2 The Magishians

After a fue minuts hedges mom arrived. I told her to pull up a chair. Once she did, I filled her in on everything. She agreed to run the safe house. I gave her a new phone. I also told her Julia was in charge, but she would be the face.

That morning in the library, I had taken pictures of everything I could. I made sure to only photograph things in semi modern English. And I didn't spend much time doing so, only about half an hour. So it was like 10 or so books. I sent their phones the updated books that the ai had just finished reworking. Teling Julia and heges mom about the new books.

Once we were finished discussing things, we all got up and went to the new safe house. It was an abandoned office building. The relter was weighting for us with the paperwork and a key when we arrived. She asked hedge to sign the paperwork and handed hedge the key. Hedge was only told about the fact that everything was in her name and how I already paid for everything. she was pretty flustered on the way over that i had done that. Considering I had only told her on the way over. She took it pretty well.

Hedge handed me the key right after the realter left, which I handed to Julia. And said, "What... she is the only one amongst us who doesn't know how to use magic to unlock the Dore yet." The others suddenly relised that. We spent around an hour warding the place while hedges mom taut Julia some spells. I cloned her phone and gave her a new one.

While we were turing the building I had just purchased, I got a call from Mycofskie. I picked up and spoke in Russian to him. And I told him about Penny. He agreed to teach him to control his travelers' abilities. I also told him penny needed help blocking forced mental speech. He agreed. I also asked if he wanted some difrint liquor as well as his favorite brands. And said I would be by later and bring some Dwarven stuff. I also programmed Mycofskis number into Hedges moms phone on impulse and labeld him as the professor.

We went back to breakbills soon after, but I set up a way stone before leaving. I told Julia to study and said I would be back tomorrow, but she could call if she had any questions. I also asked hedges mom to help her and told her that she should move in and take one of the upper floors as an apartment. I also gave her funds to refurnish the place and hire some cleaners this time in silver as well as gold. About 10k worth.

I had published the games under Edens Gate and set it up, so hedge was the co-founder. The paper trail led to her and to the alterworld bank from witch she got the loan for the building the apps as clateral. In truth, I had already paid the loan off imidately, but the papertrail would say the profit generated by the apps was going directly to paying off the building loan and paying taxes and such.

I am an invisible partner. I also had ai setting up an identity for me and back dating soshil midia and stuff. With birth certificates and stuff, everything is as close to home as possible, so lies wouldn't be caught as easily setting me up, having worked at a Subway/Chipotle equivalent. Taxpayers and stuf backdated. It would be done by the next day.

When we got back to the school we went to our next class. I met up with Eliot as he came out of one of the buildings, and he was with Quintin. I said hi. The next class was taught by Dean fog. I talked with Penny just before everything and told him I would take him to his tutor after class.

After class, I spoke to Dean fog about training Penny. The Dean approved of the training and sanctioned it ofishialy. I also talked to him about getting the school updated to the modern age. I gave Fog a laptop and cell phone. I told him not to screw with the enchantments, but if he did, just to tell me and I would get him some new ones. Explaining how I had goten them to work withing the school.

I also had him accept my friend request in exchange as well as consult on a fue projects that we should probably run by him anyway before implementation as he is one of the fomost experts in magic. The first of which was teaching a small group battle magic in a bit. As well as having him anounce a manditory battle magic seminar for faclty dew to some insdent in the past. I also asked him if he knew any ways to protect against time stop magic and paralysis. And told him it may come in handy. Having mentioned to him that I was already aware of the time loop. Explaing away my meta knolage and magical skill threw other worldly travel and divination magic. Witch was totally true. it's just that the world I was from was not one he was aware of.

Then I left with Penny via portal spell. Threw a doorway. It led into Mycofskies office. In front of his desk. Mycofski was at his desk on the computer. I didn't turn around. Distinctive sounds were coming from his direction. And told him to put it away. For a bit. He knew we would be coming. He was like, "You could have called first." I was like, we spoke earlier. I picked up the portal stone from where it sat discarded on his desk and asked him what a good gate room would be so Penny could get here without disturbing him in his office every day. I also pulled out some bottles of Dwarven extra dry and some other slections. Along with some food. "Payment da." and put them on a table in the corner. "Just tell Penny, and he will bring more when you run out. Now he doesn't have much magical training, so nothing to unlearn."

I also explained about what little I knew about him and how he was more well-informed than he pretended but was also sometimes anoing when he didn't know something. I spoke only in rushin for most of this with the rushian auto translate and my time with Max in the Rushin cluster coming in handy. Explaning how I knew the language when asked. Telling him how I spent some time working with a bunch of rushins. I also asked if I would be needed to set up a permanent gate or if the portal Dore in his office worked both ways. It turns out the gate took a lot of resources to cast. So I took a fue minuts making a more permanent portal in one of the dorm rooms. I connected it to the closet in our dorm room back at the school. I linked it to a ward more this worlds style. Mycofskie watched he surprisingly wasn't drinking. I explained a little what I was doing in rushin and got Mycofskie to agree to a friend request buy telling him my quest and offering him to join it.

