9.1 Stargate SG1

So I wake up in Jacks closet. I make some noise, and Jack opens it. He offers me breakfast. When I come down, I have breakfast with his family. Aparently, I saved his kid. And had gone with him on the first mission threw the stargate as an intlect or consultant.

I had given him a tattoo that allowed him to retain memories across timelines. Aparently, he was McGiver in another one, apparently just a name change and a slightly difrent aditude dew to different factors in his life. And I had saved his kid aparently in this one, though. Although he aperntly only got the memories at the end of an episode or something. Like double xp reward after a mission and could differentiate between memories. Aparently, I give it to him after I save his son from the gunshot wound. Aperintly today is the day the stargate activates, according to Jack. As I had informed him of that previously. I spend most of the day getting acquainted with the world. I mean, it is strange. I already have everything set up, apparently. The president at this time was an implant. And I had a videogame firm already up and running. But apparently, only Promithus and his wife were in jump already. Aparently, they had orders of non interference with setting events, and tech levels should stay at regular levels untill jump. Once I got on Stargate bace the Mountain, I had the President give Jack clarence to create his team with the condition that I be on the team. Along with Carter. Once I was on bace, I informed the science ofeser during that debref that I was given the highest Clarence the president was able to give. And then alowed the camander to view my Clarence level.

Then I informed everyone that my team had found out that the stargate dialed addresses. And was more like a phone than a dore. Then I called the president and had him inform the cornal that the previous one athurised me to classify the operations nessasary off the world during the Ra mission. With the condition that no contact be made from their side and they keep the stargate sealed untill earlier that month. With the aciolgest tasked with learning everything he could about the gauld. With the knolage that there were probly more out there and that they had more space ships. Once, O'Neil sent over some tissues, and I sent over some other stuff, suplys mostly watter and some potions. We got a message back a while later. After we had preped a team, we went over, and I had them set up a primiter around the gate. I didn't have anyone with me but Samantha and O'Neil. When Sam went nird girl on the dining device, I told her she would have plenty of time to study it later. But that it wasn't what we were here to see. We got everyone out of the gate room. And I set up a trap for apolice. We went into another room and had the feast I had brought some stuff. I shared medical supply as well as food with buffs. I set everything up buffy style. And I realised Jaxon didn't have glasses, which I had fixed, apparently before I had left. With an eagle eye buff and some other magics. As well as having given him some plants and potions to grow on the planet. The place was still a desert, apparently, but they did have some more food than before. And their population was stronger.

When we went into the place with all the hieroglyphs, I was simply able to read them and simply recorded them on a voice recorder while sam got them on a videocamra. About halfway threw the defenses signaled a gate activation. I rushed back. All the civs were out, and Jack and I captured the gauld. We took most of them alive. We intended to set up this planet as a bace separate from earth. The conditions weren't perfect, but I had authorisation from the president. We were only able to take the pirmid as an embacy, though. While the rest of the planet would be recognized as a separate 3rd world nation equivlent and treated as a taritory equivlent of a thrid world sovern nation ability to govern themselves with aid from us. But we wouldn't interfere directly in their politics, though they would have to adhere to certain humanitarian laws. Basically, giniva and anti slavery. We went back for reinforcements. And suplys. After we sent the pow, they threw the gate after stripping them and putting them in hospital robes. I also kept telec and had O'Neil talk with him to get the gate address for the ship. I went as apofice, and we blew up the ship and got our personnel out. We used the gate to ras World. And then sent recoverd tech back to earth we got a glider and some other stuff. Including gold and lots of gold and gems. After Sam stayed with me reading the hieroglyphs. Sam made a move on me while we were studying the hieroglyphs. We stayed the night on ra. I set up a sat system and some other things on sight. After about a week on ra, we headed back to earth. I gathered my team and established ra as a bace.

Mostly, we stayed on earth, though. Carter stayed with me. I spent about a week reworking the gate that we had access to on ra. I made the irus see threw. Aparently, it was a feature that was normally disabled. But with my language perks, I was able to disable the cloaking. It was infected , and I was also able to togle the burst when the stargate activated. It was apparently a safety measure. That destroyed any obstruction. Such as rubble on the irus. Sand only worked because it would instantly collapse. The irus because the thing was close enough to disrupt the initializing blast.

