
"Perhaps but it should be clear that my new race is a bit special." Nick said honestly. Dumbledore nodded "indeed , besides your appearance it is difficult to think of you as human when every one of my senses say otherwise. I believe the term that best describes you would be otherworldly." he said casually. "If I were to say it was the result of a failed experiment how likely would that be to work?" Nick asked seriously. "It depends on who you are intending the excuse to work on , the average populace would easily accept it but those with true knowledge in magic would be skeptical if not disbelieving entirely." Dumbledore said honestly.

"So I need a better excuse or to settle for the vast majority of the wizarding world being fooled while the truly knowledgeable knowing the truth huh? Not much of a choice is it?" Nick asked with a sigh. Dumbledore chuckled "Rarely do we even find the important choices in life so easy to make. If it is of any comfort you may know that Nico , Vlad and myself will support you should this reveal bring you trouble." He said reassuringly.-

"I can only thank you all in advance then." Nick said with a thankful smile. "Now that your change is going to be public is there anything you are willing to share about this new race?" Dumbledore asked curiously. "Ah now there's the researcher that discovered the uses of dragon blood with Flammel , I had wondered if he had been buried by the professor and headmaster." Nick teased. Dumbledore shrugged "I always knew that I would be sacrificing much of my time when I agreed to teach here at Hogwarts and that sacrifice grew even larger after taking the position of headmaster but I don't regret the choice even a little." he said with a nostalgic look as he was clearly remembering his many years at the school.-

"Still it's hard not to wonder just how many things you might have discovered had you not made that choice." Nick said honestly. He knew for a fact that Dumbledore was no slouch academically but as the old man had said he sacrificed the vast majority of his time to the school so had made little progress with research compared to if he could spend the majority of his time on it.-

"It won't do to dwell on that which has already passed too much. Now about your race?" Dumbledore said getting the topic back on track. "Not a whole lot different from being human physically speaking besides having much more sensitive senses and generally better physique innately. The big changes come in the form of the magical side of things as from what I understand the race basically grants a body very suited to magic including a powerful network of Mana circuits that was much more intricate than a humans. The biggest difference however is that after reaching physical maturity at the age of twenty I will cease to age at all." Nick explained honestly.-

There was no reason to lie to the old man as while he had made questionable decisions in the past he had always acted with good intentions. Besides that all of this will eventually come to light anyways so Nick figured he may as well get it all out of the way now. Dumbledore seemed taken back after hearing all these details but smiled shortly afterwards. "It would seem that congratulations are in order for becoming immortal." he said calmly. Nick shook his head "I am not immortal but rather ageless" he said while thinking 'Though I will be solving that problem soon enough'.-

"The same could be said for vampires and yet they are well recognized as an immortal race despite being very mortal. You need not put your achievement down as very few can say that they broke free from the corrosive effects of time. Even more when unlike vampires your race truly does appear to be a true higher evolution of humanity , assuming you don't have any strange weaknesses like vampires of course." Dumbledore said with a proud look.-

Nick knew that that pride came from the old mans place as the headmaster of the school seeing one of his students succeed and make something of themselves. In a way it was a sort of personal pride more than the kind one gets from doing something that they consider an achievement , a pride by association of sorts. "No weaknesses to speak of perhaps besides being a target of envy , not that I will be publicizing the details of my new race." Nick said with a smirk.