2 The Magicians

When we get back it is intime for class. I look over the information gathered in the nitherlands and sort through the new items. I have a nother digital map constructed. I use the compiled information so far to finish up the rated R Hell-world enough for habitation. After class, I stopped by the office and put the soul stones into their new worlds. I also trained and sent some resources to fix up the muntjack. As well as orders to gather a breading pair of golden beetles and some talking animal fruit. As well as other more unique renewable resources such as godnip. I plant the new plants in one of the green houses in the Supernova.

After the next class, I went back to Filory and helped with some tasks, and helped organize some of the modernization efforts. And I riged the Muntjack to fly.

I spent the next week on much of the same. By the end of it, Filory had a more stable government. The castle was repaired, and diplomats were working towards peaceful realtions with other countries to establish trade and gather resources and information. I also had Margo leading the talks and relations with the non human Inhabitants. I also had Alice find a bunch of spells that could turn humans into animals and reverse engineer them with Julia. They were able to break them down and figure out how they worked. We called it transformation magic.

During the weekend, I began to implement my plans to bring Umber back to filory. And get that key and freeing the Elves.

I went to Canada with the q clone, and we talked to the ram. Told him how the beast was dead. And how I wanted his help we were going to stage his comeback. He could return from stone or something once we unearth a statue of him. I told him we liked his world, but... he did the linguini thing. I told him that caos wasn't the problem it was the monotony and showed him some fractals as well as did an infinite analogy. I also drew him a world. It was a single square. Then I told him his world was great like this world it was in perfect order. Then I added a circle to it that was in perfect perportion to it. And told him that was what his brother was to him. He allowed him to think outside the box. Then we planned how to make his aperince. Once I took out the linguini, I had josh prepare with the godnip. He agreed to come back, give me the pocket world, and join my friends list. So I headed back to Breakbills with the pocket world in my pocket.

Once, I had colected fog and Penny we went to free the elves. I put the elves under my rule in exchange for their freedom. I was also able to remove the bindings with the master key from Alterworld. once the elves were free, they took their revenge. The woman beged for her life, I put a magic nagater on her and had her sware simlar oaths to the elves except non multigenratinaly. and she joined my friends list.

I also had her hand over her supply. I transported the elves into the pocket world. Before I transferred everything, I had an underground hatching cavern made.

I spent the next week prepping for the rams return. While attending classes. I also had Elliot and Margo take the muntjack out to find the red head. and the other key. Margo made the muntjack her personal ship. I set up a portal inside of it. To whitespire and linked it with an emergency powersource. I also did some modifications to the ship. I named it Jacalin. I also used some alterworld stuff on it. And gave the controle amulet to Margo.

There was a magic fizzle during this time, but everything important was on backup batteries, and the farmers and such were starting to transfer to mundane methods to improve crop production. Fertliser from Earth and composting. As well as forest improvement programs. I went to see the dryads along with Julia Alice Eliot and Quintn. Eliot had heard about our trip over breakfast and wanted to come. Margo had already gotten with Josh on my prompting and insight through my cupid perk. We were only together that one night, and mostly she was into what was under Alice's sweter. So Josh had taken to delivering her breakfast persnoly after having made evryone elce breakfast. I nagosheated good relations as well as a road building project and sustainable harvesting. As well as a transplantation effort for a secondary Grove. to alleviate extinction consernes.

Meanwhile, on Earth, the free traders worked out how to launch the satlights undetected with bateries. So now we started a space defense operation. As well as the maping of magic in space and planet side.

I got the map maker to come over to earth for Tharapy and to work on the mapping project. I also got him a map table. When he was at Breakbills South, he took a test to see how magical he was. Micofskis idea was that he was found to be talented enough to be accepted into breakbills barely. He was a knolage based displin cartography. and that's why Micofski had him tested. Because he watched the guy draw a map.

Once we were ready to reintroduce the rams, we held a sarmony and unveiled a petrified statue of the ram. With a sheperds staf in its hand. Once we took out the cakes and lit the insence, the other one showed up, and as we were talking, the statue started to move. And came to life. I had used an alterworld spell that would whare off. It had a timer on it. Once he came too, I stepped back and let them bicker. They buted heads. It escalated until I intervened before they broke something important. I also remberd alterworld protocol for gods remnets. I had Ember storm off and leave. According to plan. When he left, his brother stayed, and I gave him a rag to wipe the blood and sweat off.