When we went to the whole mongle world and I brought along several companions. It was supposed to be a vacation. We had relaxed most of the military look. And went more compact. So spatial storage pouches and invintory. So when we got to the mongle planet and half the party were wemen and waring shorts and stuff most of the people were beonnd offended. And so one of them attacked. They got their ass handed to them, and I caught an arrow lol. 🏹. Once we made nice with the chiftan, I brought out a ton of goods to trade as well as some gate addresses. We had found a fue habitable planets by that point. When we traided, I took the kid under my wing and went to the next tribe and traded with them for nira. I also did my cupid thing. And matched some more couples. Establishing more aliences. We did some trading and did some trading furs for processed goods or better machines to make things. But made sure to be within their understanding. We also established an embassy of sorts. And established a hospital on ra and we started a school.

Once we encountered the manoan civilisation, we were able to quarantine the infected on ra. As we had an efective hospital set up. The people of ra were Un infected as well as my companions, along with most of the people who took stat potions. Higher immune system. I had a debuff, but it went away quickly it only lasted a few minutes. As such, I was able to diagnose myself and anyone infected. It was called the touched. Sam got it and jumped my boans, but she had ben doing that regularly anyway so 🤷. When it was over, I cast a heal on her, and she was good. Embarrassed but good. We avoided a feasko by having an off planet bace as a way station. The president was also working toward making a moon bace. He went well we all got to the moon with a calculator the size of a room if we could get a computer the size of a room into space than don't you think we can get there now with the one you put in your pocket? So we put a bunch of funding that went into Stargate orignaly into basically nasa. And used stargate to funle rare resources into earth. Such as secretly funlling gold back into the fedral reserves while buying alaskan gold and a gov. funded, we buy a gold program. While I was using the stargate program to ship back magic plants that I would seed on other planets. Use some magic to grow and then ship back to earth to be studied. They were all useful.

On ra we also used the stargate to ship in water lots of it. We also used it to ship off earth toxic radioactive waste. Witch I took and transformed into mana crystals.

On a mission later, we went to the world of Thors Hamer. Jack teilk and I got transported. While I sent my companions with horses and trade stufts. I also sent them with instructions. I got out of the trap. And traped and put the original in stasis. Then, just open a hole in the side of the mountain.

We went to the jafa planet chulak and rescued the guys family. Before his place was destroyed.

I took his house into my Grove. And set it up on our bace planet. I also upgraded it with amenities. I grabbed all the gaulds from that tank. And put them on a planet on my inner world.

Amaroka's husbands planet. Without the jafa. I was able to talk with him as soon as he appeared. Aparently, I had brought his girlfriend home to him. We set up communication with him. And set up a research facility for him attached to the medical wing. Once I had his medical wing set up, I sent him hathors sarcofigi. I took her out of it, btw. I also removed her abilities to control people. I used his labs to research for me pet projects. And dish our primary results on certian plants.

When we went to the planet that had the people from tolon.

We transported them to the headquarters. I talked to the one guy about quantm physics. And then demonstrated shoningers cat principle. And Ernestine rorzing bridge. Then, I demonstrated my understanding of tesla osalation priceless. By mimicking their tech. I sent them back to their planet and set up cumunacations with them.

When I discovered, I led the team to the planet that found the mirror. I sent out probes to scan the planet and used the mirror. And established cumuncations with the invaded earth. "Destroying" the enemie fleat. Personoly. I had actually yoinked it. When we got a senitor to try to blow the whole operation. We took him out. And toured a gouauld ship. We also showed him the physical resources that we had brought back.

At the end of the year, there was an attack on planet Earth, and we stopped them before they got past Saturn. We were able to capture both vesles.

When we visited the world with the sphere. We left it where it was and brought the recording devices. We also only went in with probs. Once I translated it for Daniel, we sent it through to a basically bare planet. With lots of oxygen.

I went back to the world of the asgaurd where Thor gards. I went and did the whole armory test. When I spoke with Thor, I brought the whole team.

Sam's father was diagnosed with cancer, and I had him read into the stargate program before having him "retire" to shian Mountain.

