Matsuno, on his noble steed, trotted down the marching line with Aiko. Turning to Aiko, he said to him, "Take my horse and lead it, I'm going to march with our boys." Aiko looked in confusion as he just grabbed the lead of Matsuno's horse as Matsuno dismounted before jogging up to the upper left side of the marching column. As Matsuno approached his leading Lieutant of the column saluted before asking, "Why are you here, Colonel?" Matsuno replied "Well I don't want to see my men just doing the work while I ride a steed. Instead, I would march with my men and be in the frontline with pride."
The Lieutant nodded, giving the respect as Matsuno almost said, asking the man, "The Musicians know how to play When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again, correct?" The Lieutant replied with confirmation that indeed the Musicians did know. Matsuno nodded as he said, "Tell them to start playing it." The Lieutant nodded as he executed the order saying to the Musicians."Start playing When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again."
Matsuno then started to sing with some of the men joining him with the words being, "When Jón comes marching home again, Hurrah! Hurrah! We'll give him a hearty welcome then, Hurrah! Hurrah! Oh, then the men will cheer, the boys will shout, the ladies they will all turn out, and we'll all feel gay when Jón comes marching home. And we'll all feel gay when Jón comes marching home... Get ready for the Jubilee, Hurrah! Hurrah! We'll give the hero three times three, Hurrah! Hurrah! Well, the laurel wreath is ready now to place upon his loyal brow, and we'll all feel gay when Jón comes marching home, and we'll all feel gay when Jón comes marching home..." They kept on singing down the road as they met their destination. When they entered the town, they were met with the gratitude of many men and women.
Though, when they kept on moving onwards, a bang was heard as screaming and crashing of blades were heard.. Some of the Shogunate forces still were there. Matsuno shouted an order as he screamed to Aiko, "MOVE THE MEN AND SECURE THE TOWN ILL TAKE 2 COMPANIES OF MEN WITH ME TO CLEAR OUT THE AREA OF COMOTION GET THE NEW 145 RECRUITS AND GET THEM TO GAURD THE PORT!" Aiko nodded as he shouted."YES, SIR!" Quickly moving Aiko rode down his horde giving the orders while Matsuno unholstered his revolver as he shouted to Company A and Company B as he screamed "ON ME BEGIN TO CLEAR OUT HOUSES ON THE WAY SEPERATE INTO 3 MEN SQUADS, MOVE IT!"
Quickly, the men followed as Matsuno jogged down as they began to search building to building, finding nothing though there was a small made-up fort in the square made out of everything the Shogunate could use. Matsuno saw this as he had an idea due to the small fort being surrounded by some large buildings.
Matsuno turned to the Company A Officer as he said, "Get a squad of 24 men and get them to move down to the tall building to the west of the small fort in the town square, there you will open fire and rain hell upon the Shogunate." The Company A officer said."Yes, Sir!" Quickly, the 24-man squad turned as they moved down to the building going in..
Man from the 24 man Squad POV:
Horatio ran down as he unslinged his rifle, aiming down from the 2nd stories as he took aim.. there he saw the ammunition box for the small little fort. Horatio opened the bolt as he loaded in the catridge before closing the bolt and arming it. There, he pulled the trigger where an explosion was heard.. Blood rained from the air..
To Be Continued...