Chapter 2

Logan led Yanisha to a private chamber within the castle, away from prying eyes and ears. Once they were alone, he motioned for her to sit down.

"Tell me what you know about the Queen of Puerto Rico," Logan said, his eyes fixed on Yanisha.

"I was working in her castle as a servant," Yanisha began. "I overheard her speaking to a powerful witch named Valery. They were discussing their plans to invade Latin America, and it didn't sound good."

Logan leaned forward, his interest piqued. "What kind of plans?"

"Valery has some kind of dark magic that she's been practicing for years," Yanisha explained. "She said she's going to use it to control the minds of the people in the lands they conquer."

Logan's face darkened with anger. The thought of innocent people being forced to do the bidding of an evil queen and her witch ally was abhorrent to him.

"We need to find out more about their plans," Logan said, his mind working quickly. "Can you get close to them again?"

Yanisha hesitated. "It won't be easy. They're both very suspicious. And if they catch me..."

"We'll protect you," Logan said firmly. "You have our word."

Yanisha nodded, a hint of relief in her eyes. "I'll do my best."

Logan stood up, his mind made up. "We'll assemble a team of our best warriors and send them with you to gather information. We'll use what you find out to prepare for their invasion."

Yanisha stood up as well, a grateful look on her face. "Thank you, Your Highness. I won't let you down."

As Yanisha left the chamber, Logan's thoughts turned to the upcoming battle. He knew that the Queen of Puerto Rico and her ally were formidable opponents, but he was determined to protect his people at all costs. With Yanisha's help, he believed they had a fighting chance.