2 The Magicians

I am under watter rushing up to the surface. I was going fast enough to break the surface. I flale about in the air for a second and am able to land in a crouch without face planting into the concreat steps. But my head feals like i hit the ground anyway. Cheaking my stats, I wasn't missing any health, but I did have a debuff. The sibol looked like a guy in scuba gear on land with bubles coming out of his head. It had a cool down timer of 5 minutes.

Suddenly, a bunch of papers come up to me, and I use free-form wind magic to bring them to my hand. They say Filory by Jane Chatwin. Looking up, I see Alice Quinn standing not 2 feet away covered in leaves. I go "sarfims in Hell,your Alice Quinn" as greeting. And she goes your all wet. I go, oh right. Puting the papers in my hand in my invintory, I pull out a potion flask, and will all the water into my hand and put it in the flask I pulled from my invintory. She asks me how I did that. I tell her magic, obviously. She is about to say something when Dean Fog addresses her by name. Telling her she is late. He asks who I am and how I got here. I go "magic" and shrug. Tell him my name is Alex.

Well, whatever, since you're here, you might as well sit for exams, follow me.

Once in the exam room? He points to a desk, and I sit in it. I am seated behind penny. I go "oh I must be in breakbills." But in my head. Thankfully, this penny looks like the one from the show and not the other one. My head ake is starting to fade now, and I am starting to organize my thoughts. I realise I know a bunch of magic fundamentals. Of sevral displins. It's kind of like that book where the guy was stuck in a time loop and learned all those fundamental exercises. I knew all of those. Like 250 of them. And could perform them under any magical circumstance. It just so happened that I could use one for a drying spell. That is when I realized I had just used alterworld magic in front of Alice, even going so far as using my invintory. The dean had probably seen that.

I look up to see Penny. He is like super freaked out. Like when I would walk up to someone at work and they didn't know I was there, but if I didn't say anything for a while while standing there. While he calms down, I apologise for startling him. And introduce myself. My name is Alex. He goes penny and shakes my hand after looking at it weird. Like he isn't sure if my hand is real. He goes your quiet, why are you so quiet. I look at him a second and state, "You mean mentally right." I learned from some psycic creatures. I am also not really quiet. My mind is just not broadcasting to where you can hear it. Here, just try and read my mind for a moment. He does, and I can feel his probing, and I let him into the section that spark helped me develop. Basicaly the lobby of my mind. When he was in there, I let him hear my broadcast surface thoughts. Aparently, it was like he was underwater because when he came out was when Q walked in. And he suddenly grabbed his head. I asked if he had ever had any training. And then I facepalmed and went of corce you haven't this is earth and you are a "mudblood equivlent, orfan, travler, whatever" point is no training. He was holding his head and glaring at Q. I was like, "Just try to read my mind until we are done here. I will only broadcast the thoughts I want so you won't have to listen to what the latest anoing song. It's not my little pony. Friendship is magic, is it? He asks if I am psycic. Within seconds, the dean made the test papers appear. In my head to him, I go not very, just a lucky guess.

The exam itself was quite easy. It was like a bunch of tests in one, but it was fun like an Iq test but magic style. Once I turned in my exam, I turned and talked to Julia. she was right after me and alice about the same time but behind her. I did a spell and made q experience a bout of bad luck when he got up that would give him good luck in equil meshure after the fact, but It let me talk to Julia and send her a friend request. I also did some memory magic on her. So, it would duplicate her memories. And put them in 2 spots instead of one. I also gave her a bracelet with a soul stone in it that gave a boost to some stats. And told her to "message" me when she got home and not to worry. I had also magiced my number on her arm in an invisible ink spell that only she could read and only when she touched her arm. She accepted the friend request.

Next, I went to the room that the card told me to. It had an arow on it that magically pointed the direction, but I had a quest marker on my interface. So I just followed that. It led me to the practical exam.

It was a room with the hot time lady. She said I had aced the test. And wanted to know how I did it. I showed her my tattoo. She asked me to show me what I knew. So I told her to sit down, and this might take a while. The room looked like a counselors office. We were now sitting across from one another. Then I told her I would show her everything I knew about their magic and more. And proceeded to do a practical. Similar to what did in Italy in the cottage. A headge practical all the way up to lv250. I was able to do it much faster than the days it took in the books. It still took around 2 hours. While I was doing that, I put up a privacy ward. A fue of the spells had to do with them. Once I was done, she asked me what I was doing at break bills. I told her I knew who she was, and I knew about the beast and how it was her brother. I also told her about my quest, and I made a deal with her. Basically, she would keep my secret, and I would keep hers. I told her I would help her stop her brother, and if it all played out in our favor, she would come with me on my quest. I sent her a friend request once she agreed. Afterward we went out and she showed me to my dorm.

