8 Supernatral

I come to on a bench on the Stanford campus grounds. It is Halloween, according to the time stamp on the interface. It is also like 7 in the morning. I log on to the internet and launch my internet programs, creating an identity for myself using hacking and perks and start downloading the internet onto my servers. I pull out a lap top and a case for it with no human seeing me. So I don't look like a weirdo, using my interface, and for a better download speed. I use the computer to increase the processing power of any local devices with whireless connections while piggybacking off their signal. I also use it to hack the satlights and all the sevalence cameras. My ai sorts threw the data. I am looking for supernatural entities using similar programs that I had started using in alterworld but had upgraded in the magishians to look for magic and magical creatures in the magishians univirce I had upgraded it a few times, including in the world seed univirce. It had helped track down monster spawns before we got the other containment measures in place. I also go threw and hide most of the identities of known hunters and hack the British/forin hunter databases. I also find out where Sam and Jessica live and where his dad is. He was caught on Camra in a gastation 10 miles away from where Dean thought he was.

Taking a fue minuts, I take some time to upload my hunters jurnal into an ai program and relised an online game. Making a wiki for it with all the information on all the monsters in the game. The wiki was set up to be a hunters guide on monsters and it would be one of the top searches for people in the vasinity of monsters the wiki opening to the spisific mob thanks to monster ai big brother. It would even appear as a pop-up add sometimes. Displaying the weaknesses of the monster.

After spending around an hour on various internet and programming things, I get up and head to Jessica's house. She has off-campus housing rather close, so I take my new firebird, which is parked not too far away.

Knocking on the Dore Jessica assures. I told her that I was looking for Sam. She tells me he isn't in, and I go. I am a bit early he is probably still testing. Mind if I weigh until he gets back? I jesture back to my car saying that I was from our town and that I would be happy to tell her more about Sam.

She invites me in, and we sit at the kitchen table while she pores us both some Coffey. I tell her about Sam and his family situation. Saying to her that I want to recrute her boyfriend, in a similar capacity to when he used to work freelance before college. I don't mention the supernatural aspect of it. Though I do mention various benefits and mention the clasified nature of past private government contracts. Adding in the benefits witch would include a full ride scholarship and the ability to "cumute from home." And the health benefits dental and such. Plus a large salary.

 When Sam gets in, she introduces me. Forgetting the fact that I never told her my name. I pull out the hunters journal I have and my laptop and place them on the table. Jess says she has a class soon and goes and gets ready. Kissing Sam on the cheek before leaving.

Sam recognised the journal and got kinda serious. He kind of hurried Jessica up. I have Sam sit down with me and we talk about recruitment. I say I am fomlising hunting in the United States and want to recruit both him and his brother. As well as a fue other hunters I know of in the United States. And that he is the first hunter I am looking at. I told him it was either him or Bobby singer first. And dew to his attempt to lead a normal life and some other reasons he was my fist pick. I also say that everything will have much more funding and resources than he was used to. As well as health benefits, full medical coverage as well as a scholarship. And that he should definitely continue his education but that being a hunter is something not many people would be capable of. Besides, our goal was to save people not killing monsters. While sometimes there wasn't much difference others there wasn't much difference. And that's a big difference.

He asks if I worked for the government. I tell him no, I am just a very rich man with personal experience with the supernatral. I knew people who did work for the government. I have spent some time looking into the problem before I just jumped in the deep end and tried fist figuring out what's out there.

That included looking into past cases. Lots of gosts some secret cicities (men of letters included) and lots of mytholgy. I also came across some old hunter jurnals. The secret sisitys led me to the winchesters. And that led me to his parents and the house fire. And what killed his mom. I also looked into similar cases and found out it was a demon. Pulling up the relvent data on the laptop and showing him. After looking into similar cases, it was found that it was a demon going around feeding demons blood to babies. Then, later, they developed psycic powers. Including telekinesis prophetic dreams, hypnotic voice, and a fue others. Witch, I looked into and found out that magishians as well as psycics were real and was able to develop some of my own minor psycic powers. Because I could and no demon blood needed. After I tracked down the three of them.

I then explained it was a demon that killed his mom, and the same one was after him as well. He has questions and I ansure them.

