2 The Magicians

Realy, you're bringing the food?

Ya, we could do bufe style if there is a party going already or family diner style or food in the kitchen and people and plates wherever elce. Or we could go formal. I am currently packed for dinner and probably have enough food to feed an army. Probly arm and armor them to. It's Probly not enough to take a castle with magic defenses, though.

The rest were giving me a funny look. That last part I had mutterd.

Ya, you never know when you may need to arm a bunch of pesents to fight off a demon army. Or slay a god. Don't slay a god if you can help it, by the way. Burcratic nightmare. Anyway, let's go. I am getting kinda hungry.

We arrived at the phisical kids' cottage, and they surprisingly didn't have a massive party going just like 5-6 people hanging around drinking. Margo greted Eliot at the Dore and said he was late or early. I introduced myself. I useing some of what I learned while dealing with politics in alterworld. And kissed her hand, saying that she must be the lovely Margo, your reputation presides you.

I reach behind my back and pull out some elven wine from my invintory to give to her. Now, if you can show me where to set up, Eliot and my friends are famished. I have had them slaving away in the library for over an hour with no food or drink. I fear they may revolt if this is not remidied soon. Just then, Quintens stumach gave an audible growl. Oh my, best hury before he disides we are more apitzing than food. I push her away towards what I presume to be the kitchen. Margo is full-on gigling at this point. Away from Q but more from the girl's who look like they want to stab Margo.

Margo leads me into the kitchen. Where I become a bit less dramatic. And start setting up food and plates while continuing my conversation with Margo. As she begins to control her giggles.

She asked me about my relationship with Eliot, and I said he was a friend. She gives me a dumb look. And I clarify and state he is what I want in a friend, not a lover. Besides, he is taken. She gives a snort. Ya, I know he does not even know yet. Way to suttle. So don't tell him. Just try and help it along the best you can. And don't try that kid he is like a baby bird. So what do you say, friend? You want to help get Eliot and Quintn together before the univirce fucks it up?

Just then, the girls come in they look like they want to kill they rush at Margo, who looks like a dear caught in the head lights. But she hapend to be standing at the plates and they croud her out of the way. To get at the food.

I pull her to the side. And she questions the food. And I said best to let the others go first. there is plenty where tat came from. Eliot comes in practclt draging Q for some reason. He is super red.

when they leave with their plates piled high each with a boul of rushian Salad, Man does that stuff go quick. I'm pretty sure Eliot took two.

The night goes on, and by the end of the night, Margo is trying to sleep with me, and hedge jumps in, and Alice kinda tipsy is like, "Not without me, you don't. And she pushes me down and kisses me, then pulls Margo in. And we spend the night in what I guse is Margo's bed. I had warded the room for privacy, and it got kinda loud.

In the morning, everyone is asleep. So I sneak downstairs and pull out breakfast, and put a Coffey machine on one of the counters. It looks metallic and brass. It is one of those larger ones, but it also has a screen with options for drinks. It only looks like a good-looking modern Coffey machine you would find at a high-end Coffey place. It is actually one of the most recent drink machines from Alterworld, with most of the kinks worked out. Built by me personally. I pre slect Hangover Cure and bring the girls up all breakfast. I leave a knote on the counter with instructions on the Coffey maker. It is pretty intuitive, but morning people are closer to animals than people sometimes. I pass Eliot on the way up and tell him about it. And the extra food.

I had to bring out a second bed to enlarge Margos as it was too small. They all wake up at different rates at the smell of food they quickly come to. I kiss each as I suggest next time we just use my room.

After everyone is awake we and refreshed we spend a bit longer together before class. Hedge asks for a change of clothes as she is missing a fue buttons. And I can't find her shorts or panties. At that statement, the others also blush as they aren't wearing anything at all. With the food they had aperntly forgotten about that not bothering to cover up in favor of eating. Chocolate pastries and Coffey are just that good.

I get up and have to move the beds around tankfully magic and stats, allowing them to not be distebed from their food. having moved the beds with them on them, I unlock the closet and say "Alright come with me." And the three naked girls drop what cloths they have managed to scrounge off the floor and follow me through the closet. The Dore is now leading to the castle.

This time, we come in at the female clothing section. Everything here was made post integration, or altterd, so it all had the perfect fit enchantments. One size fits all here, so go wild. Just make sure to remember to come to class. I told them their was a powder room over to the right. I left them I to it and adjusted time in the castle to flow a bit faster than earth. Three to one.

