Side Story 6: The True Female Lead

My name is Little Black, and I just celebrated my fifth birthday the day before yesterday. I live in the royal palace in District 14, with one fanged bodyguard, a personal butler, several maids, and countless slaves.

Every morning, I wake up from my gold-rimmed cat bed, and after washing up with the help of my personal butler, I head to the dining room for breakfast. I get to choose from canned food, fish, and biscuits.

After finishing breakfast, if I'm free, I will let out my fanged bodyguard and exercise with her in the morning.

After that, it's time for a walk. A maid will lead me around the garden.

However, I prefer it when my personal butler accompanies me on these walks.

Sometimes, the worst-case scenario occurs - both the butler and maid are busy, and I have to take a walk in the garden with the slaves instead.

During those times, I'm in a terrible mood. When I get back, I call out my fanged bodyguard and compete with her to alleviate my frustration.

Enough of that, it's almost time for my personal butler to wake me up.

Leaving the yarn ball to one side, the black cat lies down in the cat bed, awaiting the arrival of Xia Yu.

Time passes slowly; the sun rises outside, and still, there is no movement at the door.

The black cat raises its head.

Recently, my butler has become a bit lazy, caught up sleeping with the maids, even neglecting to kneel and greet me.

However, there is no other option. The butler and maids sleep together so they can produce more maids for me, which contributes to my empire.

As a master, at times like this, my generous heart is all I can rely on.

No matter, I'll get up myself.

Speaking of which, this situation has gone on for five consecutive days. Those maids are too outrageous, trying to steal my man. I must show them who the real master is!

Gathering strength, the black cat stretches lazily and walks out of the room.

It first goes to the dining room, where it doesn't see Xia Yu but instead sees the other women.

After examining each woman's face, the black cat quickly determines that one is missing.

Xu Youxiang is absent.

The cat then heads upstairs and opens the door to Xu Youxiang's room.

"Meow!" The black cat jumps on the bed.

It lands on Xu Youxiang's stomach, startling her from her sleep.

Seeing the black cat, Xu Youxiang relaxes, and nudges the sleeping Xia Yu next to her.

"Hmm?" Xia Yu wakes up, bleary-eyed.

"Your little lover has come to wake you up," Xu Youxiang tells Xia Yu.

"Oh, come here, daddy's got you." Xia Yu, thinking that Xu Youxiang is talking about their daughter Yinyin, closes his eyes, extends his arms, and prepares to continue sleeping.

"Meow!" Angrily, the black cat smacks Xia Yu on the head.

Black cat applied quite a force, causing Xia Yu to open his eyes fully, becoming wide awake.

The first thing he saw was Xu Youxiang's gaze that seemed a little perverted.

"I never thought that you would want to be the father of a mother cat," says Xu Youxiang emotionlessly.

"What do you mean?" Xia Yu chuckles and hugs Xu Youxiang.

Xu Youxiang's face immediately turns red, and she kicks Xia Yu off the bed. "Pervert! Don't touch me!"

Laughing, Xia Yu gets up, picks up the black cat, and leaves the room.

As they exit, the black cat on Xia Yu's shoulder looks at him and then at the now-alone Xu Youxiang on the bed, wearing a smug expression.

After washing up with the black cat, Xia Yu came to the dining room.

Upon seeing Xia Yu entering, Yan Wei immediately served the prepared breakfast.

"Meow meow meow!" The black cat brought its bowl to Xia Yu.

Xia Yu put down his chopsticks and prepared breakfast for the black cat.

In a short while, a bowl of cat food was placed in front of the black cat.

After taking a restrained bite, the black cat looked at the breakfast Yan Wei prepared for Xia Yu and then at the breakfast Xia Yu prepared for it, and scornfully looked at Yan Wei.

The black cat finished its breakfast in front of Xia Yu, then it went to the hamster's cage, took the hamster out, and started its morning exercise.

It first released the hamster, then caught it back again.

By the time Xia Yu finished eating, the hamster was almost done as well.

With the hamster clenched in its teeth, the black cat locked it back in its cage and came to Xia Yu's feet, waiting.

Xia Yu stood up and walked with the black cat to the garden.

On the way, he encountered Yuxue.

Yuxue, wearing a maid outfit, had just finished cleaning the pavilion and was resting in it.

Seeing Xia Yu, Yuxue waved her hand enthusiastically: "Brother!"

Entering the pavilion, Xia Yu sat down on the long wooden bench.

The black cat also jumped onto the bench and lay down beside Xia Yu's legs.

Yuxue threw the rag in her hand and sat down next to Xia Yu: "Brother, guess what I just saw?"

"What did you see?" Xia Yu asked while stroking the cat.

"I saw two maids trimming shrubs together, then as they were trimming, they suddenly..." Yuxue leaned closer to Xia Yu as she spoke.

"Meow." The black cat meowed unhappily and pushed Yuxue's body away with its paw.

"???" Yuxue looked down at the black cat, who put down its paw.

"Those two maids, they..." Yuxue continued, but this time she didn't lean toward Xia Yu; instead, she reached out to hold Xia Yu's arm.

"Meow." The black cat once again extended its paw and pressed down on Yuxue's hand.

Yuxue looked at it, and it also looked at her.

After an intense 10-second stare down, Yuxue gave in, stopped touching Xia Yu and told him: "Those two maids, they held hands while trimming the shrubs!"

"Well, this is truly a big deal." Xia Yu stroked his chin.

"That's right, while doing physical work, how can you hold hands? As a result, one of them tripped, and both fell to the ground," Yuxue summarized her experience, "When doing work, you should be focused."

Was that the main point? Xia Yu didn't know how to react for a moment.

"They fell right there." Yuxue pointed to the scene location and couldn't help grabbing Xia Yu's arm again.

"Meow!" The black cat slapped her hand away with a paw.

"What are you doing!" Yuxue could not bear it; she angrily glared at the black cat.

The black cat ignored her, jumped onto Xia Yu's shoulder in one leap.

"Brother, do something about it!" Yuxue complained to Xia Yu.

"Why are you arguing with a cat?" Xia Yu comforted Yuxue.

"Meow." The black cat patted Xia Yu's head with its paw, pointing outside the pavilion, meaning it was time to leave.

Xia Yu stood up and continued to take a walk.

Sitting on Xia Yu's head, the black cat stuck its tongue out at Yuxue.

The black cat rubbed Xia Yu's hair contentedly.

Did you all see, you disrespectful women? I am the real mistress!

After taking a stroll in the garden and returning home, the black cat came to the nursery and looked at the baby in the cradle.

It decided to personally teach this girl, cultivating her into a qualified maid, so she wouldn't be ignorant like her mother and the others.