I tell him his grandfather was originally from the men of letters, a secret illuminati type organization similar to freemasonry. Those were involved with the supernatural counterparts to world events. They still have a presence in England, but the Knights of Hell, I think, killed most of them. At least here in America. (High ranking demons] And that's how his grandfather on his dads side died. Oh, and they had acses to some advanced magic, time travle spells as well as a fue other things. Including a portal spell.

When Jessica leaves for class, I take him for a tour of the bunker after showing him a portal spell. Witch, he din't believe.

After he agrees, I tell him that his brother is on his way. I show him on the big screen in the map room. I tell him about the advanced ai capacity I have. I also tell him we won't be phocusing on killing stuff but trapping or curing it. Because their is a cure for whare wolfism and such in the men of letters records. They even had stuff on curing demons. Though it was fairly expermental at the time. It was in my hunters jurnal as well as a vamps and an alternative method for where wolf. And I still hadn't ben through all their stuff.

I also tell him that he should have demon psyic powers. And about how to defend against demons. After going back to Jessica's house, I helped him set up some defenses. We even set up a giant devil trap around the house. I mention the gigantic devils gate trap. We make it out of salted whire. And other stuff I pull from the trunk or bunker. I also use mana manipulation to discolor some Flore tiles inside the house, making entire rooms devil traps. We also make the entire bathtub holy water using the beads. And then put that into one of those evaporators. And a fue jugs. Also, using it to water the lawn.

Once Jessica comes back, I leave and go put my firebird into the bunker. While he tells her he is going to take the job. I left him a new laptop as well as a cell phone to contact me it was a smartphone. I told him it was encripted and non traceable. The phone backed itself up to the bunker servers, so if for some reason he destroyed it, his stuff would be backed up. As well as instructed him on how to use the vi on the computer.

While weighing for after the party to go back and recruit Dean, I move the magishians into the bunker. And have them start studying this worlds magic. As well as pass an upgraded vershion of the magic tat to them.

I also dispatch people with some portal stones. To all 50 states. And one to Jarico. As well as some forin contries such as Greece Rome and Jerusalem. And start up the prosses of improving my car.

I arrive back at Jessica's place. Just before they get back. I am parked on the street until they get back. Sam has me pull into the driveway.

I come in and weigh downstairs with Sam. Jessica stays up for a bout 20 minutes with us but beggs off and goes to bed saying she has work the next day. Week end job for extra cash. Sam tells me they are renting the place. I hop on my laptop and purchase the company that owns their rental. They also owned a couple of other houses on the block. I also talked to Sam about different improvements one could make to a house to protect against the supernatral. Sam comes up with installing a sprinkler system. As well as getting a holy water resivwar to run it. We plan on installing it in the morning.

We hear Dean picking the lock, and I open the dore, and Sam has a shotgun not loaded pointed at his face.

Once the brothers hash it out, I speak up, and Dean about jumps out of his skin. I introduce myself. I then say we should take the conversation to someplace more private so that we don't wake Jesica and open a gate to the bunker through a closet.

When there I tell them about the bunker. And how I purchased it from the bank. Explaining how it used to be owned by a group called the men of letters. Sam and Deans great grand father and grand father being members.

After agreeing to meet back up in the morning, I offer dean a place to crash in the bunker. Telling him he could sleep in the garage if he wanted with his car. But I had plenty of extra rooms. I open a portal to Jessica's place, and Sam goes through. I show Dean to his room and the garage. We go out and get his car. I show him my car and tell him a little about it. How it is both gost proof and demon proof. And showing him the trunk witch is bigger on the inside.

I also show him the rest of the bunker, including the library armory and such. We even have a swimming pool. Witch was full of holy water. He goes to bed after about an hour.

In the morning, we get Sam and have breakfast with Jessica before heading to Jericho. Introducing Dean to Jesica. We get there the day that guy is killed at night. So we find the house the woman lived in. I also go to the local Home Depot and purchase a bunch of rock salt. And a fue rain barels. Before heading back. I left Sam and Dean to look into the hotel their dad was staying at. And meet back at the ranch house. I had given both cellphones and dean a caset jack with all the music downloaded from the ready player 1 collection as well as all the stuff he had on caset in his car.