Once he left, things got back to normal. Margo found the 2 keys. I kept the hidden truth key on me as well as the shadow self key. Had everyone else passed the ilushion one around. I had them look at it like a training aid. Where battle magic requires serenity of mind, the rest of the magics requires one to master other secmstance. So I held the shadow self key and the truth key. As I continued to practice. I held the 2 against my skin on an Alterworld made necklace called the key chain. It was made spisificly for the keys and would allow faster training to the skills the keys trained along with an evaluation of how effective the training with the keys was.

During the next week, I spend my time hunting the questing beast. I don't shoot her. I just catch her. I sneak up on her with stealth and watch her for a bit. She master bates in the forest, apparently. I sneak up on her and grope her from behind. I tell her I have caught her and now she has to give me what I want. But first, I would give her what she wants. I asked her to join my friends list. She agrees. I give her a disguise enchantment.

I have Penny out maping the Nitherlands at night. He and the other travler have apparently gotten together, bonding over the last couple of weeks. I turned off the travle restrictions on the bracelet, and now it functions as a waystone and network node. Alowing her acses to some locations via waystone. Penny has a similar one. they are able to travel to each other.

By then, I had received my library card. And had gotten the travler girl to go to the library and record books on magic. The first thing I have her look for is magic that uses something other than the hands to cast. She finds casting with the toes, sphincter, abdominal, and fashal muscles. Then she just looks for books on magic, starting with what she is interested in. Recording everything updating my library. I also ben back to the library twice. Once to learn speed reading from the librarian and install a recorded for the copy machine. The second time was just to donate copies of all the books from the castle.

Everything she records is compiled by Ai. I also have her finding maps and guides on the fountians. I visit the library to have fun, mostly on weekends. And while I was at the library, I hacked what technology they had and set up some golems to record books that were open. They were mini stealth dragons. They were programmed to protect the books and library they function on a hive mind. They would record and proses opend books. They were about the size of the dragonfly. I used them to get a message to Nick. He agreed to join my friends list, and I helped him escape.

In the Nitherlands, I sent up and launched a satlight network. While Penny did things on the ground. I had him looting jipsy baces and fountain spitlunking. Once he found the poison room, I broke in and launched a bunch of drones down to record the books. And take readings. The books from there I locked behind a firewall and the spisific information as well, though the fundamental principles were left open for the most part.

I also practiced the other forms of magic. Using what I learned from casting, I was able to use the natural magic Matin used without the extra finger. After learning to cast like this, I realised that it was possible to cast without using your hands or body parts and could be done with the will alone. I also learned several new languages, including binary. It helped that I had amazing memories and a fue mental and learning perks. I also learned to speed read from the librarian. I enlisted her in my quest. She had some pices that the library had collected over the years. By the time we all headed to Breakbills South, I had 4 of the 7 keys. (We had found Q was able to leave filory if he went with his wife. So Eliot and he went to get the Time key they got married when they did. Qs' wife stopped them before they entered the portal and took them back to filory. Baced on a note that came to her while stating in the cotage. Apparently mailed to her by Jane when she was younger before she went to Breakbills enchanted by Eliot to find her at the right time. Apparently, they had finished the mural much sooner than before because they had time to play around with the time key but had aperntly desided to stay? Their memories weren't very clear on that, apparently, maybe Ember or Umber intervined. During a diplomacy banquet, they got back their memories, and apparently, their marriage got reenstated. And the laws of Filory also bound them. The Rams made sure of it. Eliot was super Tsundere about it. He had just met a foreign king. he did git over it mostly when his grand kids showed up. I suggested he give them roles something so that they would be able to work closely. They established schools and orfinages. They had adopted several kids and had 30 grand kids that were mostly adults with kids.

This time, there wasn't a political wedding. Any overt problems the kingdoms were having I tended to solve before they became an ishue.

We opted not to fly to Breakbills South. By shifting back to humans using Alterworld skills after and dispelled the girls and Penny. Q didn't change because he was a golem. And Fog had enrolled Julia after a mock exam. Everyone knew what the spell would do when cast dew to having practiced shape shifting magic some when I had them do so for Florian poltics.

By the way, we also had a wedding between the sloth and that guy. They both had shape shifting magic talasmans now. Witch, I had enchanted.

