8 Supernatral

After finding the lake experment to be a success, I made some adjustments to the bunker.

I also had Sam get acses to his universities watersuply and do some "testing" for a paper he did for a "project." He used the prayer beads and blessed his universities watter suply for an hour. I also had him get one of his friends who was a biology major, not the one who tried to kill Jessica,to look at the holly waters efect on micro organisms. I also ran a record check on pipe use in MI and found they had lead pipes and had ai run a short comershial on lead poisoning. All over the country. That had an imbeded exorcism. As well as had Promithius run his campaigning in MI under having cleaner water suply. As well as under the republican banner. Building his campaign on water. Public works projects to replace all the lead pipes. A fish and wildlife stance. After all, it is quite natural to want a better healthier future. When he ran up with opposition with his campaign, he would bring up difrint problems and different sulushions. Saying that he is running his campaign on the water because if the people can't even last for the next 3 days, then what does it matter if he wins the election in 3 months. He ends up winning the election.

I also go to the devil trap that surrounds the gates of hell. I line the train tracks with some silver as well as some distilled holy salt. And I purchased much of the land. As well as a water bottling company. Ajusting a fue thing like printing blessings on the backs of the labels and revamping some of the equipment. Hiring priests, including the brothers, reverend friends to come in and bless the water. I also build a budist monistary around the place and get a bunch of monks to bless it constantly.

I also hook up the swimming pool to the Mississippi. At its beginning. And I have a speaker system in it that plays several exorcism and blessings as well as stored the prare beads there. The portal spells connecting the river only let water pass. I also have a mesh separating it small enough to not lose the beads. I also engrave the sides with runes to purify and charge the water with vitality.

I also meditate in there when I do meditation. I also had the place set up with crystals placed in there.

The artificial sound, while it works it is only less than a tenth as effective. But the runes help a lot. I have tried different things to improve it, but that's what I came up with to do so passively. I also started a greenhouse in the bunker. And grow some olive trees. As well as some other fruits and grow sevral holy plants waterd with holy water and grown to fruiting in 7 days. I take the olives and render them down and the plants and turn them into potions. And replace the olive oil in the pantry with the new stuff. I continue to grow farther generations of holy plants.

I also purchased a gmo company. And produce holy seeds. I also use some of the holy oil to make some oil lamps and put them in the pool room. I also changed the hot water heater to use cleansed holy water. So the bunker is running completely on holy water.

I found a demon in a bottle spell. It's Basicly a banishment to a bottle spell. I went and looked up the 40-minute airline and played the spell on loop inbedded into the music in the airport. On a few days, we got a hit. The bottle caught something. I took it back to the bunker. I sent Sam and Dean out to repeat the setup in several major airports. And other major public spaces like malls. I also found the cure demons files.

Bobby and I went to the road house to introduce me to the hunter community. I din't have a portal stone at the place, so we had to drive from the nearest one. On the way we meet, some people are broken down on the side of the road. It turned out to be a trap. They were demons. We tossed them into the back of Bobby's truck. It has a cab on it. As it was built as a supernatral holding cell.

While I am out, I tend to get attacked by monsters every time I am outside the bunker, so I end up capturing a fue difrent demons. The demons also seem pretty mad that I turned the Mississippi River to holy water.

Once we got to the road house, Bobby introduced me to everyone. I bought everyone drinks and got down to busnius. That was to say I was handing out monster manuals as well as phones and offering anti posetion tattoos. As well as handing out gift cards. I also talked to the owner about serving holy beer on tap. As well as putting a line of silver on a couple of things. Such as the bar. As well as improving the protections on the place. Pulling out a second book with a bunch of stuff, including some of the wards on the bunker. Ellen was not super happy about everything until I said booby and I could do some of the stuff, and I would pay for it all.

Bobby wasn't too happy about that, but I told him all I needed his help for would be for the tools as I didn't want to have to get new ones that late. We only took 20 minuts to go get them, and we were back. It was kinda loud, but the bar was occupied by hunters, so it wasn't a problem. I laid out the patterns first and got Ellen's approval. Jo commented on my designs. She had just gotten in when we got back.

Later, I would go back and place a series of protections in a wide radius surounding the rode house. It was similar to the protections sam Colt made around the hell gate. Exsept it was a bit different. It used the 2 stage protection circle of the salmonic magishian instead of the standard one circle. Salmonic summing circles have one for the caster and one for the entity. Kinda like the spirit gets sumoned in one and can't get out, and you are in the other, and spirits can't get in. Like gosts can't cross salt. But that would be done in secret because I used out of context skills. That was also done in like a mile radius.

