I wake up in bed in a pent house apartment. I recognize it as the new York apartment I had bought out from the baba yaga. Alice hedge and Julia wake up beside me with the red head on top of me. Soon I found that everyone in the apartment complex is one of my companions. And the gods are aparently in another dimension. They still have their powers and separate godly realm but can also interact with the other pantheon on good terms. The apartment was aparently the one from back in the magishians we stayed at although it didn't have any of the non mundain upgrades I had made to it. It did have the castle acses and everything apeard to be like knew and fully stocked in the apartment.
So when I got into the pod for the world seed tutorial I chose time magic. And dimentinalism. Knowing that they would boost my afinity with those aspects to the point that I would be able to cultivate them in game starting at a higher percentage. The person that ran my tutorial was Vaneria. I milked the tutorial for all it was worth, spending the maximum amount of time there I could. I was told that I wasn't able to pick a race but that my race would read half wood elf but not be changing as I would be a drop in, and my patron ingame would become Fallenel Hulet. Aparently this was one of the times earth cicled back around. And aparently the backstory created for me was that I was only born because his parents didn't have kids and saveved me during child birth. As they were doctors. Or somthing I was still a drop in however. Just un koticed yet from a divine perspective.
So when I completed the tutorial after increasing my stats to alterworld level 20 before the colaseum and coming out of the Arina at lv 25 having reached the "maximum" for the tutorial, I was on the elf home world. I looked around and spotted a training aria it was an archery field. I went over and got some training from the elf I had Vaneria on my wrist as the companion ai bracelet it was a reward for beating the hydra in the tutorial lv 50.
I trained for a bit and ended up having sex in under an hour with the instructor. I then went to the magic lecture. And another elf girl lead the lecture. I asked some questions and the others left. I got all their names and contacts. They left and I continued talking with the instructor as I had some questions and we had sex after.
Already at a high enough level to get a class, I asked her to help me get the druid class. She wanted to head out immediately but I asked her to wait untill after I learned the alcemy skill. She pouted about that.
When I went there the instructor sent me out to colect blood weed after she collected somthing from me. Somthing about being able to identifing plants in the wild. But she was pepering me with questions the majority of the time. And said somthing about having to pack and take care of some things. I went out and collected blood weed and tamed some rabits following Vanerias advice. There were sevral. I also was able to tame sevral love birds while at it. I fed sevral acsdently buy hiting the tree quite hard making sevral fruits fall. I ment to use the same method hulet did and tame two. But I triped and hit the tree. When I got back I had sevral rabits and birds following me. The rabits however wernt an accident as they pounced on me. And as I didn't atack any of them none of the other creachers defended me from their advances. While out I also was able to use my aura skills on the plants.
I went back to the alcemy instructor and got this worlds alcemy skill. We had sex again. But I did get some potion making in. After I went to the magic instructor, and the alcemy instructor came too. We first went to the shop and I used the profits I got from seling all the potions I had made. I bought a fue upgrades for Vaneria. Including the afinity meshurement one.
We met the archery instructor on the way to the druid instructor. She invited herself along. We all went to meet with the druid instructor. Aparently his daughter or granddauter was in. She helped with the training. I had higher mana then John had at this point in time and more animals folowing me than the animal girl had at that point. That was partialy on acsdent. But i embraced it quickly planing to do the same as she had done. I was able to make the nature orb in about an hour. As I had alredy had a fair bit of practice with mana controle. And had used the hints I remberd from the book. I had also learned mana senses. Like mana sight just with all the senses. I also had the people coming with me doing the same attempting to form their own groves. They wernt as fast and got board easily.
When I ate the seed my Grove was much bigger. I expanded it for about an hour after. And added dark, light, time and dimension seeds to it. Since the tutorial granted afinitys to your main magics at 5% it was easier to make the time seed. Pluss aparently previous experience with an afinity counted so mine was higher.
Once I had the grove at an acseptable level I put in some blood weed as well other plants. Then I put in all the rabits and birds exsept for 2 of each. I kinda had gone wild with capturing them. Having colected and entire flock of lovebirds and just as many rabits. And I am fairly shure more were popping up.
