The Wedding

After hosting Xu Youxiang's parents, Xia Yu received Kong Hanyue and Yuxue the next morning. Kong Hanyue acted like a child king, playing around with his daughters and three daughters-in-law. In the evening, some of Xia Yu's friends, as well as the An Tianfeng family and Yu Liang and Yu Ningmeng arrived.

Yu Liang and An Tianfeng took Xia Yu to a small garden, brought out some wine, and forcefully handed Xia Yu a glass. With no choice, Xia Yu accompanied the two in drinking.

"I'm entrusting Yaoyao to you," Yu Liang said, looking at the moonlit garden.

"Me too," added An Tianfeng.

Yu Liang glanced at An Tianfeng and then looked at the moon, "I'm not a good father or a good grandfather. I've been neglecting Yaoyao's growth. I hope you can be her support and guide on the upcoming path of her life."

An Tianfeng took a sip of his wine, "That's exactly what I think too."

Furrowing his brow, Yu Liang continued, "No matter how busy you are or how frustrating the situation, I hope you can set aside at least one day a week to put everything aside and spend quality time with your family."

"That's what I wanted to say," An Tianfeng nodded repeatedly.

Yu Liang moved to the other side of Xia Yu, distancing himself from An Tianfeng. He looked into Xia Yu's eyes, "Dealing with people outside is fine, and occasional temptations are acceptable, but you must remember, you have not only love but also responsibility."

"I think so too," An Tianfeng took another sip of wine.

Yu Liang turned his head and stared at An Tianfeng.

"Shall we toast to our shared opinion?" An Tianfeng raised his wine glass.

"Get lost, what are you trying to mimic me for!" Yu Liang rose in anger.

"I was just expressing my agreement!" An Tianfeng responded innocently.

"Who needs your agreement? Use your own words!" Yu Liang glared at An Tianfeng.

"You've said it all; what else can I say?" An Tianfeng muttered.

Xia Yu tried to change the subject, "Come on, let's drink!"

"Who wants to drink with this outdated bumpkin?" Yu Liang poured his wine into the garden as a sign of disdain.

"I don't want to drink with an old relic like you either!" An Tianfeng also poured his wine into the garden.

"Who are you talking about?" Yu Liang clenched his fists.

"Who started it?" An Tianfeng clenched his fists too.

Seeing the two were about to fight, Xia Yu thought of a solution. He knew that ordinary mediation wouldn't work and might even involve him. The only way to achieve his goal was to find an alternative approach.

After some thought, Xia Yu squatted down in front of the flowers and said to Yu Liang and An Tianfeng, "These are flowers that Yaoyao planted herself. You're both in trouble now."

Upon hearing Yaoyao's name, An Tianfeng and Yu Liang reacted, "What does her planting these flowers have to do with us?"

"You just poured wine on them. These flowers are extremely delicate, even pouring too much water on them can cause them to wilt, let alone wine," Xia Yu's expression was serious, "Yaoyao spent a lot of effort planting these flowers. The first thing she does every morning is come to water them. She will notice that something is wrong with the flowers."

Yu Liang and An Tianfeng were somewhat bewildered.

Before they could figure it out, Xia Yu said, "Last time I picked a flower and Yao Yao didn't talk to me for a whole day. If it was you guys..."

Thinking of the scene where they would be ignored by Yao Yao at the wedding tomorrow, Yu Liang and An Tian became anxious.

"What should we do? Don't even think about running away. At that time, we'll just say it was you who did it!" The two of them were very skilled at shifting the blame.

Xia Yu pretended to be shocked and looked at them: "How can you be so despicable!"

"Either you solve it, or you take the blame," said Yu Liang.

Xia Yu pondered for two seconds: "Why don't we pretend we never came here?"

An Tian and Yu Liang both felt that this suggestion was very reliable. They quickly left the scene with their wine glasses in hand.

Only Xia Yu was left at the scene. He shook his head, poured his wine onto the flowers, and returned to his bedroom.

The wedding was scheduled for tomorrow, so the three women were in their own bedrooms today, and Xia Yu had to stay alone in the empty room tonight.

At six in the morning, Xia Yu was awakened by a maid to prepare for the afternoon wedding.

The wedding venue was in the palace's main hall, surrounded by many cameras broadcasting live footage.

On Da Liang's Weibo, a group of onlookers were watching the live broadcast and reading comments.

This room is so big!

I saw Ning Qiu'er! And a bunch of big shots you can only see on the news!

I want to sneak in and join them.

Where are the bride and groom? Why haven't they come out yet?

They're here!

Xia Yu, accompanied by the three women, went to the door to greet the arriving guests.

These people were either Xia Yu's own acquaintances, people he had met using Zhu Mei's body, using An Siyao's body, or using Xu Youxiang's body.

In summary, apart from the reporters and foreign envoys, everyone was an acquaintance of Xia Yu.

The four of them smiled and accepted the blessings of the guests. After this process, Xia Yu felt that the muscles on his face were already stiff.

Originally, these people should have been handled by an usher, but there were no qualified people in the palace, so it was up to the four of them.

When almost everyone had arrived, Xia Yu went to the altar.

Yuxue, Liu Manman, and Wen Ziying , the three bridesmaids, and Zhu Mengbing, the best man, took their positions by the altar.

Xu Youxiang stood up with the help of her father, and Zhu Mei stood up with the help of the old prime minister. They needed to be assisted by the elders as they walked down the red carpet.

There was a small problem with An Siyao.

An Tian and Yu Liang stood up at the same time to help An Siyao.

An Tian blocked Yu Liang's way with his obesity and laughed smugly.

Yu Liang snorted coldly, tripped An Tian, and An Tian fell to the ground.

Without taking advantage of the situation to mock An Tian, he hurried to An Siyao's side and led her onto the red carpet hand in hand with his granddaughter.

When the four of them arrived at the altar, the minister began the ceremony.

"Dear guests, we gather here today to jointly witness the happy moments of our respected queen, her king, and the two princesses."

"Our benevolent..."

Since it was a royal wedding, the instructions were very detailed, and the procedures were quite lengthy. Fortunately, the four of them had rehearsed several times and proceeded smoothly through the ceremony.

It took a full half-hour before the ceremony finally came to an end.

"Now, you may kiss your wives," said the pastor.

Xia Yu looked at his three wives beside him.

The curious guests below the stage were all guessing who Xia Yu would kiss first.

This order usually represented status.

Under their gossiping gaze, An Siyao, Zhu Mei, and Xu Youxiang kissed Xia Yu's cheeks together.

"Oh—" The pastor was also a bit surprised, showing a smile, and continued with his final words:

"On this occasion of your wedding, please allow me to join the ranks of blessings..."

The ceremony was finally completed, and the banquet began. Xia Yu led his three wives, chatting and joking with friends.

In the evening, they went to sleep in one room.