During the first class of the day, I set up that meeting with Lucie's mom. And replied to an email sent by the senitor. I also sent him some finger dexterity exercises along with more information and the assures to his questions on my critique to his bills and told him he was adopted and that I knew of his mother and knew his great grandfather on his fathers side as well as his ant.
After class we went and trained again. I worked on some new spells. Doing only ones that didn't require components and din't need subjects. I also helped the rest with their spell work.
We went back for the next class during which I sent plans on visiting the Plubers' house. After class, we all went to that irish pub with Jane. It was like a few hours later there, so we spent some time in the pub and going over the plan and discussing what to do. I hacked the security system using a laptop.
Penny had come because his training with Mycofski was done with the traveling aspect. I had stopped by and picked up Juliet along the way.
It was after hours when we broke in, and the goasts were active. I used a soul stone to trap the bitch as soon as she aperied. Then I asked the boy where he hid the button. And he showed me where his body was. He brought out the button. And gave it to me. And I put him in a soul stone and said I would bring him to elysium myself with his sister. Who I also put in a soul stone. With the goasts taken care of and the button secure we looted the library and then robed the place blind. We were with Jane, so... We left the safe open and the evidence out in the open.
When we left I set all the cameras to continue to loop but had the police called and hacked the police scanner with an ai that had all the police codes for the aria so that the police would show up with a bunch of reporters. Leaking a summary and research to the reporters so that they would be able to run a coherent story live.
Once we got back, I got a call that there had ben an attack on the safe house. That all the mundane employees had gotten mind wiped. That included all the contractors and secondary businesses. Thankfully, we had written contracts with everyone. But they all forgot Julia and hedges mom. Who had come with us to the pub.
After class instead of training that day we went to Marinas safe house and everyone got to watch as I knocked Marinas astral body out and put her body in a stasis spell while hedges mom took over the safehouse. I used a spell that i had learned in preparation for the pluber house and because of astral projection, making her visible.
While heges mom was handling that, I went with hedge and Julia to the west coast safehouse and set up a deal with them that led to group sex.
I set up a permit portal in her office to our safe house and improved the wards, and connected them. I went back and went to class with hedge afterward.
Later, I met up with the girls, and we had a study group that ended at the castle. We worked mostly on spells that had to do with information gathering. So, searching spells and seeing spells.
I spent an hour or so building a world for the plubers, the adults, not the children. Using my programming miricals perk. It would eventuly be a mini world that would generate resources that could be harvested by me. But for now, it would let her suffer what she made the kids suffer. It also had the other aspects programmed in, so I didn't later have to jump through hoops to implement them.
In the morning, I worked on building some golems. They were small creachers about the scale of Alice's horses. I was working on incorporating this worlds magic with my alterworld skills in golems. I also read Plubers' books on magic. I had a spell to speed read. I also had one for astral projection, lucid dreaming, and dreamwalking.
The girls were sleeping late, so I practiced dreamwalking while splitting my mind. Like Eliot did but with a dream and reality. I didn't interfere in their dreams, but a good half of them had ben having sex with me when I walked in on us. Margo was in class. Like the time penny insepted her. But instead of doing nothing, I took her out and danced with her for a while.
During class that day, I used the astral projection spell in my seat it took some getting used to it. I had gotten the teachers permission first. Alice asked what was up, and I told her. By the end of class, I had integrated my astral projection abilities with the spell and didn't need it anymore and could project at will, which I figured would be the first step to learning to travel. I figured it was like Jin state talked about in a book I had read when I was back on earth.
During practice that day, I worked with the team on astral projection. They got the hang of it before it was time to leave. I just taught them the spell to get out on their own and then kept pushing them out and pulling them back manuly and taught them to pay better attention to their bodies when out. We also agreed on who was going to the underworld by the end. Julia and Alice were going with me.
I found in the library a spell that would sumon to me discarded objects. During the next class, I modified the spell to sumon babby teath. I modified it into a tooth farrie spell that could be attached to an object like a jar. I got the dean to look it over. I enchanted the jar once we were out of class. I had Alice and Julia help. I explained what it was for and what dragon/gardian we were going to see. The jar would be filled with money or gold coins and replace the teeth with the money.
