Side Story 5: Since You Are Already Here

Daliang Capital, headquarters building.

Inside the employee restroom.

"You know what? I saw Miss Yu with a silly smile on her face while making a call yesterday!" A female employee washing her hands told her colleague.

"Which Miss Yu are you talking about? The elder Miss Yu or the younger Miss Yu?" her colleague asked.

"Of course, the younger Miss Yu." The female employee replied.

"Tsk tsk, that's really surprising, she can actually smile?"

The colleague's astonished look gave the female employee a great sense of satisfaction. She continued, "I've never seen Miss Yu with that expression. I wonder what happened."

"Maybe it's her boyfriend?" The colleague playfully suggested.

"Impossible! Isn't Miss Yu a firm believer in being single?" The female employee frowned, unable to accept such a possibility.

"There's no such thing as being devoted to singlehood. It's just that she hasn't met someone who captivates her soul." The colleague disdainfully remarked.

"True. Miss Yu is quite old already. Elder Miss Yu must be quite worried too. It might be a person he introduced."

"I wonder how Miss Yu would act if she met her boyfriend. A male employee once showed her a little kindness, and she transferred him to a branch office immediately."

"What kind of behavior do you expect? Clinging onto him and acting coquettish, of course!"

As the two were chatting enthusiastically, they suddenly heard a cough.

The door of the restroom stall opened, and a stern-faced woman walked out.

"Assistant Dong." The two employees turned pale; Assistant Dong was someone close to Yu Ningmeng.

"Don't gossip." Assistant Dong walked to the sink, ignoring the two employees as she focused on washing her hands.

"We understand." The duo breathed a sigh of relief and left the restroom quickly.

After her hands were washed and dried, Assistant Dong glanced at the direction the two had left in and snorted in disdain.

She had overheard their conversation - boyfriend? Acting coquettish with a boyfriend? What a ridiculous thought.

The Yu Ningmeng she knew was an independent, strong, and career-oriented modern woman, an outstanding representative of women's rise. How could she possibly be like those shallow girls, revolving around men?

As for yesterday's phone call, it must have been related to the progress of some project, which led to her smile, later misrepresented as a silly grin.

After leaving the restroom, Assistant Dong came to Yu Ningmeng's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Yu Ningmeng's voice came through.

Opening the door, Assistant Dong entered the office.

She looked at the desk, where Yu Ningmeng wore a pair of black-framed glasses, scrutinizing the documents intently.

"Is everything ready for the meeting?" Yu Ningmeng asked.

"Yes, it's all set." Assistant Dong handed her two USB drives.

The information in both drives was the same, serving as backups for each other.

Glancing at her wristwatch, Yu Ningmeng stood up.

"Let's go." She said as she opened the door and left.

Assistant Dong hurriedly followed her.

Upon arriving at the conference room, everyone was already present. Yu Ningmeng inserted a USB drive and began the meeting.

Assistant Dong sat to one side, watching the serious Yu Ningmeng on stage and the attendees around her.

A total of sixteen people attended the meeting, all department heads of the company. Among them were twelve young, handsome men arranged by Elder Miss Yu specifically for the sake of the younger Miss Yu's marriage.

These carefully selected men had already been in the company for a year, but Xiao Yu hadn't paid any attention to them at all. One of them who was too attentive even annoyed President Yu and was transferred away.

With such performance, President Yu still couldn't prove herself, and in private, she was gossiped about by her female employees. It just shows how deep people's prejudices can be.

An hour later, the meeting ended, and Yu Ningmeng, together with Assistant Dong, returned to the office.

Yu Ningmeng continued looking at the documents, while Assistant Dong sat on the side of the desk sorting files.

After a morning of work, Assistant Dong stretched lazily and noticed Yu Ningmeng frowning at the screen, looking troubled.

She probably encountered a difficult problem.

Standing up, Assistant Dong came to Yu Ningmeng's back, preparing to ask her to have a meal.

By the way, she glanced at the screen to see what had troubled President Yu.

There were several web pages open.

How to talk romantically with a younger man

72 ways to coax a little lover

36 strategies to steal love

Assistant Dong: "???"

Noticing someone behind her, Yu Ningmeng immediately closed the pages.

"I remember you studied design, didn't you, Xiao Dong?" Yu Ningmeng asked nonchalantly.

"Yes." Assistant Dong replied, unable to get the three web page titles off her mind.

"Good, then come with me!" Yu Ningmeng grabbed Assistant Dong, dragged her downstairs, got in the car, and drove towards her villa.

Before Assistant Dong could react, Yu Ningmeng had already brought her to the dressing room.

Opening all the cabinet doors, Yu Ningmeng pointed at the clothes and asked, "Which one is more suitable for me?"

