
Yomashi woke up. The cool evening breeze was blowing through the open window that looked out over the bay. Awake but still exausted he lay on the bed a while. To his left was a girl, younger than him, her mouth open as she snoored gently, her small breasts barely moving as her chest heaved gently up and down. To his right was a male, around the same age as he was, naked as the girl to his left. The guy was on his back too and asleep, his tired limp penis floppy in a bush of black pubs. Yomashi leaned over the sleeping man and took his penis in his mouth. He gently sucked on his penis until, as if it had a life of its own the mans penis began to grow into a 5 inch erection. Yomashi loved mornings, whomever he took for the night was not allowed to use the toilet facilities. They were not allow to urinate outside or in the bed chamber or anything without Yomashi's concent.

Yomashi massaged the mans belly, however being a regular visitor to Yomashi he knew the drill. Yomashi felt boy servent adjust himself and then a throbbing from his penis. Yomashi closed his mouth tight around the bottom of the boys shaft and began to fondle his own balls and stroke gentlely with his fingers his own cock. Then the first squirt of urine shot into Yomashis mouth. It was strong tasting, he liked the strong tasting ones, and he loved the way his throat was always surprised when the yellow stream washed over his tonsils. The boy pissed for a good 40 seconds. A good male servant always knows to drink alot the night before so that he would have a lot to give Yomashi the next morning. The boy peed so much in fact that Yomashi could not take a whole other bladder full. Instead, he leaned back over and grabbed the girl by her ponytail and moved his cock up to her face. She woke with a surprise and although in pain had enough common sense not to scream or complain. Instead, she opened her legs awaiting Yomashi to go down on her for her own morning pee. It was only when Yomashi penis began gushing hot urine up into her face that she realised what was happening. She looked over and got a face full, piss hitting her open eyes, she tried to blink the stinging away. Finally when she had fully gotten her wits about her she opened her mouth and began to accept the stream, but just as she was ready for it, he finished urinating on her.

"Ha ha ha... now you are awake!" he laughted and leaned over kissed her on the lips. Covered in his pee and laying in the soaking bed she put on the show he wanted and giggled while kissing him back. His hand began to move down to her pubic hairs when there was a loud knock on the door.

It surprise him, but he did not seem too bothered by it.

"Yes, enter!" Yomashi said. A man with a shaven head except for a rats tails at the base of his skull entered, he was very overweight and wore very colorful, all be it military, clothing. 

"Master Yomashi! I am sorry to disturb you at this early hour of the morning!" every sentence sounding like a panic.

"Fear not Saunwon, if my Master Of Spies must disturb me it must be either juicy or important."

"Master Yomashi! I have heard a rumor."

"Yes, go on. You seem quite put out by this one."

"Master Yomashi!" Saunwon said lowering his voice, that being the only attention that he paid to the two naked people on the bed, "I hear!" he managed to sow panic into even his whisper, "that the Chain Of Desire has been located!"

Yomashi face went pale. He began waving at his night time companions. "Out, out, out!" he ushered them. They were slow to leave and he did actually have people killed for less, but such was his shock on hearing this particular rumor that he did not even notice them leaving or when they left. He stood naked in shock and Saunwom waited beside him. 

"Where is the it now?"

"Master Yomashi... Rumor has it that a local tradesman received it as a barter for a most beautiful writing desk!"

"Writing desk! He could have wished for 10,000 writing desks! He could have wished for anything! Why a writing desk!"

"Master Yomashi! We do not believe that the recipient had any idea what he was bartering! Or had any idea of its value or power!"

"Do we know who the local tradesman is?"

"Master Yomashi! Yes we do! He has make some fine pieces for the brothel here!"

"Master Yung! No! Father of Mia Yung!"

"Master Yomashi! We know Master Yung has had a fallout with you! We are not sure how best to proceed!"

"I do..." said Yomashi, "Give me five good men and my horse. We will ask him very nicely for the Chain Of Desire. If he will not give it to me, I will have the next best thing.... his daughter!"