2 The Magicians

I took Julia to the castle before returning to the school. She wanted to use the baths and do some reading in the library.

When I arrived at the school, Alice greeted me, and we set up the spell circle. I was using a four part sumoning circle. One for the summon that went around the fountian. Three were placed around the fountian for Fog Alice, and I gave us an extra layer of defense. The defense was basically meant to be against spirits, but I had improved it with some wards against energy. Between us and the fountian, three more circles had the battery, the soulstone with the shade in it, and the golem body. These were connected with lines also connected with the fountian. The outermost circle was not connected to the others but went around everything to isolate the proceedings from the outside world. There was also a dome sheild that went on top of this circle. The dome sheild was there to protect the observers and the rest of the school.

Once we were done setting up, which took around 30 minutes, I was using golems to draw it out because acuret circles were a must, we went to get Fog. Fog was in his office sharing a drink with Alice's parents. Fog had invited them. After greeting them and talking a bit, we went back to the fountian. The rest of our group showed up. Persephone had even showed up, but apparently, she was under some sort of glamor. I had all of the bystanders use the glass shator spell around the primiter. The spell would integrate into the dome sheild when cast. Everyone there added a drop of blood. To the mix so their magic wouldn't break the barrier.

Alice did the spell to sumon her brother at the place of his transformation. I had placed torches of true flame around the primiter for light because this was taking place at sunset. Twilight because of its significance. And because it's showy.

Alice made a bunch of the little horses. I had a bunch of marbles placed around the fountian. She made basicly a bunch of clord horses run around the fountain. They danced with inner light. While she sang, I relesed her brothers shade while she was at it, keeping it tethored to the stone like a philictory. And about a minute later, her brothers nifin showed up. I used the batery to fuse his nifin and shade and then create a teather to the new body. Nothing much changed except his shade disaperd, and the fire left most of his form, concentrating into his eyes, hair, and hands. And his skin gaining a silver shine from the dull gray it was. He didn't disaper into his body.

I turned to Alice and told her that he should be good now, but don't break the circle just yet. Try talking to him first. They were able to talk, and he seemed normal. So we stepped into the inner circle, and he didn't attack. They weren't able to touch each other, so I suggested he try out his new body he went in, got up, and I said he should be able to get out using anything like astral projection. And his body collapsed, and he came out. Thankfully, I caught his body. Before it fell into the fountian. Then he went back in. Standing up. Maybe lay or sit somewhere first before you do that next time. Your parents are also here.

So there was a family reunion and I took out some tables and chairs and such and we had food before everyone left the girls stayed with me and the rest scaterd.

We spent the next 20 minutes cleaning up and casting a fue banishment charms and attempting to seal up any holes we may have caused in the defenses. I touched base with Persephone when we finished asking if she had seen any problems. she looked it over and said we should be good. she faded away while the rest of the girls dragged me off to the castle.

In the morning, back to class, then training. During training I found that the clock had arrived. So we plan a week end trip to filory. To deal with the beast. By now, Julia had mastery of 10 spells, and Alice 8 and Julia could do 25 spells with proficiency. While Eliot and Margo were a bit better.

That training session I had ben working on counter meshures for time stop and paralysis. That thing the beast does.

I also had everyone attack me. I wasn't waring combat gear. Just some breakbills uniform patch that had a minor enchantment and a ring. And my shoes.

I came out fairly well. No real damage. Hedge did manage to cut my suit and leave a scratch. But I was able to push them all out of their bodies before they could do anything. The doctor tended to my scratch. Basicly, I just wiped the blood off and lectured me about trying to catch a force blade. Witch kinda worked. I just needed to ware some better Armor.

So I turned to going full wizard on my uniform. I spent the entire next class period coming up with designs and made it after class. I did so in the conference room of the office. Everyone came to see what I was doing, but they mostly worked on their own stuff or watched or both. Once I finished mine, I started on theirs. I was done in a few hours. I got suggestions from them on stiles and such for theirs. I used some ingredients from Alterworld as well as enchantments and fabrics from this world. Once I was done, we went to the castle to have fun. In the morning, we had class then a planning session and gave out new gear. Got maps and hashed out who was going to be the kings and queens.

I went with Eliot and Q as king Margo and Juliet as queens. I also had everyone brush up on their 90s trivia. And informed everyone of the current curse on the thrones. teling them if they wound up in the castle to not even go into the throne room without me and seal the room with royal seals and desgnate a nother room as a temporary throne room. I had Q and Julia take the kill Hitler path in. And informed them of the things they should probably do. Giving them payment for breading extra stones as well as some texts on blacksmithing.

