That night, I was informed that in the non game World, the government had contacted the building. They asked if we had any problems with the seeds. I called them back and showed them one of the spells and grew some wings. My lesson was a female officer. I then asked them if mobs had started spawning yet. They said there were some mostly slimes or goblins spotted in the city. I told them that the seeds would transform the people into the race they had chosen as well as grant them the powers they had in the game eventually. I was just in a place where there were several seeds. So the effects in the aria were hapning far faster. I also told them that druids had something called a grove that was basicly a living invintory that could store living beings and was ancored in the aura/soul. And would transfer. So they could take out items from the game. I demonstrated this by pulling a rabit out. I told them anyone could get a grove they just had to have the right affinity first. And there was a way to train them. They just had to create a seed of nature and absorb it. I also told them about the druid metod of preventing spawns. Then I said I would have Eliot handel the rest of the explanations, including other ways to prevent mob spawns and nigoshating the spisifics of our future involvement.
I went and played with the girls. Seting up the bace here upgrading the building some more to act as our bace of operations. Then, I gave all my people in the game waystones that they were able to put in their own groves. After I showed them how to cultivate them. With me creating the seeds they needed using Vaneria to show them afinitys and them having lots of mana to draw on, it went very quickly. Some had also practiced this in neolife. But not everyone was as diligent or in a good position to do so. I also took their experience with their groves to refine my skill with my grove. And gave them copies of several of the other skills I had purchased in neolife. Asuna had a bunch of mobs that I was able to harvest buffer aura from. In her grove as she had plenty of buffer aura, exses mana, and was able to form a basic grove quickly. It just had the basic elements at this time, though. As such, I told everyone how to add elements to their groves.
Once we were all back in the game, I built a portal arch and opened a portal to their locations from the hotel I was staying at. Now, we had direct acses to several worlds. And a mining ship a fue space ships and a space station.
I had several of my companions working on expanding our taritory in neolife as well as expanding our knolage bace. I grabbed all the things Hulet did in the books, refrincing them for timeline and other things. I used the gold market to purchase some of the stuff instead of stores. The main project we were working on would be a satlight system that could replicate what we did to our apartment on earth to the entire planet.
We spent the next couple of days in game leving and grinding xp as well as getting animals and resources for my Grove and the other projects. We went to a couple of other planet dungeons and cleared them. I grabbed all the buffer aura I could and sold off the loot. I was also able to get the metal in my grove to start forming seeds of metals. Including mythral and gold. I basicaly then did what Hulet did with it and considerate the exses gold and metals but instead of a planet I made a seed out of it and then I used that to cultvate and then used it to pump out masive amounts of said metals such as gold. And distributed it to my companions, then had them purchase things. Of course, I also taught the skill and spread the affinity to my companions.
Once we got enough resources and the satlight aray was functional, we went out into the real world and sent up the magicly camouflaged satlights they would disperce mana of targeted arias. The satlights would anlise record disperse and regulate mana in their zone. They still let some spawns threw but dispersed anything that would be a threat to large population centers. They basicly set lv zones. They also collected mana into seeds and sent it to storage. The satlights were camouflaged so they wouldn't be detectable and could self-destruct, replicate, and expand the aray. To the size of the solar system.
I spent the next few days just cultivating the seeds the others would bring me. Keeping the balance in my Grove. Pulling out exses. The world wolf and other evolved craters were helping. I also spent part of the time increasing my affinities and studying auras as well as dungeons. As well as growing my grove creachers as well as plant whise. Some of the grove residents gained human forms or demihuman forms during that time and were basically in heat.
Irl things were going kinda well. Larger threats were being handled by my team, and they were also instructing some through YouTube videos and other soshil media outlets. Having the gov sponsor them with news reports and such. The research teams were also doing well integrating magic teck and such into this world.
I was informed when the soul arts dude attacked. It was actually in a small town, but eliot was contacted. Then he passed the info to me, and I went myself. I handled it in an afternoon. I even got a quest from it. Using aura sight and the afinity function of the bracelet, I was able to pick them out reltively quickly. And I captured legion and seprated out his personalities, melting them down into buffer aura and pure skills.
When people started showing up with strange races, we started offering a race change. I would once a week spend a couple of hours on it. Time dilated of corce. That only lasted for the first two weeks. Payment was handled through Margo. Alice was later able to take over for the most part on that project. And I had Vaneria arange ai servelince on all the capsules. We had a masive sat network super advanced ai as well as much more prosesing power than them. I, however, handled a couple of elementals. Including that child. I did that one free, though I did add several buffer levels to her aura. For other people, I removed some levels via buffer from them as a fee and copied all their skills.
