A Powerful Spell**

Mineah felt like her heart just leaped out of her chest with that revelation. Nikolai hadn't mentioned that before at all. He only told her that Vulcan killed his father and that he witnessed how his father suffered before turning into ash, not that… that almost happened.

She bit her inner lip as she watched Nikolai glare at the flying dragon far away from them. The burning desire to kill it was very visible in the flaming wildfire in his amber orbs. She could feel his body trembling against hers. That was how much he was trying to control himself from attacking the dragon.

She inwardly hissed through her teeth. If only that dragon wasn't holding Ezekiel's body captive… She would've probably even given him her free reign to finish off Vulcan and finally take away the burden and fury still within her husband.

Guilty, she cupped his face and rested her forehead on his as she whispered, "I'm sorry if I'm holding you back, Lai. I…"