On our way to the capital, Haven, we stop by halfway inn to sleep for the night. It was about an hour into the journey. And it would be sundown soon. Our party opts not to stay in the inn, but we do rent out the front yard and a place for the horses. I had given Kellan some beet juice to drink. So that they could now speak like our horses.
The girls all get Savill to join them in the bath. As well as insisting that she stay in the carage instead of the inn. Saying that, it just wouldn't do for her to stay in the inn alone while there was plenty of space in the carage.
While the girls were soaking in the baths, Josh was cooking dinner. I helped him out. The horses all went to look at the stables and invited Kellan to join them as well. They had a sprate section of the carage. Spashil enchantments are amazing.
I did, however, end up putting some better feed for the animals in the barn. Not the beet juice but some general wellness potions and standard alterworld stuff. I also scater some of the basic ingredients from alterworld for health and mana potions.
We have a sort of barbecue for dinner. And envite everyone from the inn out. We suply the drinks, and Eliot gives the innkeeper some really good drinks as a gift after he samples theirs.
In the morning, during breakfast and coffee, Josh trades produce and ingredients. The inn had a henn house, and Josh prefers to cook with farm fresh ingredients. We also introduced everyone to Coffey. They had an equivlent. But it wasn't as refined. I left a drink machine at the inn that ran on solar power and mana.
Right after I woke up, I began my new stretches and workouts found in the sleepgiver Talisman. It included a kind of hatha yoga stretching routine as well as a bunch of catas and wepons exercises. I was up before sunrise. I need little sleep thanks to my alterworld stats. I was able to do the beginner exercises, though they almost immediately started to push my body. Showing visible stat improvements threw the system.
After breakfast, we were on the road again. This time, I rode my personal mount from Alterworld, Midnight. He was a stallion from a quest. I did a rare drop from a boss. He was the color of his name sake and had what appeared to be stars in his coat. He stood taller than the other horses by at least a foot. And he was of comparable level to me.
He was able to talk audibly since filory, but I din't spend much time with him since Alterworld not many wars that I din't just magicly fly into. He was a war horce after all.
But now that I was not just telporting about, I figured he would enjoy the trip. And he agreed while complaining about how the Filory horses are a bunch of gossip.
Once we were on the road again, I spent the time talking to the horses. We were the only ones outside the caradge after all. I thought it would be funny and asked Kellan about vanyell ashkevron. I asked if they knew the last harald mage. When they said no, I acted surprised, but then surely they must know the demons bane. When they still sounded confused, I then said surly, you must know the greatest bard in all the land." They said yes, and I went to the shadow stalker when they were about to mention someone.
When they said that they didn't, I proseded to tell the story of the shadow stalker. Near the middle of the story, Eliot came and sat out on the coachman seat. I qued Eliot in on it with the chat. Saying that it should be fine because we were going to mess the timeline up anyway. And that they had proficy here anyway. Afterward, Kellan said they had never heard of that before.
So once I was done, Eliot asked if they had heard of the deomons bane. And then proseded to tell of the last hareld mage. Soon after he started, Q came out and sat with him. Eliot was a much better storyteller.
Once he was done, Kellan said that he had never heard of the last hareld mage, but he did know the kingdoms, and Rondall was the king curently. I was like, "That's weird. You don't know Vanyell Ashkevron. Well you are a horce you probly don't care much about human affairs." All our horces nod at that and mutter their agements. "Perhaps you know his companion, Yfandes."
The horce stopped, and we almost hit it. Apparently, Kellan did know both Van and Yfandes. And was flabbergasted. Because they had just come from the kids' estate. And he was no more than a dandy.
I was kind of glad that he was still at forest reach. I was like ya he is quiet... I believe you call it phey? The horce skipped a step. And was like yap that explains a lot. It was a few days to the capital. We spent the time mostly in the coach. The horces even spent some time inside with someone driving, when they did. We made really good time according to Savill.
We still went through the capital very close to sundown. Savill had sent word ahead, so we were given guest acomdations. But most of my companions opted to stay in the coach as some had already gone to bed. I, however, did get looked at by one of their healers that night, and our doctor did come with me to check out their facilities. She deemed them dated. Extremely.
I mean, the entire city did not smell nice. Think mid evil city. Like filory, but without all the magic, does that bs. Before the magic was unreliable. They did know about germs and such, though the plalace was maticulusly clean, just no real indore plumbing. So I spend most of the night with the healers and get a few hours of sleep in the guest acomdations.
When I wake wake, I throw my morning routine, and near the end, a page comes with an invitation for me and the rest of my party to have breakfast with the king, Randall. The topics of conversation are mostly on food and going over the fight with the wersa. We stear clear of political manuvring untill we are in the gardens afterward. Enjoying Coffey and cava, I drink what they are having while some of them opt for what Josh serves. He has brought everyone their personal coffee and some decaf for valdamarians. Exsept Savill who is rather adventurous and acsepts the whatever Josh offered her. In negotiations, several points are brought up on what we want.
Trade of information so schooling for mages and talented. Basically, it is a forin exchange program. Laws against star crossed bull shit where lifebonded are forced apart because of some stupid reason. The treaty helps enforcement and mutual encouragement of lifebonded partnerships when reasonable 2 major ones being tylindale love triangle and the Kings bull shit no marige with healer chick. (I could actualy see the life bond of the king and his healer and when I asked Promithius he told me it was dew to my cupid "achevment" interacting with the laws of the world.) If we couldn't do that then what was the use of the encurgment of lifebonds being put in. We figured we could interfere with tilindales' family drama without whipeing the second noble house out.