We saw Alice along the way, and she confronted me. And q her. I went and talked to Alice. I told her I knew who she was and why she was here. And that I knew some of the stuff to help her with her brother. I told her he wasn't dead like everyone said. She cried and hugged me. I told her everything would be OK, but she had to keep my other magic a secret. And accept my friend request. Once she did, I told her we had a bit of work to do first, but we could start tomorrow.

I went back to Jane. She was talking to q. When I showed up, she looked anoid. She shoed off quintin. And we continued the tour. She pointed out all the buildings, and the last one was the fresman dorms. I said goodbye and envited her to diner some time.

I open my dorm room door to find penny sitting on one bed and q on the other. I role my eyes and sit down on the third. Introduceing myself to q and saying high to penny.

We talk a bit, I reveal to q that no, this is not a dream, and no, he is not still in the loony bin. He is like, "How did you know that," and I go because we are at breakbills and you have magic. So you are ive leauge smart and loony bin hurting. Magic comes from pain, and breakbills only acsepts the smartest. So evryone here is either the absolute smartest or the absolute most depresed. But it's not all bad fillry is real.

Q starts mutring to himself, and penny calls bull. I spell Q and puting a silence bubble around his head. He does one of those gags where they put their finger in their ear and say they hear buzzing. I also put up some other privacy stuff. Pull some things from my invintory to. Then I tell Penny about the voice in his head is in fillory while he is reading my mind. So he kinda freaks out. I also tell him not to worry because I am going to go take care of that. And he was going to help me because the dude was a psyco. And the guy beside him is a walking doctorate on the subject of filory books. Except that the books were dramatized versions of the real thing. And beast is one of the chatwins. The younger boy Martin. And the righter was a pedophile. And that's why he was fucked up. Oh and told him his disaplin. And told him that I would help him with that as well.

He asked me what the catch was and I told him he had to keep my secrets and if I helped him with his voices he would help me on my quest.

He asked what my quest was and I told him curently it was to become the greatest magishian in this univirce by completing a quest layed out by the arctects basicaly the elder gods, oh and help give some, Looking at q, a less depressing life. Q had begun to knotice the spell and looked like he was going to rupture an ear drum. I asked penny if he agreed to accept my friend request. Once he did and I got the knotification I turned and released q.

Then I asked q if I could borrow his filory books saying I wanted to read them. Then I was like on second thought I will just download them and Wright an ai to serch for relvent information. Because that would be kinda weird. They gave me a funny look and I said ya kinda don't want to read them when i know one of the characters personally and know the thing was writen by a pedo. They still looked confused. I said you know the lady you were talking to earlier? Ya that was Jane.

Q got this starstruck look and I shot him down.

Penny tomorow I will have a message sent to breakbills south and request speshil tutoring for you after hours or somthing with Mycofski. I know he can be a bit of an ass, but from what I know he is one of the best mortal magishins here on earth. Think Einstein. But more Russian. And more magic. I think fog is around the same level of talent but micofski does resurch while fog has a life.

I spent a bit telling q about what little i knew of filory. Including the flying forest and about white spire and darkspire and about the fount of magic. Saying that I had read a similar book. Then I puled out my cell phone and pulled up the cronicals of Narnia. Showing him. He said he had never herd of it. I told him I could send it to him And asked to see his phone. He pulled out a older moddle iPhone. He said it didn't work I said oh right the magic here does funny things to devices. And gave him a tablet I pretended to pull out of a bag. With a bunch of books already downloaded on it. He asked how it worked on campus. I said magic or anti magic. It has wards on it that created a magic circle or boundary and a spell that worked within it. That ate up all the magic within the boundary in sevral dimensions. So it would not interfear with the macanics.

That was a lie but I knew I could make one like that. It's just this one didn't work like that it was just from a nother univirce and ran partly on mana.