We did give the government access to the info on removing monster spawns from cities. We still had them, however. I was also the one to deal with the larger monster spawns. When the statues of liberty became golems, I went out and made them companions after beating them. When a small dragon apeired, we beat her as well. Our dragon was stronger. I also replaced the statues with artifishial golems that were tasked with defense. The real ones were placed in my Grove.
I also set up several temples to the gods of our pantheon. In order for them to gain divine energy.
Once we had a space station built, we launched it on the earth side of things we connected via portals. All of that was mostly maintained and operated by people who had ben working on space flight the entire time. After all, we have had a space program since alterworlds Eve 4, so they knew what they were doing. They had worked mostly teck development and satlights till ready player one where they got to explore the galaxy. But now they really got to go all out from the beginning as their was a need for a combat capable space force. And they had clear destnations. They got a lot of push for a industlised space program in large part because I was basicaly planet locked. I made the mistake of trying to go to the space station. That had basically wasted 3 days having fun. And we got attacked by a space dragon. And suspected that if I tried to go into space alone, 2 drawbacks would work in tandem, and the ship itself would come alive.
The lunar titan was delayed a week dew to the sat system. I had a tracker on it. By the time it departed, we also had several smaller ships built and launched with former airforce pilots manning them. They had taken similar classes in the game. They were a bunch of war vets that had chosen to go perma back in the early days of digitization. The ships had crystals attached to them forming a portal network on our space station. The ships could, however, operate independently for extended periods. I had brought the pilots out of the game after recruiting them. I suggested it to Max, and he pointed me to the right people.
Their ships were mostly from eve 4 or other out of context ships to start with upgrades from neolife and other worlds we had ben to. They could be just auto piloted by Ai, but we wanted people on them in shifts trouble shooting. And exploring. There were also some ships from ready player 1.
We had goten everyone's psychic powers unlocked. My people got it free, and we were charging a fee to unlock other people's. As well as supplying pills for their training. I was also getting aura copies of the unlocked powers and their other skills for payment. The people here didn't really grow all that fast and weren't very creative. But my satlight network kept the earth a viable world to live on. And the other worlds gave some people an option to dip.
When I was unlocking psycic powers for my people I was able to ajust their auras like giving them a deep tissue massage it smothed out some of their skills removing some of the knots alowing for more buffer aura. I also found i could ajust the buffer aura to different places in their aura, allowing different skills to develop faster. I found all this out working with my animal companions. Many of the witches had evolved into humanoids while others were on track to evolve to other forms. I was encouraging diversity.
Just after the lunar titan left, I started pocusing my personal efforts on Mars. Earth had already ben covered in the sat aray. Most of the large towns had circles of protection around them. So I shifted my phocus to Mars. I basicaly teraformed it. I started by putting it into a more advanced version of a halk brother's dome. This was much larger, so I placed several large gems that acted as anchor points one on each pole and then placed several fewer ones around the planet. Then I basically just climate controlled the entire planet to earth like condishions, then added a bunch of dungeons. As well as put a bunch of plants looking to turn it into a deongeon planet. But more controled.
About a week after the titan left our solar system, my ships arrived at the nome planet as well as the elven planet. And the one headed to the chaos planet was halfway there. I dropped by the elven planet and helped seting up diplomatic relations. Margo and Eliot were supposed to have most of it. But I dropped by to set up portals and to take care of the world bosses that had already spawned. I extracted all their levels and skills. Once I was done subduing the first boss, the elven queen of the planet decided for my reward she was going to join my harem. And then the high queen got involved. In exchange for clearing out all the world booses on their other planets, the high queen would join my harem. Margo set basically the whole thing up as basicaly a joke. Once I had control of both systems as defacto leaders, I had my people take over a separate planet as a planetary bace. Then, we used the system to focus solely on the development of that planet.
Over on the elven home worlds I phocused development on education for the first month. During this time, I had my harem going around coping skills. Then, redistribute them to people. I did the same, but I collected a buffer aura condenced a persons skills, adding to them and condenced a person's auric density. I also had the elven home worlds reworking their space program in the the same way Earth had its. Exsept I had them searching for world bosses. When they would find one, I would port to the world and kill it. Colecting its aura as buffer.
Once the month was over, I switched the phocus to the development of planets for habitation as well as pushing grove and druid development. With the time element in my grove, I was able to dilate time inside my grove. And with all the resources seed wise, I was able to just dump resources into my own grove in order to push its expansion. As well as having the peoples in my grove contributing to its growth and expansion. I was going for a couple of different varieties. Something similar to a multivercal grove.
