4 Sword Art Online

I wake up on a hill, looking over a valley with a pilar, reaching into the sky. It is kind of anoing just waking up on some random hill, but OK, whatever. I mean, I din't even get drunk. I have tried the alco ice before, but I don't ever have enough to get more than a little buzzed. I checked my status in my normal alterworld interface then while looking through my past knotifications, the sao interface popped up, and I found that I had access to a Sao style interface. As well as my usual "alterworld" interface. A quest notification pops up in my field of view.

"Ya, so this world is a bit different now that you are here it isn't so much a death game anymore. It is more like an alterworld fucked game. Real world death game.

So you know how you can make real world games? Ya well you can also aparently now make games real worlds. Because perk wording. So the respawn feature now works but everyone is still trapped. No loging out. But if you die irl you just respawn but would get kicked out of the game. Unless you found a way back. 😏 it took you like 3 seconds dint it. Good luck with the whole 2 bodies thing again.

So have fun in the new world ps your mission is to actuly beat the game if you do you get the castle and if you do it before kiliua would have originally got everyone out the seed gets an upgrade. Ps no one can get out normally. Everyone who didn't die in the first week will go perma. And all respawns are delayed untill after if they did manage to do so anyway."

This seams kind of anoing. Being stuck in a game again. Plus now i have 2 interfaces poping up all the time thats going to take some getting used to. But the Sao interface is activated by certain action baced commands.

I check my invintory and find that I have acses to 2 inventories so that is handy. The sao vershion doesn't have a cary capasity so thats kinda fun. I can now carry a whole lot more stuff. Basicaly everything the whole house not just the kitchen. While I am messing with things I toss out a way stone from alterworld. A waypoint pops up. And I check to see that yes magic does work in this world.

While looking at my invintory and such I find that if I put money into the other interface it translates to show a value in the other standard but when puled out it keeps the original type. Paper money doesn't work but coins do. Looking at my friends list I see some are in game.

This includes Promithus and Cliopy. And some of the girls. Hedge Julia and Alice. They were in game somewhere. It looked like I had a fue hours before everyone was called into the starting zone. I went onto the Internet and introduced my improved new world protocol ai. I loaded it with a fue adishinal tasks including purchacing and running the company that controlled elphhime online using breakbills and implanting a visual copy of the castle into it. As well as having an Edens Gate team that runs out of breakbills, filory, and valdimar now, release some of the alterworld capsules. They are to work on implementing them with the tech here. And introducing my own ai to the s a o systems. I also set up a live stream seting up a delay of an hour. Seting it up so the camra couldn't see my alterworld screens. And puting an ai to edit out certian interactions.

Also giving a disclaimer stating I didn't know how well it was going to work saying that this was the first time I had live stream a game and that I wasn't able to edit the content from this end. Saying that I planed to play for around 4 hrs or so before having a break and doing something phisical then playing over night. I told the viewers that I would have a time delay sometimes and that the videos wouldn't be 100% live as to not give away my position or confidential information. Afterall this was an online multi player game.

This setup didn't take more than an hour. While I was doing this I was also going around killing things. Leveling and familiarizeing myself with this new system. I had a map that highlighted all hostile mobs in the vasinity so I was going on a killing spree working out the new game system skills. The loot was good and I got to level 15 by the time that we were all sumond to the square. And was able to hack the games overall ai. This I only looked at. It would take me a bit to make any edits. And I would want a backdore acses if I wanted the changes to not be knotesed. Thankfully all the coding I had ben doing for world of wolds in the last twenty years had ben at a level a fue years more advanced than this world.

I was given a prompt asking if I acsepted a telport. God slayer perk, I did, and was telprted. During his speach my friends heded twards me while I found Asuna Kirito and smith girl. I had one of my friends keep tabs on each with hand signals. While I marked the creator giving the speach.

Once he gave his speech, I stood up and shouted at the croud using alterworld magic to augment my voice. I told them Fear Not. And that this was another world now and how we shouldn't look at it as a game anymore but as a world to explore. And I asked them how this was worse than what would normally happen. Most of us would spend all the time they could in the game anyway. I went over how this world was brighter than the old world. Honestly, I was just saying what I thought max and some others I knew would say. And about how we were gamers and about how amazing it was to experience life in a game. Then I did some soul magic at the crescendo of the speech and loosened the bonds to their bodies. I was able to watch as some cords snaped right away while others were simply eroded. I marked the most stubborn. One of the cords that snaped almost instantly was the creator of the game. He had disaperd into the crowd once he finished his speech. I grined at that. And looked him in the eye when his courd snaped and winked.