Back at the road house I also got with Ash, I got him a better computer with teck only a couple of years ahead. I also offered him a job with the gaming company. Offering to introduce him to Kirito. I also got Jo and Ellen some July. Alterworld skills were used to make them. Out of parts from the windingo and other monster stuff. As well as out of context stuff. It offered minor buffs. I told them it was made with ash from a windigo, so it offered some supernatral boosts. They were worried about side efects and the price. Things like this come at a price and all that. And I was like, the price has already ben paid. After all, it wasn't easy killing a windigo.

I bought Sam and Deans old house. And had Dean and Sammy go and see the psychic lady. While Bobby and I had gone to the road house. Later, I went to their old house and caught the goasts, and I made their mom a body. Alice helped along with the gods. She got some powers out of the thing astral projection as well as pyrocknisis. I also tracked down their dad. Once I had her in her body. Once I did, I used some healing potions on their dad. As well as a de aging thing. Took care of his old scars as well. Once that was done, I got them to help me cleanse their home. And we put the same protections up as Sam had at his house and connected it to the bunker. Along with the psycics place. I had promithus heal her eyes. We also put up some devil traps at the psyics place. And I planted a fue tree in her front yard. Plumb trees. I had Sam and Dean go take care of the bug problem. And I sent Mary and her husband to rebond over the hook man hunt. I purchased the mirror and had Bobby pick it up. After we made his truck gost proof. Once he got the mirror back, I removed the spirit. And put the memory in storage.

Once everyone got back, we went to the insane asylum and trapped the spirits. The dock went to a hell world. But the pashients went to a temporary world. My people had already cataloged the bunker and put the nesasary things into storage or taken them off world. This included several men of letters storage facility locations and other safe houses. Including records of past members. The bunker we were using was the one Sam and Dean originally got across to, but feiat backed and such.

The update report my people gave me of the loged bunker goods got me to remember to raid John's old cashes. As well as some stuff Bobby had hidden away. As well as some of Mary's families' stuff. Just had to be careful not to run into her dad too soon.

Once we finished the asylum. Promithus went with us to the scare crow town. We burned the tree and set Promithius up as the new pagan god of town. With offerings being made in fire, no human sacrifice is nesasary. and on an Alterworld, world seed type system. No interface or anything for the folowers, just minor blessings buffs and such.

I also was able to track down and lure out the girl as well as a few other minor demons, which we ambushed and captured. I had the reverse exorcism on tape so the demons couldn't escape. I spent time curing the girl, but I would drain blood from demons and store it.

In the 6th month I was there, we released our first council game. It was called supernatural. It had lots of information on the supernatural and how to kill or trap as well as how to make holy water and such. It had a devil trap on the cover as well as enokian runes. It also had a bit of minor magic in it some of the more hamless stuff.

I spent some time making supernatural hand cuffs as well as building an aria 72. Where we could store stuff we didn't want in the bunker. We were keeping the demons at Bobby's place. But I wanted a more remote place. So I bought a plot of land out in the middle of the desert and built a bace. It was basically a giant devil trap surrounded by holy ground. I used holy water to grow a forest around the place. basicly, I did what I did in ready player 1 but with a supernatural twist. I also hid most of it from half the team. It was bascly a nice house with an underground facility for storing undesirables and conducting experiments.

I had Dean and Sam go with me to the faith healer Roy. I also had Jessica come. I spoke to him, and I enlightened him to his actions. I also heald his eyes. And I gave him some healing abilities. Alterworld style. I played everything a bit theatricly. And showed him some of the stuff that goes bump in the night. And when the vishions ended, he had his sight back. I had also broken into his house and looked at his wife's stuff. Once he got his wife to break the stuff and destroy it. Herself. I stopped the reaper and talked to him. He apparently recognized me for some reason, saying I used to do some freelance work with a vershion of death? I also got promithus to offer him a job. Faring souls to the afterlife worlds. In exchange for not taking the soul of the woman just yet but only when she died of natural causes. And the choice to have her be bound to serve him for as long as the natural lifespans of the people she had him kill minus the increased span of the people she helped. Plus, 10 years. And she was free to live as long as her husband still lived. But no longer than 10 years. So he could claim her soul holowine of 2016 or so at the latest. And eliminated any knolage on how to do what she did.

After I had the ai track down the Dorian place. And I went with Dean and Sam. To purify the swamp. We also brought the truck and salted and burnd the truck with holy oil and purified salt. Then, I purified the swamp with the prayer beads. So we got away with no one dying. Be cause we got there the day the house was torn down. I got the 3 original victims to help with the purification. So that is 5 more people that know. I also gave them some hunters guides and some computers. As well as bought into the whole journalism. By getting them some new equipment with the stipulation that they print joke articles or mytholgy section somthing that informed the population how to deal with supernatural threats. It had to be on the dl.

