7 Pokemon

So I drop-In right outside Palate Town by Diglets cave and immediately run into Professor Oak. He gives me a Charmander. After I save him from a Pikachu. It was kinda like Dimond and Pearl. Witch, he proseded to capture the Pikachu. He was chewing on the electrical cables going to the town. Causing the power to go out.

I asked him where he had captured such rare pokemon as the starters. He said he did not capture them but that they were pokemon from the daycare just north of safron City. They had a conservationist effort and were breading pokemon facing extinton. I asked him if there was any way I could help, and he asked if I would catalog all the pokemon I saw on my journey. It's kind of like an attempt at surveying numbers and such. I agreed. He let me keep the charmander. I helped him get a spare.

When we got back to his lab, Garay was there. He had just woken up. He was a morning person, apparently. Or just excited for the pokemon like Xmas morning. I battled him. He lost. I stuck around for a while, and Green showed she also lost. As did red. Red got the other charmander. I was talking to Professor Oak about pokemon. Evs and all the different pokemon I knew about. Sometime in the after noon ash showed up.

When he made his aperince oak, it was like I didn't have another pokemon. I mentend that he still had that Pikachu. He gave ash the Pikachu. Ash got the Pikachu. He didn't battle me. It was just never brought up. But Ash was shocked. Oak was not. I reminded Ash to pick up some poki food before he left town. I went with him to his house and helped him pack. Pikachu ate at his house. Turns out Pikachu just got hungry.

Gray showed up and challenged Ash, and Ash actually won. Electric vs. water. And Pikachu wasn't hangry. Ash then left once he had a map. He had wanted to head out as soon as he could. I had told him I was just going to be staying the week around here to train. And apparently, he had an anelectric alarm clock as well as the broken twist macanical. I fixed it for him. He convinced his mom to let me stay at their house, saying his room would be empty. He headed out soon after. That day, I caught the legendary bird he had seen. That first night, I slept in his mom's room.

(When I got to ashes' house, his mom was in the kitchen. She made us food. I told her about how I helped Oak catch Pikachu. As he was the one to cause the power outage. She wanted to see my char. And she pressed up against me when she did so. She was touchy.

She was super for me staying. Ash got some suplys from her as well before heading out. I went up to take a bath his mom came in to wash my back Japanese style. Things evolved from there. I snuck out while she was getting ready for 'bed' to capture hoho. And got back in time to join her she didn't realise I had gone out.)

In the morning, I went out and spent all day training my charmander in the viridian forest. I also caught myself several pokemon with normal pokeballs. And faced several trainers. And a swarm of zubat. I heald all the pokemon I battled. Ajusting their auras and saving their skills. I met Garys older sister in the forest she was maping it. That night, I slept with her under the stars.

The next day, I went to the next town and on the way faced team rocket. I beat them and tied them up. I copied meowths ability to speak. I had ben using wild speech up till then to communicate to pokemon. A psycic ability I picked up from world seed beond my persnol ability. After a bit spent convincing Jessie to join me, she did. I let James and Meouth go. I spent that night with Jessie. I bought a bunch of pokeballs and suplyys in town. The next day, I beat my first gym. Brock was there still. apparently, he hadn't left with Ash yet. And I spent the rest of the day training. I spent the next day challenging all the trainers in the region. The next day, I headed to the next gym. It was a missties gym. Her three older sisters came on to me strongly. After I had challenged them with a chamander. And beat them. Charmanders fire had become blue it was strong enough to to stand water atacks. And I could talk to her mentally. As well as with wild speech. And I had taught her Meawths ability to speak human. Vaneria was able to stall evolution and help me adjust charms aura and control her growth. She evolved after the match with the 3 sisters. I spent a day training Charm to get her used to her new form. And challenging all the trainers in the region.

I also hacked the PC. As well as the satlight network. And got hard line acses to their internet.

I got with an ofercer Jenny and nerce joy. I was able to clone them and download their memories across the clones. I also set up a portal network and a pokemon planet. In my inner space. It was just a fue building now, but it was enough to keep my harem in a bunch of buildings that connected to their homes via portal.

The next day, I spent heading to the surges gym. It was quickly over. I arrived just after Ash lost. I spent the next day doing the same. I normally do changing everyone I can find to a friendly match. But it was getting eazy for charm, so we started chalnging 2 at a time or more. Depending on their power levels and other things.

The next day, I head out and go to the next gym. I challenged Erica. And once I beat her by facing all her pokemon at once. I get her to join my harem. And her gym to join my network. I also challenge everyone in the aria and then move on. The next gym is a kake walk, and Charm evolves again. Her color scem is a bit different gold and blue. But overall, she is still a charazard. I spent an extra day getting her used to her new form. Vaneria says she will probably be able to get her to evolve farther with world seed tech. Or we can use the x stone, but that's only temporary. So once remembering the next gym is a psychic one.

I fly and go catch a draini and train it until it has evolved, and it learns some dragon type moves. I teach Charm some compatible moves and get a magic carp and have ep share till it evolves as well. That takes a week, and then I challenge Sabrina, and once I win, having red my mind, she has sex with me because she is so horny after the fight. And I beat the entire town in a 3 v 50 or so. I take Sabrina about hunting pokemon, and we find Mew. I use a master ball and catch her.

I also ben keeping up with my herm and had ben training with them. By now, Jesse's pokemon can wipe the floor with what she would have ben otherwise. And Jesse is training to be a xenodoctor. She has a stranger speshilisation more than most. Adept in antivenoms and vaxienes. And her bedside manor isn't that great. Her pokemon could take on everyone till Sabrina. And that's only because of the typing. So we get her a ghastly.

Cinnabar island and Viridian don't hold much of a chaleng after the fight with Sabrina. After I train everyone up to fight the elite for and stock up on potions and such. Sending samples and such to the research team to anilise back in the grove.

After a month of training and catching various pokemon, I face the elite 4 and beat them all in a day. Using only dragonite and charm. Gardose doesn't even come out of the pokeball, and Dainti only comes out to rotate every other battle. When the picture is taken, everyone is surprised at my lineup. Witch includes mew. And a red Garradose. As well as the legendary bird hoho.

Afterward, we go foil team rockets sceam catching mew 2 I don't even rnd up using a master ball just a great ball. And in the poses, I get a female Lucario. After I go and catch the legendary birds and Lugia.

After I traveled the regions catching pokemon, including the legendary arcus. She is female. I get her an alter from alterworld, and she starts gaining power from worship. I caught her using a master ball. She is able to make the pokemon world a part of my inner world, which includes world seed univirce and inerdimentions via inner world perk. Including filory.

I spend the rest of the time fucking my way threw the regions training up some pokemon and catching the most powerful legendary pokemon with the help of arcius she makes them subordnent beast godeses or they just end up in masterballs. I also reverse engineer the original master ball. As well as get all the useful tech. During my downtime, I explore the world while training my world seed abilities.

Most of the other worlds are becoming introduced to God's if they haven't already thought there are some hold outs as we are still mining some bog standard time lines from magishians for info and other things. History, knolage, artifacts, and such.

With this connection comes divine power and inflewence for the pantheons. Increased lifespan for the citizens and a few changes to the world are introduced. Mostly in line with the world itself. And as many historical significant power full artifacts are removed before integration accidents are less likely. And they are in wow systems, so if they don't have the thing before, they probably are going to need a lot more juice than the connection allows for it. So, no summoning a divinity without power first flowing to us.