The next month, I pushed the improvement of our defenses. While I continued to work on my grove. As well as improving skills. including programming. After was infistructuture improvements threwout the empire. Then, it was the phocused development of adventures into an extremely powerful force.
With the ruler system, I could just use pure mana to speed up the prosses of whatever the decree was. We still had acses to the future as well, so we had plans for the more advanced things as well as a much cheaper economy.
One of my people was just repairing things from the junk yards of the future and re-selling it on earth. On earth, I had bought out much of the planet. Basicaly thew Eliot. He was kinda anexing for filory. We had already ben pulling people from the worlds we had in the wharehouse stored in snowglobes. Like magishians earth's. We had already figured out how to stop most of the problems associated with that. With our previous advancements, it wasn't hard to upgrade the nerve gear and other virtual gear and make a similar thing to the seeds. Exsept that manna would not transfer over. So no screwing with their original earth's.
And with the personal dimention perk world of worlds allowed me to transfer the world's into it. They were actually expanding in there. Each one has its own world/dimention. But they were growing. And my power over them was also growing.
The people from the other worlds would just improve the skills they worked on like the other games, but they could buy skills. The imported people were not all misfits. So they kina leveled at an unprecedented rate. Though I was able to sifon new skill inovations from them. They still wernt anywhere as good as my actual companions.
We also had to replace the moon in under a month after it went away. It was replaced with a large space station. Witch was basically a hollowed out asteroid cluster. It wasn't as hard to do as it could have ben. Because we used gravity magic to make up for the difishincy in mass.
The planet we phocused work on in the empire was named Eden. And I was able to pull population for it from across the worlds I had ben to in the past. The peoples abilities were able to manifest in the world quite easily in most cases. Though they were basically ajusted baced on this world. But I was able to put them through the world of worlds first as it was my personal dimention I got from that perk. Though its growth was fuled simlar to my druid grove witch functioned as a separate universe level multiversaly. If that makes sense. So I wasn't able to store the snow globes in it until I could fit them in the grove basicaly. Witch was about the time the lunar titan absconded anyway. After that, my personal dimention grew faster than my grove for a bit. As it had large examples of diverce populations with souls. And that grew the world's like alterworld as they kinda knew how their worlds worked to some degree along with my divine guidance of the proses. The world's expanded exponentially. The process was guided by world of worlds prinsiples though.
The Rouge godess I had to fight was one of the ones in charge of monsters she was the one responsible for the space travel drawback. Suffice to say, my avoiding space travel didn't work out exactly as planned. It did stop the rampant space ship fucking. But I had to deal with space monsters hanging out at the borders of whatever planet I was on efectivly creating a blocade that I had to regularly go out and fight.
Aparently she was mad because I popularized portal travel so not many people were using space flight so her space monsters had nothing to do. So later I was forced to fight increasingly strong space monsters witch was a good level grinder but still a pain in the ass. By the end I had to face the goddess her self. She got fucked. It was mostly dew to out of context skills but she fought by proxy mostly. As I had to fight a solar army. 3 solar titans and sevral moons. Thankfully I was already 900 in world seed lvs and had my other abilitys besides.
Ready player 1 during this time was mostly spending exploring their real game world. While they also had acses to their old planet most didn't bother with it exsept to visit during vacation. And parsaval was working on continuing my efforts fixing the planet utilizing some of the game teck. They also had major help from Valdamar. When everything went into wow they got basicaly 2 galacticsys. One was bog standard with lay lines the other the cube just in warped space. Though now you could travel phisicaly to the other worlds.
Sao was truly bog standard and was in the snow globe cluster though they had a bit more than a solar system. The snow globe cluster each snow globe the insides expanded. And grew kinda like an alterworld bubble. They didn't directly interact with the other worlds but threw proxy and game. Though some people were starting to pick up on the powers and skill increases.
Valdamar was in a dule bubble with a lot more space they had sevral systems worth of space. And they were still developing slow just with more mages. Though they were starting to explore other planar things. And even temporal exploration.
The magishians were working on spreading magic kinda opting to force the apocalyptic world to acsept them as a large part of the worlds segregated them. Elce where magic was becoming more comon place. And they were adapting the magical abilitys of the other races together. The royal family, for instance, adapted elven magic bones in their physiology. There was also filorian beast kin adaptation. By now, the beat juice was widespread. This led to a humanoid boom in filory.
In alterworld, they were adapting the new teck from world seed to work with other systems. I and the other gods made it so that atrabute mana wouldn't propagate outside world seed worlds. Using the wow laws here. So there was a lot of reverse engenering going on. As well as advancement in teck, magic, and skills. Alcemy saw the most advancement here.