When Sam had a premonition about the death in MI, we were there in under an hour. Because our portal was right there. And we were the first on sight, and I was able to revive the abusive father. I took Max away with Sam.

I gave him a job recruting him. I told him yes, he could kill shit but evil non-human shit. And that I would have my personal reaper friend mark them so he would get their souls. And I kind of used demon blood to enhance his powers in controlled doses. I was trying to turn him into a demon or enhance his powers with only the stuff in this world. And once done, I would turn him back. I also used the female demon Meg and had ben enhancing her the best I could. Partly curing her. And strengthening her powers. Using the same method they used on Croly. Exsept with her, I was using some out of context stuff. Nothing to radical, though.

Sam's training was going differently. I used the psychic recovery pills from the world seed. Exsept I kept ajusting the formula using things from this world. To help him with his powers. And by that time, I had convinced Dean into unlocking his own cool powers. He got minor telknisis and minor supernatral aim. Coin into vending machines from a distance. Thrown pens landing on their tips. He also got a minor Clare sentience with guns and cars. He could tell what was up with them by touching them. Modifications whare and such.

We went to that town with all the missing persons. I recruited Officer Kathleen. And used ai to pop up restricted on her computer. With some gov black ops thing. I said we were looking into the missing persons. After all, many of the victims crossed state lines, and it flaged some of our systems. We used the van and the jankins case to pull the officer after requsishning her services. And then had her sighn an nda. We tracked down the hick family and used our uniforms and traqulisers to take them out. And then transported them in body bags to the navada bace. Once there, we ran some tests on them and then transferred their souls to an h world. Once we cleand up i had her call it in wile also inishated her into the word of supernatral as well as showing her the windigo and giving her a fue papers on how eating human flesh can make peole go insaine. Botulism or something. I also gave her a pay raise with money wired from our accounts and hacked federal and local busnis and had our reporter cover her story, giving all the credit to her brilliant police work. Once all the tests were done on the bodies, I set it back up and made it look like one of their prisners got out and killed them with their own guns. The case took about a day. The original vic I had put him in a coma and woke him back up after everything was settled.

I also put the cop on some supplements and got her checked out by our "doctor." Rutien checkup after combat. Who gave her some "vitmins." Saying she had a vitamin difishency. Realy they were healing pills. That would increase longevity and heal minor scaring and damage. As well as boost her immune system.

I also hooked up an ai system to her system and had her look into some cases in her aria. With the knolage she had on the supernatural.

Once the zoriastrian demon case came up, I had Mary check it out. I had pulled the records on the killings and got the hearts as the reason we checked out the place. I traped the zoroastrian demon and got about 10 lower demons as well.

I kept John on the hunt for the colt and also told him of other wepons that could kill supernatural stuff. I also had him resurching the gates of hell.

I looked up and tracked hell hounds lair .com. and sent them an actual goast and a fue videos on ways to hurt them and hunt them. I also set up a viral ai that deleted pictures of the talpa image. And had promithus go with Sam and dean to remove the single for the talpa and burn down the house.

I went with Dean down to pits burg to hunt the strega while Sam was busy studying for exams with an appointment to a charity auction with Jessica. I sent them with some good desquises. I also had Jessica cultivate the art galry heads dauter.

While we were in Pittsburgh, we visited the hospital. Dean helped the woman with the cross. I also gave her some medicine. I also bought the hotel. And hired the woman to run the muti state motel chain. And paid for her kids to go to get better schooling. I also had her work from home for the most part. I had her running the hunter hotell chain. Dean and I captured the monster inside the boys' bedroom. The mom and both boys were inishated. And I told her why I was buying up hotells. Small town.

I had John Winchester and his wife and bobby go see Elkins and bring him up to speed I went with. We were attacked by a vampire pack. I added his journals and resurch to the hunters guide.

I went to all the churches on the hunters list. And put them in multi layer demon traps. I also put some large demon traps on the highways.

I also got some anti demon tats for everyone. My style. Magic projected anti possession and power lv gages.

Once I had everyone together, I trapped the goast in the picture and sent the girl to a hell world and the guy to a nother. And sat everyone down and talked about the gates of hell. And how the colt was the key. John got all prissy, and I gave him an enchanted mythral blade made in the alterworld. He told him that he should be able to kill the demon. I also menchioned/told them all about what I knew about demons. How to trap them how to kill them. I also told them that every demon, at least from Abraham's religion, came from hell. They were sinners who became demons they were pretty much just goasts. If you really wanted to kill one, all you had to do was salt and burn them. I also told them about purgatory. Where the monsters go when they die. And about Eve and Cain also about angels. Also, about Lucy and parallel reality. That almost touched on my jumper status, but i kinda glosed over it, saying I had ben to a couple of alternate realities. I knew about a fue more. I also showed them wards against demons and angels. I also gave them recordings of exersisms and standard protection. I also unlocked psycic powers for everyone. I started teaching them magic and used the monsters harvested levels to level everyone. I also used some Alterworld potions to increase their stats. I also paired this with training on how to project as well as do various things in the other world. Such as the whole fish on the wall. Sam looked a bit difrent in the astral than Dean. I had everyone doing training sessions with astral projection regularly testing out powers and training with salt and stuff. So that we could grow stronger.

