The wedding is a huge hit. We even had a fue drunken goats show up. One of them even played the pipes. And the other curced/blessed the union with filory style marige contract having ben able to see the lifebond between them. They were drunk and stoned while there.
Everyone gave gifts to the bride and groom. The gifts from our side were the most impressively magical. From us, they got a ship, some carages, a bunch of equipment from the dwarves. I gave them a golem that would install a sewer system that I had ben working on for a while. Margo gave them a cariokie machine. Josh caterd the event. And Hedge worked sucurity. Q and Julia did the entertainment. Q with entertainment magic and Julia with an amazing fireworks display to end the night.
Oh, and Eliot gave them 2 enchanted bracelets that allowed them to share each other's dreams, lucidly as well as a stranthened mental connection. It would allow for them to be in mind palace link constantly conected magicaly threw thir lifebond. It was an extremely potent, simthetic magic connection. Eliot had talked to me about it before. He had ben heading the Van situation since he had come to the palace. He had worked with me to build a dream recording machine. It was originally for Van, but I ended up using it a lot more. He also consulted everyone elce including Penny, about dreams, and the bracelets were a byproduct of his studies.
About a week after the wedding, Hedge Julia Alice and I head over to the war front with carce. Aparently, there are 3 mages that have joined the war effort on their side. By this time, I have worked out what alterworld skills I am able to use without a backlash. Basicaly only the skills that are purely phisical in nature.
After hearing 3 mages had joind on the side of karce Rondal is kind of worried about the amount of damage they are doing. Thankfully, our red cross support is keeping the fatalities down to lower than they were before we got here. But the amount of destruction they are causing is massive.
I offer to go persnoly to do what I can. I say that I am a board of basicaly doing nothing. And could use the workout. And they didn't want to let me go alone. So I basically went at the head of around a hundred troops. The kings gaurd from filory. Troops from the capital as well as the surroundings. The Ashkevrons even sent some troops. There were also 2 harelds including Savill. They were our escorts.
Once everyone was assembled in the companions field, including the King. I erected a projection screen of the war front. The ravens wing had drones monitoring the battle from the sky. It was not a very good view of the battle, but you could see it wasn't going very well for the Valdamarens. They were being pushed back.
The king made a comment about how he wished he could do more from them. I told him that as long as he was doing everything in his power to do his best, that would be enough.
And I sumoned my horce with a wiccile and mounted up. Then called for evryone elce to ready themselves. Some mounted up others just adjusted their armor. I then went over basic raid threw gate proticall. How they should folow the more experienced among them having them raise their arm if they were experienced raid members.
Then I had Julia open the gate. It was about the size of a football goal post. And she opened it with some theatrics. The gate sparked into existence before stabilizing. My horce was kind of miffed by the display and snorted his disapproval at Julia. After all, we were right next to the gate. Once it stopped sparking, we could see clearly threw to the other side. And we charged threw.
I arrived directly on the battlefield and charged the enemy line. That wasn't the original plan. But Midnight had other ideas. After all, the enemy levels apeard gray in his eyes. Originally, we were going to group up with the forces on our side and plan with the commanders what to do. But once I got on the battlefield, I kinda just wanted to fight. I mean, I suppose I could blame the horce. Midnight hadn't seen combat in over 10 years, and that was what we did together for a few years. And it was fun.
Once I was on the no man's land, the apozing archers and mages all targeted me. And I din't even bother to raise a sheild to block. I just ducked my head a bit so nothing would hit my eyes. Trusting our armor and experience we charged. Over half the arrows missed, but we were blasted in the face with several spells. Including fire and smoke. Arrows fell on us like rain. But they did less damage than being caught in the rain would do to most people. We din't even get wet. It was just kinda warm, and the arows made a loud clagning noise when they struck our armor. Thankfully, I had remberd to tell Midnight that we wanted to capture not kill when we were training the day before with my new limitations because there was no way he would hear me over the sound of war. We had plenty of practice holding back while playing companion games over the last months to avoid injuring the harelds, and even companions could only run so fast.