Once I left the castle, I went to find Dean fog. It looked like he was in the library, so I headed there.

When I got to the library, books and scrolls were flying off the shelves and lining up on tables with phones hovering above them, taking pictures at a rapid pace.

The dean came up to me and told me he was digitizing the library. He was in a pretty joyous mood. Saying my method would take too long. And he was going to have the second year's as well as third years learn the enchantments for working technology. He would be showing my class the first years when we had the basics of enchanting. After all, my method was so simple that anyone could do it if they knew how to enchant something.

I asked fog how well memories of past students were garded. And then asked what would happen if Marina scandal happened. Then I suggested that a more mundane security meshure would also be appropriate. And have a room where such a pashint could be taken. Slightly off sight perhaps.

As I was talking, I was looking to find what my mark had reacted to. It tuned out to be a scroll in sumarian detailing the first step on the quest for the truth of magic. The mark reacted to the scroll, and it changed magicly to say more. Giving a clue to how to find the next piece. The dean said he had seen a fue scroll like that over the years. I asked for more information and he gave me 10 more pices he had in his office. None of the ones he had were in order. I put them all in my invintory. He gave them to me in payment for the phones and to help me on my quest.

I headed to class afterward. On the way I met Jane, I talked with her and told her what I was up to and invited her to join my lunch project. She agreed, and we separated. I continued into class, and she went elsewhere.

While whating for the class to begin, I divided up the spells in the spell binder into a learning criculm. As well as set up a serch on shades, the underworld nifins, and such. When the girls came in, they looked good, each outfit keeping to their style and personality as well as playing to my tastes. Thankfully, they weren't late to class.

I set up the chat between the 3 of us. When penny came in, I asked about his studies. Q arrived just before class started he was very nearly late. I could see Eliot pass by the door not long after.

After class was over, Jane met us in the hall as well as Eliot and Margo. Eliot was just there to see Q but pretended Margo had dragged him there. I took us out through a portal to the office building. It was looking much better. Hedges mom told us she had a cleaning crew come threw, and now they were installing a refrigeration room for magical reagents as well as other things they were going to need. Julia wanted me to check over some of the busnius side of things. She looked like she knew what she was doing and I approved and made suggestions. And asked if she needed any resources. I asked her if it was eating too much into her practice time. She said she could handle it so far. But she was kind of irritated that she couldn't use her laptop in the office as it had kept gliching out.

So I set up a Coffey machine and some tables in the conference room we were using. As well as a server and some laptops. I set food on another some orderves and then start pulling out some furniture. The others are looking at me funny. I go, it's spashil magic. And unlock acses to their inventories. With a snap.

Julia blabs about the map she has, and the girls blab about the chat link. I go fine and unlock both. Limit the map so it only shows places they have ben to before. Nothing they haven't seen before. Levels stats and stuf are still locked. And no auto equips. I go oh and you can only Cary stuff you can actuly Cary the weight doesn't negate after that but you could enchant an object to be weightless and that might work. I don't know. I never tried it.

Then how do you always Cary so much?

I can just lift more than looks.

How much?

A car or so. If I could without breaking it. I saw some of the girls start to squirm at that. They asked what kind of spell let me do that. I told them it was my cooking and some alcemy. They got some profound looks at that. Some shake their heads in agreement.

I then started showing everyone the new criculm I set up with a projector. And we all got to work on the exercises for that day. Before we left, hedges mom pulled me aside and told me about how she had some new recruits. I gave Julia and her each a charm bracelet to increase their regeneration stat and magic defenses against offensive spells. And told Julia she could use the chat if anything went wrong. But to use the phones if we were in a nother time space. The phones ran thew the world of worlds server. Witch was located in the Supernova castle.

We went back for the next class. During witch, I worked on decoding the puzzle I found in the battle magic spellbook. After I decoded it, I wrote down the pixies' address. My programs scowering the internet, found several spells and would need to be looked over to disern the fake from true. It also found the spells imbeded with ilushion magic and those it saved separately.

I spent much of the class reading. I was most interested in magic of the 18 century.

Most of it had to do with fortune telling and demon summing. It had me get an ai to compile a magical creature book that I tied into the survey programs. It would separate all the knolage on magical creachers and sort as well as store it along with names and locations. I divided the information into acses privileges. I also went ahead and did the same thing for plants as well as items and components for spells.