I went with Dean and Sam to Ellen's bar. While there, I set up a rather large devil trap as well as some other defenses. I also repaired and upgraded some things in the bar. Lacing some of the utinsles with silver and mythral and conscrating the land. I also put up other wards on the property. And set up a relay station for ash. And gave him acses to my satlight network. I also set everyone up with magic tats. This time with level indicators. It was then that the dumb hunter came in with all those vamps on his tail. Thankfully, the other hunters he was with called first. And we went out and saved them before they died.

When we went there we did the job with the clown. I captured it per usual. I also had to deal with some other creatures that were around the carnival. Once we got back, I worked with Ace at improving various programs.

I had Ellen passing out hunters guides to any aspiring hunters. With the condition that they tell or pass information to her as well of previous hunts. letting her copy their jurnals and any interesting books they got. Giving her a copy mashine that was magiteck. And bookprinter. It also had cures for what we knew of. I also set up some websites that would tell about how to kill things that go bump in the night. The new game was out, and it had an improved wiki.

In the next year, we stopped the gates of hell from opening. The next spent fighting an angel war. We recuted ury he had memories of Max and I. We spent the next year stopping the purgatory invasion. The gates of heaven weren't opened, but Chuck messed with the rules and still basically kicked the angels out and loosened the bonds in hell. So there was a kinda war between the angels and demons more active influence in the world that we worked on keeping from getting out of hand. That dield down in 9 months to infrequent problems. The other 3 months of that year saw the rise of mythological creachers. And we dealt with roena the next 2 months, which ended in her joining us. Croly had already become an Aly early in the war. I had partially cured him and had scaterd his remains around the world as well in to some other places.

That year, Lucifer was let out of his cage by Mickle, and I was able to nerf the 2 of them once I got ahold of them. I had Lokis help we had met in the mytholgy ark. As well as uri. Where I also recruted or traped sevral gods. And acquired some artifacts.

Lucifer knocked up a human.

We met death, and he recognized me as a jumper. I gathered all the rings.

I helped Cass get a second body. It was kinda like the golem spell that alowed 2 bodies was grown with clone teck and magic world seed and this time it linked the human he was inhabiting to a new upgraded body to controle with a link to the angel castiell in his original body. I also did the vitamin booster regimen for his family.

The next year saw a run-in with Cronos who became our vershion once we kinda killed him but I took his girl with us after she agreed to come as long as she could be with him. His powers integrated with his alterworld ones so he could use mana instead of sacrifice or vice versa. The new body also kinda became a second body for him and my dnd style. god wise, I think.

That year, I saw a bunch of time stuff taking place. As well as old legends becoming sudenly relvent. Near the end, Lucifers kid was born. We had some of our own, including Ury and Loki, and the boys helped raise him. We also prevented the mother from dying. His birth had destablised the fabric of reality. And we had to deal with that for a while. This included a visit to vinila esq Earth and recruiting the apocolips survivors as well as a harvesting of powerful stuff from other worlds. We met with Cane that year. And the darkness was released early the next. I recruited her. And kind of chuck, but he didn't join exactly. he just became aware of my adventures. Kinda like an observer, he was, however, nerfed by the kid and the darkness when they got into a fight. Death hadn't died yet, and we had several major powers on our side. I was able to with the help of my crew place earth into a pocket dimension. It's like ready player one but bigger. It was put in my Grove. Along with some of the parallel earth's. Chuck and his avatar got nerfed a bit more in the process. Though talking with him after, he still had acses to other parallel worlds and timelines he had created. With varying degrees of influence in those.

Some creachers were sumoned to other settings as well. Alterworld got a lot of the more powerful things. Though most things were not as effective in the world's with established trade and they were more killable as mythral was used in most of their wepons. And lots of people had acses to magic.

People hunted some monsters for lvs. Some monsters bacame more human. While others got cured.

By this time, most of the worlds had ben integrated together, maintaining much of their distinctive setting identities. Though the peoples lived much longer healthier lives. People were also more skilled and powerful. Minor psycic or magical powers were common place now. Though settings still advanced most heavily in the arias they speshilised in.