Once the portal was set up, I went threw. I messaged Jane and told her I was free to meet up. So we went to her office and then we went to dinner together. Over dinner, I told her about most things after I agreed to let her see the castle. This time, the kings chamber. We didn't really tuor much of the castle in those first fue hours. Though I did eventuly show her some of it, including the alcemy workshops one of the treshurys and the gardens. We talked most of the night about various aspects of magic. I told her about the Library and Neither Lands. And how it probably was like the world tree from norce mytholgy. And how there were sevral trees in a forest. And how her worlds Earth and Filory were just 2 in an infinite infinity of worlds. And I introduced her to my quest. And I told her my goal wasn't to kill the beast but render him low powerd or mundane. Because I knew he was Martian. Her brother. And I knew what Plubber was. And asked what round of time loops we were on. She said it was the 40th, so it was all good there. We also got into our respective ages. I found out I had de aged considerably on entry to the new world.

In the morning, we went our separate ways.

I went back to the library and found Alice there. She was looking up stuff to help her brother. So I told her to just catalog everything instead, and I had an ai that would go threw it and sort it so that we could go threw it digitally later. Besides, it would save us time in the long run. I mean, she should still be looking for the relvent texts but just catalog them and not spend the time reading through them just yet. So we started to work on them. It took a fue hours coffee was offerd and drank. And before we went to class, I puled out some munchies. We had gotten threw around 2 hundred texts.

When we got to class still a bit early, I told everyone what we were doing, and they agreed to help after the second class, and Penny agreed to catalog any books Micofski had. I showed them all how to acsess the library app on their new phones. And use it to upload. I downloaded their world's books and set them up in a category and put magic Books in another category and locked and hid books from elsewhere.

After class, I had Quinntin come with us to the safe house. He was kinda angst about Juliet. But I told him she normally was admitted to breakbills anyways according to Jane, and would be joining us in the fall or second semester at Breakbills.

They were all like what... and I was like, well, Jane told me. She likes to reset the timeline whenever things get too bad, like when beast kills everyone. But Julia has ben more useful and could progress faster, outside Breakbills. I had her show off all the spells she currently had and show her level. She could do all the spells she was given. I then showed them Micofskies' nail spell and gave them a better idea of what mastery looked like. And told them, that is what we were going for with all of the spells. I tell them basicly all of them would have ben able to do at least this much in a year except maby Julia because she would have done it in around 3 months without me but I wanted Julia up to level 100 by that time and the rest of them to at least 50 with a basic grounding in theory.

That means they would all be able to take on nerferd Marina in a dule. Also, a head start in battle magic and no bottled emotions that was cheating. Although that did remind me to ask for the bottled emotions trick. And confirmed my suspicion that it did was an emotion siphon spell that broke and simply returned the emotions syphond. So you could give something elce the botled emotional essence and it would break the syfon. Thus allowing your emotions to return to normal volume expreshion.

After Hedge went over the basics of battle magic. I explained my theory on magic. And how magic could potentially be divided and broken down into components and a sufishent mastery of a component will make one better at magic overall letting one do more with less. What is known as a disiplin only allows this efect to show vary strongly because certain sercmstances never change for an individual allowing for extremely fluid manipulation of vary spisific types of spells that rely on that sercmstances.

Such as photo/phospho-mancy for Alice, Julia's (magicknisis) the ability to find magic and parcel out magic theory Alice probly knows the real name. Quintins repair of small objects and hedge here's telekinetic fuckery. She blushed and punched me hard. Now this only means your internal unchanging sercmstance makes theas spells have the same patway and theirfor are made eisier for you. Like using a musle whenever you do the spell that musle group is used more often so it becomes stronger with less training because it is uncounchusly targeted. But with practice I know you can do any spell with the same grace. So if this is true. Then, if you learn the underlying spell for each principle, you could do basicly any type of magic with ease like that of your disaplin.

Do you know of hermetics? Alice surprised me and said yes. Well, do you know about the emrald tablet? As above, so below. She knods, resighting it from memory. My eyes opened a bit wider as she quoted the major part. Aparently, it was something her dad had her memorize when she was younger.

I also tell them that I know that magic in our world Earth is infact a leaky pipeline. And the gods could shut it all down and would do so if someone killed one. Filory was not only had just a leaky pipe or slight mist but an actual fountain and spring. Its air is also like .02% opium or something anyway it had opium in the air as well as an extra dose of magic. Q chimes in with some questions, and I tell them what I can about the place.