Julia was level 110, and I had mastery of all my 250 spells as well as a fue more and was working on casting on willpower alone. I could do some things with that. Hedge was 81 Alice 95, and Quintn 51 penny was 45. I transported our group directly to breakbils south with a portal. Mycofskie was dating hedges mom, and she visited with him at breakbils south sometimes. He wasn't so much of an ass. As he was in the show. We learned some new spells and actual spell theory instead of just the foundations of magic. There were more students at breakbills south than just my group, but we practiced separately, though they already pofishent at the basic nail spell.

When Micofski spelled our mouths shut that first day after everyone had used the numeric to cast the spell because I guess it was habit. Though our group did it to not reveal our skill, we didn't really show off amongst the other students. Evryone just did the skill again. After Micofski made an anoing comment, Penny raised his hand, and when Micofski asked him what it was, he refenced his inability to speak. Penny responded with no, I just figured you din't want us to. my question was why you didn't just ask us to do it without the numeric. Then Penny does it with his fashil mussels. Wriggling his eyebrows at him and lifting the nails in a question mark, having renched sevral out of the table before slaming them back in in front of himself. It was funny. Micofski asks them how many of you are no longer under the silence spell. My group all raised their hand except me. After a moment of him staring at me, he looks away. I think that I might have lipstick or something left over from the mornings fun. and rub my ear. My fingers do come away with some.

After learning, we were more advanced than he had thought. Went through some magic exercises, Micofski gave us to reasess our current levels. This took several hours.

Once we broke for what I guessed to be the evening meal, I am positive we skipped lunch. My group complains about the food. Micofski agrees with them and basically gives them permission to do better if they could. They look at me expectantly. Hedge even licking her lips. While I think I hear Alices stomack audibly growl. Visibly ignoring that I use magic to clear all their plates from the table and set some it with new ones and place new dishes from my inventory, still hot or cold from my inventory on the table. A boul of rushian Salad in front of Micofski. Whell, what is everyone staring at dig in. I also provided drinks as well. It was about five minutes before Micofski spoke. While he was on his second plate of Russian salad.

Why didn't you say you also removed the spell.

Oh, because I was never under the silence spell. and I can no longer be under something I was never under to begin with. Continuing the conversation, we discussed how my group and I became so good.

During the next few days, we built a rather large welters field. With Micofski putting his own twist on it. Basicaly, he made it so that we wouldn't know the cecmstances we were casting in and had to figure them out. We also started magicaly duleing. It's more like magical snowball fighting. But with constantly shifting sercmstances. The spells were also a modified version of battle magic requiring greater than normal internal cecmstance control without the lethality.

we also raced bugs through a welters feild obstical corce.

Before, at Breakbills, it was mostly just learning to cast old spells or understand how they worked and what cercmstances alowed for the best conditions to cast them. Now, we were learning to cast free form to a degree as well as stripping spells to the barebones. Learning to cast them in unfavorable cercmstance and without the fluff of ingredients. Where before it was the substitution of ingedents and creating the best conditions.

The final test was a race to the north pole. I beat everyone there. I basically circumvented the race by flying. There were way points, and the course was basically a gigantic welters field. During a snowstorm. You had to tag several beacons on the way as otherwise I would have even beat Micofski. I had opened a gate to the finish line and set up a camp even before Micofski arrived. Apparently, he wasn't going to weigh at the finish line in a bizard. He had set up the waypoints to tell him when someone had gathered all but one because that's when I saw him arrive at the finish line.

Dew to anti telpotation set up mucking with spashil corninince Penny din't have an overwhelming advantage. Penny was frustrated at this and stuck around for a month after the rest of us left. Learning to overcome spashil quardnate disruption like that. The space wasn't folded, telports would just go randomly off to outside the finish zone by the same radi the school was from it. i had used that knolage in the portal spell. Hedge came in second with Julia third, and Alice was not far behind. I won in about 20 minutes while I had to weigh several hours for Hedge a nother for Julia and 10 minutes for Alice. Apparently, the girls had missed a marker and had to backtrack.

After the race, we celebrated. Micofski gave me the pices of the quest he had. I cooked. Most everyone got really drunk. We had a large chaotic snowball fight that devolved into a battle magic fight with the modified spells. Micofski even joined. After we had more drinks around a fire.