But now that we were on the battlefield, we really let loose. He blinked us the rest of the way into enemy lines, and we crashed into their unprepared sheild wall. People went flying. I cut and slashed at exposed limbs, incpastating people. I was using a nol lethal training sword. It was one with crippling enchantments instead of leathal ones. But they wouldn't be permanent injuries.
I don't know how long I spent fighting, but I routed the enemy. Around half an hour after I started I knowted that our troops were coming over and taking away the fallen. Julia and Alice had set up a barrier to contain the enemy.
The only thing that gave me a chaleng was the demon. The three mages managed to sumon, but I switched wepons and captured it in a soul stone. But its level was only green in my vishion.
Once the battle was over, we went through a new portal. This one led to Filory, where we had set up a medical/hostage camp. There were no fatalities that day. The battle lasted from before noon to about an hour before sunset. It was the largest engagement karce and valdamar had had thus far. From there, I went back to the capital with the Valdmar troops. We marched through the city from the front gate to the palace. It took us 30 minutes to March threw the city. Thanks to some enchanted gear I had. So we arrived before the palace with 30 minutes to spare. I had Josh prep a feast for the soldiers on the kings lawn.
The king made a speech about how he thanked them for their service and how he was married to strenthen Valdimar and was sorry they missed the wedding. The feast was in thanks for them defending the land and how he was sorry that they missed the wedding and hoped the feast might make up for it.
The feast was great. Over the next month, we bokerd trade of the prisoners of war with Karce. Needles to say it didn't go too well. We ended up having to keep the three mages after karce launched an attack on one of the border vilages running the pow trade early. The attack involved blood sacrifice and demon summing.
Afterward, my people were mad. So they used the magic ditection spell that could locate mages for brakbills and tuned it so that it could track blood magic. With the ways magic worked in this world that was reltivly easy and the power requirements were lower. Using it, they tracked down every blood mage in carce and took them captive.
I then nagoshated peace with the high preast of light. And after talking with their God. Agreed to train all potential magic gifted from carce at an earth equivlent of a middle school education. As well as establishing a companion equivlent system with their cats. And theretning if there wasn't religious tolence in carce I would be back.
When I went back to valdamar, I found out that Van had still managed to blast open his gates after a semi botched gate spell. He was basically doing the same thing he did last time. But this time, Eliot was watching. We also had people save the kids' brother. Aparently, he was back at his place for a holiday. And the village that was attacked was their village. My people were able to prevent any fatalities. On our side. But some people got kidnapped and drained using blood magic. That's how the twins reacted almost faster than us.
Eliot rushed them to filory to be treeted. Umber and Ember were there. They apparently went through the gate insdent at the same time it happened in Canon, according to Umber. So this put him out with his lifebonded. But they didn't die. This time, the twins and van had their gifts blasted open. It put the twins on a bit higher on the power scale, but only Van got his talents all opened, and the others got theirs open to a single step increased. Ember caused them to remember the previous timeline and said that Van would now remember his turning points. I think the goats really liked him because they made sure to fix the damage the blasing open caused him right after he did it by giving him a little cake covered in speshil Frosting. Unforchenently, they also granted the same to the twins and accidentally? This caused Tindall to attempt suicide but his twin and van talked him down.
Savil ended up taking us to the Halk brothers for Van and the twinns to recover and to see if they could do anything for me. Aparently, they were the best healers. They couldn't really fix my issues, but they were able to lessen the symptoms. Pluss the hot springs were great. Poppy quite enjoied the hot springs and the lidard Folk. And the lizard folke got along grate with my dragon Knights. Treating them like older cousins.