I did the original spell looking for truly lost baby teath and got a jar full of them. While We went to the dragon. When it saw me it could see my marks. And I made the introductions. I gave it an introductory gift of the jar with the teeth and then gave it the jar full of alterworld/earth gold coins in exchange for getting us to the underworld stamped with a tooth on oneside and my empires symbol on the other. When the other two fell over I was not affected and had to get out myself. But the other two were not so lucky. But they were able to get some awareness after a fue minuts. I projected myself, and she sent me along with them. I was able to keep awareness and listen to her talk to herself, then got up and proceeded to seduce a dragon as a dragon. She later transformed into a woman, and we had some fun.
In the under world we checked in at reception I introduced myself as a friend of the family and asked if crion had retired yet. Turns out he was basicly running the place. I asked if he could send a message to him "A frend of the family is here to see you. A man by the name of Alazarel."
After around ten minutes of weighting in the lobby, the bell hops saluted a well dresd guy in a smoke gray suit with a black tie. I got up and shook his hand as he came over to greet me. We talked, and I introduced the girls and told him why we were here. I also mentioned a few other things. We talked as we walked I filled him in on my plans and he said he would do what he could to help and that with most of the family gone we were the highest ranking there and what I was asking wouldn't be a problem.
The first thing we did was go to the library and got them to grant the three of us library cards. The process was expedited because Crion vouched for us but would still take a while to go through. I gave him a phone. And he accepted a friend request. Once we were done in the library, we went to elisum and got Alice's brother, and we also got Quintens shade from the other timeline where he became a nifin. Conected underworlds and all that. I put them both in soul stones. (While back on earth, I had taken the dragon back to the castle. She accepted my friend request, and I set up a gate to a room for her in the castle. I also had placed the bodies of Alice and Julia into my bed.)
I let crion in on my plan for the pluber kids. He had gone threw the entire trip with us. He asked about the ant, and I said she was taken care of as well. Since tecnicly they didn't cross over yet he didn't have jurisdiction over them. And told me as much. That was also why he traded the kids for the shades but said martin chose to rip out his shade and, when extracting it, damaged it. Before we left, I left him with a message for Persephone and Hadies about their grandson.
He said he could send mesges to them but never got any replies. I told him to think about the underworld more as a company than the kingdom it used to be and that they were probably just spending time away from work. And that they didn't abandon everyone they just trusted everyone to handle things.
Once we all got back, I spent some time with the girls "recovering" before working on the spell in a chat group with Mycofski and Fog. The goal was to unite the shade and the nifin without turning them back to human as well as connecting the new nifin/soul to a body. Fog asked me who Crion was because he had texted him. I told him. And suggested he invite him out for a drink.
I also got in contact with Beawolf free traders. And oferd them a job. I sent them an application and a rundown on the perks. I offered the sick a way to get new bodies and the guy a path to talk to his son. As well as meaningful jobs. I also sent Micofski Girls applications, both dauter and student. Along with Mycofskies email.
The next day was more training where I introduced Beawolf to the crew, and I started making them new bodies. I used what I learned to improve my golemancy with magic and the spells I found to build new bodies for this. I got the hot nurse to suply the materials by traiding some alterworld ingredients. The ones I was able to grow in a mana deprived environment.
After growing their new bodies, I formed astral teather to the second body for them with a spell. When one slept, the other could be awake. Or they could both be awake or all three theredicly could be functioning the astral body and both bodies. Aparently, that lead to headaches for them. So they stuck to just one or the other most of the time.
I texted Crion and got the dad speaking time with his son. I also get a hiring contract sent over from Crion with a nda in it and a future employment apon death switches to the underworld for the guy and an option for employment for the others with companies that have good relations with us that curently included the underworld but was open to other viable places if they wanted or their contract wasn't up yet. The contract was mostly about the non disclosure and use restrictions and only forced employment for the one guy it also gave him the option to transfer to the underworld branch sooner but he was still tied down by the contract and a no just outright killing the orignal body clause for the contract that went into some detail for everyone.
When asked about bringing his son back from the dead, I said the shades were able to be taken back because they still had souls back on earth. But his son was dead and had crosed over. So he fell under different jurisdictions. Difrent laws.
Once they sinned the contracts, I linked their bodies and gave the guy my phone to talk to his son. This connection was supervised by the Dean and Mycofskie as well as Chrion on a video conference call.
I gave them the spell curiculum we had ben working on to train with their new bodies as well as told them about the possibilities of the bodies.
Once training was over, it was back to class. Alice asks about the progress on the spell to fix her brother. Wondering what elce we needed since we now could create a body and had his shade. I say, "It's now a power issue fusing the nifin and shade because I don't have enough practice with soul magic, or a refined spell so I have to compensate with massive amounts of power. But I have a sulution for that just conect the spell to a batery. That way, it can use the power in the batery, and I don't burn out my chanels to quickly becoming a nifin." she makes a face at that.