I edited out my speech from the stream. But left in Heathcliffs. Afterwards, I found everyone and asked them to join my friends list. I started up bribed Kirito into joining. I also bribed Misato. I didn't need to bribe the others. I then went around snaping cords. I used replenishment resources when able and used soul fire when that wasn't enough. I also went around naming npc. It didn't take long. Afterall there were only 10k players and half had their cord snaped at my speach. I was only singling out the ones who had strong tethers.

There wernt any that had teters as strong as Daredevil had but this world wasn't as real as alterworld was. Having everyone in the same place helped make this part of the world more stable. And it was already starting to show sighns of going perma.

I had Alice information gathering. While Kirito, Hedge, Julia, and Asuna went with me hunting. I reveled that I was over lv 10 already. My group wasn't surprised but Kirito was. We made our way to the next town. Killing evrything along the way. We hit the next town by morning. The gates were closed untill a little after dawn. We didn't have much to do so we cleaned out most of the mobs around the town.

According to Alice only some of the players had left the vasinity of the town. And the ones I had spoken to hadn't even ventured outside the inn they were staying at. The ones who opted to leave and fight monsters, she said they were all people that Promethious said were perma already.

Asuna was rather good even before she learnd to use the system. Even so I had Kirito and Mito show her the ropes. I even got tips from them. Because most of my fighting was done without the games asist. And alterworld had used a difrent system. Once the town opend I opted to telport back to the previous town. Witch cost some coin, about as much as we had mined on the way there. But that didn't include the drops. So I telported back after naming some npcs and interacting with a bunch more.

I met up with Alice and Promethius and gave him the loot. And told him to keep what they couldn't use or use as quest items and gave them what coin i had maid from the quest turn ins i was able to find in the next town. I then took kline's group threw the path to the next town with Alice and Smith. I power leveld them basicly it only took untill lunch.

They were level 7-9 by the time we got there and I sent them back after they ate. My group had slept while I was away. And were ready to head out when I got there we headed to the other towns then. We took Alice. We got there before dark. Wen we got into town I took a nap with Alice and wen we woke it was to hedge climbing into bed. In the morning we explored the town and gathered and completed quests. We already had some materials after all. And I was making npc more non script baced.

So some acsepted money or other things in trade for special goods. I also started using blessings baced on Promethus and Falen. May your flame ever burn brighter and may your fall raise you to ever new heights as you look to the heavens.

No one had died yet. So that was good. We had spent a fue more days sprinting threw the towns exploring the first floor. Alice suggested we just telport to the highest floor immediately and I told her magic worked difrently here and that the creator of this world had a godlike powers. Promithius agreed with me as he had acses to some of his divine powers. But his sphere of influence was limited as no technology or magic was inherent in the world. But his powers gaind from being a titan soul in alterworld alowed him acses to the systems of the world in a capacity. He told me that removing the helmet wouldn't kill him or me but the rest of my companions may not be so lucky. But we did have acses to resurrection magics. Besides I made them all perma anyway. Basicly this gave them more solid avitars that had grater ties to their soul. In around 6 days we had made it to the boss fight.

Basicly travle time. We were all lv 13+ by that time. We took in a group of 25 players to fight it from my guild. We called ourselves Edens Gate. Obviously. And we killed it in short order.

I gave out the information about its attacks and warned everyone that it might have changed since the Bata. And gave out all the information collected on that front by Alice and the others. I had Kirito go threw all the bosses in other floors during the Bata and I mentioned various common boss tactics used in other games such as alternent forms weak spots and aoe attacks. I spoke about them using information gathered from the Bata testers 2 of whom were in my party. I also talked about how game developers thought when designing bosses that they used mytholgy and other things as insperation. Having Colipy talk a bit more on that.

