
"I don't want to be suspicious of her," Nikolai muttered as he stopped in his tracks. He was just a few meters away from the makeshift tent he had made for Mineah, and he couldn't help but simply stare at it while he busied his head with the various thoughts he kept having.

For days, Mineah refused to participate in the search, simply letting her mother and wizard Lurio do it while she herself just rested. He told her that she could get more energy from him, but she refused to do so saying that her mother and wizard Lurio would be able to manage the search without her. But as he had observed, it wasn't productive at all. 

Then, after a few days of rest, his wife finally decided to participate in the search with him. He hadn't felt her getting energy from him ever since they started, but he was sure that she was still searching. But then, Vulcan showed up, and that look on her face…