Dalkon Prestcote was one of those guys who were born in the 21st century. His mother was German and his father was Irish. His mother was a famous artist, and his father was the CEO of a huge company. When Dalkon grew up, he became interested in art and photography, studying various techniques and becoming a professional photographer. After graduation from college, he traveled to Europe to travel. While traveling, he also worked for many big companies, including one owned by his family.After completing university, he decided to become a professional photographer, and he did pretty well, earning plenty of money for himself. But when he realized that he couldn't support a wife and children on his own, he thought it'd be better if he went back to the States and settled down with a woman. So he moved to New York, where he lived with his girlfriend for five years. They met at a club on Long Island where they spent time having fun.Then one day, Dalkon received an unexpected email from his ex-girlfriend asking for a divorce. Dalkon didn't want to, so he sent her an email back that stated that they were over. When she read that, she felt incredibly upset and betrayed. She immediately called him and told him how she really felt, but Dalkon said that he needed time to figure out his life and career. They ended their relationship shortly after that, and Dalkon decided to move back to Germany. After doing some research, he decided that he would pursue the idea of becoming a professional photographer once again.He bought a small apartment in Berlin, and he returned home. However, his relationship with his girlfriend hadn't gone as planned. After meeting someone else, she became engaged and was living with him, leaving Dalkon to be on his own. He found out, however, that the person he had fallen in love with was cheating on him with another man, and he confronted her. She told him that she didn't believe in cheating, and they broke up and she left. Dalkon tried contacting her multiple times, but she wouldn't accept any calls. At least not anymore.So he packed up his stuff, gave his house a thorough inspection, and went back to England to live with his parents.Dalkon continued to pursue his passion for photography, and eventually managed to get a job working for a major newspaper in London. After a year of living there, he finally landed a part-time job at BBC News, where he worked with his editor and co-editor, John Witherspoon and David MacLean.Dalkon and his editors were very friendly with each other, and they would spend a lot of time together discussing their projects. One particular day they were discussing how to solve an extremely difficult crime scene. They both agreed that it should involve using explosives to destroy evidence, and that they would need to create a fake bomb casing and use chemicals to make it look realistic. When the subject came up, they discussed it as if it was a case they had solved in the past."So basically, what you're saying is that if you wanted to blow up this guy, what you have to do is find a way to use a chemical weapon that can be easily obtained in the U.S.,"Witherspoon summarized.Dalkon nodded. "Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying," he replied. "And I've already come up with the idea. All we have to do is get the materials we'll need and assemble the explosive, then we can test it and see if it works or not.""Well, if you say so," said Witherspoon. He shook his head."I never heard anything so ridiculous in my entire life!" he exclaimed. "A chemical explosion that won't even cause much harm? You must have lost your mind! And to think we hired you!""Don't worry," Dalkon replie