9.1 Stargate SG1

Once introductuctions were over I told him I could use his help after all he couldn't go home for a while anyway explaining that he had used a sarcofigi and there were people to save and things to hunt. And I was drafting him his contry needed him. But we may stop by to pick up a few things. I told him about malock and some of the other people that would be at this meeting as well as the dagger I needed to return to its owner. I told them the story of the original. And how it didn't belong here.

I was also like, "Don't worry, we have the backing of several ditties to deal with the time shenanigans." I also sent friend requests to all the people in the room. I also told dresden I could remove his girlfriend to her own body. After I make her one, of course. Oh, and I have an anti paradox tat for you. I snaped and gave them all the tats. They also are good against other things, posetion and such. Oh, and now you all get timeline memories as they would have happened after they had happened. So, there is no need to worry about pardox now, but you still need to help me and as a member of the sg program and as a member of the presdints cabnint head of other worldy afairs. You can't go back to Chicago just, yet your country still needs you. Oh, and don't worry about the white counsel they won't be a problem now. I kinda overlooked the magical community before, but that's just because I thought I was in a slightly different universe. Hell, I may have ben. But now that we have crosed paths, I will be taking a more active role in this world. And will be saving your ass and saving people in your past and future. Oh, and don't worry, any timeline I am in is pardox free, and it's own time stream. So your other self is never going to even go back in time and repeat or be involved with your girlfriend here. I said, referring to the angel in the room. Sorry toots, I am going to be taking her coin, though. As a profit of god and some other perks and such it wont be able to fuck with me Unless I let her.

 Oh, and I'm thinking of setting you up with that detective. "Merrfey" perpously mispernouncing her name infront of the fey queen. And you Bob, I am getting you a new form. Maby a golem or somthing. How would you like a robot with some flesh. He freaked as he had some debts with the cort, but I told the queen when she reacted that his debts were paid by our contract as he belonged to dresden. She kinda just pouted and snuggled up to dresden more.

 Oh, and Harry, you are now head of a cult. Your people are half crazy phonetics with one or 2 with a full set. Don't worry so much about the worship for now. But you should start looking at setting up a tenant of faith. You know laws and such. If you must think of it as if you are Pharoah of 20 or so planets of backward children cavemen where the strong rule and the weak suffer. Oh, and I'll be strate forward with what I want from you. Join me on my journey across the omniverce for one and 2. Let me copy your new library. Then I turned to the head Jafa and told him, "A man who defeats his attacker in combat has the rights of the victor. Those who defeat each other in single combat have the right of conquest. Such was the word of Heka, and a god's word becomes truth." "Tek'pa'korkree!"Truth through strength!"

And you have witnessed the death of the old god heka and the birth of the new "(demigod)" Dre'su'den. "All glories to the "demigod", the new light, Dre'su'den. Demigod of Magic. He who speaks with the beyond. Knight of the Whight. Once born twice, he lived mortal, imortal. Lover of angels and fea. Child of the wild hunt. The good, the upright, the noble knight Dre'su'den. Skuld" and I raised my glass and clanged it against his. I used tk on him to folow the actions and not bow. When dresden went to bed, I sat the prime down and hashed out the new order and basicly told them dresden was not yet a what he himself, Dresden would consider a god. Not even close. Because heka was just a long-lived mortal with some fancy gadgets in his eyes. I mean he delt with the likes of the fea on a regular basis. Who are able to warp reality to their whim. As well as other things just as powerful and know there is a heaven and a hell and a fey whild and sevral other places. To him, a god is omniscient omnipresent good, just kind imortal formless shapeless the creator of all things not begotten, not made, but made everything as easy as one would tell a story to a child before bed. So dresden is not a god in his own eyes and may never be, but he is still stronger and more powerful than he ever was after the fall. And in a while, he is going to get a mantal that will give him acses to more power. He will be able to hear the prares of his parishioners. As well as draw strength from worship. But he will still not be what he views as a god. And will continue to grow in power but never reach the inefible. But he may not reject the asset that it provides once he is able to hear and ansure the prares of his parishioners.

Once our talk was over and it was time for dresden to get up, I gave the new high priest an apron and gave her a tray of food. And instructed her on what to say. And do.