I was having the whole thing be funded by personal funding, so the program was not exposed. The closest we came was when mayborn tried to blackout the information at shian Mountain. During the attack, mayborn was a coward. And we were able to run him up on the charge of desertion. He was stripped of all rank, and I was able to remove all knolage of the stargate program as well as all the other classified information. I also removed exses aura and critical political skills. Removing them, I transferred after refinement to the sg program.

I found that little girl who helped teilk, and I did the whole fast track program. I also duplicated her danger sense. And added a bunch of aura. And put Allie in spy school.

When we came across the ancient database, I was able to isolate the data in jacks aura and remove it into a crystal. It took one the size of a room. He lacked the aura to contain it. It was growing his aura and level at a rate his aura couldn't handle. Once I had isolated it and removed it, I increased his aura. I also isolated the language from the skill. And gave everyone the language of the ancients. BTW, most of the time, apparently, we were speaking different languages, but most of the time, people spoke some variation of guauld. With turns of fraze from their native language But they also spoke other languages. So, each team was equipped with a translator human. I had ben updating most of their language skills. Whenever I would update them, I would normally compress their aura and recmpartmentlize its information. And with then new languages, I added more information. Information on plants and minerals as well as whatever skills the person the language came from was best at.

I would normally do this while teaching them. But when I did it with Jack, I had him sit and reveled it fully. Once I had done that for him, he had me explain it, and I did. I also had him keep it out of his report. Telling him that it is one of those beond clasified things the president knows, but the next one won't. And we had gone and visited the asgaurd. Before doing so. I also let him imput the code into the computers. When removing the skill, I left some pices such as the knowledge of the language and some math. While I fused the knolage with his own previous knowledge. So his understanding of bace mathematics grew as well as his understanding of the gate. His computer skills became basic. After that, I was asked to improve the skills of sg1.

When the boids team went through the stargate on their first mission, I had them going to the planet with the black hole. I was able to use time mana to stop the time dilation and save the team. On the mission , Jack requested me to have his old team transferred over. With his memory of his squad mates death. He was able to recruit them.

I was able to find majelo and avoid mind transfer as well as heal him with potions.

Wonce done I had him show me all information he had on the gouaulds. And I spent some time learning about his inventions. Once I had gone through all his blueprints and notes, I went to the systems of the system lords he knew about and put them in a pocket world. I freed their host bodies and put them on a pardice planet.

I also used some healing spells on the asgaurd. The health bar on them showed some sighns of deterioration. I also gave them some more speshlized potions such as eagle eye and stat boosting potion.

When we found tnactlan, I studied their nano technology and upgraded it a bit for them. I also built a version of my own that was of my own design, a more advanced version. It was basically a vershion of the cyber upgrade john hulet had given himself with brain surgery but was able to be injected via the bloodstream. Would act as a brain booster repairing damage caused by head trauma and other things. It would act as a brain vault for information kinda like my hud with the wiki, but it was all on a closed server. Only for sg members. Besides, this was about half the size of a red blood cell around the tenth size of the other version.

I spent a couple of weeks spitlunking into alternate realities, freeing the captured earth planets. I hadn't really planned to do this for a year or so, but I was spurred on when we had a visitor on earth from one of the alternative realities. It was sam. I had our version along with the other 2 working together to start cataloging the various permutations. While spitlunking, I copied my teams knolage and upgraded their skills. With their own experience. I did more for all the jacks they weren't as many of them. He was only in about half of them. I did duplicate more persnole things for him. Giving the alternints upgrades to some of their skills as well. I also gave a skill out. I called xeno information. I explained away the aura manipulation by adding a single nanite that would break down after going through their bodies, repairing them to relative peak conditions, and removing all cancer and toxins. And remaping parts of their brain basicly condencing the nuro pathways without changing them. Like what I did to the aura but with the brain. This took place over the course of a week or so working on the body during the day and brain at night. I could have done it in seconds with a swarm, but I wanted a slower, more gradual process, and it seemed poetic.

While world spitlunking I gaterd intelligence on the guauld. One world had a mercenary that joined the sg team. I found him in our reality. I also did the whole archive the internet in each world. I stopped when we got word of a planet controlled by hatarka. The God of magic. Aperntly, he had become the new head of the system lords in one reality after overthrowing socar. So we planned on taking him out preemptively in ours.

