Sinister Plans

Raul took in a deep breath as he did his best to compose himself. He was on his way to meet with the Hades Coven again, and he had to make sure that he didn't look as suspicious as possible. While he has maintained contact with them for a while now, he still had nowhere near enough evidence to try and arrest them all. For one, he still had no idea who they all were underneath their masks, and second, he couldn't exactly prepare a raid when their meeting place always changed every time they actually met. 

"This is such a pain…"

He shook his head as he stared at the mask he currently held in his hands. He couldn't recall when he started wearing one of these hideous animal masks, but he did recall it being important enough that he accepted it after he was offered one by Fox. 

"I can't believe I'm still willingly wearing this thing," Raul sighed to himself as he put on the mask. "Couldn't Fox pick a better mask that had actual holes in them?"