


"Someone looks happy" Abraham chimed with a knowing smile. Stacy smiles widely and it became really obvious that she's happy.

After she left the grave yard with her Dad she came right back to the office.

"Yes!" She squealed and Abraham is amused by her reaction. She has never squealed or acted that way before.

"Can you share?" He chuckles

"You can guess"

"You have a lead on the case"

"Nope" she poppes the P

"What is it then?"

"I made up with my—"

"Dad!" Abraham finished the sentence for her and they both laughed. "Wow that's a good news. Now that's what I'm talking about" he cheered

"Thank you for your advice. I really appreciate. If you hadn't said those words to me that night...I wouldn't have—"

"It's fine beautiful. You don't have to thank me. And yes, you're most welcome and always" they laughed again. "I'm happy for you beautiful" he squeezes her hand that he reached out for.

"Thank you" she's truly happy. "I'm happy too"

After some minutes of talking and laughing they finally went back to the matter at hand.

"Did you get anything on her?"

"Nope. She is as clean as sparkling water"

"Then what could have made her react that way that day?"

"I do never know but if we look into her more, something might pop up"

"Okay then, we should all keep looking and also keep our ears to the ground for any information"

"Will do" he stood up from his chair "I will be going to my desk now" he made few steps to the door and stopped "what do you say about dinner?" She smiles broadly


"Okay. After work" he smiled back and left her office. Their spirit lively and it's a good thing for Stacy.

Stacy continued with her work. Opening one file and then another looking into it to get information to whatever she wants to get information on. She opens her desk drawer to get something and spots Maya's phone. She hasn't gone through it ever since she took it from Amanda. She opens it and began going through it. She kept going through one application to another.

She went through her photos. She saw lovely pictures of JJ and her together and they looked adorable. She wonders why he do break her heart and he paid the cost with his life. JJ is a very handsome young man. Why live the life that doesn't even sooth him at all? She wonders. She was about to drop the phone when she mistakenly opened the recorder. She played the first record and heard the voice of a girl warning Maya and telling her that she shouldn't have told the police anything. After listening to the record over and over again she couldn't make out anything. She just dropped the phone in her drawer again and continued with her work, then it hit her. It strook her like thunderstorm with lightening.

Stacy stood up immediately from her office chair with the phone in hand and went straight to the ICT room. Followed by Abraham when he saw how hastily she was walking to the room.

"Open the voice recording of the James' family" she ordered as soon as she got in. Amanda punched some keys on her keyboard and played the record. They listened but Stacy listened more attentively.

"Who's voice is that?"

"Lucy James"

"She is our woman. She is the killer" Stacy said in a very calm and low voice

"What?!" They chorused. She gave the phone to Amanda and asked her to play the first record. She did and they were all dumbfounded. It is really Lucy.

"Lucy?" Abraham is beyond shocked "the tiny little thing. She is like an angel. I do never thought she could hurt a mosquito" he is astonished

"Wow..." Was all that left Amanda's lips in bewilderment

"Order her arrest, now!" Stacy David instructed. She didn't say a single word after that instruction. She left the ICT room and made her way to the Captain's office

"Stacy?" The Captain asked as she entered her office

"Lucy James is the killer"

"What?!" She said as she stood up abruptly "how is that even possible?"

"I never thought it do be too, until I just found out"

"How did you find out?"

"The voice recording"

"Voice recording?"

"Maya Alex claimed she could tell the killer of her ex-boyfriend with just the voice. So I took the voice recording of all the James' family and here we are"

"Order for her arrest"

"I have already, Captain"

"Good. Make sure you keep me posted" she tells Stacy and she makes her way to live but heard the Captain mutter "such an adorable little cutie"

"Well she is not cute and adorable after all" Stacy thought to herself as she left the Captain's office.

After about thirty minutes, the team returned but without Lucy.

"Where is she?" Stacy asked as she saw them walk in

"She fleed"

"What do you mean she fleed?" Stacy is furious

"We got to the mansion and she was gone. The family said she came back minutes ago and took some of her things and headed out almost immediately"

"You're telling me that she's on the run? How did she know we were coming for her?!" She pushed the files on her desk with so much anger and force that the head of the team was a little afraid and she stepped back a little. "Send the search team to look at every nook and cranny of this city! Bring. Her. To. Me" she instructed in an authoritative voice that sent shivers down everyone's spine including Abraham. He has never seen her like this before, not even when she had issues with her father.