When we got back from Breakbills after the party the senitor contacted me. Ranard, the fox, had shown up. The first time, I was able to catch up with him within a few days, and we fought. After about a 30-minute fight where I spent most of the time bleading him, he ran away. I managed to cut off a fue of his fingers and remove the use of his right eye. I also did a bit more mutilation. I collected and stored all the blood and remains. placing them in stasis.

The second time, it took me almost a month to track him down. Once I did, I was able to trap him with the help of Persephone. The way he got out of his prison was the same as before, apparently. Someone had tried to contact our lady underground. Persephone removed his divinity as a punishment again. This time, she gave it to the senitors wife. Making her the equivlent of her husband.

In order to trap him this time, I had the girls' help with the sumoning. When he was sumond, our lady was there with his father, son, and victim. When the king and queen of the underworld asked what I thought his punishment should be. I told them I thought he should be stripped of his power, made mortal and for his power be striped, and used to raise new gods.

After having taken care of the fox, I got back to searching for the keys. In searching for the next key, we found it in the piano in the secondary demon dimension of the phisical cottage. Where I envied the demon to stay after we got the key.

Again, Josh had gotten stuck in it while we were in Breakbills South. He had only ben there for around a month. He was content there. The major reason we didn't realize it was because everyone was in Filory or Breakbills south.

Everyone was keeping in contact. And we knew about the party. Dew to his posts. Margo had joined him around a week in. I kinda figured where he was because when we got back, the place was empty. while we were still in contact with them. Posting pictures of the party even going so far as live streaming with us while they were in the same room but not. Margo had aparntly had to explore a bit to get in. We hopped right over, though, because Margo just told us how. Once we got the key we left, they were kinda partied out. and wanted some time alone. I told the demon he could just hang out on the other side of the phisical kids cottage if he told me where Promithius was buried. I then went and dug up the corps of a god. It was pristine. No soul, though. I healed the body and attached the soul, and put him in cold storage.

Next, I tracked down Colipy. When I found her company I sent in an aplcation. I used my previous games I had launched as a reference. I got an email for an interview almost imidately. The interview was with one of Colipies Nyads. I was able to see her status with my User Game Interface. Once I called her out on this, I revealed why I was here. I got the whole story from Coliopy. The whole knight and dawter thing was somewhat baced on her own story.

The castle was built where this univirces Promithus was originally chainded. I told her I had found his soul in another world. And I reunited Promithuses soul that I had goten from Alterworld with his body after I had heald it with parts of everything I had learned. I opened a portal to the cronochamber that I had used to store the body while I revived him. It was built inside the Muntjack. When I had Coliopy with me to witness his revival, I finilised his awakning. Once Promithius was awake, I asked them to accept my friend request, and Promithus did. I had ben able to talk to him while he was in the crystal. I had also given Clipso the same request. She only acsepted after they had reunited.

Promithus also gave me his "mark"as well as the equivalent rank of high preist. I also gave him some artifacts and stuff from Alterworld. He remberd me, apparently. Well, my soul anyway from a past incarnation as man. Like in that one dream. I asked him to see if he could track down the others then, like Hermès. With his body restored ,he went to Greece and did some miraculous signs. He started a following on Twitter and other soshil media. This apparently gave him mana as well as faith.

Once I got back to Breakbills, I went with Jane through the clock to visit the other timeliness. Jane had some protections against time radiation. Though I didn't give any off. So we went through timelines fixing things. Jane had already reset stuff before the points we transported to. I got some non-renewable resources like keys and drained the resivars in Filory while I was over there. Because I already had quadrants for portal spells, I was able to do so quite quickly. I had time beforehand to plan what I was going to take, and not much could stop me that would actually bother me. When I returned, I had a lot of backup keys and a massive amount of magic reserves. I gave one of each duplicate that I found to promithius 6 in total. I also knabed several souls while I was over there. Put them all on the servers in appropriate worlds. Either a version of filory, a H world, or a world of worlds server.

I took over several of the elven versions of Filory. It was fun. They fought us once. Another time, I helped them take over Filory proper. The other times, I opted for diplomacy. I help them free their brethren back on earth, and they give me the key.

This key allowed for qwaprtive magics. The elves had used it and their enharent magical nature to power a half world spell. It kindof was a dimentinal shift spell that put them out of faze with reality. It was what they normally did to hide from everyone but juiced up to 11. I also was able to find more of the future sight keys by having Alice tell me where she found it once. It wasn't always there, but I found it most of the time. I used a locator beacon spell on our dimentinal key and had a travler that we recruit take us to it. Normally, we could get Penny that girl from the Dungeon or Librarians dauter to help with bribes. Freeing them or the general quest to kill the beast or flash drive of books. Once or twice, the library was ransacked, and I went to the poison room as well as looting the library.

