Vulcan Became Active

Mineah stared guiltily at Nikolai who was now soundly asleep. It wasn't easy to put a powerful vampire like him to sleep, and she had to use a considerable amount of energy just to create a more powerful spell to put him down. Thankfully, it all worked out, and she was glad that she didn't have to resort to more… extreme measures. 

Gently caressing his cheek, she apologetically murmured, "I'm sorry, Lai. I promise I'll tell you everything once I return."

She then gave him a quick and gentle kiss on his lips before quickly leaving to meet Ezekiel. The dragon was still moving, so she wasn't sure if it had remained in the same hiding place as before inside the cave, but it wouldn't hurt to check and see if it was still there.

Mustering all the energy she took from Nikolai, Mineah meditated in search of Ezekiel's energy. After a while, she smiled as she confirmed that he had indeed returned back to the same cave.