When they got there, they found me sitting there on the porch. I had already gone in the house and trapped the spirits of the children I had put them in one of the worlds already. They had come back with their dads journal and everything from his room in boxes. I helped Sam back to Jessica's place and weighted with the dean in the bunker, working on his car and making a salt distillery to make holy salt. I also spent the time digitising the library. As well as researching and creating a program to streamline the knolage sorting. An hour before sunset, we were back with some holy salt shot guns. Sam said he finished installing the sprinkler system and survalence system. I had a notification on my phone for it as well.

We attracted the gost by hanging out on the bridge. I had Sam use a soul stone to trap the gost. Then I took it and put it in the world of worlds. And then we went back to the bunker and Sams home.

The next day, I took Sam out to train his tk and psycic powers. And Dean went to the shooting range. I also had them drinking holy beer and got Sam some psi training pills.

That night, we staked out Sam's house, and we captured Yellow eye in a devil trap, but he did that earthquake thing and excaped by vacating his body smoke style. Because I played an exorcism on tape quickly.

With that, Jessica was introduced to the paranormal, and she took it pretty well. She was introduced with no one dying. And very little violence. After I did some magic , I also opened the portal to the bunker, and we explained everything.

I also introduced Alice and the rest of the team.

When promithus came up, I introduced him as the real promithus. I also said he and colipy were going to do public relations. Promithius had spawned in at that avlanch mountain and was able to break his curce with divine powers gained from other worlds but kept the immortality thing. He found klipy on the mountain as well as the person who originally found him.

The next day, Sam and Dean headed out for the quadrants with information from me that there was something. A wendigo near as I could figure near there. I gave Sam all the info in the paper as well as on his records.

I also gave them soul stones. To trap it once it was killed. Explaining that heaven hell and purgatory were real and that they were very excapable. For Eg, demons from hell were just basicly gosts. With possession as their go-to and a whole lot more experience. And magic, including a pension for evil.

I also got the Winchesters to let me copy their dad's journal and other stuff from the hotel. I gave it back with an organised copy for Sam. As well as 2 of the new versions of it with all the data beter organized and added to as a quick reference guide. With all the personal stuff removed. And told them to hand them out if given the chance and some busnius cards. I can make more of both if they need them.

I went to track down Bobby and recruit him. I stopped by his junk yard with a phone and a laptop. As well as a chest full of books. I met him and said I had heard about him from Sam and Dean. And also called them up on the phone and had them talk to Bobby. I also spoke to them and said I would call after I was finished here, and we may come back them up.

After the call, I showed him how to use the laptop and asked him if I could see his book collection. I also had him test me. Silver and holy water as well as a devil trap.

I while I was going through his books, we talked about defensive measures he could set up. And we even talked about souls and how I didn't kill monsters but trapped their souls. I also talked about how thereticly if their was a zombie apoclipse, I would be the one to turn them back human or something. I also got a copy of his journal. I gave him several updated copies of the hunters guide. I also told him I would be stopping by this hunters bar. I knew later, but I would be making a stop elsewhere first to help the boys with a windigo and asked if he wanted to join me.

When I called up Dean again, they were just outside the forest. I told them to place down the stone I had given them and opened up a portal to them and drove my car threw and had Bobby drive his truck threw. After witch, I closed the portal. I explained they were portal stones and that the stone acted as an ancor point for the portal spell. After witch, I explained about natural magic soul magic and how the soul was basicly a big batery. Also talked about angels and such. As well as other types of magics. Explaining to Bobby Sam lisend. While we hiked in and set up camp with warding sighns and such. I gave everyone disguises for the hikers we came across. They were different shoes and some jacets. Long sleeve. They were all made by me or my people. And went over our cover story again. They asked about the jackets, and I pulled out a knife and slashed one. I then told them they were bulletproof, too. Just not shock absorbent. So don't get shot. Dean asked about the shoes. I told him we were going hiking and were supposed to be fish and wildlife. Bobby made some comments about me caring about this stuff. Something about it being an elaborate disguise. And I went. I also have monogrammed shirts and pants to go with them as I was changing into the pants. Made the comment what, their also bulletproof. Booby also wanted the whole set. Dean begged off, regretted it, and went along with it when Bobby talked them into it. He called them a couple of idjits.

