3 Velgarth

We had spent about seven years in the setting since our arrival. I had spent most of that time exploring the setting, looking for new magics, and healing the land while building a massive hearthstone network.

I was doing this to prevent the events of the mage storms. As well as prepare the world for a pocket world transfer. In the last world, I didn't have to overcome the inherent magic of the world, and my satlight network was sufishent as well as my group of demigods. But with the wild magic and the way magic worked here, I was going to have to either settle for a much smaller aria or set up some infstucture first. So I was setting up the infstucture and completing that cure the world quest I had gotten when I arrived.

During the last year, we had gotten word about a blood mage. He was sacrificing people and sumning new demonic armies. Van had also ben having dreams of him. More or less the same ones that he had in the book. But this time, when it came time to face him, I brought an army. It was composed of my companions and such. Pluss I was able to keep the mages of valdmar and the places I had gone from being taken out. So he had an army at his back. That wasn't reflected in his dreams.

When we confronted him, I trapped his soul in a soul gem. And threw it into my invintory. When the battle was over and we finished cleaning up the battlefield of all the loot. I opened a portal back to Haven.

Only when we went through, we apparently didn't go to Haven. Because we emerged next to a battlefield. There were griffins in the air fighting with Makaar along with soldiers on the ground fighting. Our airial troops took to the air along with the griffins aginst the Makaar. I directed the ground forces against the mind spelled troops. My troops were able to overpower them and take them prisoner. I could see a mind control debuff and gave orders accordingly. Our side had some griffins on it from several worlds. Along with some pegisi and dragons. Our side contains people with the interface, so it was easier to tell who the enemies were. We even had some griffins from this world.

Once we had finished clearing up the new battlefield, scandranon came down to talk with us. This time, I was the one who took direct charge of the talks. During most cases, I would let others, but we had already ben in battle together, so he had already seen me in command and fighting, so he came and introduced himself directly. Though midnight did join in the conversation.

Scandranon introduced himself as the leader of the mishion. And asked where we were from. He basically assumed Ortho sent us because of the grifins on our side. He wonerd where Ortho found such alies. I replied that we weren't sent by Ortho but that our gate spell got rerooted here instead of where it was supposed to go. Then I spat and curced in a forin language that the system wouldn't translate but still overlay the meaning behind the words. Thrice dambed demon Sumner fucking with planar boundaries in the middle of a battlefield without a circle no less.

Then Scandranon asked about our griffins and monight being afended because he implied that they had greater intelligence than the other creachers and would have ben made by Ortho. When Midnight spoke up, Ortho startled back and bout fell on his tail. The real kicker was when a dragon landed next to us to report that the battlefield was cleared of loot and inquiring about what we were doing next, informing me that they had begun setting up medical. And would need an hour to stabilize the wounded at level 0 care.

The dragon was about the size of a small house, so scandranon about had a heart attack when it snuck up on him and began talking. He had heard the assumption about the non intelligence of the creachutres in our retinue because they didn't talk while on the battlefield. They were just using signals he couldn't read and the chat during battle.

After he had calmed down, he invited us to the tower. It was a couple of hrs flight away. But I suggested we just use a gate spell. After all, I had the location still in my maps. And was able to open a gate there without too much difficulty. I was also able to angle it so that Scan was visible through the arch. Witch was a good thing be cause aparntly the portal opend to Amberdrakes tent. Where he was tending another griffin.

I had set up a portable arch, so the portal was able to last for a while. Scan sent the griffin that was being tended to inform Urtho. I think it was his future wife. Eliot was the first to go through the portal and immediately ask for a massage. When I went threw, I moved the other side of the portal outside of the tent. Asking the hertasi where the best place to put it was. He was kinda shocked that I spoke fluent hartasi witch I had learned in the veils.

Once I had set up the portal on the training feilds we started moving people threw. The wonded had ben stabilized on the battlefield and the dead resurrected. So none died there. Well a fue makaw did and I stored their souls but no human casualties or griffin. So the wounded were the first threw the portal. And the dragon gaurd the last.

When everyone was over I issued standing orders that everyone remain grounded untill I could speek with Urtho. Who hapend to come find me as I was finishing up giving orders.

He invited me to his tower. I envited scan, amberdrake and van along. I would have envited Eliot to but he was still spraled in amberdrakes tent from a 30 min massage. I told urtho it would help if we had them.

Once we got to the tower I explaind my status. And explaind their future. I also told them that we were now in a difrent timeline. I also told scan about his wife and about amberdrakes twinnflame. And the catclism. Once I finished ansuring everyone's questions I tell them that we aparently won't be able to stop the whole catclism because it's a magical turning point and it would take more power than it would be worth. The equivlent of stopping a heracane. I had goten the info from cronos. He did say I could save urtho though. Just not stop the fundmental magical changes that would take place. When we were done with our talks we set out preparing for an evacuation. We set the destination as an uninhabited track of land far to the east. Just south of where Oris would be. I had already done the mage storms resurch in valdamar before we transferd. And that is where I wanted to set up a node. Purely baced on geometry to the catclism. So we moved the bace to there almost over night. We kept a standing portal to the tower though. And we built a veil at the location. Though it was a bit bigger than the standard one.

