Side Story 3: You Owe Me

"Alright, now it's our player Liu Manman's turn. She needs to score a 10 to win the championship. How will she do?"

"Liu Manman looks a bit nervous. She wipes the sweat from the palm of her hand and takes a long time to aim."

"Time is almost up, can Liu Manman... shoot? It's out, and it's a 10!"

The cheers erupt, and the arena is full of joy.

The commentator continues, "Let's watch the replay. Liu Manman's hand is very steady, and she doesn't panic even during the countdown. You can't tell that she has only been participating in archery competitions for a year."

"Speaking of which, perhaps the audience who don't follow the music world don't know that Liu Manman is also a famous guzheng musician…"

Shifting his gaze from the television, Xia Yu looks at Liu Manman beside him.

Three years ago, Liu Manman inexplicably stopped playing her beloved guzheng and ran to the palace to learn archery from Xia Yu.

Xia Yu thought that it would be a good thing for Liu Manman to give up her untalented guzheng playing and devote herself to her gifted shooting, so he agreed to teach her archery.

When she first started learning, Liu Manman was aloof. Xia Yu threatened her with sending her home, and she immediately settled down.

In three years, Liu Manman successfully won a world-class gold medal. Although it was a close victory, she had successfully graduated.

Xia "Master" Yu couldn't help but feel a little relieved.

"How about that? I'm awesome!" Liu Manman said proudly to Xia Yu, her eyes full of words demanding praise.

Xia Yu felt that for Liu Manman's mental development, it was necessary to puncture her arrogance a little.

"You actually hit a 7, that's so impressive!" Xia Yu knocked her on the head, "How did I teach you? Be steady, adjust your angle when you shoot!"

Liu Manman stammered, unable to defend herself.

But soon she gave up trying to explain herself and tackled Xia Yu directly, "That was a tactic, to confuse the opponent, you know!"

"So what tactic is tackling me?" Xia Yu asked, looking at Liu Manman who was sitting on top of him.

"It's… it's…" Liu Manman's face slowly turned red, and she hurriedly stood up and sat on one side.

This surprised Xia Yu, was Liu Manman… embarrassed?

Hadn't she always been a casual, open person who didn't know how to maintain distance?

In Xia Yu's mind, he recalled these past three years, teaching Liu Manman archery and her reactions during that time.

There were also a few times when she showed similar shyness, which Xia Yu hadn't paid attention to at the time.

What did this mean?

She used to be close, but now she knew to avoid it. Was it estrangement?

Thinking about it, Xia Yu became a little annoyed.

Now four years have passed since his wedding with An Siyao and Liu Manman's graduation from college. Some distance between them was normal.

Four years ago, he had been psychologically prepared, and didn't feel it was a big deal.

But now, after teaching Liu Manman archery for three years and spending three years together, Xia Yu's psychological preparation became fragile.

These three years made him fantasize that the intimacy between the two could continue forever.

Now he knew it was impossible for things to remain the same.

Wait, it might not be alienation, but a reaction to closeness.

Before, when he was unaware of this, things were casual, but now the alienation was due to special feelings.

Recalling Liu Manman's reaction, Xia Yu couldn't be sure about it, so he decided to test the waters.

He looked at the back of Liu Manman and stood up, "You should hurry back."

Upon hearing this indifferent remark, Liu Manman could no longer play the ostrich. She turned her head and cautiously asked, "What should I do when I go back?"

She was afraid that Xia Yu had noticed her little plot.

Regarding himself as a good senior sister, but wanting to pursue Xia Yu was too sinful!

"After all, this is a palace, and it's not appropriate for an unmarried woman like you to stay here." Xia Yu observed Liu Manman's reaction, knowing his behavior was somewhat despicable, but to probe her thoughts, it didn't matter.

It was better than leaving regrets in the end.

Tears welled up in Liu Manman's eyes, thinking Xia Yu knew her intentions and was driving her away.

"I understand." Liu Manman bowed her head and stood up.

She walked towards the door.

This response was different from what Xia Yu had imagined. If she felt alienated, Liu Manman should have been puzzled by the sudden change in his attitude. If she felt close, she should have asked him defiantly why.

What did this aggrieved departure mean?

Xia Yu was very confused; he didn't know the criminal-like guilt in Liu Manman's heart.

Liu Manman had already opened the door and left, with Xia Yu still in place, pondering what to do.

Without being sure of Liu Manman's thoughts, there was a chance he might fail if he caught up with her. Thinking of the awkwardness at that time, Xia Yu hesitated.

He, who had always sailed with the wind, had never faced an awkward situation and couldn't imagine what it would be like.

This test was too hasty!

Holding his head, Xia Yu pondered the remedy, but a minute later, he still had no plan.

If Liu Manman didn't take her clothes, a minute would have been enough for her to leave the palace through the back door.

Once she left the palace, it would be difficult to find her.

Hesitating for another ten seconds, Xia Yu stood up.

Embarrassment is temporary, but regret is for a lifetime!

He quickly reached the door, but as soon as he put his hand on the doorknob, a force pushed the door.

Xia Yu hurriedly dodged, and the door brushed past his nose. If he hadn't moved quickly, he would have been hit.

The one who pushed the door open so forcefully was Liu Manman.

Liu Manman's hair was messy, and her breathing was rapid; she had run back.

"You…" Xia Yu was a bit stuck, as the sudden return of Liu Manman disrupted his pace.

"You still owe me a song!" Liu Manman exclaimed loudly.

This was a song owed from four years ago. Xia Yu had almost finished it, but Liu Manman kept saying it wasn't urgent, so it was postponed till now.

Seeing Liu Manman's flushed face, Xia Yu naturally wouldn't say, "I'll write it for you now."

"Uh-huh," he replied.

"A song that's no worse than An Siyao's!" Liu Manman took a step forward, her body pressing against Xia Yu's chest.

"Mm." Xia Yu looked down at her.

"Plus four years of interest!" Liu Manman grabbed Xia Yu's collar fiercely.

"Mm." Xia Yu bent down slightly to make it easier for Liu Manman to hold onto him.

"So marry me!" Liu Manman felt her face burning, knowing that her request didn't make sense, but she couldn't care about that anymore.

Looking at Xia Yu in a daze, Liu Manman pulled his collar forcefully, trying to make a fierce face as she threatened: "You owe me!"

She looked into Xia Yu's eyes, and he looked back at her.

The bedroom was completely silent.

Three seconds later, she lowered her head in frustration and let go of Xia Yu.

"I'm sorry, I..."

Before Liu Manman could finish her sentence, Xia Yu interrupted her.

"Okay." Xia Yu cupped her face.