The instructors were all bord and suggested we go relax a bit and we did. Once done we ate I cooked. The smell of food atracted a wolf pack witch I fed. They desided to join us. I wanted to do some exploring and resource gathering. They helped. We captured a great boah and a bare and her cubs we had to fight the boah as well as the mama bare. I fed the cubs and had them become companions though I had to fight the moma bare first.
Once we were done, everything had excited the wemen so, we had sex. After I shared some of my plans as well as more information about myself. They said they wanted to come with me on my adventures. The alchemist and archer were already packed. Like not just for a short trip.
So once we were back at the town I took out the applicable plants I had and used the alcemy station to brew potions. After brewing some potions and pills and going to the shop and selling them there directly instead of using the alcemy shop I purchased more upgrades for my bracelet as well as some elemental seeds. Once we were ready I went out and we walked to the next city with the girls taking care of most threats with me only contributing where I could. I didn't have full acses to all my abilitys though. For the most part I spent the time using my afinity to enlarge a seed of nature keeping the balence of the elements. Any monster we killed I would throw into my Grove after studying it's aura and striping it for aura buffer to colect skills. I found colecting the same skill over and over I could super impose the skills experience over each other and make a more efishient skill. Sometimes it was kind of like fitting together spiderwebs where sometimes you could fit certian nodes together. The inherint understanding of the skill grew. The corpses were able to go into a separate space while still in my grove dew to my dimentanilsm. So that they didn't spoil and could be used as food for the wolf pack. They also droped other stuff from the other drop perks I had. That stuff went into my invintory directly thanks to my holy unmercnary. But not all of my powers were accessible yet.
Once we made it to the city we rented a room and had some fun and some food. I logged off puting evrything important in the grove before doing so. I then spent some time coordinating with my irl companions splitting up tasks and such. Testing out my out of context powers a bit while I was out. I gabed a bunch of resources from the other worlds. There was still the other acses points we had ben using eg snowglobes and solar system modle q. The resources I grabed were basicaly just some gold and food for the animals. I had some fun with the girls before getting back to the game. Where I got a bit of sleep after a romp. The girls had aperintly gone out and goten some things while I was out. For some reason the sexdrive of evryone around me was much higher than ushual.
When I woke I spent some time making breakfast. And serving it to the instructors as well as feeding my animal companions. Which had already started cultivating. I instructed them a bit telling them not to absorb to much and put back more than they took. I also had vaneria anilise each. While I spent some time with each going over their auras and giving them some buffer aura. One of the upgrades I had goten Vaneria was improved projection. She could display a lager hologram now as well as interface with my interface. Witch granted her internet acses just like I had. Internet acses to all internets I had come across and not just neo life's. Witch I had downloaded onto an alterworld style sever that I had runing and ben upgrading in my off time but running all the stuff it had on it it was taking up quite a large amount of space storage percentage whise and phiscal space whise. When the druid found out what I did with the animals in my grove she wanted to go in and supervise a little bit.
The first thing we did that morning was go to the junk yard and I broke/dismantled stuf. Lots of electronics and some wepons. Once I was done I payed the fee for the stuff. Cheep af. I went back to the hotel room and assembled it then transferd it to my grove. Gaining some skills in the proses. I used the plasma cores from some of the wepons to get the plasma and magnetism affinities. After I used some of the other things the girls had goten, more cores as well as potion ingredints and genral suplys. They had gone shopping. I went to the hotell kitchen and cooked and ate with the girls and animal companions in a rented dining aria. I also served sevral hotell costumers. They let me examine their auras as payment. Some of the wemen striped inorder for me to get a better look.
After food I used the cores to cultivate getting the affinities up to 5 percent and dubling each core size in the proses. Once I was done I absorbed all the cores adding their affinities to the Grove. This took a bit but I still had time before dinner so I went out after balancing my Grove out a bit by extracting some essence forming a fue cores. The companions had not balanced their adishions correctly but were not taking a way from the Grove. But they did add mana so I just pushed the exses mana into cores and placed them in a separate space. I then sat down and created a fue mana crystals draining all my neo life manna. I then went out and sold it. And bought a bunch of beginner level skills for each class. As well as a couple of skills regarding the creation of a grove. I also spent some time going over my aura in detail. I also bought the soul arts crystal from the shop for the manipulation of the aura as well as basic runic enchantment skills. Also purchacing the aura implant that hulet had just with a more expensive vershion. Giving vaneria partal acses to it. This wasn't exactly the same as hulet had, it suplmented the brain but din't replace parts. When I was done I cooked and had some fun.