With that we went in and fought the boss. As a guild we hadn't fought anything this scale before. But I had rotated in the various groups training them to fight as a team and we could fight in smaller team tactics but nothing more than two teams had ben needed untill now. The boss fight went pretty well. We didn't losse anyone and I was the one to land the final hit on the boss. Promithius was able to alter its drop to a land the dead to a temple. The temple was on the first floor.

Once the boss was killed we all went the next floor and after doing some minor tasks like talking to npc on my part and such, we telported back to the starting town. And I used an alter in the temple from alterworld to sumon fall. When he apeard he greted me warmly. And amongst his perks he offerd "our cause is just" and "respawning hero."

I got a world announcement. Fall mentioned that he had controle over much of the systems of the world and couldn't be kicked out, but was locked out of some of the systems. His influence was limited on the other floors to less than promithus but he had much greater power on the first floor. We had basicaly beat this floor so on this one so he had almost complete control.

I introduced Promithus and his wife. I also asked about Max and everyone. He said they were all doing well. For them it had only ben 5 years and not the over twenty it had for my side. Fall had also brought magic into the world and new drops acording to the anoucment as well as the ability to respawn. So now players could respawn and so could some npcs. I asked him on the curent state of the world. He told me it was more like a soap bubble than he would like and that if we got cut off from the servers we would only survive a fue hundred years. I laughed. And told him it was fine. I showed him a portal stone the one to "earth". Then I handed over much of the guilds loot. At least most of the stuff that was not able to be traded for quest resources and we that we had no use for.

I also gave him a fue things from my invintory. From the various worlds I had ben to so far. Including some ram spunk. Of the godly verity. And some other things. He used some of the stuff to lv the altter and others to change the world a bit. Burning them for power or to learn how they were made. He said we would be able to get some alter fragments at flor 25 50 and 75 now. Then I asked him to reenact his enterence without instantly greeting me. For the camra of corce. Then after explaining how I was "live" streaming him.

So once we were done redoing everything with Fall I went over the footage before uploading. My companions and I had pland out how to go about it. And I did some acting when activating it. We had also done a trial run the night before. When I was supposedly asleep or in a non streaming state. Alowing me to set up a better visual of the process.

It was a dry run where I didn't sumon but backed out of the menus beforehand. In the footage it only had a more limited selection of gods and I found fall by going threw his wife Macaria. While serching gods having to do with death. Having spent a good 30 minuts going threw things and talking to my companions about things.

Having the fake sumning with Asuna and Kirito in the room didn't go that bad. I had spent much more time going over the list of gods sevral hours infact I had dabled with the idea of summing in The Magishians but disided against it because there were already gods in the world and they were under powerd in some ways but overpowerd in others. And vegerath because I din't see the need. But I did go over the sumning options sometimes, it was cool seeing what they oferd.

Once fall had ben sumoned and I gave him the rundown on the world and what I had ben up to and such and we re filmed his enternce. I also had him ishue some minor quests.

I also gave him a telport crystal to my castle tied to a portal gate. So he didn't have to stay in his private heaven or wherever. Aparently he was had 3 avatars active at once. Kinda like the golem spell.

Once I was done with that business I went and continued to grind out levels. I was working on the non combat skills mostly when not working grinding for materials.

I spent some time fishing as well.

I also worked on traping. And animal husbandry. I was able to snare some rabits and bred them up.

On the 22nd floor we managed to beat it in 2 days and I had the guild take a break and farm resources and take it easy for a couple of days after. Our guild spent the time working on powerlevling noobs. So that they could handle the first 3 floors with ease and could go up to the tenth without to much difficulty. As well as pushed some crafting skills. Once we hit level 25 an alter fragment dropped with a deed like fall said it would and I sumoned his wife Macaria. She offered some decent perks unlike last time. And her major ability was changed slightly as well as her other abilities. One change was the ability to choose from sevral points where to respawn.

On earth the hospital I had bought had managed to get all of the players from the game over to their care. And made dying only place the player into a catatonic state simlar to deep sleep with slow revival to normal jacked state after 72hrs. Removing the helmet no longer resulted in death but a coma almost brain death. But since everyone was already perma cince just after clearing the 3rd floor with no deaths. It wasn't an ishue. And the person they tried the helmet removal on had ben perma.

