The Eve of the Wedding

After Yu Liang, it was people like Yu Ningmeng and Kong Hanyue who knew the situation. Xia Yu spent the whole morning making phone calls to explain things one by one.

In the afternoon, he went to Zhu Mei's side, talked with the girl, and helped Zhu Mei gain control of the situation in Zone 14.

Although the upper echelons of the anti-king and pro-king factions had already accepted Zhu Mei, there were still grassroots people and fence-sitters outside of the two factions that needed to be dealt with.

It took Xia Yu and Zhu Mei almost half a month to finish dealing with these people.

A month later, Xia Yu, Xu Youxiang, and An Siyao took a plane to Zone 14.

Xia Yu could see Zhu Mei every day, there was nothing to do, he went out to enjoy the scenery of Zone 14, while the three women gathered together in secret discussions.

Xia Yu had a great time, their meetings went smoothly, and after they returned, they began to deliberately spread information around them, making necessary preparations.

One year later, on Da Liang Weibo.

Hot search list:

Zone 14 Queen's marriage partner confirmed

Ordinary man becomes king overnight

The queen is getting married, how about you?

The account with the highest traffic was the Foreign Affairs Department of Zone 14.

Congratulations to Her Majesty the Queen and Mr. Xia Yu on their wedding in three days, also joining the wedding are Miss An Siyao An and Miss Xu Youxiang Xu

Comments area:

Marrying three at once? Jealousy splits me in half!

Xia Yu is a student of our Chinese Academy, welcome everyone to apply for the Chinese University this year, at the Chinese University, you are sure to find your queen!

Will the wedding scene be broadcasted live? I want to watch!

Putting down his phone, Gui Zixiao pulled out the invitation from Xia Yu and called him: "You are really getting married to the queen?"

"Will you come?" Xia Yu asked.

"Definitely!" Gui Zixiao exclaimed excitedly and hung up the phone.

Xia Yu had just put down his phone for no more than two seconds when it rang again.

"Boss, you are really awesome." Duan Yi's voice came through, "Can you really handle it? That's three, you know!"

"Get lost, go make your games!" Xia Yu hung up the phone.

He didn't put the phone down, but held it in his hand waiting, and sure enough, another call came moments later.

This time it was from Liu Ronglan.

"I saw it a long time ago that you were a lucky boy, but I didn't expect you to be so incredible." Liu Ronglan exclaimed, "What a pity, I originally wanted you to be my granddaughter's husband."

"Will grandma come over?" Xia Yu changed the subject.

"I won't go, I'm old, and flying on an airplane makes me uncomfortable." Liu Ronglan said a couple more things before hanging up.

Following that, the call came from Qin Youliang.

"Yu brother, you are too amazing, although we knew before that you and An Siyao Xu Youxiang were having an unclear relationship, but we never thought you could really marry two of them, and even brought a queen along!" Qin Youliang talked non-stop with his admiration.

Fortunately, he knew that Xia Yu must be busy recently, so he ended the chatter after four minutes.

"There's something you might have forgotten, but I still need to tell you." Qin Youliang said, "Remember before there was someone on the school forum trying to mess with you? This year he repeated his old trick and got caught, it's Yi Shiyu, and he has now been advised to drop out."

Xia Yu was stunned for a moment before he remembered that matter.

Hanging up the phone, he put his mobile back in his pocket and walked out of the room.

In the garden, An Siyao, Xu Youxiang, and Zhu Mei were together; An Siyao was looking at the flowers, Xu Youxiang was chasing butterflies, and Zhu Mei was sitting on a stone bench dealing with political affairs.

Upon entering the garden, Xia Yu took away the notebook from Zhu Mei's leg.

"What are you dealing with at this time?" Xia Yu closed the notebook and put it aside.

Then, he went to Xu Youxiang's side, supporting the unsteady girl who was hopping around.

"Stop tormenting your just-healed leg," Xia Yu helped Xu Youxiang sit down on the stone bench and caught a butterfly for her.

Finally, he went behind An Siyao and hugged the girl.

"You can't cut flowers here for a bouquet," Xia Yu said.

An Siyao was very disappointed.

"Just cut it if you want to, it's just flowers," Zhu Mei helped An Siyao.

"Then you cut it, what she says goes," Xia Yu said.

"It's mine now, but after three days, it'll be ours," Zhu Mei sat down next to Xu Youxiang.

She looked at Xu Youxiang, "Have your family arrived yet?"

"They should be getting off the plane soon," Xu Youxiang answered.

Just then, her phone rang.

The hearty laughter of Xu's father and mother flowed out from the speaker.

Xu's mother said joyfully, "You have no idea how shocked the neighbors were when they saw a convoy picking me up and foreigners calling me 'Your Excellency.' Those invitations you sent, the relatives are all scrambling for them!"

Xu Youxiang's worries completely vanished, and she asked, "Where are you guys now?"

"We'll be there soon. Your mother and I have never stayed in a palace before! Your father asked if he could touch the dragon chair," Xu's mother said.

Xu Youxiang looked at Xia Yu, who was eavesdropping. Xia Yu took the phone, "We have prepared a photographer, waiting for you and your father to come and take a photo of you sitting on the dragon chair together."

"Great, that's great," Xu's mother said happily.

Handing the phone back to Xu Youxiang, Xia Yu took the opportunity to pinch her face. Seeing Xu Youxiang angry but not daring to vent because she was on the phone with her mother, Xia Yu was in a great mood.

Seeing this, An Siyao pulled on Xia Yu's clothes, "Mei Mei and I have something to show you."

"Hmm? What is it?" Xia Yu looked at the two women curiously.

"Just follow us, and you'll see," Zhu Mei and An Siyao held Xia Yu's hand.

After following them into the bedroom, Xia Yu was locked out.

Five minutes later, the bedroom door opened, and Xia Yu saw the two women in a new set of outfits.

Zhu Mei was wearing a pair of bear ears on her head, An Siyao was wearing a pair of rabbit ears, An Siyao was dressed as a bunny girl, and Zhu Mei was dressed as a bear girl modified from a bunny girl outfit.

"What are you guys doing?" Although Xia Yu was tempted, he was also somewhat puzzled.

"Don't look at me, it was Yao Yao who wanted to do this," Zhu Mei sold out An Siyao.

"You said before you liked pets," An Siyao was a little uneasy, "Don't you like it?"

"Of course I like it," Xia Yu walked forward, hugged both women by their waist, and closed the bedroom door.

In the garden, Xu Youxiang waited for the three of them to return, but they never did. Following the clues, she arrived at the bedroom door and was also dragged in by Xia Yu.

Two hours later, Father Xu and Mother Xu arrived at the palace and found their three daughters who had come to greet them, all blushing.

They looked at Xia Yu, and his expression was normal.

Their last trace of worry disappeared.

Father Xu quietly asked Xia Yu, "What kind of tonic did you eat? Can you give me some?"

Xia Yu honestly replied, "I didn't eat any, but the chef can make it. I'll bring you a bowl tonight."

"Don't tell your mom."

"I know."

The two men exchanged knowing smiles.