Return and confronted

There were a few other things that had happened during the months that Nick was busy. Among them was the news that he was an archmage like Dumbledore which many factions with spies in the ministry learned after his trip to it with Dumbledore. Nick had been expecting this information to get out when he bared his power during that trip. For the foreign wizarding communities it became a priority to keep a close eye on Nick to make sure there wasn't another Grindelwald or Voldemort in the making. Most of the information gathered said that this wasn't the case but in all matters like this caution was always advised.-

The order of the golden sands was one faction that had been on high alert after getting the news as tier four wizards were basically walking nukes and they had offended Nick previously and were worried he'd attack them. Yet as time went on many noticed that there had been no trace of activity from Nick at all. Even the royal vampires had been unable to get any response from Nick which had caused many to wonder just what was going on.-

Even as the tournaments came and went there was no sign of him at all , no letters , no replies , nothing at all. When Nick was absent from the first day of Hogwarts however Dumbledore also got concerned. Another piece of news was that Grindelwald had started his sacrifices in north and south America which was the last places he needed for his ritual preparations to be complete. This made those in the know begin stocking up on whatever they felt they might need in the next coming period. In a more than ironic twist Fudge used the liquid luck to try and find something that would boost his reputation for the upcoming reelection and found one Barty Crouch Jnr under imperius by his father.-

It was a massive scandal and had Crouch Senior imprisoned while Crouch Jnr was given the Dementors kiss for "escaping" which had his father join him shortly in death as he refused to eat until his body collapsed and ended him. In a way it was spitting in the ministries face as he chose death over his deserved punishment. Regardless of that however fudge got the accolades that he wanted at the small price of a bottle of potion nobody else knew about. -

When Nick showed up in Hogwarts it sent a ripple through out the school as everyone who saw him started gossiping about him. "Where the bloody hell have you been!?" Ron asked angrily when he saw Nick. He wasn't alone either as all of Nicks friends were also very much upset at how Nick seemed to drop off the face of the planet over the summer. "I told you before the year was out that I would be too busy to respond over the summer." Nick pointed out not happy at being confronted like this.-

"Yeah and we assumed that meant you'd still be reachable not what ever in Merlins name you were doing! Also what the hell is up with that presence you are giving off , it's like you aren't even here? Wait , you are actually here right?" Harry asked while Luna poked Nick with a finger just to make sure he was there. "What i was doing took up my entire attention so obviously I couldn't respond or even check my mail. Also my lack of presence is because of what I was doing though what that was exactly I will be keeping to myself." Nick said in annoyance.-

"You don't get it Nick , EVERYONE was trying to find you , including Dumbledore , and they all failed. There's out of reach and then there's whatever you did." Daphne said seriously. "I don't see why they would after I made it clear to everyone before I left that I'd be out of touch." Nick said with a shrug. "Yeah you said that but everyone was expecting you to at least show up at the tournaments or even go to Diagon alley but there was nothing , not even your house elf fetching things for you like normal!" Tracy said in exasperation.-

"Don't know what you are expecting me to say about it , I said I'd be out of touch and if everyone failed to consider that , well that's not on me." Nick said making it clear he was done talking about it. "Why did you miss the first day of school then?" Hermione pressed and Nick had to admit that one was on him a bit since he slightly underestimated how long it would take him to stabilize his condition. "It was a slight miscalculation on my part that's it." he said honestly.