Suppression and revealed

There was a problem however that Nick was helpless to solve with his new power and mana system , he couldn't suppress his presence anymore. Reaching tier four and gaining this new mana system had fully integrated his inhuman nature into his mana and so he simply couldn't hide it anymore. Before his presence could be hidden because his mana system was still that of a humans despite his race being different in truth but now he had an inhuman mana system and thus couldn't hide his nature anymore. Rather he could hide it but only by cloaking his entire magical presence.-

That would prove awkward however as whether they realize it or not most wizards rely on someone's mana presence to notice or understand someone. By entirely cloaking his mana presence Nick would cause most wizards to subconsciously ignore his physical presence while also effectively telling everyone that he was hiding something. No matter what he did it was a lose lose type situation for Nick. He could only sigh 'I always knew that I would eventually reveal my race but I hadn't expected it to be so soon.' he thought as he left the ritual room of the manor.-

He got dressed in the clothes he left outside the door and picked up his wand only to frown when he noticed that it had trouble adapting to his new power. He understood why too as he had take a qualitative and quantitative leap forward and the wand needed time to adjust to his new power. In truth Nick knew he likely no longer required a wand to perform magic perfectly but he had gotten used to using one and simply couldn't imagine not having it. "You alright boss?" Lucas asked concerned as he walked into the hallway Nick was in.-

"Yeah I'm fine why?" Nick asked seriously. "Well it's just you have this whole feel to you that is making it hard to think straight as all my instincts are screaming at me to run away." Lucas admitted nervously. Nick frowned and withdrew his mana to under his skin which caused Lucas to sigh in relief. 'Mana suppression or a mix of my greater power and elvish presence?' he pondered seriously. 'Now that I think of it doesn't Dumbledore have a similar effect on those much weaker than him? Like he usually keeps it under wraps but when he is upset or fighting it slips out and makes others frightful.' Nick thought seemingly figuring it out.-

It was pretty easy to figure out that the problem came from entering tier four which was a qualitative upgrade from tier three in terms of mana density and amount. It was thus easy to understand how the mana presence of such a being would naturally create a suppressive felling in those weaker then them. 'Looks like Luna is going to be upset at me for quite some time.' Nick thought with a chuckle.-

Luna still relied on reading peoples mana outside their bodies in order to fully understand them and so she hated it when Nick retracted his mana into his body. At this point however he honestly had no real choice in the matter as it was either that or causing everyone else to be uncomfortable. With more than a little dread at the inevitable conversation Nick left the island and appeared in Hogwarts after transforming into his Animagus form and flying out of the wards. He of course chose to appear in the workshop and disillusion himself before making his way to Dumbledores office.-

The old goat didn't seem surprised at all when Nick walked into the office despite his presence being unrestrained. "It seems you have finally chosen to stop hiding." The old goat said casually without even looking up from his paperwork. "So you already knew , how long?" Nick asked not truly surprised by the revelation. "Since you caught that strange illness that no one could figure out. In truth I believed it truly was an illness until I spoke to Nico about it and he told me what was truly happening. A rather violent rejection your body had to being transformed wasn't it?" Dumbledore said calmly.-

"Why do you seem to not care that I am not human?" Nick asked genuinely confused. Wizards have persecuted other magical races for as long as recorded history so Dumbledore seeming to not care was plain hard to understand. "You are not the first to become something other than human and you will likely not be the last. In some ways it is only natural to discard to weakness of being human for a wizard that seeks to master the arcane. The human body is not meant to hold great power , it never was after all. "-

"In a one to one comparison a wizard will always have less power than another magical creature but the difference is that unlike them we learned how to do more with less and thus dominate them. So for a wizard to cast off their human weakness to equal the power levels between them and other magical races while retaining their skill is to be expected unless they were stubborn like myself." Dumbledore explained with a gentle smile.