Chapter 24- Dark moon forest

Chapter 24

Very early in the morning the next day, the trio gathered at the sect gate as planned. Long feng was dressed in a black robe, Yan Jian dressed in a red robe and the lady wore a black cloak which covered every part of her body, even her face.

"This girl is weird. She loves concealing herself, and she loves killing assassin. Quite sneaky" Yan Jian muttered to Long feng.

She instantly glared at him.

"What now! Don't tell me she heard that" Yan Jian asked softly.

"Miss, if you don't mind, what do we call you?" Long feng asked politely.

"Yes. We can't go on calling you Miss! Miss! As if we are your servants" Yan Jian interrupted.

"Call me anything you want" she said indifferently.

Yan Jian laughed.

"I think I will call her, witch. It suits her" he thought to himself, then openly, he said

"You said it yourself. Don't regret it later!" He said.

She ignored him.

"Let's go." She said.

"Now she has made herself leader. Great" Yan Jian chuckled.

The three of them mounted on top of the three horses there.

"Where are we even headed?" Yan Jian asked on the way.

"I think it's the dark moon forest!" Long feng replied.

The journey to the dark moon forest would take at least two or three days. The forest was located Southwest of Gan yu city. It was dark all year round and stank badly of blood. The forest was a death zone for most Yin level cultivators.

For a whole day, they kept going, until the second day. Throughout the journey, Long feng and Yan Jian chatted away while the lady remained quiet. They stopped in a small tavern to eat some food.

As they ate, the lady glanced at Long feng.

"You possess a special soul power. You can use it to scan the surroundings for us once we arrive at the forest. At least, you won't be completely useless." She said.

Long feng remained silent.

"We didn't even decide on how to share the reward. Thirty Yin beads. We'll share it equally into three." Yan Jian said in-between mouthfuls of food.

"Twenty- five- five" the lady suddenly said.

Long feng looked at her.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked confusedly.

"I mean, I get twenty beads and you two get five each. And I also keep the reward for my assassin mission." She said matter of factly.

Yan Jian's chopsticks fell down.

"What! You are just a greedy lion opening your mouth wide!" He half stood up from his seat.

Even Long feng felt a headache coming up.

"You are lucky I didn't ask for payment for moving with two burdens like you" she replied expressionlessly.

Long feng and Yan Jian almost puked out of frustration.

"You said that going with us made no difference!" Long feng reminded.

"And that is why I left you five beads each. I am being generous enough already" she replied.

"Then why would you take so much? You can as well ask us to return to the sect and sleep!" Yan Jian stated.

"I thought it was obvious. I am the strongest person in this team, and I will have to do most of the battles. Twenty beads isn't asking for too much, is it?" She asked.

Long feng and Yan Jian looked at each other helplessly.

"Let's drop this topic. When the time comes, we will discuss it properly. Let's focus on completing the mission for now" Long feng proposed.

The food had already left their minds. Yan Jian kept glancing at her.

'i wish the beast would eat her up. Witch!' he thought repeatedly.

Long feng had told him that she might be stronger than both of them combined, so he didn't dare face her on his own. He really felt afraid of her.

"Let's keep moving." She said.

They paid for the meal, left the tavern and mounted their horses. The journey was silent this time. They passed different towns, small sects and villages. In the morning of the third day, they finally arrived at the dark moon forest. From outside, it didn't look like much, but no one dared to let down their guards. They stopped at the border of the forest.

"We'll leave the horses here. The mutant blood ape should be in the depth of the forest. Some peak Yin level beasts also live there. We must be careful. It could take us days or even weeks to find the ape. make sure to stick with me. Stay behind me." The lady said.

Yan Jian laughed uproariously.

"You want me to hide behind a small girl like a coward? Sorry, but I am not interested." He said.

"I wasn't referring to you. You can go to hell for all I care. Even Long feng is more useful than you." she replied coldly.

Yan Jian felt his cheeks reddening.

"Alright, we will stay behind you. Both of us" Long feng interrupted with a smile.

"Once we enter, release your soul power and scan for dangers or other wild beasts" she said referring to Long feng.

"I believe I don't have to teach you how to do it, right" she added before walking into the forest.

"Believe me, if I had a choice, I would want the blood ape to eat her up" Yan Jian said

Long feng laughed and both of them hurried after her.

Everywhere smelled like fresh blood. The trees, the floor, everything was blood red. The place was almost pitch dark. No light anywhere around. Luckily, martial cultivators could see and hear far better than ordinary people. Still, they could only see a few meters distance.

Long feng released his soul power. The gentle soul aura spread out to a distance of five miles. He could feel everything happening within this distance.

"This path has no wild beasts." He pointed at a direction.

"Let's hope your soul power is accurate" she said before walking in the direction he pointed. Long feng and Yan Jian followed.

On the way, Long feng kept choosing which direction to go. But sometimes, they had to go past the lairs of other beasts, so they had to fight.

"The strongest beasts here are mainly rank six connate level. That means we are still far from the depth of the forest" Yan Jian said.

Long feng nodded.

"We should hurry up" Long feng replied.

"By the way, which assassin mission did you pick?" Yan Jian asked her.

"Three lives assassin. Rank four Yin level. He should be at the wind Canyon" she replied.

Yan Jian didn't speak again.

Seven days later, as Long feng was sensing the surroundings with his soul power, he felt an aura.

"A rank two Yin level beast is headed our way! We have reached the center of the forest. The other powerful beasts should be close by" he said.

"Stay alert!" The lady cautioned.

Then a furious hiss sounded. A considerably large snake appeared. It was as big as two adult men! It hissed again and charged at the group. Long feng was shocked at its speed.

"Rock Python. It is very fast and it's poison is deadly. Be careful!" The lady warned.

The snake reached them almost immediately. This speed was frightening.

Unfazed, the lady drew out a red thin longsword. The edges of the sword sparkled coldly.

The Python swiped it's tail at her. She steadily dodged it and slashed out with the sword.


The Python hissed in pain as it's tail was cleanly cut off. It spat huge amounts of liquid at her from its mouth.


She dodged the poison, but Long feng noticed that where the poison landed instantly burned away.

The poison was very corrosive!

She also noticed that. Her eyes turned colder. She took a step forward and disappeared, reappearing right behind the Python.

Her speed was almost twice more terrifying than the Python!

Her longsword stabbed through the snake like tofu. The Python shrieked in pain and forcefully threw itself towards Long feng and Yan Jian....