During our stay, I helped keep the more mutated beasts in check. We had to deal with a nest of colddrakes the first month. Van ran into it. This time, we were able to save the farmer. With a bit of Alterworld magic. I kinda played off the whole raising the dead thing as the guy wasn't dead, yet it takes 3 minutes for someone to aculy die and whatnot. I don't think Van believed me, though, because of the trumpets and such. Spell scrolls are great.
So anyway, there were 5 more cold drakes that I fought over the course of the next week. I had Poppies help in capturing them and relocating them. We were able to learn a lot about them from the halk brothers. I learned a lot about the non magical aspects of their work over the months I was there. And it was there I got my magic back. Once I did, I started working with them to control it. Apparently, I was out of practice, and the new abilities worked a bit difrent. I spent another month their before I was called back to Haven. Aparntly the kingdom of T declared war on us for somthing. They had sent the sleepgiver's against us? And since they couldn't attack us directly, they were attacking our alies instead. After 2 sleepgiver asasin attacks that both failed the first time they attacked physically, they got away. The second time, I caputed and stripped them and put them in a magic nagater and had anti suicide meshures. Normaly an asasin of their type would stalk the person for quite some time before awaking and they had done so aparently. It's just that I wasn't supposed to be immune to poison and wasn't supposed to be able to use magic. The numerous poisoning attempts didn't work. Though it almost got some of my dinner companions. Potions fot the win. Pluss this new healing magic was cool. It let you scan the person as you worked on them. Kinda like being able to feal and see on a nano scale inside living organisms.
Once I captured the guy, I went to the mountain where the sleepgivers were baced. And basicaly walked in alone Un armed and challenged the mountain. First, I snuck in and cased the place. I used alterworld asasin skills. I had masterd the talasman and took it further with alterworld stats and magic I had learnd I had ben working on my body. I spent the field test integrating the skills. I left knotes on their chests while they slept. Once I got an audience with the ruling body, I found out that T had declared war on us because S told them to because S had thought I had stolen their stuff. I proved with a trial by combat against basically all their warriors' gauntlet style, I was just better than them. Afterward, I admitted I did find their training methods useful, but my talasman was better than theirs. I had examined one of them after removing the curce.
Once they agreed to drop the contract against our kingdom with a similar agreement they had with T, but this time where I allowed them to keep existing as long as they din't mess with my interests. I also suggested that they rethink their take any job if the money was good policy and the whole curced talasmans.
After dealing with the sleepgivers, I went west visiting mages and collecting magical info. I eventually made it to the plains. Where I met the horce riders. And I learned their magics. Midnight had fun and got around. And I shared some of the beet juice. I also talked to their goddes incporial as she was.
The gods here were like really strong magical energy blobs with a will. Not so much of a caporial form, though they could take one temperarly if they wanted. Think niphin without a bodily form and power and morality baced on the faith of its people.
I was able to get her permission to go and investigate Urthos tower once I agreed to remove all the things from the tower and set up a hearthstone there and in the center of the lake. Once I received her permission, I traveled there, inviting many of the clans and the halk brothers.
We had a bit of a sarmonie where I removed the tower using spatial displacement magic. A similar thing happened to the Uber golem in alterworld. And previously in this world during the catclisms, then later in the mage storms. But I was incarge of the size and destination. I swaped it with a previously preped aria in a pocket world.
There was now a large meeting place for the people of the planes. It was designed by Alice's father baced on a taladress vale, with input taken from a companions standpoint. In the center, it had a clear quartz crystal oblisq with a purified grain of admant laced through. It also had several magical and mundain plants and herbs. As well as a library and a gate room. With sevral gate stones for each tribe.
Once the building was set up, I began hooking it into the lay line network within the plains. It was much easier here than back in the pelagears because the star eyed had already purified the place. And with so many mages working in concert not actuly together just closely it didn't take long. After all, the new land was already permeated with mana circuits. So mana natural wanted to travel along those lines more readly. I had also spent the time I was in the plains familrising myself with the laylines and nodes.