The comments on the videos were strange and a lot of conspiracy theories had arisen fom it when the guy didn't die and didn't disaper from the game.

Someone had gone threw all the footage and found sevral players that had died in the first fue days as in real clincly dead from acsdents in the real world, but their chars had respawned after fall had ben sumoned.

One conspiracy theory was even pretty close to the truth. But most had thought that Heth clif had just passed out and changed the game macanics with some pach or the gov did it or it was my hospital. Witch publicly Eliot owned and was my rich cousin. And Promithius wife was the owner of the gaming company and Eliots godmother lol. They had money like lots of it. And ignore the stuff you don't understand about my background-magic.

So they created Edens Gate hospital and gaming company by buying out publicly smaller company's out of concern for us. In the publics eye.

With the guild I had set up sevral projects we had a smal part in evry floor but our main guild hall was on the first floor with branches on the subsequent floors.

The major hall delt with organization and recruitment as well as public relations. I mostly lead from the forward operating positions bace. But I spent a lot of time interacting with npc chars and seting up crafers relations. We shiped tons of materials back threw the floors. Mostly to fall. Who was using the resources to expand his powers and influence.

Once we got to the 50th flor however I wasn't the one to get the final hit but kirito did. Though the alter fragment still droped. But we had to do a quest for the new temple. Kirito got a cool sword out of the Last hit though.

With the knew fragment I sumoned max. He gave some good abilitys one was one that alowed you to overcome limitations. Like braking the unbreakable true faith and such. He basicaly alwed you to punch above your weight class using will power or alowing you to use your other power pools to strengthen each other.

Heathclif never made a show of himself but was around. Though he wasn't ever the head of a major guild. We were able to make it to 75 relitivly smoothly and I sumoned maxes wife. She gave some persnol gruge perks as well as some womanly whiles perks. But I sumoned her to complete the set, stranthning the pantheon. Honestly it was either her or maxes little brother. And I dint need a five year old divinity running around causing mischief.

We stoped at 90 and took a extra month to power level but finished 100 a month early by my count. I didn't see the creator much untill the end. When I spoke to him he was thunder struck. And I asked him to join my quest. After I smaked him up side the head for doing what he did.

Once Sao was over it didn't dissolve, though the fog of the world was lifted and we were reveald to be in alphime online. I had my people buy out the company early on when it's stock crashed. Because of the whole taror insdent. And had my political team take care of governments. And they also stoped the whole capturing of minds into new server for study thing and we had the creely dude thrown in prison. He was a total creep and a pedo to boot. We got the equivlent of the fbi to raid his computer. The whole mind transfer thing wouldn't have worked now, Dew to the whole perma efect and how it interacted with the system.

The gods I had in Sao and elsewhere were able to work together kind of doing what I did to Alice's brother in the magishians to the perma players. Acsept for Asuna and Kirito who got perks making alowing them more. The players got their avatars stored in their soul kind of and anytime they went to a new world would have them as a bace modle would keep their items and levels as well as any new skills. As well as their invintorys. Also people in game were able to improve skills goten in game at a much higher rate irl. And similarly in game. Edens Gate also had gone into the food industry from Josh. And into space ind from free traders beawolf. Also onto health care medicine.

After all the people Irl from Edens Gate had all that time we were in alterworld to integrate into this world.

So when they all woke from their comas they were in an edens Gate run hospital ward.

And were given ar equipment to help them catch up. Our hospital had the sword farrie and I asked her to join my quest as soon as I could. I had travled there phisicaly and absorbed the new avatar body as it was an altform. My friends group from elcewhere was able to come back to fully functning body's dew to Edens Gate magitech. And the other players wernt as bad off dew to the month less of imershion and treatment at a "semi" mundain lv by EG.

The sao players also got treatment for mundain stuff like allergies. They had went through a lot of tests while in a coma and were treated for the things we could get away with meening some of the undiegnosed stuff or explain away by mundain medicine. They were receiving the best medical care the world could not provide. By the end of Sao the average level was 100 while the average level of EG was 150.

They also got an nda they were able to sighn before they left. Most did. The ones who didn't got their Sao bodies put in stasis by the gods.