Once we came across the campers at black water ridge we escorted them back to the trail head. Saying that there had ben seval outbreaks of rabies in the aria. But before we got back to the trail head, one of them had to use the bathroom. And I let him get 'separated' the windigo got him. I think it was coming after me but couldn't find me. I let him be taken. He was taken all the way back to the mine.

We all went back to rescue him because they weren't going to leave their friend. They believed it was a bare that got him. The windigo was making noise mimicking their friend. When we found him, I pulled out a net gun and tranquilizer darts loaded with holy trank fluid. I gave everyone a wepon. Bobby got the trank gun, one with triple strength as well as myself. Backpack hiker style. With bigger on the inside enchantments. But the guns were sized aproprately. The non combatants got net guns. I acted as bate once we found the cave. I tied it up while I heald the unconscious friend. I used some healing spells. I got him up to almost full health while I was checking him over, making my minastrations look mundain. So I didn't close the cuts all the way and wrapped them in bandages from my first aid kit. I even used cure disease and such. He had some infections and blood born pathagens. So the guy would be left with some scrapes but no brusing. To acount for the blood. They wouldn't scar too bad. When we caught the thing, we explained who we were to the campers. They asked if we worked for the government, and I said something like that. Black ops the men in black. But most people call us hunters.

Once we got out of the woods, I gave the friends some contact info and told them if they were ever in need of help or needed some work to give me a call. I also gave them a hunters guide. I told them I wasn't just looking for hunters but programmers and other jobs. Telling them, I ran a start-up gaming company that would hit the market soon and gave them a fue game cartridges of Nintendo games that promithus and his wife had developed back in Sao. The guide lines for game development in this world would be no vr. But to advance graphics and maby holoteck. As well as telling them that the company had already relesed an online game.

I also gave them some hunters kits. They looked up what they were doing for school and improved their scholarships a bit. Or in one persons case pushing a 75% one his way. As well as for their siblings. We also escorted them all back to their houses.

After we were a little out of town, I opened a portal for us back to the bunker. Bobby hung out for a while. He ended up staying all night to meet Jessica. Sam's girlfriend. I locked up the windego under the bunker to do some testing on. To figure out other things that would hurt the thing. Borax worked. I got Bobby to help me with that. We also found some other things that worked. We recorded everything in the updated hunters guide. We acsently endded up killing it with holy fire. It was highly flamable. And even more so when using holy fire. I traped its soul.

I ported Sam and Jessica back at the end of the day. I installed a portal arch with a key. It was basicly a portal to one of the spare room closets. To the back of one of their closets. I did the same for Bobby.

That day, I went to find Charlie, and I brought her counterpart to do so. When we found her, she was actually reading the jumpernatral. She went all fan girl on us. I ended up recruiting her to the whole hunting thing but on the side of the irl busniuse. She was kind of freaked but found her double to be cool. We had sex. It was a threesome. It was fun. And kind of odd. We also introduced her to magic. And dragons. And stuff. It was fun. We were mostly naked.

I got her to spearhead the r and d for the game development with her counterpart.

The next day, I told Bobby about Lake Manitaw and how I pland to make the whole thing holy water. Because I thought that it might have a poltargist and that I wanted to see if someone could do that. For Eg, make an entire lake holy watter.

I send Sam and Dean in the morning to intestate. I tell them about the missing people and about a theory I have. I also told him that the body was probably still in the lake. So we went there. I used the reabreather and meditated in the botom of the lake in basicly a shark cage of iron that I had Bobby put together while I was out playing with the red heads. We rented a boat and went out. I sat in the cage and chanted the spells, and Bobby did the same above. After about 20 minutes, Bobby saw something, and I saw the ghost kid. I traped him in a soul gem. After I continued for another hour. I was able to tell the potency of the holy water threw my clarecentience perk. I could tell the water was losing potency when I stopped, but only slowly, it would take about a week to get back to normal. So I considered the experiment a success.

With the spirit trapped in the soul gem, we went back to the bace, and I put him in an afterlife world equivelent.