When I got back, I used what I learned to have the Queen of the elves give me the key and move to the cube pocket world. And also grabed this worlds key. Margo also got a new eye because Ember was being wimsical and removed it. Umber gave her an elven one, though he made it better, apparently? Told her it would be more compadible with her and wouldn't give her a headake. Margo told me I looked really bright and strange.

I spent most of my time exploring worlds for my quest and learning magic and collecting resources. We stole the world seed. I completed the quest at about the 5 year mark. And had to stop the library from fucking everything over but dew to prep and a fue people on the inside it was easy.

One of the higher ups wanted to become a god and found out how others had done it in the past, so he unleashed the beast. So Magic was shut off when the beast was relesed by a librarian trying to become a god, and he killed one of the librarians. I stopped the beast by projecting into his mind and catching all the things in there. Then trapping him. I used a mind walking spell. One of the librarian gods was killed. Once the plumber came to shut off magic, I spoke to him in binary. I had almost completed the quest at this point and was transported to the head office and told them about the state of things. And they asked me to collect the pices myself and return them and they would strip the power from them and put it into new vesles of my choice. And turn back on magic. When I tracked all of them down, which took another year, they gave a small portion to all my friends. After they reconstructed the beast and his sister nerfing thier power aparently seting them as reincarnating entities. They would slowly regain their powers while they were temporarily reduced in power. I took the pices of divinity without killing the hosts, btw. It reduced their power. It's similar as making three keys. We had another 3 years. So we spent the time gathering resources and building pocket worlds and game worlds. While I was combining my new knowledge with skills from Alterworld.

As the reward for completing the quest, I was taught how to create magishians. The process drained a keys worth of magic. While it didn't give a demigods worth of magic, it did give a person inherent magic. While they didn't have acses to a magical source, they wouldn't be very powerful about a lv 50 hedge. But they wouldn't need access to external magic. The process could be repeated, though. Otherwise, the magic could grow with practice.

I had gaterd sevral resource over the years. And preped for the next world. I drained and refilled the resivwar a few times. And I moved breakbills south to the nitherlands. Micofski and family are attached.

In Filory, Q had some kids with Fen, and they adopted Frey. Sky became a fairy queen in the cube world. Filory had an embassy there. Had done some renovating. I also put Filory in a similar pocket dimension and was able to store it and the new world the same way. It was kind of in a snow globe it was actually in a pocket dimension that was acsesd by the snow globe. The snowglobe showed an acuret projection of the world. The new demigods became skilled magishians and would just have to grow their power again.

At about the 7 yr mark, I started the mass integration of people from alterworld and Alternative Earth.

I had introduced the girls to the rest of my lands. And we spent the rest of the time integrating the systems together and getting them up to speed. I also saved the world seed.

I used my knolage of magic to create a new world game I called filory and further. I got calipsos company to publish it, with janes written permishion, and run it. It integrated Alterworld and Filory elements. It had vr reality compatibility. I also gave the newest tech for them to use. Mages controlled the gov. So, there is no integration phiasco. After 2.75 years, the game was shut down and replaced with a normal one. Ofishily, it was because there was a bug that would put people into comas. Once confirmed perma they were introduced to a new expansion. We had about 100m players. At the time. With sevral k going perma. And the world was perma. It had an abandond earth post apocliptic and filory as well as some other worlds. Earth din't have any humans anymore but did have waherwolves and vampires and magic creatures. I had calipsos company manage the games. I also bought out a major share of the company.

Some things that weren't mentioned earlier, Dean Fog went to Madesto. He recruited and taught the finder. I put the evil librarian god of war in an H world with his power striped.

The key from Elves alowed hive mind and a connection for quaprtive magic.

The key from demon allowed dimension creation. Elves could just slip between dimensions normally and hive mind alowed for quaptive magic on large scale, allowing them to shift farther. Key acted as training aid. Grew affinity for that type of magic. The Queen of the Elves was queen because her magic reserves were so high because of key incresing her magic reserves with practice as well as deal magic. They weren't able to talk with the earth faries because of anti magic collar. The elf Queen killed the other tribes king. The one who made a deal for colars. The oldest elf.