Looking at the pile of dresses in the closet, Assistant Dong hesitated for a moment and replied, "President Yu, that's not my specialty."

"Aren't you studying design?" Yu Ningmeng asked in confusion.

"I am." Assistant Dong answered.

"They are similar, just choose one for me." Yu Ningmeng said with a tone that brooked no argument.

With no other choice, Assistant Dong began to examine the dresses: "Are you going to a banquet?"

"Yes." Yu Ningmeng replied.

Assistant Dong's heart, which was held in suspense, finally settled down.

For a moment, she had thought that Yu Ningmeng was picking clothes for a date. Fortunately, it was just an ordinary banquet. The previously viewed web pages must have been accidentally opened due to spam!

My President Yu would never be interested in men!

Yu Ningmeng added, "It's a private banquet, and the other person is younger than me."

Assistant Dong's heart hung in suspense again.

To think I trusted you so much, you are actually going to meet a man!

Confused for five seconds, Assistant Dong comforted herself: There's nothing strange about meeting a man. Those men also look for women, and as a modern woman, we should also look for men!

Men like to find younger women, so women can certainly find younger men too!

With a sudden enlightenment, Assistant Dong used her aesthetic ability to help Yu Ningmeng select clothes with full force.

After the selection was completed, half of the afternoon had already passed.

After having a late lunch, Yu Ningmeng asked Assistant Dong again, "What kind of alcohol is easy to get drunk on? It should be the kind that doesn't have any noticeable effect at first, but gets you drunk later."

Assistant Dong's scalp tingled, and her heart surged like waves.

She stared at Yu Ningmeng in astonishment.

"What's wrong?" Yu Ningmeng asked.

"Nothing." Assistant Dong covered her head.

Obviously, President Yu wanted to get the man drunk and take advantage of him.

This is a crime!

Wait, it seems that women can do this to men without committing a crime.

Men often use alcohol to get women drunk to achieve their own ulterior motives, so women can do the same to men!


"President Yu, we should learn from the best, not copying everything, right?" Assistant Dong asked cautiously.

"What?" Yu Ningmeng narrowed her eyes.

Assistant Dong immediately changed her statement: "I'll ask."

She took out her phone, found the assistant of a wealthy boss, and asked for advice.

All preparations were completed, and it was already dusk.

The chef and maid in the villa started to prepare dinner.

"President Yu, I'm leaving." Assistant Dong was ready to leave.

"Wait." Yu Ningmeng stopped her.

"Is there any other situation?" Assistant Dong felt uneasy.

"You know what's going on, don't you?" Yu Ningmeng looked at her.


Before she could finish speaking, Yu Ningmeng interrupted her: "Stay and help."

Assistant Dong wanted to cry but had no tears. She just wanted to be a modern woman, so why did she suddenly become an accomplice of female villains?

Not daring to disobey Yu Ningmeng, Assistant Dong hid in a side room under her arrangement, paying attention to the situation outside and waiting for orders.

At 5:30, Assistant Dong saw through the window that a car arrived outside the villa, and a young college student-like man got out.

The man entered the villa, had a brief conversation, and then moved on to dinner.

Everything went smoothly. At eight o'clock, Assistant Dong came out of the room and helped Yu Ningmeng carry the man to the bedroom.

Her work was finally done, and Yu Ningmeng waved her away.

But even after leaving the villa and returning home, Assistant Dong's heart couldn't calm down.

She felt like a sinful person, forced by her boss, to do such a thing.

She wondered what would happen when the man woke up. Would he wrap himself in a bedsheet, crying and accusing President Yu? Then President Yu would give a contemptuous smile, forcing him to revisit his sinful memories?

Finally, she would throw down a wad of cash and leave mercilessly?

Aside from the scattering cash scene, Yu Ningmeng's thoughts were the same as Assistant Dong's.

Thinking of Xia Yu's expression when he woke up tomorrow morning, she was both scared and thrilled.

You always show off in front of me, so today I will make you call me daddy!

Yu Ningmeng excitedly climbed next to Xia Yu and reached out her sinful claws.

Then, her claws were caught.

Xia Yu opened his eyes and looked at Yu Ningmeng without any hint of drunkenness.

With his level 3 stamina, the alcohol couldn't knock him down. He just wanted to see what Yu Ningmeng would do.

Yu Ningmeng's expression the was frozen.

Five seconds later, Yu Ningmeng withdrew her hand and got off the bed.

"Sorry for the disturbance," she said and rushed toward the door.

When she opened the door, she hadn't even had a chance to take a breath when a strong hand grabbed her collar.

"One should never give up halfway," Xia Yu dragged Yu Ningmeng back into the room and closed the door.