My team was the first to throw the portal.

When the team arrived, we set up camp outside the portal it was supposed to be a recon mission, but things didn't go that smoothly. We were watching the city from an overlooked position. When I spotted Harry Copperfield dresden from fucking Chicago. I about blew up the planet. And knoped the fuck out of there after kidnapping harry but I got the chance to pick from 2 more jump lists. One was the dresden jump and the second was called endless pantheon.

At that moment lathe also came to me and told me that some how his staf head was found in this world. The one that could sumon random gods. I double checked my where house and Shue enough it was still in there. I told him that it wasn't the original he showed me a vishion of it. And said ya he kinda figured it wasn't the same one, kind of like massively powerfull objects get placed instance threw time and space kind of like some people or actors. Like Alexander the grate. But anyway it is here retrieve it and I will give you a reward. If you sag it from this plane. I asked if it was mirord threw out the other realities and he hadn't found any yet but would let me know if he did.

When our conversation was finished my perks updated to reflect the world.

I told everyone to stay where they were and told them that this time we were jumping in the deep end and not the shalows we thought we were. And there were darker things that were out there this time. That they would be breafed fully later. When they tried to ask more questions I stealthed. And said later that is an order. I then made my way still under stealth and folowed Harry. While I made my way I started panicking over the clan chat informing everyone that I would be bringing more of the team in jump and lifted some of the magic and our teck restrictions while increasing infiltration levels as well as getting Sam and Dean out and instructing them to scout earth saying it was far more dangerous than I first thought I had orignaly figured it may have supernatral things goasts and such but it turned out to be dresden earth along with all the sg stuff. So from a point of super avanced teck to dresden level where there were beings on par with low level gods to the level of the outsiders basicly half hp lovecraft levels of bull shit. Some of our teck nuts were excited about the lifted restrictions as they were eager to work on showing off some and working in univirce with our ships. They were rather anoied at the rather limited capabilities of earths space program.

I wasn't panicking but this just raised the average thret level. I figured the biggest threat would be to onri or replicator but no this just became a galactic level threat world. I wasn't as woried as I probly should have ben but experience had taught me that there was always a bigger fish so don't be a fish. Be a man and man up or gtfo. And gut that sucker even if you have to do it from the inside.

So I followed dresden and made knote of the food stand. And took some food placing some currency in its place as well as some other stuff.

When we got to the palace I watched the fight as well as stayed behind dresden. He Won the fight. Was dragged off I followed him. While he was unconscious I injected him with some psycic buff potion that alowed the host body to fight possession by parasite and poison it. Alowing the host to survive and retain acses to the genetic memory. It would reject the parasite if injected after but the parasite would kill the host before leaving. Then I sat back and watched. Once heka was transferd I knocked the soul out of the old host onto a gem. Once dresden set fire to himself i grabed his soul and put it back it did have the mark of heaka though and I used my aura arts to mess with his soul fixing it up and organizing it like a good massage. I had knocked everyone in the room out. And heald dresden but kept him unconscious. I talked to his falen angel and severd her cord attaching it instead to a soul gem. I had her help with the aura massage and healing I put the bad memories and crazies in a packet. I also drew out and refined the snake soul thing that was more like a skill than a seprate soul and added it to his aura. As well as used the angel as a filter to get off the majority of the bad shit. And I also told her to stick around and I would get her a body later. But for now she would be stuck with Dresden.

Once I was satisfied I had everyone wake up exsept dresden and told everyone psycicly that they should probly take him to the sarcofigi. They did and I had to weight another fue hours. In the mean time I went and found his clothes and I told the guy that was going to burn the stuf that heka ordered us to hold off. On burning the stuff. He said that their may be more to them that mortals could see and must Chek the items himself now that his "god sight" had returned. That the clothing may contain threads of the force.