The only players who ended up dying were the original that died by forcefully removal of the nerve gear on the first day. Before the speach. But, those who starved to death and those who died by other means irl after the speach had all survived. Even though their bodies had died. Thanks to the fact that I had made shure to place them in criostasis and used magic on them when they were almost killed by their helmets. So most of the people died in game were put into regular comas. Though most of the people in EG didn't die a single time. There were a fue deaths on floor 90. And that's why we powerleveld for a month before continuing. Kirito and Misato were 2 of the players that died. Asuna didn't however.

I changed the magic system of Elphime a bit so that it would be compatible with the magics of difrent worlds. I also made the flight system based off stats. And made the items gaind in Sao 100% compatible. I also made cross compatibility of perma players a new thing. Making the new forms altforms esq. If they were able to acses their invintorys irl they would be able to take items out. I had the pantheon working on a way to not break the world if we alowed that. We didn't want a nother gods war on our hands. Slow integration of skills was posible though along with integration of stats. Basicly if the people from Sao trained irl they could slowly build up to the speeds and strength they displayed in Sao.

Difrent games would have a bug in them that forced the player from Sao to use a similar avatar to the one they had in Sao. If the game was similar.

So when I asked the others to join me in alphime from EG guild in order to climb the world tree and get back to the caslte located above it they agreed. I also made the world mytholgy baced a bit more on norce mytholgy. And had Odin and the rest of the norce mytholgy as a thing. I also taped that one elpfh dude in a h world by pushing his soul out of his body while he was in a cell.

I also told the people of SAO that if anyone was in any trouble dew to the game that they could come to us. I also gave a fue examples. I used Asuna and Kirito as an example. With their marige in game as a thing as well as their adoption. The weding was very public in game. I had also gotten the ability to stream the events of the game online working. I used the excuse that I was a streamer before hand and that Kiba had only cut off incoming traffic. So I streamed all the weddings as well as the boss fights and some parties as well as some of the big events like parts of summing the gods.

So the world wasn't so in the dark about the events of the game.

So when everyone got out some were celebrities. We also monetized the content and put the profits into a slush/retirement fund for the survivers. As well as medical care and schooling. As well as gave them free acses to all online games my company had a hand in.

With Kirito and Asunas marige in game backed and enforced by a team of lawyers irl and their relationships progress kinda documented. They didn't have any troubles with her family and kiritos sister wasn't as bro con. Once everyone was out of Sao it was around a month before most started playing other games. But I started up in alphime online and in gungale. I farmed some higher level arias. And transported the spoils to the pantheon. They had complete controle over the castle now with Hearthclif as a subordinate g of the pantheon. After about a month I finally convinced more of the guild to join me on raids in other games. I also found out that the pantheon was able to influence other worlds more by our presence. So the raids were gaining influence for the pantheon. I also gave kirito a internship at the company as a floater in the programing development department.

I spent much of the time involved in various online games growing the pantheon influence and making games. While researching new technologies.

Valdamar saw some advancements in teck. And trade lines opening to alterworld more directly. As well as inter valdamaren trade advanced. Teck grew in a slightly difrent direction then the other worlds though. As they didn't need so much direct integration with magic for teck to function. And there weren't as many magicals to run their construction. They took a greener approach to development during that time. Advancing their alcemy mostly. While geting up to 21st century + teck standards.

 Filory started a more direct push at integration with some of the other earth's on the diplomatic front. As cronos had come into his own and was able to help with that. Though they had only done the more apocalyptic vershion. We're magicals were persecuted and hunted. As it was eiser to set up diplomacy as an entirely forin entity. It wasn't super smooth but it did work in our favor. Germany and what was once north America wasn't amenable so they had established relations elcewhere. And that had worked. They did receive many refugees magical and non magical.

 In alterworld we were able to re introduce max fall and his wife. As well as establish conetion with their vershion of alterworld. It was difrent and had a more primal feal to its magics. Not happy go lucky but magic more as a necessity type of deal. They had goten broken off with far more of loths minions and taritories still active.

 My people spent this time pulling some more of the higher level magics and such. They were able to train skills from other games and worlds growing in power. They spent a good deal of time farming resources in games as the pantheon was able to give them boons and such for the resources more directly. Most of witch was spent on getting the conection between the world's set up in a way that they wouldn't collide. As my people still had friends and family's on the other side.