Once dresden was up, he came to the brefing room. And I was able to go over what I knew about the meeting with the gauld and where the key of death was.

I also helped him with his pda as well as his new system screens. Also, I assure any questions they had on gauld tech. Any sufishintly advanced teck indistinguishable from magic and any sifishently advanced ritual work needs way to many components to be distinguished from science. When we came out of hyperspace, I told him to brace himself and to try not to break the table with a smirk. When asked about it, I said I had seen marines crush marbal pillars with their hands, and you are a bit stronger now than the strongest mundain mortal on earth.

When we got to the planet, he did his whole speech about equality.

I also explained to his high pristes about the whole hiting thing. Abusive husbands and such and how he thinks heka was a pice of shit who disirved to experience the other side of half of his torments. And I explained only half because Dre'su'den is murcifull, but that guy was evil.

 When we went out the gates, I just went in stealth mode. I tagged balla. And the important parties. I was also keeping up with my people at sg. Aparently, we were having a mission on this planet, so I may be running into my team soon.

 When in the palace, I recorded everything. And my hud displayed a map of the place. Aparently, they did have some way of powering. At least some of the wards probably threw sacrifice or something. Because there were grayed out arias on my map. I cast spells to corect them kind of like a sonar sweep. It was able to map out rooms. I was still probably just going to shove the whole thing into my Grove later anyway, but that was for later, but places might blow up in the meantime.

Once we met with soktar, I was able to confirm that he thought ra and apofice dead by our hands. Thought we were working with wisards witch we tecnacly were but not this worlds yet. As far as I knew, they hadn't captured any of us from sg for long. The ones they had captured were only captured for a day at most before my squad got them out.

When the attack came by the infiltration, they did attack us, but the wepon was set to stun.

Dresden was able to stop the asasin, and when the jafa took them out, I removed the soul and put the body into a coma.

I had also blured Harry's speech with magic, distorting it somewhat when he said his name, making it sound like thunder to those who could hear it. Shaking the ground.

I was also able to help protect harrys mind. I didn't totally, so he still was a dumb ass and reveled too much.

Once socar was taken care of, we went out and helped the asasin. They were apparently tok'ra. We passed the room with a sarcofigi on the way, and I snaged it. I also stuffed the stuges in storage. Bob was a bit anoing. And the tokra spooked a bit. Dresden explained. Though I butedd in and asked why the fuck the tokra never mentend a mutual threat of the the fea. When he said I could do nothing about it I laughed and went to one of the ships walls removed a pannle and acsesd the ships mainfraim with It I took controle of all the ships systems. Muttering about how I wanted to play it low powerd chilling with mortals for a fue years but no... Then shut down all systems I dreamed a threat and closed all dores and left a transmitter in the wall. Then I led us to the main hangar Bay. I handed both modified zats that had the stun function and a soul steal function along with the ability to put things in storage. I had given this veshion to my team and the sgc and not revealed their purpose. They had more blasts and could be set to only stun no matter how many times fired. And could be set to store mater. So removing the cover of enemies wasn't so much of a problem. The ability to revese engender my teck was hard. Exsept now, this world turned out to have acses to magic. It was a bit easier but still very hard.

In the meantime, xin was arguing with dresden about the state of his mental health. I told the 2 spirits to come out and waved a hand and made them visible to the world. Xin was shocked. I pointed to my arm and said sg. I also waved my hand and made xin both the host and gauld visible in some form so that they could speak separately. Then, I greeted both. And told them both to follow me and head threw the ship to the bridge. Avoiding what jafa we could, and I removed the ones we couldn't before we got to them. I did leave some for us to take out with zats. And dresden got a staf. At the bridge, I let Bob plug in to the main cousle there. From their he had greater acses.