Once done converting with the man I went back to the sarcofigi. I waited outside in stealth. And accompanied behind dresden while he went for his clothes. And Bob. I was able to follow along on both sides of the conversation between him and his psicic shadow of an angel. When we got to the library I dropped off some recording bots. Once the rings came down I just opend a portal using the rift they left. And steped threw. Once I apeard I knoted mab on the throne and waved but she payed no attention so phocused was she on dresden. Jafar fired mab threw back I caught. Then I smaked the dumb ass on the back of the head. "Potter tell your storm troopers to not shoot they will just get them selves hurt. They should know better than shooting the guest of a god and even more so if that guest is a god queen. Even if she is the fea queen herself." As I held everyone down with a psychic lock world seed style. Witch ment no one was moving on this ship unless I willed it.

Dresden gave me a funny look and told everyone to stand down. Once mab spoke about the 2000 yrs of exile I spoke up and asked about that asking about how much of their rule she had witnessed. Also asking about fea in genral. Once she asked who I was I told her.

Once she found that out I oferd to make a trade. To save her dauters life as well as the life of her winter knight in exchange for potter here no longer owing her but me instead and all his debts and those of his "person" be long to me.(Referring to bobs debts as he was a soul traped in a skull that belonged to dresden.) And when she protested that she had plans and wanted to stick around to watch. I told her that she was welcome to stick around me just don't kill any friendlies and she had to folow the rules of my house. I am shure dresden wouldn't mind. Family is always welcome. And we needed to grab the knife anyway it belongs to a friend.

Once that was settled I introduced myself. Dresden was kinda shocked. Once I told him I was from earth he was kinda shocked. When I went and told him what year it was he was more shocked. Once I pulled out a fue seets even mab was shocked. I even got one for her. But she sat with dresden instad. The love seat that I pulled out for him was big enough but she practicly sat on top of him. I put up a psycic feild that alwed L to manifest. I introduced her to mab. I had also goten a seat for the prime Jafar. And set out some refreshments. And food when it became clear that everyone was hungry. I just pulled out the bufay set. When we talked I told dresden about the sg program and how for the last 3 yrs or so I had ben on earth and stopping sintific or plantery/glactic threats. Witch basicly amounted to me smoking evry guauld I came across. While helping out civilisations. Like the azgaurd witch were little gray men like the ones from roswell at least acording to our previous encounters. Witch were clones of clones almost to far down the line. They looked like roswell grays.

Leananside was brought up by me in conversation. When Harry asked about what I ment by family. I said his fairy godmother was her like ant ,niese or something "fairy godmother who?" Leananside. Your mother was friends with her, and she agreed to become your fairy godmother when you were born. I asked mab If she wanted to introduce the two properly. She said yes but the the time was not right. Leananside was busy defending Harry's new lands. I said it was no problem and asked if she would open a portal to her location. She blushed and said she couldn't that I still had the place on lock down. I relesed the spatial hold and she opend the way. And I saw what they were fighting. Then opend a portal of my own and sent a fue ships threw as well as some ground forces. Golems mostly with some pilots and people in ship.

When Leananside came over I greted her warmly. And oferd her some mead. Because she was just in battle. And looked like she could use a drink. It was buffed out the gills. When she greted dresden it was with a kiss. He looked like he was about to get mugged.

"Ah looks like some introductions are in order." And so I sealed off the space from sound and only let the inner circle hear. I am Alex. I actuly come from so far outside that it is inside agin. Harry you would probly know this better the earth since fiction way. So multiple earth's exist I have ben to a fue. I am what is known as a jumper. And have a lot of power I am over powerd as fuck to put it lightly. But I have a long jury ahead of me and my power now makes what I could actuly do in my first jump look like a child playing in the dirt. But is probly half of what you will be able to do in a couple of years. So far more than you could do now or now on earth. In this world their were a cords put in place to prevent outsiders from coming in. outsiders by Lovecraft standards. Because before they enterd and it fucked with souls. Now, they are prone to madness. Well, I can fix some of that on a minor scale. We are talking about univiceal problems here. And small being having to get persnoly involved for the most part. Like I did with you and your pretty angel friend. I fixed the damage you did, killing your uncle with magic. Moved the teather connecting her to the coin and packaged the memories of heka and unfucked your magic. You won't fuck toasters now. Or probly anything teck. No you will have to stick with doing the fucking the normal way. I said looking at the girls beside him. Practically on top of him already.