied loudly.

Hearing the name Yin Wan, the person inside opened the door. He glanced at the four people and didn't see Yin Wan, then breathed a sigh of relief.

Xia Yu also looked at him. This was a young man in his thirties. The man had a good-looking face, a bit of a fresh feel, but judging by his clothes, he wasn't a wealthy person.

So now the question was, what kind of relationship would there be between a handsome but impoverished man and a wealthy old lady?

Probably a relative, coming over to develop a relationship.

"What's the matter?" The man asked Xia Yu.

"Looking for Yin Shulan, there's something to talk about." Xia Yu answered.

"What's the matter?" The man's gaze was cautious.

Xia Yu speculated the man's thoughts. It was clear that he was here for Yin Shulan's money, and he relaxed when he saw no sign of Yin Wan, probably fearing that she was there to split Yin Shulan's fortune.

Understanding the man's core concern, Xia Yu had a strategy: "Her money is from us. Now we can give her another sum. Understand?"

The man lit up immediately, grinning from ear to ear.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law!" He shouted into the house.

In no time, a familiar figure appeared at the door.

It was Yin Shulan's eldest son, Yin Changgui.

He was the most unfilial of Yin Shulan's three sons, and Xia Yu had taught him a good lesson before. He didn't expect him to be back with Yin Shulan so soon.

The man excitedly clung to Yin Changgui, "Brother-in-law, they're mom's benefactors!"

"What's this about benefactors, watch your words!" Yin Changgui slapped his brother-in-law's head and looked at Xia Yu and the others.

He bent down and showed a flattering smile: "What brings you gentlemen here?"

Xia Yu answered, "Your mother helped us develop a medicine last time. Now we want her to join us in researching a new drug."

Yin Changgui's eyes widened; he didn't know that Yin Shulan had made her money through pharmaceuticals.

"May I ask, how much money are we talking about?" Yin Changgui raised his most pressing concern.

"Not less than a million, even ten million is negotiable." Xia Yu replied.

This price was a bit high; last time Yin Shulan received ten million because Xia Yu gave all the research results to her.

However, this was a necessary investment.

With Yin Shulan, Xia Yu could first teach her some research knowledge points in her body, just as he taught An Siyao the flute and Xu Youxiang programming, creating a low-end version of himself, greatly increasing research speed.

Hearing the number of a million, Yin Changgui was already very excited, and after hearing ten million, he became even more breathless. He hurriedly opened the door wide: "Please come in, please come in."

As Xia Yu and the three others entered, they first saw the villa's courtyard, and the corner of Xia Yu's mouth twitched.

The courtyard was not covered with cement, but had a simple dirt floor, on which various vegetables were planted.

"This is just a small hobby of my mother." Yin Changgui searched his belly for the right words, trying to make his speech match his millionaire status.

"What kind of flower is this?" An Siyao curiously looked at the unfamiliar plant.

"This is not a flower, it's a vegetable." Xia Yu pinched her face.

An Siyao's face instantly turned red, and she stubbornly said, "I was asking what kind of flower this vegetable produces."

Her words shocked Xia Yu, who looked at her incredulously.

Even learning to be stubborn, it shouldn't be far until she learns to push back, right?

Under Xia Yu's gaze, An Siyao admitted defeat: "I know I was wrong."

If it were at home, Xia Yu would take the opportunity to blackmail An Siyao, but at the moment they were in someone else's house, so he had to let it go.

Following Yin Changgui, Xia Yu and An Siyao arrived at the living room and saw Yin Shulan.

Yin Shulan was lying on a recliner, watching TV while her daughter-in-law peeled oranges for her. After peeling, she even personally put them into her mouth.

Even Xia Yu had only experienced this treatment when Yuxue and Xia Keke were jealous.

Hearing the footsteps of Xia Yu and the others, Yin Shulan didn't turn her head: "Who is it?"

Yin Changgui quickly stepped forward, massaging Yin Shulan's shoulders while saying, "Mother, your former collaborators want you to come out of retirement and help solve a difficult research problem."

"What mother, speak human!" Yin Shulan scolded Yin Changgui.

Yin Changgui could only change his words: "It's the people you used to make medicine with. They want you to research a new drug."

Hearing this, Yin Shulan stopped chewing the orange in her mouth, turned her head, and looked at the four of Xia Yu.

She didn't recognize Xia Yu, the driver, or the bodyguard, but she recognized An Siyao.

"What are you doing here?" Yin Shulan hurriedly stood up.

An Siyao's arrival reminded her of the fear of her body being controlled.

"Who sent you?" Yin Shulan asked.

"It was Xu Youxiang, Miss Xu." Xia Yu answered, knowing what Yin Shulan was thinking.

"I won't go. The deal is already done. What else do you want to do!" Yin Shulan refused without hesitation.

"It's just a very ordinary drug research. We need your help." Xia Yu replied.

"I won't go!" Yin Shulan's attitude was resolute.

"Mom, the salary starts at one million, it might even reach ten million." Yin Changgui tried to persuade her.

"I have enough money, I don't need more!" Yin Shulan still refused.

Xia Yu knew that ordinary conversation wouldn't change Yin Shulan's mind, so he signaled An Siyao.

Following Xia Yu's previous instruction, An Siyao said, "You all go out, let us talk."

"Ah." Yin Changgui dared not object.

Only An Siyao and Yin Shulan were left in the living room, while Xia Yu and the others retreated to the courtyard.

Xia Yu opted for a two-person mode, An Siyao entered his body, and he entered An Siyao's body.

After a moment of darkness, Xia Yu, via An Siyao's body, looked at Yin Shulan in front of him.

"What else do you want to say? I don't need money, I won't agree to your request." Yin Shulan reaffirmed.

"Do you think you have a choice?" An Sixu asked.

The change in his tone was noticed by the vigilant Yin Shulan, who widened her eyes. She kept backing away, pointing at An Siyu with trembling fingers: "It's, it's you!"

"Yes, it's me," Xia Yu replied.

"You already found Xu Youxiang's body, why are you still coming to me?" Yin Shulan reasoned, thinking that Xia Yu was a ghost trying to reincarnate using someone else's body.

"Xu Youxiang's body has a certain illness. I must solve it now," Xia Yu casually lied.

"Then what's the matter with this body? You already have this body, so what do you want with Xu Youxiang?" Yin Shulan asked.