Chapter 25- Blood apes

Chapter 25

Yan Jian almost turned away and ran out of fright. Long feng frowned. He stared deeply at the incoming beast, then moved his hand slightly.

Suddenly, the martial power around the snake tightened, slowing it down. The snake shrieked in pain again, then it was shot away. It crashed against and destroyed many trees.

Yan Jian breathed a sigh of relief. He knew it was Long feng who did that.

The Python rose and began to crawl away. It was fleeing! The lady harrumphed coldly and chased after it, or to say, she disappeared and reappeared before it. She swiped her sword at the snake's head.


The head fell to the floor. The headless snake writhed in pain one last time before becoming stiff.

The lady turned towards Long feng and Yan Jian.

"Who did that?" She asked.

Both of them understood what she meant.

"It was b..." Yan Jian began, but Long feng cut him short.

"How would we know? You beat the poor beast so hard that it didn't know where to go to, so it came towards us. Yan Jian and I were even about to run away. It probably slowed down because it was tired." He interrupted.

She stared at them curiously, but seemed to believe him.

"Let's go. And next time, stay far behind when I'm fighting." She ordered.

Yan Jian looked at Long feng with a pained look.

"Brother feng, you want her to keep taking us as servants?" He asked.

"Don't worry. We won't continue this for long" Long feng replied.

The trio walked deeper into the forest. On the way, the lady slaughtered a dozen wild beasts and one of the wild beasts was a rank four Yin level beast! Her battle power was astonishing.

Although she also suffered before killing the beast, she did do it.

"This lady is only second to you. Although she is grumpy, her talent is surprising. It turns out that the talent platform was mostly wrong" Yan Jian muttered.

Long feng nodded. Even he felt stunned by her talent.

They went deeper in search of the mutant blood ape. They had been in this forest for five days now, and yet, the mutant blood ape was nowhere to be found.

"Was the sect mission plate wrong?" Yan Jian asked.

"I don't think so. The ape lives in bloody areas, and this forest is perfect for it. We should stop moving about aimlessly and instead go to the most dangerous place within this forest" Long feng advised.

He spread out his soul power again.

"I can sense something vaguely. A slumbering beast I think. We are quite far from it. Let us go closer" he said.

The lady didn't object. They walked in the direction Long feng pointed out.

After walking for a while, they got close enough to the beast.

"I can sense it clearly now. It is not one beast. They are over ten slumbering beasts. All are rank one or two Yin level beasts." Long feng said. He observed again.

"Huge blood red apes. And there is one rank three Yin level beast. An ape with four arms..." Long feng stopped.

"It's the mutant blood ape!" He exclaimed.

"Where?" Yan Jian asked.

"Few paces ahead. It is also asleep. In fact, all the blood apes around it are asleep, but it is the only mutant one." Long feng replied.

"That is our chance. We sneak in and kill the mutant blood ape, take its spirit root, and leave without alerting the other blood apes." The lady said.

Long feng nodded.

"Let's go!" Yan Jian said excitedly.

The three of them headed towards the group of blood apes.

After walking for a while, they arrived at the place. The trees here were few and almost twenty huge blood apes were scattered around. At the center was a blood ape twice it's normal size. It had four arms and even though it was asleep, it looked ferocious.

"These blood apes are not merely asleep. They are hibernating." The lady explained.

"In this situation, the slightest noise can awaken them. We need to be very careful. You two should stay aside. I will kill the mutant blood ape." She added.

Yan Jian nodded vigorously. He was clearly pleased to do that.

"Be carefull!" Long feng called out.

Ignoring him, she carefully walked towards the mutant blood ape. The other blood apes were strewn around the mutant blood ape, so to reach it, she had to walk in between the other beasts. Any slight sound would awaken this group of hibernating blood apes. If that happened, even she might not be able to fight them off.

Slowly, she made her way towards the mutant blood ape. Her red jade longsword was already within her grasp. She finally arrived before the mutant blood ape. Her eyes sparkled coldly as she lifted the longsword and was about to strike.

Suddenly, the mutant blood ape opened its eyes and let out a loud growl. The lady's eyes widened in shock. This was a trap! She felt the other blood apes waking up. She instantly returned to Long feng and Yan Jian's side.

"It's a trap. The mutant blood ape is special. It possess a special bloodline and so, it almost never hibernate. Only the other blood apes were hibernating. The mutant ape was merely guarding them." She explained. By now, the blood apes had surrounded them all. They had been awoken by the mutant ape's growl.

Yan Jian grabbed Long feng's hand.

"I'm sure miss remembers what she said. You are the strongest in this team and you will do most of the fighting. Now is the best time for us to stand aside and watch you fight" he said, pulling Long feng aside.

She ignored him and grasped her longsword tightly.

The blood apes were all angry after being awaken from their hibernation period. Two rank two Yin level apes jumped at her.

"Hmph. With such speed, you want to kill me?" She muttered coldly. She took a step forward.

Countless afterimages of her appeared due to her terrifying speed.

She appeared behind the two apes. Although blood apes had ferocious attacks, their speed was terribly. Their reaction was also unbelievably slow.


Her sword sliced cleanly into the head of the first ape. The blood apes were rumored to have incredible defense. Their skin and bones were very tough, but under the lady's sword, the apes seemed fragile.

The first ape fell down, dead. Without waiting,she swung her sword at the second ape. The ape was also unable to react at her speed. Her sword stabbed right through it's head. It also fell down dead.

"She's good. She might be able to do it without your help" Yan Jian muttered to Long feng.

Long feng nodded.

"Her full strength is equal to rank four Yin level cultivators. These apes aren't much of a threat to her!' he explained

She slowly wiped the blood off her sword as if nothing had happened.

All of the blood apes growled with rage. Two if their brothers had just been slain!

They attacked her all together this time, with nine rank one Yin level apes and seven rank two Yin level apes.

One by one, the blood apes were no match for her, but together, they were a force to be reckoned with. The apes all threw themselves at her.

Her eyes glowed with deadly light.

"Myriad steps agility technique!" She muttered, taking one step forward. This time, her speed was even more insane.

Like a ghost, she appeared and disappeared unpredictably. One blood ape had it's head cut off without even Long feng seeing how she did it!

"Her agility technique is very good" Long feng praised.

"Tell me something I don't know" Yan Jian replied.

Within five minutes, she had killed almost half of the blood apes. Her speed was astonishing.

"Nihility technique! Sword slash!" She used another martial skill. Her red sword became darker. A dark red sword light shot out of her sword and sliced three blood apes into two!

As wild beasts, the blood apes possessed no intelligence. They didn't even know what martial skills were. Their main combat strategy was to punch and kick with all their strength. To do that, they had to get very close to their opponent. But now, due to her speed, they could not even see her clearly. How were they to fight in close combat if they couldn't even see their enemy?