
The days went by smoothly for Mineah as she did her usual duties as the Queen. Nothing was amiss, and she couldn't help but smile at how everything felt so great, especially now that her curse was finally broken.

Well, she knew that, at least, but she still wanted to confirm her body's ability to conceive children. As such, she went ahead and asked Zaila to do a general check-up on her. 

"You really shouldn't have to do this, milady," Zaila chuckled as she went about her work. "I'm pretty sure you're already in the clear."

"Still, it wouldn't hurt to make sure," Mineah insisted. "I just want to hear it from someone else, alright?"

"Alright, milady," Zaila shrugged. "I'll try to make this quick then."

Mineah simply waited as she allowed Zaila to do her thing. Sitting back on the chair, she did her best to relax even as her nerves began to grow in excitement.

"Well?" Mineah couldn't help but ask.