Bath Time

Fred was still estatic from the joy of sniffing Mia's soilded pantys. She was such an amazing beautiful woman that he wondered how she simply lived alone. The fact that she cleaned her bum with her own panty made him almost fall in love with her. As he approached the bathroom he could see her bent over the bath. Her boots off, he could finally see her perfect long legs and white panty just beneath her frilly bottomed mini skirt. As he got closer to her he wondered if he could see skid marks on this panty and if he could enjoy these later on.

"I made bubbles for you!" she said when he reached the bathroom. She was a good inch smaller now that she did not wear her boots.

"Mia you are so good to me... for some reason?" he questioned himself trailing off at the end.

"Of course I am good to you Daddy. It is what you deserve. Hands up" she ordered with a smile on her face. He did as he was told and stuck his hand slowly in the air. Was she going to take his filthy t-shirt off? She stepped forward and held the bottom of his t-shirt and began trying to pull it up. Immediately Freds massive belly was an issue for her, but she leaned into his gut and placed the bottom of his t-shirt on her shoulder and shood up rubbing her shoulder against his girth until the cloth popped up to his man boobs. Then she held the edges again and pulled the shirt up and over his head.

Suddenly topless, Fred felt very self conscious. Here was standing in front of the most beautiful person he had ever seen. He smelled like piss and shit. His fat flabby belly and hairy chested moobs were dripping with sweat. But Mia didn't seem bothered by his figure, or smell. Infact, she leaned in and rubbed her face left to right and back again over his man breasts. As she did this she placed her arms around his waist and rubbed up and down on his sweaty hairy back.

"You feel so good Daddy!" she said and smiled up at him. In doing so she stepped back from him and went down on her knees. Without saying a word she undid the button on his jeans and his belly flopped down a little more towards the ground. Then Mia reached in for the zipper and pulled it down slowly. At this Freds dirty jearns fell to the ground. Panic struck him.

"Mia you... you don't have to do this. You're such a nice person." He could hear himself speaking jibberish. What was he talking about, this is exactly everything that he ever would have wanted, but now that it was actually happening he felt as if he was doing something wrong.

"Daddy, i have to clean you? I want to clean you!"

"Okay honey... is it okay if i call you honey?"

"Because I am sweet like honey" she said looking up at him with a twinkle in her eye, "just relax, I am looking forward to this. I want to do this."

"Mia, I am so sorry. I'll relax and enjoy what you are doing. I love being cleaned by you. Please carry on."

"Okay, the bath is nice and hot and we will be in it in a few minutes."

We, he heard her say we. Mia was going to join him in the bath. That implied that she would be naked. I cannot see her putting on a swimsuit or keeping on a t-shirt. He did not know if she owned t-shirts actually. He was pulled back into the moment again when something touched his penis... Something small and pointy, soft but kinda point. And warm. He looked down.

Mia was moving her face left and right over his underwear like she was doing to his man boobs.

"Oh Mia, that feels so nice..." he sighed and any reservations he had about what was happening was out the window. He even opened out his legs a bit further from each other so that he could stand more relaxed and therefore allowing his belly to be at its most sticking out and comfortable.

"Oh Mia, your giving daddy an erection..." he said, throwing caution to the wind.

"Mmmm Daddy..." she said and pulled down the front of his dirty yellow stained underwear. His growing penis popped out leaning sideways as it was not fully erect. She leaned in again and pressed her face against his groin and began kissing his stubby shaft, starting at close to his balls, she kissed, moved towards the tip a little and kissed again, moved up more, kissed again. At this stage whatever length his dick was going to be at, it was there. Mia's last kiss landed on the very tip of his penis. No sucking or blowing. Just a gentle - nice to see you - kiss. Fred again could feel his heart beat faster. 

Then in a soft consistant pull from the elastic top of his boxers, Mia began peeling his underwear off of his ass and inner thighs. As soon as she began, she realised that the back of his underwear was wedged in stuck with his bum cheeks.

"Daddy, turn around and bend over."

He did so on both accounts, leaning one hand on the toilet and the other on the sink. Again Mia began working his underwear off.

"Daddy, you really did a poopy on yourself... "

"Well Mia," he found himself beginning to wonder what she would say and a trace of panic set into his voice again, "it was just that I had to go and..." he struggled for the words.

"Mmmm," she siad and to his shock felt something press against his buttocks. It was Mia's hands. She began massaging his bum cheeks over his boxers. She kneeded his bum cheeks, then moved her hands in circles, exploring, generally, feeling all around his behind, like he was feeling hers, for a few moments. Then both her hands moved into the middle of his bum, over his ass hole and right over where he had shit himself. She felt the turds through his underwear for a moment and then pressed her palm again the lump of poo and squished it against his body.

"Oh honey that feels so nice."

