Chapter 9- Long qing showing her might!

Chapter 9

Long feng glanced at Long qing, before limping down the stage. Long yuan stood up to help him.

"Feng'er, take this" he said, giving a blue pill to Long feng. It was a healing pill. Long feng collected the pill and swallowed it. He instantly felt a warm energy flow down his throat, then he felt his energy returning. Even his injuries began to heal.

"Feng'er, you've made your father proud. I am proud of you. Even if you don't manage to defeat Long qing, it wouldn't matter. They are four years older than you, and your talent is clearly higher than theirs. You even have the chance of becoming the next clan Chief!" Long yuan said excitedly, when they had sat down. Long feng was almost completely recovered.

On the stage, more clan members battled, but none of these battles got any attention. Everyone was impatiently waiting for Long qing and Long feng's battle to begin.

Long feng sat down and began to get ready for the next battle. Long qing was doing the same.

Slowly, two hours passed. Finally, all the other Long clan members had finished their battle and top twenty geniuses were chosen. Long Wei was third, and only the first and second places were yet to be announced, because they had not fought.

"Final competitors are Long qing against Long feng!" Long qianmu announced bitterly. Now, he could only hope that his daughter could defeat Long feng.

Long qing jumped unto the stage and Long feng leaped in right after her. She stared at him

"I'm impressed by your strength and method of hiding it. Let's take our former bet as void. were making a new bet. If I win, you are to cripple your cultivation and your father is to step down from the position of clan Chief for my father." She said loudly. The entire Mountain overheard her.

Long feng chuckled

"And what if I win?" He asked

She looked thoughtful

"Well, if you win, I will apologize to you and never pester you again" she said

Long feng suddenly started laughing.

"Do I look like an idiot or what? If I lose, I cripple my own cultivation, but if you lose, you only have to apologize! Is there anything more ridiculous than this?" He asked.

Even the crowd felt that he was right.

Long qing frowned

"Well what do you want?" She asked.

"If you lose, you have to call me senior brother anytime you see me, and you must leave the clan at once!" He announced

Her face reddened with anger

"You are going too far!" She replied

"And then you telling me to destroy my cultivation isn't you going too far? Oh, I get it, you think you are someone while I am nothing right, you think you can defeat me?" He replied coldly

"I accept your demand. Now, fight!" She shouted and pulled out her weapon. It was a long whip, a half Yin armament.

Long feng also unsheathed his sword.

Without warning, she shot towards him, her whip aiming for Long feng's waist. He was actually stunned by her speed.

He quickly slashed out his sword, but there was no explosion. Instead, her whip wound around his sword, then she shot out her palm.

She was too fast for Long feng to react. He held the sword with his left hand and crossed his right hand in front of his chest, taking her palm head-on!.


Long feng was shot backwards, before he finally supported himself. Blood trickled out of the corner of his mouth.

The crowd gasped in excitement, while Long yuan stood up worriedly.

Long feng supported himself with his sword and looked at Long qing surprisingly. She was stronger than he thought!

Without waiting, she struck her whip towards his chest. Long feng gruntled, before leaping up and while dodging the attack, he threw out his sword towards her chest. She hurriedly pulled back the whip to defend against the sword. Long feng used this chance to thrust out his palm towards her slender neck. She managed to avert the sword away, but that made her unable to completely dodge his palm. She swirled around, making him miss her neck, but his palm still struck her shoulder.

She was shot backwards, then she flipped her body in the air, gracefully landing on her feet.

Suddenly, Long feng appeared before her like a ghost, his fist aimed at her chest.

She also threw out her fist.

"Purple fist!" She shouted, using a martial skill. Her fist turned purple, before colliding with his fist.

Long feng felt a savage energy rushing into his body through his fist. The energy almost made him spit out blood.


Energy ripples spread out. Both of them were pushed backwards, and their faces were both pale.

She looked at Long feng as if he was a monster. He actually received her martial skill attack with his fist, and without releasing a bit of his aura!

"I don't believe you can fight against me for Long!" She shouted and her whip shot towards Long feng.

Long feng retook his sword and shot towards her, after dodging her whip.

Suddenly, the whip retracted and struck his back before he could reach her. His robe tore open at the back and a deep and long cut appeared there. Long feng crashed onto the floor and spurted a mouthful of blood. A savage energy had rushed into his body from the whip through the cut on his back.

Long qing slashed the whip again towards his chest, when Long feng suddenly flipped his body up and dodged the strike. He slashed his sword towards her waist. A black sword light rushed out of the sword at her.

Seeing this, Long qing used a martial skill.

"Hundred whip skill!" She shouted. Hundred whips shadows appeared around her and combined into her real whip. She slashed it at the incoming sword light.