I loged out and spent some time making a runic diagram in the room the seeds were. In the pent house. I could see that the room was already saturated with mana. The number of seeds and their proximity probly had somthing to do with it. The runic diagram fosbly disputed mana colesenceing into monsters and coalesced seeds of various mana types into seeds. The diagram slowed the effects of the seeds in the building but didn't stop it completly but it did stop mobs from spawning inside the building. And slowed the spread. It also gave some rooms differing time dilation. My time mana afinity had already reached 12% thanks partially to cronos as my patron.
Once I was done I hung out with everyone and discussed plans moving forward. Kirito was working as an engineer on a space station while Asuna was monster hunting mostly full time. Everyone elce was just still kind of fumbling around figuring things out. I had everyone elce looking to level their class spisific things. As well as phocusing on doing what they do best inorder to quickly tranfer their skills over to neolife to quickly power level early on. I also dumped some buffer aura into each of their auras. And added some training as a druid and the creation of a grove regardless of what they did. Saying that it would be a quick way to powerlevel early on as we could take things back and forth that way. And send it off to a pocket world to be researched as they were running at an even more excelrated rate 2x what the future was. And we were at the same rate the other world was genraly but sometimes higher.
Once back in game I made breakfast and built a Coffey machine. And then worked on translating all my alterworld and other skills into neolife. I found that grinding them out was slowed when I ran out of free space in my aura but they condenced and somtimes creatded new aura. I had made some drones and potions and did some other stuff. I did this in a time feild with some others. It was a large time feild expanded with spashial expansion. I stoped for lunch then spent till diner working on my metal and bace affinities. By dinner time my skill grinding speed had platoed.
After diner we went out and purchace a bace module for a ship. I pluged my companion bracelet into it and Vaneria has acsees to the ship. It is just a mining vesle.
The next day we go out to the grasslands in the ship and do some buffer aura collecting. As well as combat practice. And I set up a runic aray on the ship that pulls ambient mana in and turns it into seeds. As we were not alowd to engage the mining equipment the ship has in atmosphere I get out after fiding rich mana deposits and use mana manipulation to absorb them. I rember John's use of aspect of the mana leach and call out my animal companions 4 of witch have evolved. I studied them.
I copied their auras and studied them. Striping downed mobs of skills and levels. Improving the buffer aura of the animal companions and adjusting their skills. I was able to get some wings and tried them out. I was also able to learn the gender difrence from dead things I had killed previously. Once we headed back I bought out Manny of the pets from the pet shop. And paid to learn the auras of the rest.
The next day I got Vaneria a body it took all day because I spent the entire day draining my mana into crystals and working on various other things while it recoverd. Or meditating to get it to recover faster. Meditation was aparently a skill here too. And was able to leverage my experience in it to get it to start at a higher level. I found forging mana crystals alowed me to train afinities rapidly and were a fast easy way to get money. And I got Vaneria one of the more expensive ones. As we had found that they already had many of the upgrades so she wouldn't have to spend the points to get them. I also bought an empty stone and a fue full ones. As well as manny more upgrades for the bracelet.
We also went to the temple that day. And I used the gold I had to purchace space station plans as well as small construction robots. And some rarer resources. And aspect of the mana leach. And some other skill crystals from various gods. I also found out how to unlock psycic abilities. And got the plants to make recovery pills. I also purchaced sevral alcemy skills. As well as some mundain skills such as doctor engineer macanic and coding.
I set the robots up in the grove. To work on the space station. I also had a phone placed in the grove and puled a computer out of my invintory and had Vaneria hook up to it. It had the signal crystal in it alowing it to conect to the signals of the various phones. So Vaneria had the basic hive mind overmind set up where her divine presence was in sevral places at once but was made eiser by the irl connection. Like earth force 1. Split mind Is hard at first aparently. So she was working on the space station sat aray and spaceship. She had experience in splitting her counchiousness so it wasn't as hard for her as it probly should have ben.
I also spent some time upgrading our servers with the neolife hardware. As well as making bug fixes to the code. I also spent some time with the instructors adding skills to their auras and getting their skills and adding copies of some of the skills I had purchaced.