5 Ready Player 1

So ya, this time it's a drop-in to an RV. The RV was electric but was rather small. It had some solar panels on the roof. I am at an old rest stop in Arizona. It had one of those node things still active. It was basicly a working bathroom with some toiletries and an out Dore shower and wifi as well as a septic dump. And water hook up. With some artifishal shade.

When contacting everyone, I found that they were all split up around America and Japan, which apparently included some of China now. That was because of WW3, a nukeular war. Jap started it by attacking China acording to Wikipedia. No nukes till the end. Started with naval warfare near end of cold war. Proxy war with the east as the pices. Casualties low on the USA and Russia's side. We were actuly more on support rather than direct action. That is untill the warheads were pulled out. Most of the nuclear strikes were disabled or downed aparently. They dint have as advanced nuclar devices as we did on earth at the time so it was just drop and run. Or sneack it in pices and asemble on sight. No misiles. When the war started China mostly in civle war and England had controle of some citys. Aparently Japan wasn't as badly damaged as in our timeline during ww2. Still the heroshima and nogisoki still took place but the power plants didn't leak. The war ended agin when the major powers droped bombs and the world powers were basicaly crippled. Japan didn't have any warheads but, they hit the major city's that were capitals with dirty bombs not regular nukes. Lots more radiation. No mutant craziness. They did however render the arias uninhabitable and cancer rates skyrocketed. They would take years to recover.

After I droped in I found, The inside of my rv was taken up by two vr hookups up-front and a rig just behind that. There was a twin bed with a refrigeration unit under neath it at the back. As well as some storage acsesble from outside and at head level above the bed. There were mres and various survival suplys in the storage. As well as a basic tool kit.

Outside there were 6 other RV or trucks one was a semi trailer parked on the other side of the rest stop. I questiond one of the people driving and they said it was the only node in 50 miles. Basicaly a wifi hotspot.

The next fue hours I spent taking apart my RV and seting it up to run on a power crystal from Alterworld. I also made it bigger on the inside making it roomier adding some furniture. I also planted some plants around the rest stop and did some gardening. The plants were of corce magical. The place looked like a dust boul very little vegetation. I also traded some of the other people at the rest stop for information. And spare parts. One guy was an ontrpunuer using the money he had wone in the oasis to start up a trucking company with his brother. They transported goods across the country. In order to fund their gaiming. They aculy owned the rest stop we were at.

He wanted to fight me in the oasis once he found out I was a gladiator. I acsepted his challenge and set the terms. If I lost I would buy the rest stop from him at fair market value, but if I won he would work for me. He acsepted after hagling a bit for a 3 yr contract if I won or lost I would buy the rest stop regardless as long as I maintained it with basicaly free wifi. The price for both would also be dependent on the gladitorial challenge. And once we got to the oasis I found out he was a level 30. I was only level 15. I ended up winning ofishialy thanks partly dew to a handicap. He was what looked like a halo build. We had agreed to no magic or automatic wepons. We fought in an Arina. It looked like a Roman coliseum. I used a build that looked like a Roman gladiator. My choice of weaponry was a net and trident. The gear I used din't look fancy. He cut open the net with that energy sword. But I manged to get him with the trident. I locked his arm into stone while he was cutting apart the net. And just started punching him fighting game style. I remberd the combos from guilty gear and some worked. We had set the dule to no drop. And put the rewards in game beforehand. It was a legally binding contract. He pulled a revolver on me but it was basicaly the same as gun Gail and I was able to doge. The tracers made it easy.

I used my new rig witch was the neve gear/aterworld capsule set up in one of the rooms in my upgraded rv witch was now self driving btw.

Once the dule was over I got him to sighn a working contract with a magically buinding nda. Then I bought out all the things he was transporting and emptied his rig and upgraded it. Increased the storage cpasity by a lot and basicly golmised it. He was transporting drones and various other technologies that I broke down for parts.he had to ship them from the east coast to the west as trade relations with China had soured.

I built a fue new drones and stuff. And sent them out. With the rest stop I had goten included the surrounding square mile. Aparently land here was cheep. So I sent out some drones and golems and had them cultivate and serve the aria.

Once I have everything surveyed and the proper documentation for building, mining, and such I begin by strip mining the aria. And sorting the acquired resources. And changing the content of soil and such. Introducing a fine web of gold thoughout the aria. To contain the magic that will later be introduced into the aria. Then I built up and put in sensors. And other such things. Basicly I made a magicly sealed bio dome. With a corporate headquarters inside. Then I set about highring people. The build only took 3 months it was mostly automatic being done by golems and drones. I was working on a legion busnisus plan buying out people's debt from ioi. As well as phocusing on recruitment of future gunters.

I was only 1 month before Parsival found the first key originally so kind of anoing. Kirito and sao companions started out in Japan but Penny was around to fix our transportation issues. So that wasn't a problem. While I was working on mostly irl problems almost everyone elce was working on ingame problems. Except for Kirito and Cilipso. Thats not to say we din't spend most of our time ingame. Most irl things were able to be done in game. Its just Kirito and Calipso who spent most of their time unplugged.