One of the reasons we were going to send satlights into space was to map the magic in the world and all the pipelines. To get a better overview of magic. I mean, it's like living in a city and not having seen a map of the place. Julia gives me a funny look. "Napolion, right?" Nodding my head, I continue.

Well, here is a book on Poper. I think we should start with theas exercises. So until we go back, I work threw Poper with Julia while the rest of them work on mastery of the nail spells. Tell them the movements are probably just the circumstances you can manipulate. The numeric is a simple way to call up a mental state. Alice is the first one to sugseade with only half the time elapsed. It really helped her, having ben able to do the spell the normal way and work your way up. Because even the others were starting to get the hang of it. Alice came over and worked with me and Juliet, corecting her form. Next came Hedge. I think she was jealous and Q had just finished the first half when it was time to leave. I talked to him about his slowness because I knew he would be feeling down about it. And told him the rest of us have ben doing magic for a few years, and this was what his third spell that he knew he corected me and said fith. No, this is the first spell you have begun to understand. And from this, you can hone all your future spells.

Julia has ben doing only this sort of thing since yesterday. I don't think she slept much last night because she was up most of the night practicing, and now she knows she can make it better to do it better without the pnash. I bet you she doesn't get much sleep tonight either. Going over and over each spell, she learned attempting to master them.

Alice she grew up in a magical family. So this is probably the hundredth spell she has done and is still the first one she has begun to actually understand. Besides, she is hela gifted. The only reason it probably took her so long is because she didn't sleep all night staying up all night in the library.

Hedge over there is similar but with fewer acses to spells before breakbills and more time. So give it some time and you will catch up to them. The thing you just did today was what 2nd semester students learn in breakbills south normally after months of practice.

What about you? He asks me.

I am different. I have a basic knolage of 250 different spells and mastery of 50 so far to the level you displayed. And I am more like a free trader before trading spell for spell, and let's leave it at that. Because once Alice catches up to this point, I intend to be far ahead. And if you keep at it, you will master it.

I suggest you treat it like your coin tricks, which is where I think you got your displin from anyway which is the repair of small objects. You sometimes do actual magic. So treat all spells like a trick you are trying to learn to do so well you could do it without thinking about it where just wanting to do it is enough. By the end, I knoted the girls were paying attention.

I realised I would probably have to get Jane to tudor me some time to stay ahead of these ones. thinking about Jane I wondered if she would be willing to join our extra circular activities.

During class, I spent time going through the cataloged books. I worked with a vi to create a spell binder. And created various categories for spells. I tried to arrange them by their difficulty, but that didn't work so well, so I arranged them by components. And complexity. Also, by displin. And type.

Once class was over, I spoke to Dean fog. And caught him up on what was going on and showed him the new app on his phone he was doing the holding the phone out at arms distance thing to see the thing so I pulled out a tablet and gave it to him telling him to use it instead. It had a case Dwarven make. Slim and not super grip. It was a bit easier to read with. He approved, and I gave him my bag around 12 tablets in it. and a simlar number of smart phones. I took a bag to class, well into class anyway.

I also told him that the tablets wouldn't work off campus unless used by him or any of my friends list. But the phones would be able to contact one another anywhere. There just may be a delay if they were on, say, difrint planets, or if time was flowing at a different rate. But you could see that time dilation baced on the ratio of the time in the chat. And if they were timetravling, you would see the date the phone was in relative to earth. Though this aspect hadn't ben tested, I was told that it would work.

I also told him to tell the faclty that if they took pictures of a spell book, the book would be added to the digital library. I also unlocked the spell binder for fog and micofskie. I said it would also only be unlocked for friends list. Though the normal texts on magic would be open to all. I also showed him how the in-app recording feature worked.

Once I left, I headed to the library. We met Eliot along the way. I had the rest go ahead. And I hung back with Eliot. Then, I put up some privacy spells. And told him what we were doing. I also told him that Quintin could use a friend. And that I know he was board. I mean, he had probably partied his way through everything interesting at Breakbills, and I knew was probly just beging to relise it. So what do you say do you want to go on a quest? I know Quintin is single right now, and this would be a good time to keep him to yourself. Alright then, accept this friend request. And here is a phone.

When we got to the library, we stayed like 2 hours talking and recording books. Everyone was getting hungry, so I suggested we stop for the night and have dinner. I said I din't know anywhere with a large enough table or even the space to put one. Hey Eliot, don't you like... run the cottage? If you have the space, I have the food. I am sure my cooking would amaze even you. Everyone but eliot were knoding and looking at me expetently. having already sampled my cooking with the things I had set up during training. You are just going to have to teach me to mix drinks. I only have experience with exotic and expensive ones. Not realy in mixing them unless you count my Alco cream floats.