Ghost's Purpose

This was a blind spot, Xia Yu thought for a moment and replied, "She will become my girlfriend."

Upon hearing this, Yin Shulan widened her eyes in disbelief, and looked at Xia Yu. She never expected that this ghost who wanted to possess a woman's body would have such a special preference.

"It's just a study," Xia Yu continued to persuade Yin Shulan.

"No way." Yin Shulan still refused, shaking her head to show her determination, merely saying it was not enough.

Xia Yu rubbed his forehead and sighed.

Since persuasion was ineffective, he could only try to lure her from a different angle.

"Don't think I don't know that if I resist, you can't do anything to me!" Last time, Yin Shulan successfully kicked Xia Yu away and felt that she had gained some experience.

"I don't want to do anything to you. Otherwise, I could just hire a few people to put a sack on you and everything would be solved," Xia Yu tried his final persuasion.

"I won't do it." In Yin Shulan's mind, countless ghost stories flashed by. In these stories, the protagonists were all deceived by the ghost's words and stepped into an irreparable situation.

"I'll be back." He turned and walked towards the door.

Outside the house, in the courtyard, An Siyao occupied Xia Yu's body and was examining the vegetables.

She squatted down, wanting to sketch the vegetables quickly. She had never seen vegetables grown from the soil before.

The driver who was standing by the door managed to maintain a detached mentality at first, but as time went on, he started looking around and his thoughts became chaotic.

He glanced at Xia Siyao, wondering what Mr. Xia was doing squatting there and watching the vegetables. Hadn't he seen them before?

After careful analysis and calm thinking, he suddenly realized that this must be a cover to observe the courtyard's land and structure by looking at the vegetables.

Otherwise, how could the calm and collected Mr. Xia look at the vegetables with such novelty?

No wonder he was Mr. Xia.

A sense of admiration rose in the driver's heart.

At this time, the door of the villa was opened, and An Siyu came out.

"Let's go." After saying that, An Siyu ended the body exchange and returned to her own body.

Getting up from the vegetable plot, he followed behind An Siyao.

The group of people left the villa, took a motor tricycle back to the town and stayed in a hotel there.

The hotel was dilapidated, after all, it was just a remote small town, but it was still relatively clean.

Sitting on the bed in the room, Xia Yu thought about his strategy and called the driver.

A minute later, the driver appeared before him.

"Mr. Xia, just tell me what you need." The driver's face was serious.

"Do you understand the local dialect here?" Xia Yu asked the driver.

"I can understand it, but not everything," the driver answered.

It was good enough if he could almost understand it. There wouldn't be any problems with communication.

"So I have a task for you. Go and find out what is the situation with Yin Shulan's family now."

After thinking about it, Xia Yu told the driver about Yin Shulan's relatives' homes. He had visited these relatives while he was possessing Yin Shulan.

The driver noted down the locations, admiring Xia Yu's professionalism for preparing the relatives' information in advance.

"If you don't understand, just ask more questions," Xia Yu advised him.

"Yes," the driver respectfully left the room.

Thinking of what Xia Yu said, the driver recalled a detail.

Previously, when Mr. Xia was at the Yin family, he was using the local dialect, which was extremely difficult to learn. Generally speaking, even people who have worked in the area for years couldn't learn it, yet Mr. Xia had actually spent time preparing for this detail.

There was a reason why Xia Yu became the prime candidate for the young lady.

After sighing in his mind, the driver returned to his room, took out the money for the investigation, and began asking around outside.

With money paving the way, the driver had gathered all the information by midnight.

He typed up the information in his room and handed it to Xia Yu.

Xia Yu carefully read the file.

According to neighbors and relatives, Yin Shulan suddenly became wealthy during last year's summer vacation and began acting strangely.

This was during Xia Yu's period of possession, so he skipped that part and looked at the remaining information.

In the information, Yin Shulan took her daughter and granddaughter away from the village. When they returned, her daughter and granddaughter were missing, but she had more money. The first thing she did upon returning was to build a big villa.

According to informed sources, Yin Shulan had sold her daughter and granddaughter to a coal boss.

Upon reading this, Xia Yu rubbed his forehead and skipped that page.

Yin Shulan not only built a villa, but also hosted a grand banquet with fifty tables on her birthday in November. She even gave each of her three sons who came to wish her a happy birthday a house.

Flipping through another page, Xia Yu sighed, admiring how ostentatious Yin Shulan was with her money.

The third and final page mainly covered the affairs of Yin Shulan's relatives.

Of the three sons, the third son continued living his own life, while the second and eldest sons were freed from their mother's control. Judging by the fact that their wives didn't argue or complain, it seemed that the old mother had given them quite a few valuable things.

In addition, there was the eldest son's wife and Yin Shulan's nephew, both of whom were always around Yin Shulan.

In this information, Xia Yu couldn't find any breakthroughs, so he put the files aside.

"Have you heard where Yin Shulan's money is?" Xia Yu asked the driver.

Yin Shulan's main desire was money, and Xia Yu had previously used money to tempt her. Although Yin Shulan was rich now, Xia Yu believed that she would soon become poor again.

Although Yin Shulan was shrewd, she was still an old lady with outdated thinking. Xia Yu believed that among her relatives, there must be someone who wanted to cheat her out of her money. Even if they didn't, professional scammers would come knocking when they heard about her.

"I don't know, but I've heard that Yin Shulan's nephew hasn't been seen for a long time." the driver said.

"Which nephew?" Xia Yu asked.

The driver told Xia Yu all the information he knew about the nephew.

After hearing it, Xia Yu was surprised to find that it was someone he knew.

Although he hadn't met the nephew before, he had heard about him before - the one who asked his parents for money, claiming to have found a cheap house in Yangguang and wanting to buy it quickly.

"Very well, you can go now." Xia Yu told the driver to leave.

Then he called Yu Ningmeng and asked her to help find out more about the nephew.

Once Xia Yu woke up, Yu Ningmeng's investigation results were sent over.

That nephew had opened a shell company in Yaoguang, running a large number of loss-making businesses, which could evaporate hundreds of thousands in a day.

"It's probably secretly transferring assets," Yu Ningmeng said to Xia Yu on the phone.

"How much has probably been transferred?" Xia Yu asked, so he could deduce how much money Yin Shulan still had.