Chapter 4

Logan and his team spent the next few days fortifying the borders of El Salvador and preparing for the inevitable attack. They knew that the Queen of Puerto Rico and Valery were coming with their armies, and they were determined to defend their kingdom with everything they had.

Logan spent long hours consulting with his advisors, strategizing and analyzing the enemy's movements. Miguel, Yanisha, and the rest of the team gathered intelligence, spying on the enemy's movements and relaying information back to Logan.

As they worked, Logan couldn't shake the feeling that there was something else going on, something that they hadn't yet uncovered. He knew that the Queen of Puerto Rico and Valery were powerful and ruthless, but he couldn't shake the feeling that they were hiding something.

One night, as Logan lay in his tent, he heard a rustling outside. He grabbed his sword and cautiously stepped out, ready for anything.

To his surprise, he saw Valery standing in front of him, alone.

"What do you want?" Logan asked, his sword still raised.

Valery raised her hands in a gesture of peace. "I want to talk to you, Prince Logan. I come to you as a messenger of peace."

Logan was skeptical but lowered his sword. "Speak."

Valery hesitated, as if unsure of what to say. "The Queen of Puerto Rico, Yahitsha, is not what she seems. She is not just seeking to conquer El Salvador. She has a darker purpose, one that involves the destruction of all of Latin America."

Logan was taken aback. "What do you mean?"

Valery looked at him with a haunted expression. "She is working with dark magic, Prince Logan. Magic that is beyond anything I have ever seen. She seeks to summon a powerful demon, one that will give her the power to conquer all of Latin America and beyond."

Logan was incredulous. "That's impossible. No one can control a demon."

Valery shook her head. "Yahitsha believes she can. She has been gathering dark artifacts and performing ancient rituals in secret, all in the hopes of summoning this demon. And she will stop at nothing to achieve her goal."

Logan was stunned. He knew that Valery was a powerful witch, but he had never seen her so shaken.

"What can we do?" he asked, realizing the gravity of the situation.

Valery looked at him with urgency. "We must stop her, Prince Logan. Before it's too late."