We went to the next class. I informed fog. He was like, "This is a monumently bad idea." I was like,"I am taking a dragon and a doctor." And he was like, of corse you are, and you're probably sleeping with them too. Yup, and the dragon likes to cuddle after. Spit tacke... Ya, so ima go. See you when we get back. the plan is to be back by Monday. Oh, and if anyone ends up killing a god, they will shut off magic. So you should probably prepare for that because some are probably going to die within the next ten years. I placed a bag on his desk.

The doctor got me some living clay and living metal, and I got some more as thanks. You should have plenty to make some batteries. And if magic gets shut off, don't expect turning it back on to just fix things. So you should start preparing for the worst case. And on that knote, if everything goes tits up and we fail or disaper at some point and magic is still screwy, here are a copy of the filory books and the one written by Jane. There are 3 travlers that you could probably enlist... . Magic is controlled by plumbing. It is like a liquid pumped through the world and disperses into the air at junction boxes. One is in one of the classrooms. I am not shure witch. You should find that and start marking them. It would be good to know where your power box is.

There is a woman that's displin is finding things. She could find them in a snap. You should recruit her before someone else does. She lives in Madesdo. The main source of earth magic comes from Filory. The fount is found in the castle on the other side of the world. Castle dark spire. It holds the "beast," though, which is a twin primal god. Its twin was killed and used to make some of the newer gods. while it was disembodied and imprisoned. There is also a resivwar of magic under white spire that can only be acsesed by someone who loves Filory. Even an idelised vershion of it. I think it is just a flower that represents true love of anything, though. so you might try that if the love of filory doesn't work. It's basically a lock against psychopaths. But once unlocked stays unlocked. And be careful of traps. It might be curced or become curced.

Also, before I go, one of the members of the bord has farrie slaves. When I get back, I am going to find her and remove them from her control. And she and maybe her entire family may die.

Once I left, I went to the office building and met up with everyone. I asked if they all wanted to use the clock or go through the nither lands. Q and Julia had a speshil mission and had the time travle device. I pulled Julia aside and refreshed her on her role, and told her what to do. I gave her money for the purchase of the stones and the knolage of how to breed them.

The rest chose to use the clock, except for Penny. He wanted to use the button. I told him about its properties and how it would transport whoever was touching it and whatever they were attached to. He was like, "I don't travel unless I want to." And I told him that it probly wasn't traveling but spashil manipulation or planar shifting. Because it doesn't work like a travler 101 magic, it is like the next step past a group telport. Besides, there are a bunch of ass hats there that are like jipsies?

That led me into a long-winded explanation and questioning about the jipsies and the library. and mentioning how the nitherlands worked. and explaining that it was the way the missing class got there in the past.

So all but Julia and Q go threw the clock.

I take the dragon nifin pixie Eliot Margo Alice Jane Penny, the doctor, and the home room teacher threw the clock. We enter in a glade. I check my map and head for the nearest tavern to weigh for Julia and Quintn. The others are all kinda loopy. I am waring a poison resist ring, though. Everyone else is also waring gear I gave them. Our attire is simply more complex. Not dated. Q and Julia have some things as well. we spend the rest of the day hanging out in talking to the talking animals and stuff. I learned a bit about their economy and about the state of their technological advancement. They were pretty primitive, but they did have magical animals that basically did everything or a magical solution. But it didn't really push them past the midevil level of advancement. their smiting, however, was basically done by a vilage Smith. Q and Julia dint arive untill the next morning. We didn't sleep in the inn but I did rent a room.

Once Julia and Q arrive, I ask how it went. They tell me and lead the way to the blacksmis hut. Q gushes about everything. Jane and everyone kinda role their eyes at him vibe except Eliot, who looked like he found it endearing. We go to the black Smith and ask him for the knife and stones. I get the stones. The blacksmith does the testing for high kingship. Eliot bleeds. I stopped him from testing me. I have him test the wemen. All of them are cut. (I was not tested. I refused.)

I ask Eliot if he actually wants to be high king if it means basicly staying permently in filory, and He is put under an impotency curce with everyone except the person he maried. He declines while looking at the lady in question. And then I go to Q and ask him if he wants to be high king instead. He would just have to mary this girl. He almost instantly agrees.

I then then told Q to kneal, and by my authority, you may rule in the lands of filory as my chosen. May your rule bring prosperity and advancement to your people. Protect and hour them. And know that you rule under my authority Quintn Coldwater first of your Royal line. Now stand upright noble Quintin. And forget not your humility. For you were raised by the sword in time of need.

Then I had the Smith re-test him. He passed. We attended the wedding. Q maried Fen.

I stopped Penny from going off and finding the girl. I tell him I already know where she is. Telling him that if he went off now, the beast might just get two travlers instead of one and may be able to figure out how to extract your bloodlines and just run away.