We go to the safehouse and everyone works on creating magic bateries. I already have most of that math figured out and am able to add some alterworld ingredients to make the batery more efishient. I was able to get living metal as well from the hot nurce and traded mythral from my mine for it.
We just had to spend the day casting spells to do things then undo them mundainly it is good spell practice but hela boring. Eliot and Q already left, and Penny also dipped. About an hour in I suggest a more fun way. Sex magic. But then say the only sex spell I know of is a beacon spell. Then I say I learned it from a travler named James. Alice perks right up and says that she might know him.
Alice pulls out her phone so fast that she almost drops it. She is on the phone with her parents in moments, and not long after, we have some books on sex magic. I introduced James to Penny, who had gone to the bathroom, apparently. They talk while I record the books with an animation spell and fast shutter speed on my phone. And we leave Penny there and go back to making batteries while trying out the new spells.
The next day, during class, I got an email from the senitor asking to meet. I tell him shure and I book us a high class restont private dining. I invite his future first lady, and I rsvp Julia making it a double date.
During the class, I reserch what the government has on magic. And apparently, the president has always ben magicly capable. With Lincoln setting up the tolerance spells. And aria 51 housing some magical creachures. And DC having ben built as a magical ward. And the fed being gaurded by battle magishians.
After class we went and trained at lunch. I told Julia about the whole meeting with the senitor. asking if she would accompany me. She agreed. I also went to a long-term care facility and healed the one lady who was stuck in the chair when asked to hire her.
Once lunch was over, I went back for class. During witch, I went over the final calculations on the spell to stitch back the shade. We would be able to do so tonight. Once class was over, I informed the Dean of the plans and the timing. I also asked that he be there to observe. I stated that I was also bringing in Jane. And had asked the doctor during first. And told Fog it would probly not be appropriate to bring a large crowd because things could go wrong, that is why I had the doctor on stand by. The dragon just wanted to watch. And Jane was part of the team. The rest of the team would also be there. I would have them forming a prmiter with the anti glass shater spell. I would also have a body ready for him. An Advanced golem. I had learned a bit combining this worlds magic and my Golemancy, having experimented with the Free traders' bodies.
after class was over, I went on my date with Jules and met with the senitor. I helped Julia with her mental wards beforehand. It involved sex magic. Linking our minds and bodies to allow me to help her with her mental wards. I also gave her a buff potion. From Alterworld. Julia picked out some julry from alterworld made by me as well, and some clothing most of it post integration.
Once we got there. The senitor had some gaurds. I had booked a table on a private balcony. And had dinner and conversation. About secrets of government and magic. Then had Julia shows both he and his wife the spark spell from her fingers. I then showed both him and his wife the smoke ring enchantment.
Using a vape stick that contained only water. i enchanted my lips and blew a star tetrahedron. Then I told them that they both had magic. The wife's was that of a low hedge. It's not great, but she could probably do some spells. While the senitor was probably one of the strongest human mages on earth. I was able to get them to try the enchanted lips spell. Both were able to do it. They made smoke rings, and he made a shooting star threw the one his wife made.
We continued the conversation. And I had Julia stand up and cast the sparks again just with more force behind them. And had her cut a candle. I then told him the story of his parentage. Of how he was a demigod. Desended from the Greek goddes persephone. Threw her son.
Just then, there was a lightning storm, and Persephone showed up with Hadies. I gave her a hug and shook his hand, saying it had ben a while and not expecting to see him. I introduced everyone. And we continued diner. They both had a lot of questions. I asked Persephone and Hadies to bless them with some protection wards. I also gave everyone phones to keep in touch and sent them all friend requests.
I also asked them to check in with Crion and suggested not going to everyone in the underworld. I got how ruling could be suffocating, but dropping by or touching bace every now and then wouldn't hurt. I had already told Chrion he already had it handled and that they had probably just retired or moved up.
After saying goodbye and telling everyone to stay in touch as well as texting the address of the mom to Hadies. Telling him she had a hexinpaxa. I also told Persephone she had a good grandson and that it wouldn't hurt to show him to control his power. Better she do it than his father. And reminded her that her grate dauter-inlaw was fagile. We left they stayed we had another reunion to get to I envited Persephone to watch if she wanted as long as she dint make a sean and kept it on the dl. She said she might stop by but didn't make any promises.