"So nice and dirty Daddy, I will have to put a diaper on you after this... "

"I would love to put a diaper on honey" he said and began to imagine how nice it would be to just poop right where you were, where ever you were. "Do you have a diaper my size?"

"Yes Daddy, I have a grown up diaper just for you. Want to see it?"

Fuck yes he wanted to see it, this bath time was getting crazier and crazier by the minute. Mia stood up and jumped in the air letting out an excited giggle and clapping her hands. Clearly she was over the moon about this idea and the fact that Fred had agreed to it. 

"Okay Daddy, I will get it, I will be back in a few moments." She turned and ran out the door. Fred stayed bent over for a moment before he realised that he could actually just get into the bath. He considered staying like this for a while until Mia came back to she could continue playing with him but he decided that there would be more play in the future. In any case, maybe, just maybe Mia had intended him to jump into the bath first to clean the shit off his own ass. So he did this. He took off his socks and then his shit, cum and piss and sweat covered underwear letting it just fall on the ground from there he stood. Using a top quality feeling toilet roll, that somehow seemed out of place here, but then again what else would they use he firgured, he cleaned himself to a degree and then stepped into the bath. The was was a little too hot at first, but he kept his toes in and then ventured forth with his ankle and so on while his body quickly adjusted.

He could hear Mia moving around, whatever she was doing, she was going through a lot of hassle for it, for him. Finally he had relaxed so that his whole body had been submerged beneath the bubbly water. He had not taken a bath in years. He thought about this for a moment, how long exactly. More than twenty years to be sure. It was worth the wait, any moment now Mia was going to walk in, probably naked as the day she was born and sit into the bath with him. He couldn't wait. He began to get himself ready, he cleaned his hair, his arm pits. His arms and legs. It took him a while but he finally felt as if all traced of poop had finally been cleaned off his body. No sign of Mia. He relaxed a little longer enjoying the feeling of his belly being boyant in this lovely water.

No Mia, and in fact, now the place had gone quiet.

"Mia? Mia honey?"

Nothing. Shit, was this all a set up? He knew it was too good to be true. There would be a camera crew waiting for him when he walked outside. No wait, when he looked around, there did not even seem to be electricity in this world. Okay, there could be police, or some kind of guards. But then again, why should there be. They were doing nothing wrong. He was doing nothing wrong. None of them were! Okay, think. Think. First thing was dry yourself off, he told himself.He stood up, let the water drip off his body while he dried his hair then stepped out. He looked with almost anger at his shit covered underwear, blaming it for Mia's sudden disappearance. She must have given up the chirade and ran outside and puked her beautiful little guts out.

He wrapped the towel around his waist and made his way out into the living area. The door to the outside was open, he was sure it was closed. So that confirms that Mia did a runner then. Was this even Mia's house he thought in discust thinking of the panty he had chewed out. He turned to the next door to the left and headed into the kitchen. Something was not write here however straight away. Whoever it was that owned this place would not have left on the kettle of water on the stove that was whistling away in a panic to inform the kitchen that it was boiling. His feet hit something, a broken cup. Sugar was spilt on the table a knife was on the ground too. Wait a second, he thought, this was not here before. Was there a struggle here?

He turned and walked into the bedroom. While Mia was not there there was a lot of evidence that she had been there. Laid out on the bed, on the side closer to the window was a mans shirt, trouser and socks and boots. Mia had laid these out for him. He looked around more.

"Holy shit!" he said out loud, and walked up to the pillow. There on what he was now presuming was going to be his side of the bed, was the panty that Mia had been wearing. He looked at the other pillow, the pink one that he was licking was laid out on that. On her pillow, as if to say, I know you liked my pink panty, now try my white one. He inspected her white panty, sure enough it was marked with both a thick poo stain and a lovely yellow pee stain. 

Confused he looked around more. Some of her drawers were open and item were thrown out of them, clothes, underwear, books were on the ground. He walked around to Mia's side of the bed and sat down. He looked around realising that there was a struggle in this room. There must have been a struggle in the kitchen too. Then a chill ran down Freds back when he looked up at the mirror. This time it was not his own relection that shocked him, it was the message written on the mirror with lip stick...

"Daddy please help... save me from Yomashi"

Who was Yomashi? Save her? Did Yomashi kidnap Mia? Whatever was happening, Fred realised that for the first time in his life, he had found something worth fighting for. He did believe that this was Mia's house, he did believe that she was in danger. He did believe that he was falling in love with her. Fred got dressed. Got a knife from the kitchen and put it in a leather bag he found in the living room. He placed a few other items into it that he thought he might find useful. He made the house safe and headed for the door. Then he walked outside, looked for Mia or any sign of her being there in the last few moments then he headed down the path to what appeared to be the village at the bottom of the hill.