We also got all of urthos stuff out of the tower. In about a week we launched the atack on the enemy. I captured his soul so he wouldn't be re incarnating this time. And the explosion changed amberdrake and scan this time. Blowing open their chanales. I was able to set up a power source at urthos tower that did the same thing as he would have acting as the other side. And pulled them out with travler magic. The next fue months were spent establishing good relations with our nabors and going to war with verious peoples they all blamed us for the catclism. After the initial wave passed I travled by horce to the epicenter and established a new dome. This one was thrice the size of the last one it was large enough to cover the city of Haven. I preped the land for the building of the city of van Haven. Van was incharge of the people from valdamar and the new people came under him instead of urtho after learning about him playing God with the grifins. So I called the new city Vanhaven. The construction of witch went pretty fast with the help of golems and such but portal travel outside of an established portal network was a no go. So we could only travel between vanhaven and the outposts. But this time we were working with an army of mages and urtho so rebuilding the network even in the midst of the mage storms wasn't that bad. It only took a year. And this time it was all geometric. And when we got back to the sight of his tower I was able to establish contact with the star eyed and we conected the networks. When she did she had her peoples do a sarmonie but no death this time just a lot of magic. And she adjusted the plains to better help her people. This one had gigantic trees. And small forests.

I spent the next fue years time traveling and gathering the main charters from the other books. And adding more timelines to the network.

We set our capital at the center of the 2 disturbances. And founded the capital 3 months after we went back in time. It took 5 months to figure out that we wernt just sent back in time but to a nother dimension instead like every time when the time device was used by Jane. The blessing of cronos though combated the alternant timeline radiation. It took about till the end of that first year to figure out that we had to weight for the timeline to diverge enough for travle between the two to be posible. And so I went and played merry havoc with the world and at about the 5 yr mark the time line had diverged significantly enough that travle between worlds was posible. By that time though we had ordered the magic of a significant portion of the land between the 2 points. We continued to expand and order the Lands. Alice and Julia figured out the secret methods behind the spatial disturbances and were able to repeat the feat with some buildings.

I worked with the arctects of this new empire. We put at its center a hearthstone and for the first fue years it powerd shilding dome that coverd the city and defended against the mage storms. We caled this new empire storm vale. My girls and I spent most of our time working to re-order the magic network of the planet. The kingdom was planed baced off full knolage of the terrain and mana networks. It was established with the goal to heal what the catclism did to the land rapidly and to settle the planet. And I may have ended up seting up a rather large empire in doing so. Well I dint have to rule it directly or do much paperwork so 🤷.

Once travle between the 2 planes was established we continued to integrate them. I travled threw. Then I worked on a way to recreate the whole time jumping thing.

We phoucused on bringing advancement to the Vaneles Haven from other worlds. And I phocused on recurring concerning and ordering the world. With the magic potions from alterworld lifespans increased to 200 yr non accident average. With some living to 250. The place phocused mainly on exploring its own magics and bringing technology levels up to standards. Diplomacy had gone well thanks to Eliot and Margo while I was away and Filory created diplomatic ties with Valdimar.

 Filory had spent the time adapting to the new magics though they had an esier time of it since their people weren't out of camishion most of the time. But they were also still integrating teck into the worlds. And sharing up relations with the other vershions of filory. They had magical equivlents to the industrial age though. With basic amenities taken care of fairly well. And trade networks running with their other vershions.

 My alterworld empire had stabilized by the end of magishians and there was a constant time difrential between me and the empire in my favor. Time I spent in the world flowed normal there but was slowed down while I was outside normaly. So my nation had re established stable city's and the empire had re established trade routs and farming grounds. We had also re established connection with space and eve 4 coloney. The magishians magic system was able to be studied by my people but was not widely used people preferring alterworld spell system. Though some cantrips were intgrated and some of the underlying system was studied to some degree. Mostly by scholars. What was realy looked at though and imported during that time was teck. Mostly because it didn't degrade, the world was stable. Though sometimes the electronics would short dew to magical electrical interaction. And engines tended to degrade faster if simply directly imported. So some reverse enginering was done, but mostly it was setting up larger infustructur systems. The applicable teck was already at space age tecnolgy but the understanding was not all that stable. We could replicate anything we had just not build of it yet.

 When we got to valdmar people in alterworld wernt efected so much unless they were in direct proximity to a gate. And even then only if their mana was above a cirtian threshold. Though the gods were not efected so much. Cronos said it was because he was limiting the influence of the forin world directly. Though by the end of our stay alterworld had intgrated the lay lines. Though they weren't running the same magic frequency.

 Trade with Valdamar allowed people in alterworld acses to several different veritys of natural resources. Alcemy saw a shift coming up with new potions as well as making old ones cheaper. The empire was good at conservation efforts, as well as its record keeping. Magic wise, we did make some advances in the use of gems and genetics. Our understanding of Teck in alterworld had reached a greater understanding than it had ben on alter earth. Power generation and its transference was the biggest vishual difference. As we didn't use visible power lines. Portal travel was also a regular thing. Oh, and troops still looked fairly midevil fantasy.