"Yes. On it" the head of the team said and left the office.

As soon as she left with others, Stacy tensed up. Why is Lucy tormenting her so much? Abraham just hugged her and that's what she needed. Everyone in the department is beginning to notice the chemistry between the two of them.

"Everything will be fine. Now you know who you are up against. We will find her" she nods and hugs him tighter "I got you beautiful, always" awwn Amanda said as she saw them. In as much she has a crush on Abraham she still thinks that he is better off with Stacy.

"Mhhmmhh" she clears her throat. Stacy and Abraham leaves each other and a shy smile crips it's way to Stacy's face, awwn she's blushing. "So we've searched and we found out she's still in this city. She hasn't gone anywhere"

"Can you track her or something?"

"We've tried but nothing is working. No trace of her. It's as if though she just disappeared into thin air." Even Amanda is perplexed.

"Look into her. I need any tangible info you can get on her. And yes. Declare her wanted in the whole city and country"

"Okay" she leaves the office and went back to her search and research.

"What about that dinner?"

"Well... I—"

"We will do it at my place then" she nods in agreement "good. I will see you later" he kisses her on the forehead and cheek before leaving and all Stacy could do was blush like a twelve year old being asked on a date for the first time.

Stacy sat back down on her office chair. She is thinking deep and hard. How does she manage to always slip out of her fingers all the time?

Back at the mansion, the house is in great turmoil. They're all flabbergasted yet it's still unbelievable to them. Did Lucy really kill their Dad? Is she the killer of her boyfriend? The killer of the school boy, JJ? What is happening? What compelled her to do all of these? These questions lingered in their hearts and minds.

"I can't believe Lu did all of these things" James jnr stated

"If she didn't, why is she on the run?" Stephany retorted

"What are you saying Steph? She might be running because she doesn't know how else to go about the whole thing" James jnr retorted back

"Mom said something to me when she was still alive. She said that a clear mind, a clear conscience fears no accusations. None at all. When the police always come around to ask her questions, she never ran, neither did I when they were onto me about Joe. So if Lu is running, it means she did it. I won't try to defend her because she's my sister—"

"How sure are you that she really killed these people. She doesn't even have any relationship or connection with Joe or JJ, so...?"

"She did it! I do not know why and how but she did. Lu has always had this issue with Dad. She doesn't like it when people around her are hurt! That's why she did all that she did"

"I don't believe you" James jnr said calmly "my Lu would never do that. She won't!"

"James you've got no other choice but to believe it. Our sister is a killer, a murderer"

"No! I refuse to believe it!" He begins to cry and trash

"J! James stop it! Stop it okay!" She goes to him and hugged him. He accepted her hug and cried his heart out. Why would his lovely sister do that? She can't even hurt a mosquito talk more of a fly. Why?

Alessia came back to the news of Lucy being the killer of her husband and other victims.


"Yes. That's what the police said and with evidence"

"Oh my God. Emily go to your room...Mandy!...take Emily to her room" she turns to Stephany "how did all of these happen?"

"I do not know Mom" she goes to them and hugged them tightly. No sister or brother should ever experience this. How would the society look at them?

Meanwhile Lucy is at her hideout. She opened her laptop and began playing with the keys of her keyboard. Then she clicked ENTER button. Immediately everyone's phone at office began to get notification, which read:


What?! What is going on?

"Try to track where this message came from" she tells Amanda

"It's location states China"


"Yes but with what I'm seeing here, she's still in the City"


Stacy storms out of the department with Abraham following her behind.

"Where are you going?"

"Where I should have gone all these while" she should have done it all along.

"Don't do anything hasty beautiful" he is worried about her. She can be something when she is angry.

"Don't you worry handsome I will be fine" he blushes

"Okay but call me if anything comes up"

"Sure will do" she zooms off


"Daddy I need your help"

"Come over to the mansion"