I was also able to form a power tap with the node to the say eyed one. Alowing the hearth stone to act as an alter for her so that she would be able to draw powere from it to act in the world more freely. Basicaly at the cost of magic power instead of karma and such. It wasn't as good an alterworld alter, but I didn't want to use the ones I had. This was the equivalent to a raid alter in the alterworld.
It also had a small blood crystal of mine underneath it following max, allowing me grater acses rights to this powerstone.
From there, I went north to the lake and created an underwater garden spa basicaly. Where the palace once stood. It also had a hearthstone equivlent. As well as a gate network acses point. During the next year, I worked on connecting the hearthstones I had built together in a strate line. I basically did what the halkbrothers do, but in a strate line, working along a lay line instead of phocusing on a node and its connections. Having used golems and basicaly survey magic the proses went quite smoothly. It also helped that I basically had an army of mages helping me that were no longer using subpar methods of cumuncation.
Over the year, while I was out exploring, I was able to use travlers' abilities as well as telportation spells and portals to get around. That's not to say I didn't do a lot of riding or "stay at exotic locations." I just spent most nights in familiar taritory. And I had many meals with my people. I just wasn't there most of the time. Though I did end up learning why Van wasn't as depressing as he was in the books, it was still a mess but more a magishians mess than a fop.
I found out that it was Yfandies that had gotten him after he had broken his arm and that he had not come on his fathers demand/ banishment. So Van came with a whole lot more stuff this time and not in shame like he did before. The doctor had shown up right after the fight with the instructor with Yfandes and Kala, the weapons master as escort as well as Eliot. She tended his arm while her escort explained the situation to his parents. I heard Jarvis got waloped good in a bout with Kala. She used a light style. Then Eliot did it again for good meshure except he strong armed him breaking his leg. But he got heald afterward and got some training manuals and a fue more practical lessons on different styles for the week that they were there. Aparently, Eliot had set most of it up.
When he arrived at the castle, he was put up in savils quarters again, and this time, tylindale was not so reserved in his flirtatiousness. Having ben told a little about the van in advance and with the van having the companions playing machmaker. Eliot also got him put into the bard classes and got him some exchange tutors from breakbills and Valdimar. With the dock setting his arm, his fingers took far less time to heal she also used magic and potions so that he had better than he was before. He was given the private tutoring needed to catch up by Eliot and some others before he atended his first classes.
Alice's father and brother also became exchange teachers. Her dad became an arctecture teacher, and her brother taught math and some cemisty ⚗️ and 🧪 physics. Alice's dad got a bath house built. As well as indoor plumbing in the castle. Beyond the simple things the golems had installed.
I had espnoje operations gathering intelligence on forin powers. And launched a satlight sevalince system. That first year, the major thing the espinoge branch did was copy all the books in the major capitals library's. We sent copies to the library, filory, and gave some to valdimar. The librarian also spent most of her time in the library in valdimar. I heard she updated their filing system, read everything, and sorted the new books obtained from other countries.
The satlight network was set up to map the lay line network, but it din't work very well in the pelagears dew to the wild magic interference. There were also some other spots of interference at veriarus other points as well. Two of those spots were spots that deamons were resently sumoned. The lake and plains were also not showing up right. As well as a fue spots in carce and some mage towers. The real images showed up fine, but the magical overlay was wonky. That's why we had to survey on foot when connecting the hearthstones. We just used GPS to make the laylines strate.
When I came back to Haven, we built a hearthstone chamber. The working was joined by heralds and companions. We used a similar work to the botched linkage between Van and tilindale to connect those without the mage gift. This was able to tie all the harelds together in a mental network through the knodes. It was also an improvement on the bracelets the king and queen wore. The hearthstone chamber was built into a large meating room beneath the castle.
The mind spell alowed even those without mind speech to enter and cumunacate. As well as speek vocaly with others in the network. I was not an ofishial part of the network, but I did have acses to it. After we linked up the new hearth stone to the others.