It was at that point that Sam contacted me through the system she said her dad was apparently kidnapped on the moon, and her and Jack were currently on it. I imidately contacted teilk Threw Chat. I interfaced with the chat system through glasses and contact lenses as well as a hologram for teilk. They also had small ear transmitters. For sound. I told him to stop what he was doing aparntly he was on the tokra bace, and they were about to bomb the moon. To kill socar. I told him to belay that socar is dead. He said they wouldn't believe him. I asked him if he at least brought his normal load out with him. When he afirmd that he indeed did, I just opened a portal to him. As it contained a waystone. And steped threw. And dropped socars body at their feat and then promptly removed him. And then I took the ship they were on mimicking azgard teck with my Grove transportation. We were in dock, so it was no problem. I checked first of corce. So their would be no problems. And then I told them I had the situation under control. And told them not to interfere any farther if they wanted their people to survive. But they were welcome to come along with us if they wanted. The high counseled leader came along. I used the ring transports to transport down to the planet with teilk dresden and the lady. They were under my protection, so I gave them gass masks basicaly reabreathers. I told dresden to let me handle things, and the military types were my friends. I walked through the place with my map and took out all the gaurds, mostly before we got to them. Once we got to Carter and her father, I about smaked martuf. Carter about jumped into my arms. I told asked her why she didn't contact me sooner. She said it was because I was off the world on another mission to save the world. And she couldn't ask that of me. I told her my mission was only supposed to be a recon one and that her dad had most of the military intelligence of earth. And theirfor a greater threat to plantary security than one lousy gauld a year away. Squeezing her ass.

When I checked out the team all would make it without me interfering but I said fuck it in for a penny. Then I told them what I was about to do was classified and they could not speek about it. Once they agreed dresden gave me a strange look. And I heald them with a spell. Once I was done we evacuated the planet. We took some with us. After all Sam's father wasn't idle while imprisoned. He made friends.

On the way out I talked to dresden about the fact that I had them speek a magic oath. Got in a debate with Sam about the existence of magic. Told her I wold show her more later and told her she could ask the others if she had questions but later once we were done. Back in the room I made the transport device inoprable hacking into it. Breaking it on purpose. And then just told boby to beam us up. With a grin on my face.

Once back on the ship I told everyone that dresden and I were going back to the planet and that if anyone wanted to join us they were welcome to. There was curently a revlution going on and i was going to take advantage. They asked me who dresden was. I pointed to him. Told everyone he was a honest to god wizard from Chicago who timetravled to another plane of existence got out of that plane. Ending up on a nother planet. Dulled a jafa to the death and as a reward became host to hatarka. Who is now dead after dresden tried to burn his own brains out with magic to kill the parisite Hatarka. Witch I stoped by the way. Oh and those are his angel and spirit companion who came along for the ride.

Now if you don't mind I have work to do. So if you are not going to come with weight here. Sam imedately steped forward and everyone elce from my team did as well. Asking what they could do to help. The tokra were just stuned. I told Sam's dad to stay and help Bob run the ship. As he was more cohernent than martook. While dresden and sg-1 came with me. I explaind our mission was to capture as many gauld as posible while acting as if we were under dresden. Our zats were set to transport. They would transport people to my Grove. They would also transport items. Once we transported down to the planet it was into dresden facility. Once there I had everyone begin transporting people to the new ship. I also had Bob cumuncating with the other ship from there. Tei'lk talked with the jafa percent. Carter stood at my back. Looking rather anoid at the high preastess. Who was waring more than she was on the ship but still an apron isn't exactly clothing. Expeshily with how short it was.

I went to the nearest defensive turent and did some destructive hacking. I was able to hack the defenses for this facility threw that one turent. And threw it all of the city's defensive grid. I didn't have to be at a terminal or mainfraim to hack I was able to do so because I could load a program thrw the output because it sent back data and I knew how that data was read. And data red by a machine was enacting code. Like a qr code. That can change the code.

Because basicly evrything was plugged in with universal ports on a single grid. With tons of redundancy like they couldn't see what they were doing anymore. I also had dresden not strip to put his armor on instead I put it on him with the system. Using the party system. Amun was also back. He was looking beter. I also suggested he send his high preast back to the ship to look after Bob. Along with the rest of his non combatants. I also made the angel visible. Though not tangible to anyone but dresden. Dresden also seamed more or less himself but excepted her suggestions more readily. I asked the angel privately if mab had done somthing but she said he was fine and that his soul was just heald of the outsiders influence.