And we figured if the treaty hinging on their king marrying his life bonded was a sticking point, then were they even worth it. We also made some trade deals with the intent to introduce some magical plants and get some new veriety.
We also have me as one of the exchange students along with Alice and hedge and Julia. While the twin apprentices of Savill go to breakbills. Along with some of the other aprentices and healers. Of course, the negotiations took a few weeks. But that away enough time for the weakest of the debuffs to disaper. Including the ones on Q's kids.
During the next few weeks, I was mostly taking it easy to see what my body was capable of without damage. I found that ad long as I didn't use any skills or magic. I was good. Just a headache and light sensitivity. So I kept doing the sleep giver talisman training. Sunglasses helped by reducing the light to my eyes during mid day. Lessening the migrain. In the sleep givers tasman, I found sensory depervation training as well. So I used a blindfold while training. I also found that bardic music helped soothe my head. There were also acupuncture tretments from the sleepgiver talasman. In a week, the talks were done, and we had a treaty with Valdimar. We had a non aggression treaty as well as a red cross equivlent. We called them the ravens wing. Because they would pick at the wounded. Basicly, battlefield medics. Apparently, there were some centaurs involved. Lol. Was wondering how well that would go down. The and more direct help wouldn't be untill after the weding when the majority of the breakbills staff would be off the cooldown. Breakbills filory and breakbills south were both acclimatized to the new magic. The doctor was able to ease the rest of the staff into the magic. So they only suffered a week long debuff at worst. Though the wedding was scheduled for 6 months into our stay.
After that week I was put up ofishily with the hareld trainees though I had ben training sparing with them in the pavilion and sleeping in a spare room they had because it was near the companion stables where the coach was. After all, I couldn't just open a portal to alterworld from anywhere. I had to call someone or use a spell scroll, and they tended to be a bit buggy.
Tylindale went to breakbills for the exchange program. While I stayed across from Savils quarters and atended herald training.
Threw out the week I gifted the palace with things from filory or earth teach or alterworld magick. Like beds and some things for the servants. Like washing machines and sowing machines. Along with Enchanted made vacuumes and mops. As well as Coffey machines and some other stuff when I saw the need or opertunity. I sparred with the instructors working on training wepons and with the sleepgiver talasman. I also attended Herald classes.
There, I was actually learning to play various instruments. Geting vocal classes and healer training. As well as learning history. I couldn't read through Dew to the concussion, so I spent most of a year doing this light work.
I would also discuss this worlds basic magic theory with Savill and the other mages. When Van showed up, I was almost caught off guard. It was months before the wedding it was announced about a week ago. Though the king and future queen were already seeing each other openly. While most of my initial group wouldn't be back to full capacity for a while, most everyone else was already able to cast again.
Filory as a whole worked on improving infstucture such as cumuncations and plumbing. After about 4 months, Mycofskie and the Dean were able to use magic again. Once they were able to cast again, we began making public moves consening the wedding. They made a study of the new magical abilities in their downtime and started practical once they were off. Improving the magical defenses of the castle as well as Valdimaes border with carth.
And I don't really want to deal with Vans Bull yet. Though from what I heard, Trisdales fude was going better. He still stayed in the quarters in Haven but spent most of his time at breakbills over the last 6 months or so with his brother. We had merchants and others making it difficult to phocus on the conflict between the houses. We had oversight from the king on this project, working directly with his spymaster.
The royal weding was a large event but kept mostly in the kingdom. Though it did have many other heads of state attending with my peoples help. We had them opening portals to allow the forin dignitarys to come over for the days festivities. And returned afterward. We spent a month setting that up. I provided security for that event with my royal guard, who was at the time not affected by the curce. They were over lv 200, so it wasn't like much from this world was going to be able to scrach them, and they all had the stealth skill.
We did have a fue asasination attempts but they were foild by my assins or me persnoly. The sleep givers found out about my ability when i stopped one of their asanination atempts on one of the forin monarks while I went with the king and his intended to invite them to the wedding.
We had used a portal to directly go to one of the neboring kingdoms with which Valdamar had good relations to invite the forin dignitary to the wedding. As well to introduce Filory to them. I ended up getting into an acrobatic fight with them it was fun. Until they started casting magic. Then it got kind of difficult. But thankfully, hedge was with me and was able to stop him with magic. She had just come off cooldown that week.
We set up a diplomat to stay in contact with their kingdom. With a list of things to do. Information to trade for resources. And trade agreements. Basicaly plumbing improvements.
According to Mycofskie and the Dean, some magics no longer needed hand signs and flowed much more smoothly while you were able to influence the abient magical fields much more easily. Magic, as we knew, it still functions the same, but you didn't have to be so formulaic about the process.
It's kind of like what it was like becoming a demigod but no inherent incres in power. Though you could now draw on laylines for power if you were strong enough breakbills 2nd year or so, and you could use nodes if you were a graguate level. It's kind of like having acses to the wellspring.
There were also the gifts that were basically new versions of disiplins. That basically proved my theory that it was just flexing a musle, but it was a vein and not a muscle but could be expanded with extended use.