Chapter 8- Battling Long Wei

Chapter 8

Long Chen's arm was actually broken!

Many people sucked in mouthfuls of cold air. The trash of the long clan was actually a monster in disguise! With this strength, he might actually be able to battle the two top geniuses for a while, but even that, to the crowd, was a worthy achievement.

"Long feng wins" Long qianmu shouted.

The crowd was unbelievably quiet.

"Next contestants, Long Wei against.... Long feng!" Lona qianmu's announcement broke the silence. The crowd broke into an uproar. Everyone sat forward so as to not miss any part of the battle.

"Long feng just finished a battle, and he is exhausted. He needs to rest" Long yuan shouted

Long qianmu frowned. His plan was to let Long Wei defeat Long feng as he was currently quite tired, so that his daughter; Long qing could have only Long Wei to deal with. He was confident that his daughter could defeat Long Wei but Long feng could really be a threat. No one knew the limits of Long feng's strength and that made the situation even trickier.

But then, Long feng jumped back unto the stage.

"Don't worry father. I didn't use much strength just now, and besides, I don't need to be at my best to defeat a mere Long Wei" he said clearly. Long Yan and Long Wei felt their faces reddening with anger.

Long yuan calmed down and relaxed.

With a harrumph, Long Wei leaped unto the stage.

"You arrogant boy, I will teach you a lesson today" he shouted, unsheathing a long, thin sword from his waist. The sword was unbelievably sharp. It was actually a half Yin armament!

Weapons were divided into different categories based on their strength; half Yin armaments, Yin armaments, half spirit armaments, spirit armaments and Imperial armaments. There were probably plenty more categories of weapons in the vast world of cultivation, but in the Yihua Imperial Continent, an Imperial armament was the strongest and rarest weapon.

Only Yin level cultivators could use a Yin armament so, connate realm cultivators could only use a half Yin armament. Still, the results would be terrifying.

If Long Wei was to use his half Yin armament, Long feng frowned. He had no weapon, nor any martial skill. He was really in a disadvantaged situation.

Long yuan seemed to read Long feng's thought. He called out to an elder and spoke to him. The elder nodded and ran into the clan, reappearing almost immediately with a sheathed sword in his hand. He climbed up the stage and gave Long feng the sword

"From the clan Chief" he said.

Long feng took the sword and nodded at his father, who smiled.

"Hmph! So what if you also have a good weapon? I shall defeat you anyway" long Wei said coldly.

"Why don't you boast after defeating me? You speak too much" Long feng replied mockingly.

He unsheathed the sword his father gave him. It was a half Yin armament! He could feel a powerful aura being emitted from the bronze longsword. It's edges gleamed coldly.

Long Wei suddenly shot towards Long feng with his sword aimed at Long feng's chest.

Long feng's eyes flashed with cold light. He poured his martial power into his sword, which glowed with a blinding light. He slashed the sword at Long Wei's incoming sword.


The two swords collided and energy rippled outwards. Long feng felt a chaotic energy rush into his body through his sword. He forcefully suppressed the energy.

Long Wei was pushed ten steps backwards, while Long feng was pushed six steps backwards from the collision.

Grunting coldly, Long Wei instantly used a martial skill

"Earth splitting sword!"

Brown lights surrounded his sword and he shot towards Long feng.


Energy ripples spread as their swords collided over ten times.

Long feng cut his sword towards Long Wei's shoulder. Long Wei gruntled as he dodged the strike and slashed his sword at Long feng's waist. Long feng crossed his sword in front of his waist and took the strike head-on. He then suddenly shot out his right palm towards Long Wei's chest. The palm strike landed squarely on Long Wei's chest.

Long Wei was shot back a few meters away. A thin line of blood flowed out of the corners of his mouth. His eyes shone with disbelieve.

"You actually injured me!" He muttered. Many Long clan members also couldn't believe it. Long feng had actually injured Long Wei!

Without wasting time, Long feng shot towards Long Wei with insane speed, his sword pointed at his shoulder.

Long Wei barely dodged the strike and managed to attack back.

"Wind strike!" He directly used his strongest Martial skill. Many Long clan members recognized the skill.

"Senior brother Wei is actually using his legendary wind strike! He learnt it from the Lingyue sect!" Someone shouted

"Yes. For Long feng to force Senior brother Wei to use this attack, that is something to be proud of for life. Long feng would definitely be defeated now!" Another person shouted.

Long Wei looked at Long feng proudly

"This is my strongest skill. The sword light will fuse with the wind, and it is impossible to dodge." He boasted.

Long feng smiled

"Really! Then I don't need to dodge it. I will break through it with absolute strength!" He replied awe-inspiringly.

Sword light filled the air, and as long Wei said, it was impossible to dodge. Long feng shot straight into the sword wind. Concentrating all his energy into his sword, he slashed out. An all annihilating sword light appeared and collided with the sword wind.


Terrifying energy ripples spread out. Even ordinary rank 8 connate cultivators around were injured by the ripples. Ordinary mortals or rank 1 connate cultivators instantly blew up to bits! Over fifty people died instantly and more were injured!

Long feng coughed out a mouthful of blood. He had taken the brunt of the energy, yet he only spat out blood.

Long Wei was nowhere to be found on the stage. He was actually unconscious on the floor, covered in blood. Many of his bones were broken!

Countless gazes landed on Long feng. No one imagine that he could be so strong, not even Long yuan. And he hadn't even used a single martial skill, nor had he released his aura. Until now, no one knew his cultivation level.

Long qing stared at Long feng warily. She didn't dare underestimate the fourteen years old young man.....