When dresden arrested az he did so with us behind him and once he finished his speach I put sheilds up around the enemy combatants. And woke the turents to target and trace the threats. Seaming to Bob with their movements. I used the force fields to maneuver everyone. Dresden took out az once he was grounded i heald him. And bound him. Once they were all locked down, I left with dresden. And had all his guys sorting out prisners. We talked about mab. Teilk was stuned jack was surprised. Sam was wtf bs I was like no and told her ya she is real. And no do not say a farries name they can hear it if cecmstance is right or you are important enough. Jaxon had a lot of questions. I told him to listen more It would make explaing a lot easier if he didn't question the authenticity untill later. But Sam was free to ask as many questions as she wanted. Jack kinda just went with it. Was like great more stuff that wants to kill us.

I was like ya he made no bargain he owes no debt for to me twas oferd to me twas traded and to me twas given. And I just had him let me copy his library acsept my friend request and come with me to get a dagger that is on a nother planet. All of witch would have pretty much hapend anyway if he said no exsept for the midle bit. That's more like a chat group because the omnevirce is a big place.

We went under ground because we/they figured top side was to many variables. We went to this tavern dresden idea. Jack and dresden sat down teilk and xin brought the guy. I was talking to Jack and having him let dresden take lead. Basikly telling him let's take his meshure.

Once he got us in the tunnel I asked him if he wanted me to go first after all it would suck if someone more squishy got squashed because they didn't have a persnole sheild.

So I went first. Once I caled back the situation dresden was right behind me once I was able to see the positions of the canons I put sheilds on them obscuring us from enemy fire. I did a mist thing but this time it was a blue cloud that smelled of frankincense and pine trees. When hades was mentioned I commented that ya I would introduce him if he wanted. Bit of a book worm and workaholic but a nice guy. The others were all shook. Sg team just thought I was joking. Jack who had met him on one or 2 ocashions just looked confused. As he dint know that he was a god at the time.

Dresden just took us to the bunker. I had the whole place in lock down the whole time psycicly. So no wepons would work if fired at us or any wepons of any kind. Once dresden walked to the other wepons bunker and acsepted its surrender with the hot chick in tow this time.

When lash insulted balla I let him hear it. And when that guy spoke dresden fired his zat it didn't work. I told him to just use his finger. He did. I made smoke effects come out of it. I had already hacked the computer by that time. Infact I had already hacked it back in the bace but just didn't tell anyone.

I also put a nothing to see here just an npc spell on the rest of the sg team and let myself be seen most of the time.

When we all got on ships and were about to warp out and someone jetisend the core I caught it and put it back. I also put the planet in my Grove just before we left. And I replaced it with an uninhabited planet of the same size. Simlar climate and livable atmasfear with some resourses making it livable. I froze time doing so. It only took a minute or so. I also grabed all the other ships besides the 2 and a half that were coming with us. I even took the people on the third ship for good meshure. They were all put in my storage. They were all put in wow. On a new planet. With starter gear. Their old stuf went with their old planet in my Grove with automated cataloging. The stargate was found and I put it back on the new planet.

When we ran into the dragons I didn't interfear. I even basicaly went incognito mode. And was like ya f this. I kinda wanted one though. One Of like evrything there.

Dresden managed to get us out in time though. When it came to Thor though I handled that. And let O'Neil speak up.

When he spoke to Thor they agreed that all the refugees could choose to stay or go. And dresden didn't want the ship. So we were telported back to bace undeder the mountain. I disabled the security cameras on bace went into one of the conference rooms and set up wards and counter spy meshures. And then set up a domain. Then I called up all my companions and we all sat down for a chat. Even promitius was called in. He was informed about the meating ahead of time and was on bace when we arived. And everyone was read in on everything. Dresden about me and the univirce sg on me and the world. Companions on the new world. I had my companions looking into the magical world on this planet. I also had dresden breaf us. A breaf on the magical world particularly phocused on Egypt and what has ben going on in the magical world curently in time and what those events would lead to. I also told him that I would be getting him Clearence into the library of congress the library from the magishians and my library. Witch aparently had a update. And I was going to use all the knolage I had acses to to basicly loot the other libraries.