Once class was over, I met up with Jane, and we went over to the pixies' house. I brought her a gift of poppies and some tea.

The meeting went grate she agreed to be my offensive magic tutor, and we had a threesom. Afterward, I went back to Breakbills and met up with Alice, and after finishing up the homework in under thirty minutes, we spent around an hour or so pushing the limits of what she could do. I encouraged her by out doing her, saying she would have to try harder and to stop worrying about leaving everyone behind because she was going to have to actuly try just so she could catch up to me. And that she didn't know show it yet, but julia would be doing what she could soon without any prompting.

After we went to the caslte. During pillow talk, I brought up her parents. And how I heard her dad was speshlised in historical magics and how the ancient Egyptians had this spell I to help the dead cross over that we would need. If we din't want to have to folow a dead person. So I made plans with her to go see him after class the next day. I told her I knew about their proclivities and suggested we bring Margo along to blunt them.

I was like we could bring Eliot to but that would mean Q as well. And then Hedge would feel left out. And you know how much of a tundere she is. Alice just nods in understanding.

In the morning, we had breakfast in bed and then took a shower together. Afterward we went to class. I contacted Margo and told her the plan and told her I would handle the gifts. I had an ai check the calendar and sent everyone information and a terminology guide as well as the cliff knotes for Latin and Greek.

I spent most of the class setting up a meeting for the next day with the hedge that played lusifers mom. And hacked the senitors email. I sent him an anonymous email, introducing a fue subjects with a bunch of information on each, including information on climate change, solar power, and an analysis on his farm bill.

When class was over, we all went to practice. This time, I ported Pixie in as a Tudor. And while everyone was working on spells, I set up some welters style spell zones. Just more squares. Then, I started to practice everything I was able to do without ingredients in each.

I found it didn't take that long for the 50, but doing the 100 others took a bit longer. But by the end, I was doing them rater fluidly. Everyone watched the first ten, but them Alice got the idea and started practicing as well. And soon, everyone else got back to work as well. Pixie gave me some pointers once I reached past 50. After most of us were magicly drained but I could see the progress we had made.

When we were ready to leave, hedges mom gave me the info on the new employees. Most were from the third safehouse. Apparently, they hadn't ben evicted yet. And the second safe house had a fue and marinas had one. I told her if she hired him, "only give him a mundane job at first. And trade spell for spell. If they have a vershion we don't have, that's fine, but don't get anything we already have. Also, I work on acquiring this company. If you can't, that's fine it might be owned by breakbills." I had tracked down that company that Micofskies x student worked at.

After the next class we all went to Alice's house. Her parents were not having a party. So around half the preparations we made were waisted. So Alice introduced everyone.

I asked if they had eaten yet. They said no, so I asked if they had ever tried tridishinal Greek or Egyptian quasine. I had brought an assortment and three recipe books. Along with a variety of alcohol. It had ben put in a basket and arranged artfully. I think in this world, the vintages would go for around a mill each because of the buffs, going by what hapend on alterworld earth. The books would have ben priceless here.

For me, they didn't cost anything. There was a bottle "form" each of us. Favorite drinks. They accepted my offer of food. And so we ate Roman style with Greek and Egyptian foods. They all had buffs according to the resipy weak buffs according to the alterworld, but the sidefects were slightly stronger. I also provided alcohol with the meal seprate from the ones in the basket.

During the meal, we discussed magic and history as well as some other stuff. After eating over drinks, we discussed their son. And how we would be able to fix him. And that the only thing bad about his condition was that he was missing his shade. Otherwise, his condition was almost preferable to some. I also explained what the sahade was, how it worked, where it resided, and my plans on retrieving it.

They didn't take the news as badly as they could have. They were drunk and buffed. I offered them some things they could do or help with. Like giving me acses to their private library, and I would give him acses to a tablet. I would also be able to keep them appraised of the spell work.

We left not long after I had finished downloading their books. Margo and Eliot seam pleased at having ben invited to the next party along with the rest of us. I had caught their giddy gossiping. Alice seemed a bit peved at it, but I gave her a squeeze and reassured her.

Once we get back to breakbills it's late and we go to the cottage and this time we go to my room. I have it conect to the bath and closet. We have a fun night. And we took a bath in the morning.