For the wedding, I provided the food and drink, stating it was a royal wedding. And provided gifts. As well as gest things. Everyone who attended got health and stat improvements from potions and the food. I also provided the Smith with a bunch of resources and had Q give him the position of royal Smith. And provided some books on modern/magical smiting. The ones I had Q give his grandfather were on less modern techniques and some of the basics of magical foging apprentice level or so.

In the morning, I provided everyone with refreshments and food. And we set out for the wellspring. Inside the wellspring, I looted everything. And cleared space we din't have to wait long. The beast showed up, and I had most everyone cast that glass shater spell while I took care of him.

I didn't use the blade even though I had placed it in my invintory. I also had checked that I was the only one able to weild it. The dragon pixie nifin and doctor could. I could have used the blade or an admantine wepon from alterworld or, like, almost any other weapon from there. However, I didn't.

I used an astral push and knocked him out of his body. Only once it was time to stop playing around. I then took his soul and shoved it in a soul gem. And put it in my pocket. Then we went to the Dungeon. And kind of freed the travler. I just put a hand cuff bracelet that blocked her traveling abilities for a while with an enchanted bracelet. Kinda like half a handcuf. I also pushed Pluber out of his body and into a soul stone while I was down there. The doctor ruled it a heart attack. I also had her take the travler to the inn and nurse her back to health. That afternoon, we went to get the rulers crowned.

I had an interesting conversation with the grail knight and had him join me in the end. He could apparently see at least one of my achivments from Alterworld. I also refused the crown when he offered it to me. And told him how I chose Q to be high king. Eliot Margo and Julia. As the rulers.

They all assured the trivia, and I just looked it up.

I also pulled out a speaker and played some of the songs mentioned.

I was the one to crown them. Everyone from the wedding was there. I had them sware some oaths and stuff. And gave them all some magic stuff. I gave them things for the actual governance of the kingdom as well. Basicly, a fue from zero to pre-modern books on magickless worlds.

I also told them I was giving them new thrones. And told them that the ones the beast had curced in the castle, I was already having someone remove and destroy before they got back. And would provide the kingdom with some modern resources such as nitrogen baced fertilisers and some other things such as some alcohol. Then we all headed for whitespire.

I had the doctor prep the pashint for transport. I also hid some waypoints various places. As well as moved the bodies into castle storage in the crio chamber.

Once we arrived at whitespire, I had Q host a party. And I provided similar things to last time. I explored the castle while the rest partied. I had Q asighn me some people. The royal map maker and their royal adviser. I took some shavings of the walls and copied all the maps and books in the library, and added to the collection. I had the pickpocket taking knotes. I set up 3 gate locations. I also digtised all the records. I set up a program to sort all the information. Using spells, it didn't take that long. Maby a fue hours. During the cornation, I told q he would still have to attend classes. And gave each of the royals golems. As well as one for knife girl. Hers worked a little difrently though since she wasn't practiced at magic. I also updated Fog on the sugsesfull recovery of the travler girl. I hooked up my room up to my castle. And all the girls slept there with me.

I attended class the next day while the rest used golems to do so. Julia went back to work with hers. I sent her data on the next projects.Basicly transferring resources between worlds without upsetting eco systems. And seting up a portal network across our locations/nodes on earth backed by a mundane one.

During lunch, I met with the senitor with Hedge coming along with me. After class, I went with Penny and some others to the Nither lands. We captured the mages and took their stuff once they attacked us. I popped out their souls and stored them. I also put down some way stones.

We ran into Josh in the Netherlands and offered to take him home in return he works for me as gardener and sheff. I pack all his stuff. And give him a phone.

I then go and find an entrance to the library while most of the rest head back to the castle because a fue of them had eaten some of Josh's plants. josh just wants civilisation and is still interested in filory.

So it's just Penny and I left. apon entrence to the library I caution Penny to not break any of the library rules and be respectful of the books. he asks why, and I tell him that this is basically the biggest library in this branch of the univirce and houses all the magical knolage of several worlds. I met the librarian and mentioned Penny. Who was currently looking through books on magic. I ask her about my library card. We go to her office. She finds that it is still going to be about weeks for me to receive one relative to the branch I requested it from.

I ask about the Jipsies. She told me they used to work for the library until they started working for the beast. I told her that I took care of him and the Jipsies and how they attacked us and how I incpastated them. I offered her the books i looted from them. She starts flirting with me. I reciprocate. And we bang on her desk... Afterward I give her a phone. And have her acsept my friend request... We left. I told Penny that he could probably freelance for the library. I also set up a waystone in the library.