I also had my staff submitting an updated magical threat assessment. And we breffed the president. "Promithius" I gave Hammond the cell number of the president. As well as passed out magic resistant teck. I also had dresden actually introduce himself. As well as lash. The sg people knew who I was but didn't know the president was a companion. Once I had breefed everyone, Thor was done with the refugee sorting. And I had Hammond send the ones who chose to stay come down and sent the ones that chose to go with dresden. We spent a few extra hours going threw the the ship the girl was found by us. I had the redheads Sam, and the nurse took charge of her. And in front of everyone I named her. I also took her blood and gave her the blood of the 4. I had asked them to give it freely, knowing what it would be used for. So, while we swept the ship, they were feeding her and showing her the movie and chocolate. I took over the ship cumputer systems, and I opened the Knox container. I froze her and did not release her but imidately contacted the nox. Sending them a picture of her. I then had a penny ferry, one of them to us. And adjusted her aura and gave her gauld a new body. I also left her with the knolage of the gauld. In a format acsesable by her mind as a 3rd person prospective. The gauld got a new body and its old one actuly became an organ in the body. Kinda like a spleen. And I handed them over to the knox. When we were bored by dragons, I let them into the ship they din't have to blast open any dores. They came up to me. Dresden and Jack were with Hamond filling each other in. When fevax tried controlling everyone, I just stood their and told him that all the people he saw were mine and that Emely, his grand daughter, who I had named, was also mine now. That it had once belonged to heka who was killed by one of mine and that hekas holdings were ruled by someone elce now. Who he would soon hear of. I teased him a bit. He got mad at me, saying I din't have the right to name his granddaughter. I gave a fue of my titles. And then I named the second in command of his squad. Makepeace. Touching him and giving him his memories of the battle in which he earned his name. Doing so also gave him limited respawn ability because he was a dragon. I also named the first nameless. Nemo. I then got 2 distress calls at once, one from the planet and one from dresden's new holdings. I then invited the dragons to partispate. We then went through a portal to earth. Wiped out the threat on bace in a fue minuts. I falowed them back through the portal and grabbed the planet before returning and then opened the portal to dresden's new world and mobilized everyone. I even brought the rushian. I fiddled with the genus loki before it was named by me. I call you the protector of this solar system, the trators Bane. You serve Dre'su'den. And I turned the rains over to dresden. And had her call up his godmother and mab. I then asked if they wanted to invite the summer queen as well. After all, it was a party. I pulled the solar system into my inner world as well as using the loci as a reference. I also put them all under the rules of hospitality. Once the fighting was over, I left with dresden and companions. And dresden ascended. While I helped fight another war. I also got the knife. Once we got back, medatron came. He was able to take human form. And he granted lash the right to acend. I however steped in and gave her the body Alice had put together for her. During the party, I puled out several different projectors and movie screens and played on them all over the planet, displaying the various adventures of dresden in the last few days. Edited by ai. Once I got back to bace, the prestes had clothing. Though it was a belly shirt and shorts. Her runes had changed. I wrote down the translations for her and her friend the priest. I brought Sam and Dean in and had them brief the airforce on the supernatral situation in a more milatristic manner explainable by non inishates.

And I went to Chicago for a week. I spent that time with dresden getting apprenticed. I gave him the tat at the end of it that gave him the knolage of himself. I also met the council and a bunch of other people. When I met the dragon lady on the council, I claimed her. When I met murffey I breifed her and gave her clerence papers from the President. I had asighned her a new task force/divishion. The president was getting brefed during that week by the Library of Congress. And recording their knolage.

I was also using that time to read up on magic in this world. Via the Heka library. Once I was done in Chicago, I left Harry with a laptop. It was filled with books and movies. It also had an vi running in the background virus protection/idiot profing/ help guide. I also set Bob up with some stuff he could interact with. As well as set Murphys station up with new cameras and stuf and gave her a new computer. I also sent Sam and Dean over after to work with them for a while to become acclimatized to the new supernatral world where they weren't just trying to kill or capture everything. They were actuly authorized by the president.

Once I was done on that end, i went back to the bace and worked with Sam and the other companions on teck. And updating the bace.

While on bace I had them simply imput every stargate we had on record and I sent in cloked probes that had portal stones in them that would establish a satlight network on the other side of every gate and transmit data back. I was able to acses Atlantice later as well as the spaceship in the other garlicky. Doing so unlocked their jumpdocks. And I was able to get some stuff. Although with each one, I was "stuck" in their respective places for a while. The portals took lots of energy to keep open, and I wanted them to function semi independently.