Chapter 3

Logan quickly assembled a team of skilled warriors to accompany Yanisha on her mission. He chose his most trusted and battle-hardened soldiers, including Miguel, his advisor.

"We need to move quickly," Logan told the group. "The Queen of Puerto Rico could strike at any time, and we need to be prepared for her."

Yanisha nodded in agreement. "I'll do my best to gather as much information as I can. But we need to be careful. Valery is a powerful witch, and she's not to be underestimated."

The group set out on horseback, riding towards the border of El Salvador and Puerto Rico. They traveled through dense forests and over rugged terrain, always on the lookout for any signs of danger.

After several days of travel, they arrived at a small village near the border. Yanisha had learned that Valery and the Queen of Puerto Rico were planning to meet with their armies nearby, and she knew this was their chance to gather information.

As they approached the village, the group split up, with Yanisha and Miguel heading towards the outskirts of the town to scout out the enemy's movements. The rest of the team remained hidden in the trees, ready to provide backup if needed.

Yanisha and Miguel crept through the streets, staying hidden in the shadows. They soon came upon a large tent, surrounded by guards. They knew that this was where the Queen of Puerto Rico and Valery were holding their meeting.

"We need to get closer," Miguel whispered to Yanisha.

She nodded, and the two of them began to move towards the tent, trying to avoid the guards. But as they drew closer, they heard a commotion coming from inside.

"We have to go in," Yanisha said, determination in her voice.

Miguel hesitated. "It's too dangerous. We don't know what's in there."

But Yanisha was already moving forward. "We have to find out what they're planning. Follow me."

They slipped into the tent, their hearts pounding with fear. Inside, they saw the Queen of Puerto Rico and Valery standing over a large map of Latin America, their heads close together in conversation.

As they listened, Yanisha and Miguel heard the Queen of Puerto Rico outlining her plan to invade El Salvador first, before moving on to the rest of Latin America. Valery nodded in agreement, her eyes flashing with dark magic.

"We have to warn Prince Logan," Yanisha whispered to Miguel.

They slipped out of the tent and quickly made their way back to the group. With this new information, Logan knew they had to prepare for battle, and quickly. The Queen of Puerto Rico and Valery were coming, and they were determined to take El Salvador by force.