They were working on the whole make the oasis not a monoply in the gaming industry. By producing competing games. So in order to program they spent most of their time irl while only going in game to grind levels. Or hang out in the chatroom.

I was leveraging my reputation as a Gladiator to set up dules for various real world things. I was also using my divine spark to make the oasis a bit more of a world. The digitizer portal was somthing we built inside the game and I also built a reseving portal on the earth side. I powerd it using various forms of magic.

Sometimes someone would challenge me in the gladiator fights and bet an interesting in game item. Other times they would just bet stock in various companies.

Asuna was able to find and befrind Artmis before the first key was discovered. And I was able to find Parsival and beat him in a gladiator match. I set the terms as a friendly match where he would get my matrix shades if he wone and I would get his DeLorean. I ended up winning but I gave back his dilorian after gassing it up and upgrading it a bit and telling him about how I used to play a rasing game that had a macanic in it that alowd you to get a lap on everyone by reversing at the start. It was in cars.

I was also working with breakbills to buyout the various company's in the world and break up monopolies. With the discovery of the first key ioi stock fell and we bought it up after shortselling shares in the time frame. Our buy out only took 10% of the company but it was enough to influence bord disishions substantially. We used it to decrease the company's political oposition as well as shield our own projects. While bringing more interest into the oasis. While having my team taking out their sixers while dubling the cost of their operation in the oasis. And since my team was working with out of game skills they wernt reduced to the normal starting levels if they died in the oasis. And once they reached level cap they were much harder to kill. My direct team was also using full dive gear. Unlike the new gear that we were seling the public that was only augmented reality. So ability to taste and smell. Witch sold like hot cakes.

Most of the stuf was made in the factory in the bace. Ioi bought our products as well they were the biggest buyer. We had sevral modles I increased the abilities of one of the shelf modules by 1% every fue weeks and had ioi buy them out having passed a bord disishion to have all the sixers be equipt with the best at all times. They were around 10x the ones they had ben using. So they basicly bought Nolans 1/100th the price of nolans rig. For each loyalty pod. Every week or so. The company was racking up serious debt. And would at this rate be bank rupted in 3 years. As they were already in some debt. With winning the contest getting them simply out of debt with its value in shares.

While in the oasis I was collecting loot and

Once the contest started in ernest we had Artmis as well as Wade join us. But it was more like we joind him.

We also took out that skull guy. And since he carried most of his stuf on him we ransomed it for his contractual hiring for three years and put him incharge of the in oasis espinoge division. He reported to Asuna.

Before finding the first key the popularity of the oasis had takin a 5% hit. Dew to our games providing somthing new and you were able to earn more valuable currency as the game was harder as well as the fact the game was disighned with the new smell and taste features already implemented with all the foods and smells already in game and less lag. For even the cheapest modle. The rigs also had a better wireless connection in genral. They were also marketed twards schools. With a better school program. I provided a boosted learning curve. For real world skills using basicaly magic and technology.

We were using the portal to transfer things from the oasis to other worlds. I also used the new alter I got every jump to sumon Vaneria. Since she had aparently goten real enough to sumon because of the world of worlds games I had ben releasing with her as a flavor text goddess. So all the loot was going to her and a smaller portion going to the rest. And since I was always the head preast when summing them I got 10% of all the mana. And since tecnicly their was no head of pantheon mana wasn't split evenly. And I was getting some from everyone. I also got a gunter faction to start recognizing holiday as a divinity. I basicaly started a meme. And had the other gods set it up so the winner of the contest became his first preast. Dew to our Metalink they had a foothold on the world. And we geared our efforts to shaping his public image. And placing my pantheons influence in his realm. As well as transfering verious items out of the game. To our other worlds. While working in the world to make it not crap. I had the others working on stopping ioi and helping Wade.

When it was all over it was kind of anti climactic. The value of the stock In the company had taken a hit from the broken monopoly.

And I had taken over the military of most gov. using ai. My team was pulled mostly out of the game near the end as I had started relising crono pods. They would alow a person to play the game full imershion and go perma then we would criofrese them. Around half the population went full perma. The population was much smaller than earth less than 1 billion. With most of the major cities nukular waste lands. Why do you think people were living in stacks and not in actual apartment buildings. Or somthing more cost effective. So around 450mill went perma in the oasis. I didn't realy recruited anyone new just put them in the friends list. And harvested resources from the world and got a copy of the source code of the oasis. And a server link in my castle without the perma cord snaping ishue. Parzival won the contest. And we got space exploration jumpstarted. In the two years for them. After all it took a great deal of power to run the digitizer portal. Using alterworld mana to electricity and back exploit we were able to build solar farms on the dirty bomb cities. And eventuly did stuff on the moon.

I was able to get a stable link set up to the oasis. So we were able to let people come and go from the oasis threw the digitizer portal effectively limiting the influence on the extra plainer forces so it didn't strain the world. There was only one portal so no holes either. And this world was in the know and more advanced than velgreth started. And I basicaly owned it. The nuclear waste would have ben an ishue exsept I could use astral mana dispersal.