Once I gave him the tablet he started reading the book. Penny had left eirlier. So I went to look around campus. Figured I would hit the library to see if I could find an astral projection spell.

Once there I ran into the hedge witch. She was looking threw the stacks for somthing to take. I snuck up on her. She about hit me I caught her arm magicly stuned her. Then I showed her my hand magicly a mark with 250 enshrined in a 7 pointed star apeard. I told her I was going to lower the stun. After I did she asked if marina sent me. I laughed and said Marina couldn't touch me.

I told her I just ran into her. I told her I gused she was working for marina though. Figured she had somthing over on her.

She asked what I knew I said I din't know much, but I did know that she was in this mess for a good reason. And that she was probably good in bed. And that she was clever but not sharp enough to get out of this mess alone. I knew she was loyal. Because she was to cleaver to get into this herself if she was good enough to get into here. So I ofer you a bargain your friendship and loyalty for freedom and friendship. You need free of marina and I need capable people.

Once I sent the friend request she acsepted. I said great and took out a pice of paper and rote out a spell to stay warm with animal fat. Realy it just activated the fat and ate away at it creating heat. I made shure to right it in Latin and make it sound more mystical.

I asked her if she had anything like it already. She said she didn't. I was like great. Give this to her next time you see her. But we can deal with her tomorrow or later this week. But first either we could spend some time going threw the library looking for any cool things I hear there is a spell /instructions somewhere around here to brew up some Jin (as in genie. Kinda psycodic though). Or we could go back to my room i said pulling out a key. and find out witch of us is better. She chose the second option I used the key to open the library Dore to a room in the castle. I gave instructions for private guest acomdations. No magic of corse.

We got like 2 hours of sleep real time well she got 4. I spent 2 working on that new tablet idea and some other projects and i had breakfast prepared for us. With only earth food with some buffs from me cooking of corse. I had used the time dilation of the castle to alow her a full 8 hrs to be able to wake up on time naturally.

In the "morning" I explained some of the stuff. About the quest and filory and the beast. When she started to laugh a bit I pulled a dagger out of thin air and cut my palm. It heald before she could whipe the blood away. I told her I could kill it now but it would be kinda a risk because I didn't know that much about magic. She laughed again and said I was level 250. And I said ya now I know just enough to know there is so much I don't know. The beast has 6 fingers on each hand so he can do some wird magic. Yes I could kill him right now. But at what cost. Do people get hurt what about the girl he has locked in a Dungeon? What if we sumon him and he turns out to be no threat and I insta kill him. What if he is sumoned and he does things I can't stop like hurting people or killing them.

Anyway enough of that how do you like your coffee?

After Breakfast and another toss we got ready for the first day of classes and showerd And I told her to ward her mind. Their were psychics about. And gave her an enchanted charms bracelet.

She said she had to stop by her room before class.

I stayed a bit in the library and then headed to class. My mark was more active in there. I messaged Jane in the morning over the link. And asked if she would be busy in the afternoon. She said she would be free. She said around 7. I said great I would get dinner.

I went to class a bit early no one was there yet so I sat one row back. And to the left. The next person to come in was Alice she sat right next to me and started whispering to me. I talked to her a bit and then just gave up and gave her some acsess to the chat. Spisificly acses to speek to me. And told her to just interact with the interface with her mind. She asked a bunch of questions. I didn't assure Manny of them. But I did some. Then I explaind about her brother. I told her he was a niphin and that I knew where he was and posibly how to contact him. But before she got blue in the face herself trying to save him I told her we would do this right and we would do this together. Because even if she saved him he wouldn't be all there. Part of his soul wold be in the under world in persephones home nice lady kinda looks like opras mom sometimes goes by our lady underground. His shade was like his childhood soul. All the things that she loved about him. Wouldn't be there and wouldn't be coming back if she freed him now. Then others started arriving. Q arrived pretty early and asked why I didn't return to the dorm that night. I told him I was at the library and didn't get much sleep. Penny gave me a funny look. Must have ben the difrent clothes. Because he looked me up and down. So only the seat on my left was left empty. Alice on the right peny behind me and q infront. And hedge sat in it. She apparently had changed when she went to her room. I sent her a message that if she had needed new clothes she could have asked. She didn't need to go to her room in the same ones she had on the night before. She asked me why I would have wemens clothes. I said I didn't whare them if that was what she was asking. But I could have resized anything to fit her. With that she blushed and punched me. And with that the teacher walked in. She did the a speach and when she called Alice up I whisperd to her to see if she could add some light efect to the spell. When she made the horse it kind of shone with a rainbow efect.

