Bird ladies and strange condition.

Hermione glared at Nick but he refused to budge on his unwillingness to explain anything. "Well you missed the tournaments so I suppose that is punishment enough." Ron said acting as the mediator oddly enough. "It couldn't have been that great right?" Nick asked more than happy to play along. "It was barmy mate , they even had Veelas as cheer leaders not that we got to enjoy them all that much with the uppity French broads that made a ruckus about it in the box we were in." Ron said excitedly.-

"Sirius must have gotten you all box seats then and I have a feeling that those "uppity French broads" you are talking about are not the sort of people you would like to get on the bad side of if they are who I think they are." Nick said with a chuckle. "Blonde and pretty with prideful attitudes and a problem with Veela cheerleaders?" Harry asked and Nick laughed "Oh yeah that's easily the best description I think you could have given of the Delacour families women. They are a very powerful pureblood family in France that says they are descended from Veelas without actually being Veelas themselves , which is totally nonsense by the way." Nick said with a smirk.-

"Nonsense how?" Tracy asked curiously. "Veelas are an all female race of magical beings that breed with wizards or muggles to continue their species which means that there is no such thing as partially Veela , they either are or are not Veelas. In other words it's a bunch of malarkey that should be ignored." Nick explained more than happy to expose the French families lie. "Why hasn't anybody said anything about it then?" Harry asked confused. "I can answer that actually." Daphne said seriously.-

This surprised most of the group as usually Nick answers questions like that so it was unusual for Daphne to instead. "What? I can know things too." Daphne said looking offended by the looks everyone had. Nick merely motioned for her to continue since he was interested to see what she was going to say. "Anyways the Delacour's have their fingers in basically the entire French wizarding economy so even if someone were to figure this out I doubt they would have the courage to blab about it and if they did I am pretty sure most people would ignore them." Daphne said seriously.-

"You are mostly correct yes however there is one part you left out." Nick said with a smirk. Daphne looked confused "What?" she asked curiously. "Simply put everyone who tried to expose them has ended up disappearing mysteriously , or rather were made to disappear." Nick said with a chuckle. "Then are we going to be okay?" Ron asked worriedly. Nick nodded "Unless you go trying to spread the information I don't see why not. Besides if they were to try and get rid of any of you they would end up making me get involved which I guarantee they don't want happening." he said honestly.-

"Ah so the rumors of your return are true , you had us all very concerned my boy." Dumbledores voice said from nearby and Nick looked over at the man. "I gave ample warning that I was going to be unavailable over the summer , not my fault you all chose to ignore it." he said calmly. "I do suppose that is true. Still it is good to see that you are still well if in an ... unusual state." the old man said with clear confusion on his face.-

"Can you actually tell what's different or are you merely pointing out the obvious?" Nick asked curiously. He was interested to know if Dumbledore who can be considered quite knowledgeable in the fourth tier can see what is going on with him. "The later , I simply can't understand how you appear to be here and yet at the same time my senses say that you are not. Most curious." the old goat said honestly. Nick knew that the reason for this was because his essence was pretty much absent from his body since it was in his realm thus making him lack any sort of presence while he kept his mana hidden.-

In a manner of speaking the body he was currently in was little more than an easily shedable meat suit that he was piloting remotely. That was all the bodies of daedra realm lords were most of the time and this even included the physical forms of the daedric princes themselves. The reason was simply because it was safer that way since while the physical body was destroyed the essence was rarely impacted making killing them without destroying their realms utterly impossible.