So I started by gathering all the nuclear waste and using astral mana dispersal on it in a controled environment. This ment shiping it all via drones and portals to a setup bace with a system to recapture the energy and funnel it into the lay lines and along basicaly gold powerlines. We ended up digitizing trash and either breaking it down in the oasis and sending the usefull stuff back or just basicaly burning it to power the pantheon. Think wally golems but the world being much greener. They were mostly working in radiation zones.

I found that funny enough far more of the world had ben non third world. This was thanks to major flanthopy done by holidays friend and others. As well as corporations marketing to previous third world contries giving blanket education opertunities to basicaly everyone. Think starlink powerd education ran by a public school bord of education that was totaly ground baced. There were still remote locations in Africa and the amazon and some religious groups that were aginst it. Though most of them touted me as the coming of whatever. Not all good. But it got them to do as I suggested.

In the last six months most of the people were gone that wern't directly or indirectly working for me, I started bringing in more of my people from the other worlds. And we started collecting resorces. Reserch materials mostly. We planted food forests and verious magical plants. We also empowerd the lay lines making the world magical. We removed destroyed cities and removed roads and rebuilt them in other places and changed the corce of rivers and moved mountains worth of materials. We planted a contnents worth of plants. This time I had the infstructure in place before I added the lay lines.

I also did a lot of golem building planning and coding. The golems I was building were more phocused on turning construction equipment into golem constructs. The golems were fairly easy to use and some of them were mostly automated.

There was also a lot of management involved. Though this project had ben in the works as we were thinking about doing this to one of the magishians crupted timelines or on sao earth. Though there were obstacles to it. We had done some of this to a smaller extent to some of the other worlds. This time was difrent though because I let my people go wild. We may have goten caried away in some cases as we striped large swaths away from the rainforest in places putting them into basicaly pocket worlds. Replacing it with things from other worlds. We had used spells to catalog everything though and those spells were extremely comprehensive. Down to the DNA. It just wasn't auto orginised. Basicaly 3d representation snap shot of the entire aria that you could look threw x-ray Google earth/ treasure planet style.

We had the Dwarven gods wife working on the rainforest with the halk brothers. Parsival and Kirito working on space exploration with the mage group and the dwarvs. They were aparently looking to explore outside the solar system and go asteroid mining. With the digitizer portal they could bring in some space craft. As well as use the other ones we had from alterworlds eve 4 part of the empire. They hadn't goten as much use in the other worlds as I was trying to keep a low profile and stayed in the solar system. But with the digitizer portal it put a larger efort on the expansion of our inter stellar capabilities. Planet side we were working on turning the planet into eaden or a garden paradise. Attempting to combine everything we had learned changing the planet to suit our ideals without removing posible benifishal resources while still removing the obstacles they imposed.

We quarantined Australia in a bubble in order to place some of the stronger creatures. Alowing higher considerations of energies. Like drakes and baslisks. It was kinda like an inverse halk brother dome.

The south pole was also put into a dome. I also went to sevral old oil mining platforms in the ocean using astral mana dispersal on the oil. They were then turned into large watter filtration systems that added potions and stuff to the watter treating them like the filters in a giant fish tank. We also removed human junk from the ocean. Using large fishing nets. We enlisted the help of some marine intelligence Wales and Dalfins. The mages of valdamar were very involved with the project.

I had some of my people from the other planets harvesting renewable resources from the planet and tracking growth patterns planting and harvesting as well as managing the wild life. Using the place to grow things in a more natral biome. There were things that we could grow that way that didn't grow as well in the industrial style.

We had managed to claim the entire solarsystem and then some by the time we were done. It wasn't as big as even a single sector of the oasis but it was an entire solar system.

Sao didn't realy change much during this time. Shure there were some developments but less then a yr had passed for them. But our game company did introduce time dilated nerve gear. As to not slow the pantheons development relatively in that world. There were also the volunteers from the planet coming to Player 1 Earth. They were there basicaly to complete training. I used the vr teck and golems to alow this. They had to have some safeguards in place but it was easy to implement.

Velgrath's population was becoming a more magical people. With a higher percentage getting acsess to magical power. Their entertainment industry was not that tecnologicaly advanced. They reminded me more of a coffee shop more than anything. And they did spend much of their time travling and in conservation efforts. When going to forin worlds many of their people did so because of volunteer work. Either medical or nature oriented.

The magishians spent much of this time working on building a couple of city's. In order to establish themselves on earth's. Kinda the size of Madagascar on the amount of land they controled directly in those earth's. They had already stabilized control over the verious filories and a couple of the more apocalyptic earth's. Sometimes by conquest and others by diplomatic relations.

In alterworld, we had established stable connections with the other worlds that had broken off. And we're now working on strengthening the pantheons, integrating new resources and taking control of the new planet. Advancements had ben made to portal teck mostly. As well as some industrial applications.