Mia's House

Fred was not sure when he was going to wake up. This was the best, most realistic dream he had ever had. And it kept going. His fingers fondling around beneath Mia tiny underwear, he was afraid to actually rub he actual anus... much as he wanted to. If she realised how much he was in love with her she might flip and thing something was weird. Not that this was not as weird as things could actually get. She kissed him on the nose, then on either cheek.

"Okay silly... let's get you cleaned up!" She released her legs from around her waist and he found that he was not really keeping her up, she just slid down the girth of his large belly. She took his hand and began walking down the lush green garden past the white fence that he had rolled into and through a gate. The fence looked perfect sized for Mia, Fred though, but from his point of view it looked a bit small. All of a sudden he had a flashback, he remembered designing this fence! He make this fence on his computer at home. He made one 3 foot section, and just duplicated that section and laid it down again and again. He was worried, he remembered, that there would be repetition in the pattern, he had pizza that night too he remembered. Wait, that was... that was the night that he actually cried himself to sleep. He tried to arrange a lanning party at his house and not one person came over, that is why he had a massie large pizza all for himself.

"Fuck them!" he said outloud, Mia stopped walking and looked up at him.

"Everything okay Daddy?"

"Oh sorry Mia... yes, everything is fine. Where are we?"

"We are at my house, come in and I will fun a bath."

They both stepped inside. The living area that they entered was about twenty feet by twenty feet. It was very simply in its design, the bathroom where Mia walked into to set the bath was to the left and to the right was what Fred could only presume was a bedroom, as he could see some sheets on the floor. Ahead was an open archway that lead to a kitchen. In the middle of the floor in the living area was an open fire, with a metal chimney hanging down from the ceiling giving the appearance that the chimney was floating over the fireplace. All around the the walls, the floor, the ceiling was made of wood. Light brown colored timbered walls were punctuated with pretty little circular windows. There was a smell of bread baking in the oven and he began to wonder if he was alone in the house.

Curious, he began to explore. He walked into the kitchen where clearly dinner was underway as a single plate and knife and spoon were on the table. Around the walls were different size cubbards and shelves containing pots and pans and tins and glass jars with the contents written on them. In the corner of the kitchen was a sturdy looking black stove throwing heat out into the kitchen.

He walked out of the kitchen and turned left for the bedroom. Bedrooms always excited him, girls bedrooms had their own smell that was always different to a mans bedroom. Mia's bedroom was no different. There was some perfume that he could not identify lingering in the air like some kind of pixie magic that made him close his eyes and smell the air in delight. After a few moments he continued looking around. He sat down on the bed and looked around. Mia's clothes were all over the place - she was kinda messy. He looked at them, white socks, black socks, little skirts, a jacket... a panty.

His heart began to beat faster... what if it was a used dirty panty. He leaned over, picked it up and to his delight saw a beautiful yellow pee stain inside on the crotch. He open her little panty over his hand and instantly felt an erection begin in his now filthy underwear. He lifted her panty up to his face and touched the pee stained bit of cloth against his nostrel and sniffed long and deep. It was as if the feeling of an orgasm was turned into a smell it felt so good. He stayed sniffing for a minute or two eyes closed enjoying every second until he took his face away again and inspected her panty again. It was pink with tiny white little frills around the side. 

To his undescribable joy he then noticed skid marks down from the pee stains. He sniffed the brown mark that was around an two inches long but the smell was not as potent as it was from the pee stain. He put out his tongue and tipped it against the poo stain. He felt as if something in his brain had snapped and released a pleasure that he had not known in his life up to this point. Nothing that he had ever tasted before this tasted as good as what his tongue just did. Her poo stain was smooth and slightly thick. As if she had just cleaned her bum with her panty and left wiped off everything that had not falling to ground from her anus. 

First he rubbed the tip of his of his tongue again the poo stain, then he ventured more and with his fingers behind the cloth where the stain was he opened his mouth and rubbed the stain onto the back of his tongue all the way to the front of his tongue getting the maximum taste possible. Interestingly he noticed that her panty tasted different depending on the place on his tongue it rubbed against. It tasted so good he could feel his legs quiver. His free hand was down rubbing, on the outside of his pants, his chubbly little cock. He felt as if he might cum, now the panty was in his hand and Fred was pulling it between his teeth scraping off now softened traces of Mia's poo, rubbing them against the inside of his mouth and swallowing them.

He heard some movement, he glanced up and almost fainted with shock on seeing someone sat down looking eye level at him. He threw Mia's now siliva soaked panty on the ground and sat up. Wait a second, he realised. It was just his reflection in a mirror. He looked very much like he would have if he were in real life, but he had the somehow gamified look of this world about him. But again, his brain knew that THIS version of the world that he was seeing was the correct one.

"Okay bath is ready!" Mia called two rooms away. Fred took a few deep breaths. That was amazing, he though to himself, I better clean myself up. He stood up and made his way towards the bathroom.