She had by then found out we could whisper without moving our mouths and hear each other out loud. So she became quite the chatter box in class. After about 15 minuts julia meseged me over chat. The phone number didn't work. Aparently she found out how to pull up her chat when she was trying to message my phone. I sent her where to find the spell Ugarte's Prismatic Spray to practice. I asked her if she would be free during lunch. I unlocked her map and set a spot for a meeting once she agreed.

That class lasted for sevral hours. I spent most of it on the interface on the internet. Seting up. It was a mandatory class on introductory to magic and was there to gage the level of the students so that we could choose what classes to take next. It would last 5 days.

Once class was over I asked the professor if she could pass a message to myacofski for me. I handed her a package with a waystone and a letter of introduction along with a tablet with the new magical wards to make it work and directions not to break them. And how it worked and why breaking the magic may cause it to break and he wouldn't get acses to the library on it of videos books and games if he did that. It also had a method to contact me.

I also gave the professor a gift as thanks for delivering my message. It was a Apple and a charms bracelet. It was made of silver. And the charms of mythral. So they would hold spells and wards well.

Alice waited for me in the room while hedge ambushed us in the hall.

She is a bit prickly but I introduce her to Alice and explained while I draged them off to lunch.

We meet Julia at a Coffey shop. I set up a lap top at the table we get and jump on the wifi while talking. I have hedge get us some Coffey and scones and what ever elce. I give her gold and tell her I am a bit short on cash at the moment but I will be able to fix it in a fue days. (With the world being difrent I don't want to accidently spread "counter fit" currency. But increasing the rare metal supply isn't a concern.) Julia is across the table from me. I introduce her and Alice. I ask if she was able to find the right spell she says did and found out how to cast it. I ask Alice if she could hide any magic lights. She nods and casts some spell it looks like and Julia casts the magic. I tell her that it is good and to keep playing with it see what she can do with it but later because a moment later hedge sits down.

As soon as everyone is seated I introduce everyone and give them phones that work in magical enviornments and acros worlds. Then I start going over everyone's problems. In more detail. And then I bring up how we were going to start solving the problems.

First off Julia you don't have acses to knolage and second hedge you are in debt to the red queen. We will be able to fix those 2 problems together. So here is the plan we will use those cell phones to cumuncate I will give you Julia some gold that should be able to be pawned at about 100 thousand give or take. You should do so divided up amongst the gold pawn shops in the city there look to be a fue. I will let you take care of that. Transfer the funds into this acount. The info for that acount is on your new phones.

While on my computer I was looking into the auction house that would sell the clock. I hacked the program and stated the clock as already sold and put the shiping adress to a new place i had just purchaced.

I also started to implement some of my programs that I had coded for if I ever made it back to my earth. So small apps on app stores and a vershion of world of worlds along with other non legal mess stuff. As well as a bunch of mall ware and a virus that compresed information while recording it and sending it back. I also sent out a ai that would "help" police catch the worst non invasively. I also set up a program that would moniter magic activity that was new but basicaly just a comand for ai to look for somthing difrent in footage. And an ai that was set to track and doseay magic activity. I also set up an ai that would compile magic we gathered organize and catalog it.

"So I have purchaced a building under hedge over here. For our work. What does your mom do for a living? Well it doest mater any more. She now runs the number one safe house in the city." I pick up my phone and dile her number. That my ai had already found. When she picks up I had set the caller ID as chicdee so she knew who it was. Once she picked up I told her where we were and that I had a job offer for her. Hedge was kinda upset but I cut the phone call off as soon as she herd her dauters voice.

I then ran down how everything was going to work. How Julia was going to be studying magic out side the school because she would be able to learn faster that way for a while untill the second semester when she would come to breakbills south with us for the training but she would be runing the "safe house" witch i explaind would be a start up company as a front. So she could tell her relatives that she got offered a position at a start up instead of somthing stupid like she was on Adderall. I told her that she could use her connections in the real world to push the non magical side of the busnius making it legit. While only hiring magicaly gifted staff or hedges. Of corse, I would give her projects such as the satlight project and resources to accomplish them, like some ai and math programs.